Carne Asada Flank Steak with Cauliflower Rice & Chimichurri

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- Hey everybody, I'm Chef Tom with All Things Barbecue, and today I'm going to be making a grilled flank steak with a fire roasted chimichurri sauce and cauliflower rice. We're going to kick this off by trimming up our flank steak and getting it into a marinade. Now this is roughly a two pound flank steak, came from our local butcher shop, and they really did a bang up job of trimming this thing, so they don't have much for me to do, but if you see any silver skin on the outside of this thing or if there's any excessive fat, you can go ahead and take that off. But this thing is really in pretty good shape, so let's mix up our marinade. Today we'll be using Sweetwater Spice's lime jalapeno fajita bath. Now this uses the acid from pineapple juice, as well as salt, to both marinate and brine the meat. Now with this concentrate, we're using one part water to one part fajita bath, and you may need a couple of bottles to get this submerged. So we'll get this guy fully submerged. Lock in the plate and give this about an hour in the marinade. So while the flank steak marinades, we're going to head out to the grill with our chilies and get those roasted off. We've got the Yoder Smoker's YS640 pellet grill. It's running nice and hot, 500 degrees, cherry and pecan pellets in there today, and we've got this set up for direct grilling. So we've got our grill grates in place and we're going to get our chilies right there, right over the heat. So as you can see, we've got some Poblano peppers. We've also got some Anaheims, but if you've got Patch or New Mexico, whatever you've got around that's similar to this, work really well. If you want to do some jalapenos for a little extra heat, you can do that as well. Now we're just going to blister the skin on these. We'll flip them around a few times, and once they're nice and blackened, we'll get them off the grill. Alright, those chilies are on the grill, so now's a good time to gather up the remaining ingredients for the chimichurri. I've got a large yellow onion here and we're only going to need about a quarter of it. And we'll just kind of give this a rough chop. And we're going to use about a cup's worth of chopped cilantro. And we're only going to need about a half cup of Italian parsley. So you can see we're getting some nice charring. We want a little bit more of that on this side, but this one right here, this is ready to flip. You can see you've got some char and the skin is beginning to loosen from the flesh. We need about six cloves of garlic for this recipe, and here's a really cool trick for getting those skins off nice and fast. And they are peeled. These are going to go in the food processor with everything else eventually, so we don't need to worry about having nice cuts. We're just going to give it a rough chop. I've got some capers here that I've already rinsed. I'm going to take two tablespoons of those, and the last thing we're going to need is about a quarter cup lime juice. So as these peppers have blackened, skin has loosened, we're going to take them from the grill, put them in a bowl covered with some plastic wrap. Then we'll give these guys about 10 to 15 minutes to steam, and while it steams in here, that skin's going to release from the flesh, and we can peel it off. Alright, now that our peppers have steamed, we are going to get the skins off, the seeds out, don't need that stem. Just open this up, scrape the seeds out with the back of your knife. Flip that over, and this skin should peel right off. Alright, and this can go in the bowl with the rest of our chimichurri ingredients. Alright, let's get these chimichurri ingredients into our food processor. (whirring) With all these herbs in here, you're going to have to scrape down the sides a couple times. We've got this pulsed pretty nice though, and there's one more thing we need to add to it, and that's some olive oil. Alright, now with the processor running, slowly add two thirds of a cup of olive oil. You can see that we're almost there. Alright, that looks nice and evenly processed. Give it a little taste, see if it might need some salt, but otherwise we're going to be good. Nice and bright. I think a little pinch of salt would help, though. Alright, and that's good to go. Flank steak is ready to come out of the marinade now and we're going to get it seasoned up. So we'll use a paper towel just to get the excess moisture off the outside, but we are going to use some of that moisture to kind of help our rub bind to the steak itself. Speaking of our rub, we're using Cattleman's Grill 8 Second Ride Carne Asada rub. This has got some really great chili flavor, a little bit of heat to it, so go light if your family doesn't like heat. And there's plenty of flavor in that marinade as well, so we don't have to go too heavy on this. And of course we've got that chimichurri sauce coming up. It's going to add a lot of flavor to this dish as well. Alright, let's let this set up for just a few minutes and we'll take it out to the grill. Alright, so as you can see, fairly thin piece of meat, so this is not going to take a long time. We're still running the pit nice and hot. We've got some nice grill marks, and we'll just turn that so we get a nice crosshatch on there. Alright, it's been about 10 minutes total, maybe. Got some good marks, let's flip this over. Alright, looks like we've hit our mark, so let's go ahead and pull this guy off. And now that we've pulled this steak off, we're going to give it a little bit of a rest before we slice into it, and we can put all of these components together for our nice carne asada plate. Cauliflower rice. Now this has become a lot more popular the last few years, and for good reason. It's a really fantastic alternative, a healthy alternative, to white rice, and cauliflower's like a sponge for flavor. It just sucks up whatever seasonings you're putting in them. So we're going to start with our whole head of cauliflower and break it down, get to these florets. We'll just take these florets off. Alright, just a rough chop on these. These are headed to the food processor. (whirring) And that's a pretty nice consistency. Alright, we've got our cast iron nice and hot. Put down just a little bit of olive oil. And then we'll get our cauliflower in there. (sizzling) Alright, so we're about 10 minutes in on this. It's feeling nice and tender. Let's check it out. Yeah, perfect. Alright, so to finish this thing up, I just want to throw a little bit of cilantro in there, a little bit of lime juice. (sizzling) Oh, that smells awesome. Alright, stir that up. We'll keep this warm, and we are ready to build our plates. Alright, now flank steak is a nice flavorful cut of meat, but it's also a fairly lean, and can be a fairly tough cut of meat, and that's why we're going to go nice thin slices. We can see the grain is running this direction, so we cut at a 90 degree angle to make those muscle fibers as short as possible. This fat end of the meat, you can see we have a really nice pink center. Of course when you get down to the other end, it's going to be a little more done, and that's really great because you kind of get to please everyone that way. Now we get you guys asking sometimes about some of the tools that we're using in the kitchen and stuff like this. For example, this knife is the Victorinox Slicer, and it's great for jobs just like this, taking cooked meat and cutting it nice and thin. That's the kind of tool you want to be using. So like I said, if you're not a fan of the pink center, this other end down here is going to be for you, but still lots of juice in there. Personally, I am a fan of the pink end, so I'm going to take a bite out of that. Well, you'd never know it's supposed to be a tough cut of meat because that's super tender, super juicy. Alright, we'll put down a base of our cauliflower rice. Get some of our flank steak on top of there. Hit it with the chimichurri. If you want to pretty it up for your friends and family, throw a little cilantro on there. A slice of lime. You are good to go. I'm going to get some of that rice, some of that chimichurri. It all works together really well. I love the tanginess from the chimichurri, and it's got just a little bit of heat from those peppers. This works really great. I think it's a really great way to start off the new year. Hope you guys give this a try and let us know what you think. Thanks so much for watching. If you enjoyed the video, please click the subscribe button. And if you have any questions or comments or there's anything you'd like to see me cook, let me know in the comment section down below. For more recipes, tips, and techniques, head over to the All Things Barbecue, where barbecue legends are made.
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 139,927
Rating: 4.9330544 out of 5
Keywords: carne asada, flank steak, cauliflower rice, chimichurri, recipes, cooking, kitchen, yoder smokers, ys640, pellet grill, food, foodie, delicious, all things bbq, atbbq, chef tom, the sauce
Id: xh1pHDa4ecY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2017
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