HUGE THUNDERSTORM Camping in my VAN! Looe Cornwall

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I just saw a flash [Music] Jesus um I think we need to talk right so when I say we need to talk what I mean is that the last video the ASMR one 50% of you loved it and that was great the other 50% of you absolutely hated it I actually think it might be my most disliked video for the amount of views that it's got and you know a lot of you were sort of asking you know it felt like I I was in a mood with you or you'd done something wrong and it wasn't that at all it was just that as I said in the video before that with all the noise I've had going on in my life at the moment I just wanted a bit of peace and quiet and I thought if I feel like being quiet maybe you guys might want to see that and luckily 50% of you did but 50% of you not so much be rest assured I won't be making another ASMR video in a while now I've actually come to L today and there's a very good reason why I've come here but I'll tell you all about that in a bit but for the moment I'm on park for night this is where I am currently parked okay so I'm currently parked here and the only car park that allows you to stay overnight is this one over here so we're going to head over there Park up it does mean it's going to be about a half an hour walk back into town for a beer later but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make [Music] [Applause] d it all seems uh all a bit complicated so I don't have the Ringo app so I'm going to download that and see if I can just pay through there because they might just let me like pay for 24 hours as opposed to paying for 10 hours and then having to go and pay an extra 2 after whatever time it said until 700 in the morning so rather than do that just going to see if it will let me do 24 hours on the app I obviously found this all very complicated rather than just let you pay for 24 hours you have to pay £650 until 10 p.m. and then after 1 p.m. you have to pay another £250 it kind of feels like they're trying to catch me out done so that's us here until 10:00 hopefully with no worries there we go I'm going to leave the door open for a bit get some uh natural light in here right I'll be uh I'll be honest this is actually quite a nice little Park up we're pretty much right on the beach other than the confusing way that you need to pay I think it all seems fine but I did see on park for night that people had said that you know you can actually Park out on the road so for whatever reason if I get to 10:00 tonight and it doesn't allow me to top it up for instance then I'll just move the van and and go park out there but all in all it looks like a good spot now I'm I'm I've actually come here tonight because uh one of my subscribers has been asking me pretty much every week to come and do a camp out in Lou so I'm here and considering he bought me pretty much 10 beers through buy me a coffee so Ian I'm finally here now the reason why I didn't upload last week is because it was my son's first birthday and his birthday was on the Thursday and his birthday party was on the Sunday so I just didn't get a chance to get out in the van uh but he had a great time I can't believe I have a one-year-old I now know how my parents felt when I was a bit mischievous when I was when I was a kid he's definitely a chip off the old [Applause] block for uh for dinner this evening this company has sent me this air fryer so I'm going to use this to cook dinner but and it couldn't have come out a better time because I was literally just about to buy an air fryer and uh they reached out to me and just said look we've got this really nice little portable air fryer I'm not actually sure how to pronounce this it's either she free or how I like to call it cheffrey so all right cheffrey but yeah this is going to be uh that'll be interesting tonight I'm going to have some sausages but before we have dinner because it's still only 4:00 I think we need to go for a little W around Lou maybe get a beer somewhere and just work out if it does take 30 minutes to walk from this car park into [Music] town Walk West which [Music] way look like we've got to climb the steps okay so here's something for everyone to think about you got to climb a few steps to uh get out of here so if you are of the sort of person who doesn't like Steps then obviously this might be a bit of a nightmare I am getting out of puff but not that bad you are always tonight right that was fun now which way is it so I continued along the Southwest coast path passed all the airbnbs and second homes I took in all the views avoided the mud and finally made it back into [Music] town one way to tell if a house is living in or not check for the Christmas decorations it's February all right so I've made it down to the nice quaint streets of of Lou but first on the agenda I need to find a nice very nearly got pooed on by a seagull or something what was I saying oh first thing on the agenda I need to find a nice traditional Pub to get a pine [Music] [Music] for they've obviously had a problem with people climbing on their lobster now correct me if I'm wrong I've not been to L since I was I don't know probably about nearly 20 years but I'm pretty sure you used to be able to walk all the way along the front here whereas now God shut up where's now it says no entry and there's a there's another gate down that side as well so I've just had to walk behind this building but I'm pretty sure you used to be able to just literally just walk along the front here all the way from like that end of town all the way to the beach but you know I could be wrong this place looks cool just run a right love above that what's the nicest Pub to go to around here up here f is quite nice yeah yeah that's quite good it depends if you want to eat I think the S is okay like what about the SHP in is that all right or not yeah um that's more like dog and children friendly yeah yeah maybe not for Meo okay cheers thank you so if you never know where to go for a pint just ask somebody I just got lucky that this guy