Steak Fajitas

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hey everybody I'm chef tom with ATB BQ comm and this is steak fajitas well today we're gonna tackle the tex-mex classic fajitas we're gonna marinate some skirt steak love me some skirt steak for fajitas we're gonna cook it on the griddle with some peppers some onions we'll whip up a pico de gallo put it all together in a fantastic tortilla now the skirt steak it doesn't take long to marinate at all because we're actually gonna slice it really thin before we marinate it so the first thing I want to do is put together our Pico because the longer it sits the better it tastes so we've got all of our Pico basics here tomato onion Serrano's you can go jalapeno if you want to go a little bit milder cilantro lime juice and salt the one kind of thing we're gonna add to this today that's a little bit out of the ordinary is we're gonna actually dice up our avocado and put it in with the Pico so we're gonna start with our heirloom tomato here just do a small dice on this we're going to go equal parts tomato and onion drop it in probably only give need about half of this onion save the other half for the fajitas and then I like to go pretty fine on the dice here even a little bit smaller than I guess small dice just don't love a huge bite of raw onion I prefer a small bite of raw onion but I like to use a yellow onion for this you could also use a white onion like you can use a red onion if you want I don't care next we've got our Serrano's it's up to you if you want to leave the seeds in or take them out you know they're gonna be a little bit spicier if you leave them in totally your call don't love the flavor that that pissed though for awhile I worked at an Indian restaurant and part of my job was dealing with Serrano's and for a long time I would just take my fingernail and scrape these out but you learn really quickly once you touch your eye or something else after doing that that it's not a great idea so you want to wash your hands pretty quick so we'll take these down pretty fine as well little bites of heat next we're gonna do 1/2 a cup of minced cilantro and if if you're not a fan of the cilantro just leave it out it's it's a thing it's actually a genetic thing if you think that cilantro tastes like soap it's not because you don't like it it's because your your body processes it and perceives it differently so you can always skip it that's not your thing then I go for about a half cup do just a little bit more don't be afraid to use some stems either I think that people shy away from that but the stems actually have good flavor in them as well so we're gonna do a squeeze of lime here probably about two tablespoons is what we're looking for we got to hit it with a little bit of salt but now we're gonna add that extra ingredient that you don't normally get in Pico and that's the avocado so with fajitas a lot of times guacamole is pretty common thing to serve with it I'm gonna skip the guac today and we're just going to do our avocados in the pico scoop that in with the picot hit it with just a little bit of smoke salt you got that noble cherry wood smoked salt and we're just gonna get in there mix it up and then we'll just let this sit start to soak into each other all these ingredients I love it the salt starts to pull a little juice out there's nothing in the bottom now really but you'll see it start to pool as it sits so now we're gonna put together that marinade for the skirt steak so the base of this is going to be the Sweetwater spiced fajita bath this is the lime jalapeno flavour and I'm using this obviously it's designed for fajitas it's got a pineapple juice base also got lime juice in there and then a ton of like Mexican spices as well as some Chili's now typically we dilute this 1 to 1 I want to make a strong marinade that's got some punch so we're just going to go half of that amount on the water and then we're gonna add a little bit more flavor now this one might seem kind of weird but we're gonna do two tablespoons of soy sauce probably not as uncommon as you would think in a fajita marinade next we're gonna add some chili infused oil 2 tablespoons so the fat carries the flavor and then this fats already infused with that chili garlic and onion flavor and then last we're gonna add some of our taco seasoning the Cattlemen's grill Meccano I'm telling you this is going to be a flavor punch this is a good shake and we'll set this aside while we slice up our skirt steak all right so we got about a pound a skirt steak here I love the fat content you can see it marbling throughout this is such a great little piece of meat but it can be tough so what we're gonna do is we're gonna cut this nice and thin so there's kind of two ways you could go about this now you can either cook these skirt steaks whole and slice them thin right before serving or you can slice them thin first and that's what we're gonna do today because I want them to really soak up the flavors of that marinade so by breaking them down into small little pieces all that marinade can penetrate really quickly so when we slice these we want to slice them across the grain not with the grain because if we go with the grain that's going to be tough and chewy if we go across them we take those fibers and cut them down super small so we're going to determine how long we want each one of these slices to be I think about like that looks good so I'm gonna take my knife and just start cutting these really thin