How to Make Skirt Steak Fajitas with Jeff Mauro | The Kitchen | Food Network

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my extra-juicy skirt steak fajitas and i'ma show you guys a cool easy trick that'll give you that sizzling wow factor you could do right at home starting with some great skirt steak right here just or you'll love this stuff I love it when you go to the butcher when you go to the grocery store it is imperative you ask for outside skirt steak not inside skirt outside is way more tender way more marbled just succulent beefy but the inside skirt can get a little chewy so ask for this right but of course like you take that bite of that sizzling fajita at a restaurant and everybody's juicy and full of marinade so let's start with the marinade here I have some olive oil we're add to this this is the restaurant secret to a marinade that you wouldn't expect in a Mexican dish soy sauce yeah some fresh lime juice Jeffrey can you help me with my peppers right there you want a gun oh just in a nice thicker strips right but like you know 1/2 1/4 inch strips cut a poblano and a nice red bell pepper and some onions I'll ask for you in a bit so we got the soy sauce in there some cumin some chili powder some fresh lime juice and some salt we're gonna whisk this up I got a zipper top bag here we're gonna pour that directly in the bag but we are gonna reserve some of this marinade for a little trick later okay and that has the oil in there and everything remember the soy sauce just a little bit the rest can go in a zipper top bag now we're gonna take that beautiful outside skirt steaks and this has been cut into thirds so it's just easier to manage right this way you can kind of cook it appropriately but look at that beautiful marbling into the marinade about 30 minutes in the fridge up to two hours okay move it around in that bag right get the air out just make sure you move it all around put it in the fridge and what you want to do after marinating it again 30 minutes two hours take it out dry it put it on a wire rack sheet pan in the fridge for up to two hours help dry it out that's another restaurant secret trick that's how you get that char on there without a grill without charcoals all done in that cast-iron but that's what it looks like after drying out after marinating right we're gonna hit it with just a little more salt I have a cast iron skillet going right here pipe you can see the wisps of smoke coming off it not then you know it's ready we're gonna hit it with just a little salt and it is going right in that pan on the top side down that's gonna be the driest so in these three sections right here press it down once and just let it rip for a couple minutes right we'll do two at a time here keep that one for later again a whole skirt steak could feed four people at least that's the beauty of this is we're fortifying it we're bulking it up with these lovely peppers which I'm gonna throw in there so this is the leftover fat and the render fund and all that stuff in this cast-iron right here so what we're gonna do is throw the onions in there beautifully look at that beautifully even poblanos and a lot of times it's just red bell peppers green bell peppers yellow but I like the flavor that the poblano brings a little extra spice you cook the steaks in that pan right and that's a leftover fat mistake that's the leftover fat and oil and you know all the little juicy fine bits right is pretty hard you want a nice char on there but you don't want to like turn them into mush right you want them you have a little you know little chew to them and this is what it looks like let's turn that on is that I'm very good at that things screaming great job I got my sizzle platter ready to go I got arrested steak and we're gonna cut this now a lot of times you go to the restaurants and they cut it with the grain which I don't like you shouldn't do that even though it's kind of if you follow the striations of the meat it's like almost counterintuitive to cut a fajita like this but you should cut it like you would a strip steak or a ribeye so what I do is cut those long sections in half and then kind of just go diagonally and you want to cook this to medium I think Meteor air skirt steak can get a little chewy I think medium is perfect agree with you Jeff for once but you gotta have that charm and turn that for you Jeff yeah please go ahead all right look at that can you see that oh this is shout-out to my favorite Mexican is my neighborhood called Maria's and the brag Leah boys had been running for 30 years in their mom Maria and it's like the typical place where you can't even hear yourself talk half the time because of this sizzling hot the heat is coming out of the kitchen I love it alright that's looking very good right we're gonna season that so colorful right right little salt and pepper our steak is slice and that's all you want you want some life in those peppers still some color look at that alright it's time it's time to play now again if you're searing for a table at home by all means serve it directly in the cast-iron here no need to you see him sizzling now yes how do you get that sizzle to happen right before they serve it right cuz it's always super piping hot there's a little trick and that's why we reserved that marinate a little bit ago but I like to kind of keep it just like that right so the peppers are still cooking on the bottom but you're not overcooking the meat since we rested that we're gonna shake up that leftover reserved marinade in right before we bring it to the table we hit it with the sizzle sauce ready to go Jeff [Applause] hey we got a little tableside service yeah I expect a large ladies please do not touch the sizzling hot cast-iron skillet very warm I love the process of building no kajita when you get it yes yes of course Bon Appetit you gotta have the you know either whole or sliced pickled jalapenos and carrots and onions how is that can I reach over tastes exactly like any tax Mex style restaurant yeah here we go it cut it right yeah so when you bite into it you get what you bit off do you know what I'm doing not the entire strip of the fajita I know my friends in San Antonio would tear this right up man it's tender its juicy and it's sizzling you
Channel: Food Network
Views: 133,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food network, food, cooking, recipe, how-to, how to make, tutorial, show, tv, cook, chef, fn, directions, ingredients, the kitchen, kitchen, jeff mauro, jeff, steak, skirt steak, fajitas, tex mex, mexican, tortilla, onion, peppers, sizzling, chile, steak recipes, how to make fajitas, fajita recipe, spicy, dinner ideas, toppings, guacamole, tricks, tipsfood network, eat, recipes, easy recipes, easy recipe, food network recipes, best, simple, quick, food trends, chefs kitchen, food expert, Sunny Anderson
Id: bptRd0YLVe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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