actually lives here and and knows what he's talking about so I take it that stands for like salutation or something I don't know let's see if we can find it the old salutation in directions now we've just got to find the old salutation I think I passed it when I was walking through that place is shut traditional Pub just what I wanted now I would have liked to have given you a nice look around that Pub but they asked me not to film so I just have to take my word for it holid Village my phone's going to tell me which way to go but rather than do the coastal path like I did on the way here I'm going to go the other way just to see if it's less hilly it's about the same amount of time it says it's 33 minutes so we'll just have to uh see how long it takes okay so far very big hill going to be honest that hill was probably harder than the ones coming down here but you got to get to the top of the hill before you can start coming down whereas the RO route that I chose to come down here it was like that up down up down up down so this is going to be an easier route I just know it still climbing the hill but this is a very very narrow road we've not many sort of places to stand if a car comes up just out of nowhere so just be aware of that right so looking at it I think I'm at the top of the hill now it's all downhill from here baby I think I've gotting a cold yeah hey Charlie hey [Applause] do you remember a few weeks ago when I had a a spot of B in the woods well I've got a new torch now it's metal I mean not for any particular reason but look how bright this is ready I mean you know and it's like you can you can point it like that or you can make it wide now I'm not going to do anything with this now but I'm thinking I need to like have it somewhere like when I leave the van maybe up there maybe there I don't know maybe just let me know in the comments where you think it would look best but to be fair by the time you see this I probably would have mounted it anyway but I actually uh I got this off teu I I wouldn't recommend anyone buys anything off t- because all I've got since I actually bought this is just messages constantly like every day saying oh you've got this money off blah blah blah why can't I get this back in So anyway that's my new torch maybe I'll take it down to the beach later and show you just how strong it is but it's a beast all right I suppose it's time to uh try out this air fryer look how compact this is so let me get this right so you pull that out you put your I'm wearing sausages tonight hot dogs going to put a few sausages in there Chuck it in um I've not even uh not not even tried any of this yet so us a manual don't need that right so according to the box it isn't just an air fryer it's a air fryer a roast you can do roast in it apparently you can bake in there and you can also reheat so four intelligent presets non-stick coating 2 L Compact and 97% less fat air fry roast bake reheat so to air fry I want to turn that down to about 18 here we go turn that down to 180 and 10 to 15 minutes but I want to go at like 5 minute [Music] intervals I'm going to set it at 5 Minute intervals that's literally just so that I I can turn the sausages after every 5 minutes it should take about 10 to 15 minutes reset that three times we should be good to go I mean First Impressions it's pretty quiet but what I also want to do want to see just how much power it actually draws cuz the e flow is currently on 97% it'll be interesting after the 15 minutes of cooking how much power it's actually taken from the system so far based on the uh the noise I mean I've I've got an air fryer at home it's a lot louder than this so so far so good right turn your sausages beautiful back in round two so far we've used 1% all right cheffrey o it's starting to look good they're going to be done soon I reckon about another 5 minutes used about 4% battery so far look at [Applause] them I bought these hot dog buns and they're like just not very good in the bun I was actually going to do some onions with this but then I realized I just couldn't be bothered so sausage bun bit of ketchup job done it's not raw at the steam coming off it oh not forgetting I need to I need to have a beer don't I someone actually said to me recently actually they were like why drink a non-alcoholic beer there's this whole thing about like drunken in charge and things and it's just not worth it I drink a non-alcoholic beer so that if I do get moved on I'm not going to be under the influence now I did tell this company that I'm happy to review their product but I will only give an honest review but I did tell them if I do like the product then I'd like to give my viewers a discount as well well and all in all it's compact it heats up in less than no time it used 6% of my battery to cook four sausages you could probably fit more in there but I didn't you know I'm not greedy I didn't want to stick loads in there but if I had the wife and kid with me then I'd probably cook you know I reckon you could probably fit about eight sausages in there in one go so if you do want to get yourself a cheffrey then uh check out the link in the description below where you will get I mean it's not overly expensive anyway but you will get an additional £5 off your order through my link in the description if you don't use the link that I provided below and you actually go on their website if you use my discount code then that will also get you the5 off right I've got the diesel heater on going to head down to the beach and try out this torch I'm going to leave the diesel heater on while we're out just so it get nice and warm in here right you ready so this is just the uh torch that's on the camera at the moment so you can see that that's just the torch that's on the camera and then ready hang on look at that all right let's head to the beach look at that beam look w how was a fun with [Applause] this look at it right so I don't know where you can see this probably not but there's a lot of stars in the sky at a minute I'm not sure what that is that that's a boat out there but up there