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[Music] [Music] for those of you that don't know this area hail is on that side of the EST and I'm I'm down here so the last time that I stayed in hail which was next to that police station was over there and then I walked down here along this beach and then up there where the sand Junes are at the top up here is where that car park was that I said I might be able to stay overnight but rather than stay there I thought I'd give this place a little try now I haven't checked to see even if I can stay here yet so I'm going to go and pay at the pay and display meter and then see what the sign says fingers crossed I mean if I can't I'm still going to spend the day here and then I can always move the van later on because as I was driving in I did see that there was a gate and last thing I want to do is get locked in here overnight cuz you never know when you might have to leave in a hurry family emergency or something I don't know now right so it does say up here no parking between midnight and 6:00 in the morning but up to 4 hours is £650 all day until midnight is 750 so it's a shame really because it's such a lovely spot it does say that you can pay with the just Park app here as well which is which is good but there's no reason why you can't just come here for like a little day trip go for a nice walk along the beach and then find somewhere else to park so I'm not sure why right but you I paid through the uh just Park app to save me having I don't know well you can pay by card here anyway but because it allowed me to pay by the just Park app I did it but it says here 2 hours is only £350 and it cost me 370 so you know for the privilege of not using their machine it cost me an extra 20p how does that work private land respect the environment take your litter home to recycle I'm not being funny what a perfect spot to stay for the night you got your own little private beach here pretty much white sand instead of having that lovely view tonight I'm going to be parked on a layby in Hell 5 minutes down the path and look at this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] view it's pretty weird it's like it's still pretty windy I put a jumper on just because you know when I left the van it was actually quite exposed to the wind over there whereas down here it's a bit more sheltered but it's still a little bit windy but last weekend we probably had the best Sun that we've had all year hopefully that wasn't our summer all done and dusted but now the sun's still out but it's just the temperature is not quite where it was I'm not being funny when the water is that clear I think it would be rude of me not to at least get my feet wet hi dog you boy still cold but not not the coldest water I've I've ever been in I appreciate that not everybody lives in an area like Cornwall where you've got the beach right on your doorstep but England is an island we are surrounded by the Sea and I would encourage anybody even if you've got a fear of the water or anything just to once a month go for a a walk and get your feet wet in the sea I don't know what it is but for me this is why I could never probably move away from at least somewhere where I'm at least an hour away from a beach because I think I would go mad whilst I've been wandering through this water that's progressively getting warmer I think I may have worked out where I can stay tonight and the park op's not necessarily going to be the best but I'm pretty sure that you can park there after 6:00 without having to leave and then I can probably stay there until about 9:00 in the morning so and then across the road I should have at least a bit of a view where I can sit and eat my dinner tonight so all is not lost nice now so this beach behind me this is p kidney this big long stretch of sand and the only way that I know how to get here is through the walk that we just did but you could probably come down over the sand dunes here somewhere and then over on that side over there you've got St IES and then over there you've got the tow which then leads on tovian and then grii so uh for those of you that are sort of wondering why you have this video or the last video wasn't a van build video on the new vivaro that I've bought it's because I have started working on it but rather than do what I did last time and just sort of make a video every week of each stage of the build I'm still going to film every stage of the build but I'm going to kind of condense it down into like a free part Series so the first part will be cleaning the interior insulating ply lining putting the ceiling up putting the floor down and that'll be part one part two will be me installing all the electrical system and putting I might put a window in cuz I'm going to need some form of ventilation and it will either be a window with a side opener or a a roof vent and the third video will be me fitting the furniture and just the finishing touches and the reason why I'm sort of doing it this way is because it'll give you the opportunity if you are looking at building your own van you can pretty much follow it stage by stage and it won't be dragged out over 9 months like the last one was so I'm doing a little bit of work here and there so it doesn't really sort of take up all my free time that I've dedicated to spending time with my family where I get a spare hour here or there I'm doing a little bit of work on the van and what my sort of plan is is that everything that I buy for that van from insallation down to the Leisure battery is all going to be listed so that step by step you can go right W now it's time to get the Leisure battery which one did Sean use there it is click it get it ordered and you you know hopefully unless places put their prices up that you should be able to stick within the same budget that I have and the build that I'm sort of planning on doing you'll be able to do in any van really whether it's a van that you've paid ,000 for I don't think you can get Vans for £1,000 now but or whether it's a