Vanlife UK: sleeping at the coast in my minivan as a solo woman traveller, and exploring Lyme Regis

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I always think that I've seen so many beautiful cities and places and then the next one is just as beautiful or I'd rather say as beautiful in a different way again hi I'm Jenny I'm from Germany together with my camp in cardine I'm touring Europe doing house sits and explore beautiful places in historic cities and nature come along today I spent a beautiful visit at powderham Castle in Devon which you can see in the last episode and then drove to Satan to find a safe place for the night despite it being uh cloudy and windy um the temperature feels quite nice so it's really lovely and as usual I'm trying to find the public toilets and other campers that might want to spend the night here I've been talking to a German family um with a van but they will continue to travel and there are some more camper events right here I I'd be asking those as well theine is always looking so little next to a regularized camper found them it's looking quite nice and interesting but I'm just too tired to do some more exploring so I will head back to the beach and and uh have a little snack and then really just relax I've just been talking to that other camper van lady um she's from the UK she's just arrived and she told me that it is safe to stay here and that she will stay here too it's just always so nice to meet other you know likewise woman traveler um and yeah I I was just craving something fresh so I got myself some blueberries um which I Joy now with the best view my car right behind me and in the front the sea okay I show you something now that I haven't shown you yet except for my battery my emergency toilet and my fridge I also have this right here and this is for the window so I can put it into the window here and there snow flies can enter But fresh air it's quite nice so I stick it in here here and then I it's a little tricky I have to get the window up just right okay and in the end it should look something like this okay and since I'm feeling a little cold as I was at the sea I will use my electric pillow today right here and since I'm very sensitive to light I always try to cover up every little place where light could get through I'm using my coat for that and also this here for over there also it is important to me very important to always put my key in the same place otherwise it is getting lost in this tiny car and I'm panicking here I'm preparing my emergency toilet which I'm not planning to use but just in case so I have these special plastic bags for them they are compostable and also some powder that goes inside this so this is what it looks like then really just for emergency okay now I'm lying all cozy in my princess bed and um I'm so exhausted and at the same time filled with all the images of the day this has been such a full day and I really have to process everything first it was a very intense day I will switch off the lights now and try to find some rest so good night everyone good morning everyone I had such a good night it was really really calm here and even now it's uh 7:30 and there is the street right next to the car park but I don't hear anything um so really a a very wonderful place to spend tonight and I can already feel the warmth coming through the window so let's see if there is some sun [Music] outside a little bit of sun I will be going to Lime Brees today that's the plan um and then later um drive to sorry there was a car coming um and then later I drive to Somerset where I will be starting another house sit with a cute dog this time called Archie for I'm always picking a little bag when I'm starting a house it so that for the first one or two nights I have everything and then take my time getting out of the car whatever I may need okay I'm ready to go to Lime reges I'm very excited um it should be a quick drive only 15 minutes I just hope that um I won't have problem to find a parking space I'm always a little nervous about that in cities I'm not the best of Parker they have been already breathtaking views of the cliffs and the Sea just by coming down the road into lime reaches so I'm really excited [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] I was just talking to someone local and he was telling me about all the beautiful places I should see along the coast here and obviously I don't have the time for that maybe when I be coming next time he was really lovely [Music] [Music] just of a [Music] to [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] anything three hooks anything well I'm so hungry and thirstday I definitely need to find a place now where I can sit down oh it's good to sit down and have a above water I always think that I've seen so many beautiful cities and places and then the next one is just as beautiful or I'd rather say as beautiful in a different way again I mean this Hilter position of lime reges falling down into the sea with those historic buildings everywhere the colors the colors of the houses and that amazing bookstore wasn't that I felt like being transported into a fantasy world I told the owner too it came with a smiley I'm quite sad that I have to leave again but the parking ticket is only worth for 4 hours and um yes I want to head to the direction of my new house set okay so this is the downside of living in such a beautiful city um on the hill it's just those steep streets and walkways N St it says St because there's only one [Music] a
Channel: Jennifer Sternenlied
Views: 5,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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