that's a star it could be a satellite a star there there are that's lot there must be water coming in off the uh anyway there is a Ryan's Belt you probably can't see it star up there so all in all it's a pretty pretty clear night and this is a great bit of kit but as I said because it's from teu it probably won't last two minutes but we'll see right I'm heading back to the van because it's absolutely freezing out here right van is right there oh it's warm it is warm in here I am absolutely freezing right well on that note I'm uh going to get into bed it's 9:00 so my parking is going to run out in an hour so if I have to get out of bed and top it up I will but I should just be able to do it from the app so I'm hoping I can just get into bed and that'll be it all right well I'll see you in the morning good night it's 2:00 in the morning now and uh it's really hard to sleep in this van I need to check to see if there's like a weather warning or something because it's so I mean I can put up with the rain here in the the rain on the roof doesn't bother me it's literally the wind is pushing the van there's a yellow warning for rain but that's about it so it says this is going to go on till about 3:00 tomorrow afternoon so that's fun look at this plant look that's how much the wind is shaking the van it's just sort of right let's see what it's like not there yeah it's a lot of rain well anyway I'm going to attempt to get some sleep and I'll let you know first thing in the morning I just saw a flash Je Jesus so that was literally like I don't know 2 seconds after the flash so I say it's like a a second per mile isn't it can't even hear my diesel heat ticking away so you know at least that's one [Music] positive good morning uh I was up until about 3:00 in the end just waiting for the storm to pass but then once it did the wind dropped down and I actually managed to get some sleep so that was fine I did set my alarm for 7:00 just so that I could top up my parking because it's now 8:30 and if I hadn't topped it up I would have been here for an hour and a half without any parking on the on the van so all in all it's cost me to stay here £650 originally till 10:00 I then paid £250 until 700 a.m. this morning and then I paid until 10:00 this morning which was another £5 it's just a bit annoying that you got to constantly top it up rather than just do 24 hours it's almost like they're trying to catch you out but just be aware of that if you're going to stay here so all in all 14 quid for the night and I'm not even going to use that last hour because I've just had a phone call from a mate and he said he's going to come down to Lou and have breakfast with me so I'm going to need to move the van and park in the other car park in L for 9:00 so I need to get going no trees are down and we've got a bit of a blue sky F that big cloud there but it looks [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fine let's go the road is littered with debris from the trees I need there'd be [Music] something [Music] [Applause] [Music] F hello mate where are you yeah just um literally I've just parked so I'll be over in 2 minutes all right see you then bye right so for some reason my mate wants to meet me at the war memorial rather than here so that's where we're going I was in two minds whether to wear a hat or not thinking nah it's fine but it is actually a little bit chilly this morning I could uh could just put my hood up couldn't I it's a bit rainy I was wrong it's actually hailstones not uh not rain here he is all right shagger what's on you what phone driv me I have one I'm a whatever you on a road here this your bike yeah M oh nice mate yeah I'm happy with it is it riding down in the rain not too bad yeah well it wasn't too bad it didn't rain really until it got here like I said I just took my wet weather gear off and I'm fine we're going to go get some breakfast before my camera cuts out in the rain you can decide cuz you know you probably know Lou better than me I've realized haven't been here since 2006 that long yeah Jesus so right let's go get something to eat M I've just realized you and your levers there you look like have you ever seen like long way down oh what Charlie bourman and uh you're not you and McGregor you're the other one Charlie Borman yeah yeah they rode BMWs not triumphs though sorry real BMW not [Music] Tri [Music] I swear that this water wasn't this brown yesterday it must be from the storm last night but look at it it's like chocolate milk out there so I got a question for you right go for it so along here yes I'm sure back in the day you used to be able to walk all the way along the front you can well when I was there yesterday there was a sign that said no entry sure it's not the cars no well it's like a walkway isn't it yeah you can walk right back up to the car park along here yeah that's what I thought we the Bas definitely says it do [Music] it lat buddy put your visor down it's hailing it's hailing now God the ah these house stones are [Applause] massive all right back to the van woo so I realized I haven't explained who who my mate was that was Andy also known as kez I've known that guy for over 30 years he's the type of friend that we see each other we see each other possibly twice a year and when we see each other it's like I saw him yesterday it was good to see you mate but on that note I'm uh I'm going to head home now see my son see my wife thank you to everyone that's bought me a beer through the link in the description all these Legends here and I'll see you next week [Music] cheers
Channel: Love Sundays
Views: 134,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: St ives, Cornwall, snorkelling, falmouth, Vlog, cornwall uk, Cornwall England, holiday, sunshine, ocean, sea, beach, sand, vacation, harbour, england, britain, scenery, drones, wetsuit, vanlife, Perranporth, Padstow, fowey, st ives beaches, Stealth camping, Stealth van, Campervan, Wild camping, Scary camping
Id: oy-thZIYbeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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