van that you spent 15,000 on it's an interior and an installation that should be as straightforward as it possibly can that anybody with zero experience should be able to do it you know cuz as much as I enjoyed doing the transit I think that some of the things that I did in there isn't necessarily accessible to everybody if they've got zero experience and I'm not saying that I'm overly experienced with Van builds but this next one will be the fourth fan I've done it's not like I'm a complete novice but the good thing is that hopefully I've already made all the mistakes so this one should go pretty smoothly right well I think I've spent long enough down here my parking is going to run out probably within the next half an hour I've got about 45 minutes to get back to the van and find somewhere to stay tonight nearly forgot my flipflops right so what I'm thinking is I'm going to drive up and just double check the signs on that in that car park in hell that I visited last time that I said this might be a nice place to stay see if there's any restrictions there if there's not I'm going to stay there if there are then I'm just going to literally drive into hail park at the side of the road where you can park after 6:00 until 9:00 in the morning m [Music] wellit well I don't see any uh no camping signs or no overnight parking but it does say on the sign quite clearly there that the day ends at 1 minute to midnight so I guess that means that we either pay up until midnight and then wait until 1 minute pass and then pay another £7 I guess or we just find somewhere free to stay so let's go park somewhere else I mean it's not the I'm not being I'm not not being tight right but the way I see it is I could quite easily fall asleep at midnight and uh and forget to pay so that's why we're not going to stay here but if you're the sort of person that's going to be up past midnight then uh you know it's quite a nice view [Music] here there's a few houses along I don't really want to park outside someone's house so but you know Beggars can't be choosers so Monday to Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 1 hour no return within 2 hours but it is now 6:30 so I think we'll be all right as you can hear this road does get pretty busy so it might be a little bit noisy for me here tonight but I'm going to stay here um but to get into the back I'm going to climb through just because I'm I need to sort of keep a bit of a low profile I just feel a bit me cuz I'm outside somebody's house Tada so here's my plan for this evening I'm going to cook my dinner in the van and then I'm going to take it across the road past all the traffic and there's some benches out there overlooking sort of like the the key I guess it's called at least I get a bit of a view for when i e not as picturesque as last week but now for dinner tonight I am going to going to be cooking these maple flavored pork belly slices yum I'm going to put it into a flat bun which is kind of like a flatbread but folded over with some cuscus and some hummus because I don't know why but I just felt like I don't know it's kind of summery today and I think I might have actually caught the sun to while I was out there yep beautiful so I'm going to cook these in the air fryer but you all know my air fryer cheffrey well the company that sent me that originally loved the review I did they decided to send me a bigger one and this one is the uh cheffrey AF W1 so I've not I've not even opened the box yet so I don't even don't really know anything about it so let's get it open and see what she's like are you ready the big on [Music] veiling so one of the sort of main differences about between this one and the last one is it does actually have a display window so it's got like a a little grate to uh put your food on I guess that's to stop it from getting too fatty yeah so has a little display window just down here so that when it's on you can actually check to see how far along your food is without actually having to keep opening the door another good thing about this as well is it looks like it's got somewhere where you can actually just wrap your wire up when you're done I mean I've done a terrible job at that but that is quite handy because when you've got a cupboard full of kettles air frers and things like that you end up with just loads of wires and plugs everywhere so that being little bit tidier is going to make the world of difference let's get this puppy plugged in the controls look very very similar to the last one you've got air fry bake air roast ooh Grill on this one which you didn't have on the last one preheat and dehydrate and that tray is actually quite big so I'm kind of glad that I got these pork bellies because they're just going to fit in there perfectly aren't they so this is uh this is a family pack but I am going to just cook all of them because well I think it would be rude not to now there are five of those and I probably say you could probably fit at least another two in there it does help if you read the instructions so this that I was like well maybe it's like something for the grill it is for the grill I guess but it's a bread rack so you put your bread in there like that I'm guessing that it'll toast your bread for you and an air fryer I am going to be having a non-alcoholic cider this evening which is old Mount cider pineapple and raspberry % I mean to be honest it does smell pretty ready and it does look pretty ready as well so I might just check on it look at that I'm just going to cut it up into like little bite-sized bits I mean come on look at how good that looks I am going to go across the road now and devour both of these and uh take my non-alcoholic cider with me as well but if you want to get your hands on uh cheffrey afw 01 then uh use my link in the descript destion you will get a discount I can't remember what how much of the discount is but I'll put it on the screen thank you again cheffrey you've outdone yourself once [Music] again just realized I didn't bring anything to wipe my hands up