you can go as thick or thin as you want I like them super thin because it just kind of melts in your mouth not chewy at all and again you get a lot of flavor in there this meat is really cold right now I actually threw it in the freezer for about 30 minutes maybe closer to an hour just to let it firm up of course in the Kansas Heat it's already warming up because it's not a very big piece of meat but that'll help you cut thin slices keep your meat super cold keep your knife super sharp alright so we're just gonna throw these into a zip top bag give our marinade one more shake and pour it in and we don't need a lot of liquid when we're doing a quick marinade in a bag like this because once again we've got such so much surface area from slicing these thin that already soaking up that juice so we'll let that sit for about 15-20 minutes now while the meats marinating we're gonna slice up some onions and peppers alright so we're gonna do some orange and green bell peppers and then the other half of that onion that we used for the Pico we're gonna go probably about quarter-inch slices here I probably would go in the other direction normally if I hadn't already used half of this onion I kind of like when the cuts run with the ribs but this is totally gonna be fine I'm not gonna waste half an onion because I'd rather have it cut in the other direction I'm just gonna take a couple sides off of these peppers I want some color in there which is why we're throwing the orange in as well and then we'll probably just kind of probably definitely mimic the shape of the onions so everything's about the same and uniform we get some of that out of there don't need that bitter stuff we're gonna start off with the peppers and onions on the Legris dole here they're gonna take a little bit longer to cook then the steak is so we're gonna hit it with the oil nice and hot on the surface we're using that chili infused oil for that extra flavor as well so we're looking to get some good color on our pepper peppers and onions while also softening them up I'm gonna hit them with just a little bit of this smoked salt as well so we're going pretty high heat on the little today so if you're cooking in something else like a skillet or a griddle on your grill you're gonna want a high temperature I'd say in the grill you're probably looking at like 500 you can go a little bit lower with these peppers and onions but when it comes to the steak you really want a good sear because if that meat is gonna be so thin a little bit more of that chili oil down for the meat and we're just gonna pull it straight out of that marinade toss all those flavors on together this is gonna go quick I've got high heat going on this side of the griddle because we want some texture on the outside of this before it gets cooked through so don't stack it all on top of one another make some space we hit it with a little bit more of that Mexicano the smell is incredible right now a lot of aroma going on all right so we're throwing the lodge cast iron the heat of pan there just to warm up so that we can keep our veggies and stuff warm when we pull all this stuff off of here getting some nice char on this now that's what we're looking for put some carmelization out of that marinade we got some of my favorite flour tortillas for our fajitas these are from caramello and Lawrence Kansas it doesn't get much better than the use of tortillas right here pork fat tortilla is just too neat a little bit of a toast here on the griddle to wake them up it doesn't take long all right the heat of fixins some tortillas and then one last thing we're gonna do here I've got some nonfat Greek yogurt this is actually a great topping a substitute for sour cream we're just gonna add a little bit to it a little bit more of that Meccano just a squeeze of lime juice mix that up now we've got our crema now let's build our fajitas now start with some of that steak what am i doing there I'm eating this mean use my fingers some peppers and onions a little bit of our evoke Pico and then some of that crema right on top boom mmm I'm happy I'm so happy what we've been doing with my life I should be making fajitas constantly my flavors are huge I mean there's a nice amount of spice to it but it's not burning your face off we got texture we got texture all day I mean great texture off that meat great texture on the pepper a man those flavors when they all meld together and that crema smooth things over on the top it's incredible wrapped up in the best tortilla that you can buy thank you guys so much for watching be sure to check out ATV BQ comm for all the products featured in today's video if you enjoyed the recipe hit that subscribe button and if you have any questions or comments so there's anything you'd like to see me cook let me know in the comment section down below and let's be good to one another for more recipes tips and techniques head over to eighty b BQ comm slash the sauce all things BBQ or barbecue legends are made
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 77,692
Rating: 4.95716 out of 5
Keywords: atbbq,, allthingsbbq, all things bbq, all things barbecue, bbq, barbecue, the sauce, chef tom, steak, skirt steak, beef, carne asada, fajitas, fajita, tex-mex, tex, mex, tex mex, mexican, recipe, grilled, grilling, griddle, le griddle, flatttop, flat top, cast iron, flour, tortillas, caramelo
Id: 4lsBYODjG4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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