Authentic Tex Mex Style Steak Fajitas

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hi my name is Amanda Escamilla and today we're going to be making beef fajitas and we're going to start with some skirt steak some fresh skirt steak here it's let's see we've got about two pounds here so what you want to do is take a strip of it put it on a in a glass container if you can or a glass bowl rather and then we're going to go ahead and start making our marinade so we're going to start with a third of a cup of pineapple juice and then we want to add a third of a cup of fresh squeezed lime juice add that into the mix and then we have three tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce pop that right in there and then we want to make sure to put about I'd say about a quarter of a cup of olive oil so here we go about a quarter of a cup olive oil goes right in and then we want to add some minced garlic I'd say about a tablespoon or or so minced garlic you want to make sure you add some black pepper some salt and then I'd like to add some red chili powder red chili powder is a great spice to use it really enhances the meat and I also like to use this nice up paprika so we're going to use about a teaspoon of paprika the last thing I like to add in here is a little bit of cumin cumin just a bit about 1/4 of a teaspoon and really the idea with this is to enhance the smoky flavor of the meat because we're going to grill it so you put all of your spices into your marinade your liquids and let's see we put salt pepper yes and then we want to give it a good twist make sure it's nice and sealed and then just make sure you shake it vigorously excellent you can always taste it to make sure that it has enough salt and pepper or enough spices you can always add more perfect just a perfect amount of sweet salt and spice so all you do is just pour it right on to your steak so the idea around marinating skirt steak is that it really depends sometimes people wonder how long do you marinade such a thing and it really depends on the thickness of the steak itself so for this year it's perfectly fine to marinate this we can do three hours four hours or you can leave it in your refrigerator overnight so what I would do is recommend is to cover it with a piece of plastic or the glass top so now we have a nice hot grill our coals are red-hot we have a skillet that we put the skillet right on the indirect part of the fire of the grill so that it gets nice and hot but for now I'm going to move it out of the way so I'm going to put it right on top of the chima now and keep it somewhere safe and so here we have we have some fajitas which is the skirt steak already marinate it so what I like to do is just take a piece of this and we're going to throw a right on to the grill the direct hot the fire right into the direct fire okay now once you've put the the skirt steak on to the grill you want to just leave it there leave it there for at least a few minutes and depending on how hot the grill is you just want to keep your eye on it the idea is to get a real nice sear on it and then to be able to flip it and then sear it on the other side and then you're going to move it to the side of the grill that is doesn't have the direct flames right under it while this is cooking I think that a good idea is to go ahead and put the skillet back onto the grill and then we're going to put a little bit of olive oil and I like to use a little olive oil and a little bit of canola oil to combine because it really holds up to really high heat it's probably about a tablespoon or so and always remember to use a potholder because skillets as you know get very hot so we're going to flip the skirt steak now get a nice sear on this side here very good so while that cooks on one side we're going to go ahead and add some of the red peppers green peppers some of the Spanish onions and a few Chile's that I've cut for the fajitas and we're going to go ahead and saute these on an iron skillet so now this is on a hot pan it's sauteing and we're going to add a little bit of salt and pepper to enhance the flavor it always does so it looks like these have had a real nice sear on both sides so I'm going to move it over to the right where my fire is a little less intense perfect those need a little more so I'm going to leave them over here where it's still kind of hot but not as hot as it is to be on the direct fire so we're going to let these ride while the peppers cook now we have the fajitas the skirt steak looks like it's nice pretty close to being cooked the the peppers and onions look like they're beautifully ready caramelized nice and seared in the iron skillet so they're pretty close this is a great time to put your thought appeals down to heat them up so that you can roll them all up in there and a good thing is to take some skirt steak you know it's okay to let it rest for a couple of minutes but while you're your authority is are heating you can go ahead and take your skirt steak and slice it on the bias just that way into small pieces make sure you flip your torts there it is beautiful so this is cooked already just toss it back in so here we do a toss and together they get all happy and you can smell all the flavors combining together and I think the pan is loving it look at that okay just a little more salt and a little more pepper a couple of peppers and onions and we're going to go ahead and put some condiments the works here we have we have some welcome oil if you'd like to add a little waka Molly to your fajita taco I will recommend it and then of course you can add some Pico they lie on this mate this is here is made with Chile Serrano's which are a little bit hotter than jalapenos and then of course cilantro is always a really nice treat so I like to add a little bit of that too and then of course you couldn't it wouldn't be the works without the grandma so here's a little bit of Grandma or sour cream whatever you prefer and then you're ready to go you want to serve this up with a bowl of frijoles a la Chara and all you need is an empty belly
Channel: How2Heroes
Views: 342,577
Rating: 4.8520169 out of 5
Keywords: fajitas, tex mex recipes, Tex-Mex Food (Cuisine), Cooking (Interest), Steak (Food), Fajita (Dish), Recipe (Website Category)
Id: mrnt3qBfkZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2012
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