and I I have a funny feeling that this is going to be very [Music] [Music] messy now I did see a sign just now that said that this whole area here is like an alcohol free zone but good job that there's no alcohol in [Music] this to get this right so if I look this way beautiful view absolutely stunning but if I look this way there's an Asda I mean it's a very pretty Asda but it's still an Asda and it's the very Asda that I bought everything that I used to cook tonight so I mean if that's not a an ad for Asda I don't know what it is [Music] so here's the thing as well right if you ever cook too much food it's always worth having a form of uh Tupperware in the van so that you can any unused pork bellies like those can go in there and then you can put them in the fridge put the lid on it like that these are actually microwave pots which I've uh I used because it's got a little vent in it so you can put the lid on but still vent it so it doesn't get all steamy in there so you know what's really really annoying is the fact that the original place where we were at P kidney Beach earlier today I had like full signal 5G the lot since I've moved here I don't have any Internet so I'm thinking I'm going to get the van ready for the night draw the curtains put the blind up on the sliding door and then I'm going to go for a wand down to the pub for the sole reason that I can download something to watch on Netflix either I'm just going to end up playing PlayStation all night and I don't really want to do that [Music] [Applause] you got to be uh a little bit discreet when getting in your van when you parked outside someone's house and it's not because I'm afraid of them coming down knocking on the door and telling me to do one cuz they can't do that because this is a public road but it's the fact that I don't want people to feel uncomfortable that I'm there's someone sleeping in their van outside their house I wouldn't like it personally so if I'm careful and I don't raise alarm that I'm staying here and keep myself to myself and keep the noise down and keep quiet then hopefully nobody's going to be worried and then by 9:00 tomorrow morning I'll be gone anyway so I think it's very important that if you are going to do this to uh not raise alarm keep yourself to yourself keep your noise down and hope that your actions don't affect anybody else you'll remember I don't even know how long ago it was a few months ago I um I told you all about this uh this light that I got it wasn't an advertisement but I did link it below in the description and loads of you bought them and the way that Amazon works if I link one of their products anytime that you buy it it doesn't cost you any extra money but they pay me a percentage or like a small commission for each one that's sold and because of that I actually made a bit of money from from people buying these so here's what I want to do I'm going to pick a random comment from the last video which for me was I had to buy another van for you that would have been two videos ago but I'm going to pick a random comment from there and whoever I pick you will get a £ 25 voucher for Amazon these are the rules I randomly pick a name it's a £ 25 voucher you've got until Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. to email me that gives you 48 hours from when this video originally goes live if I don't hear from you by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday then next week I will do the same again I'll pick another random comment but it'll be a rollover so essentially it will be £50 and I'm going to keep doing that until somebody claims it well or until my money that I made from Amazon runs out okay so just to keep it completely completely random I'm just going to and they're not in any order boom Fiona T 5698 would it be better to keep the Vox or and get rid of the Ford if it's a better car 48 hours from when this video was gone live so Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. as I said if it goes past that time then it will roll over to next week so as you may have noticed I downloaded Groundhog Day for watching tonight but I've downloaded on my phone and I'm pretty sure that the TV doesn't actually um allow me to like screen like mirror so I'm not really sure how I'm going to get that up to the TV but after about an hour of trying to pair my phone to my TV it's an iPhone it's an Android TV so that's probably why the Bluetooth doesn't work I don't know but I managed to get some internet so now I can actually watch Groundhog Day on the TV I mean to be fair I would have settled for anything it didn't have to be Groundhog Day but I kind of had it set in my mind I was going to watch that tonight so I'm going to go to bed and I'll see you in the morning good night boy coming our way beautiful day good morning Pleasant sleep here I mean I mean it sounds noisy at the moment there is a lot of traffic going by but it is 20 8 in the morning so a lot of people probably going to work but from about midnight until 6:00 in the morning pretty much didn't hear anything so this road actually got pretty quiet so I'm not going to hang around this morning I'm going to head home because uh I'm on Daddy Daycare today so so I'm going to head home and see my sun again as always thank you to everyone that's bought me a beer through the link in the description and also thank you to everyone that supported me on patreon as well you're all absolute Legends and I'll see you next week cheers on the road again I can't wait to be on the road again
Channel: Love Sundays
Views: 26,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: St ives, Cornwall, snorkelling, falmouth, Vlog, cornwall uk, Cornwall England, holiday, sunshine, ocean, sea, beach, sand, vacation, harbour, england, britain, scenery, drones, wetsuit, vanlife, Perranporth, Padstow, fowey, st ives beaches, Stealth camping, Stealth van, Campervan, Wild camping, Scary camping
Id: Gwx5mJnN_HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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