Grilled Chicken Fajitas | Chicken Fajitas on the PK360 Grill

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hey welcome back to how to barbecue right I'm Malcolm Reed today I'm going to show you how I prepared chicken fajitas on the grill I've got some chicken breasts and thighs we're going to get marinated and grilled we're going to do some of these beautiful vegetables put it all together to make some awesome fajitas let's get started so today I'm starting with some boneless skinless chicken breast and boneless skinless thighs now I did to heat it I like to do both white meat and dark meat that combo tastes great it really makes for better fajitas the first thing we're going to do is get these chicken breasts a little more uniform in size so I'm going to flip them over on their back side and we're going to butterfly them just make some shallow cuts right down the middle of the breast and then come out each side to open it up this makes that breast really nice and flat it makes it grill even now you also want to take off some of the excess skin on the thighs as well it's not a whole lot of trimming but once you get it done they're ready for the marinade so for the marinade that I'm using today I'm starting with some vegetable oil some vinegar a little Mexican beer some fresh lime juice and then some of our fajita seasoning and then right at the very end I'm going to whisk in some freshly chopped cilantro and still make a really great marinade for chicken or beef and put the chicken down in a big ziploc bag put the marinade over the top of it and then close the top you want to work it around get all the pieces of chicken covered in the marinade and just let it hang out in the refrigerator for a couple hours it's going to be plenty of time for the chicken to soak up all the flavors of the marinade so I've had the chicken marinating for two hours in the fridge it's ready to go on now we're going to fire up the pique 360 it's time to do some cooking I'm going to start with a chimney full of royal oak charcoal I'm going to use a couple of whack starter cubes to get the fire going when those coals get good and hot we're just going to spread them out in the bottom of the grill and then close the lid let the grill come up to temperature then I'm going to place my cooking grate on top and I'm going to close the lid back and adjust my Vince I want the cooking tip about medium-high about 400 degrees today so the vents need to be about half open on the top and I've got the air intake on the bottom all the way open just let the grill come up to temp we're going to be ready to cook so our grill is good and hot I've just got it set up for direct grilling I'm going to get our fajita chicken right on the grates over these hot coals start with the breasts all of our chicken is going to cook in about the same time because we butterfly that chicken breast out and it's the same thickness as the thighs had just a little bit more spice and flavor to this chicken I'm going to put just a pinch of the fajita season over the top on each side you close the lid we're gonna let it cook five or six minutes really get a good sear on that first side we're just holding that temperature steady on the grill I'm doing this on my PK 360 today you can do it on any grill set up for direct grilling and grilling chickens not rocket science it's easy to do you just want to watch it don't go too far away because this is going to cook kind of fast we'll also check our internal temperatures at the end you know those breasts need to be 165 we want the thighs up to about 175 proper temperature for poultry let's just keep cooking all right we've been about eight minutes time to check out these chicken breasts and thighs and see how they're looking so you got some moisture coming out that looks good smelling yeah wish I could smell them oh yeah we're getting there let's take out a little ways to go I want to see some color on them before we get them turn so this one's ready to flip we'll just flip that one over those look good oh yeah should have closed the lid keep an eye on them you want to go too far we're just going to keep letting them cook there's no set time for the chicken thighs or chicken breast this way we just want to watch it we don't want them to burn but we want them to caramelize to get some that good grill flavor that's what's really going to set these fajitas off there stay right here at the grill with them keep cooking them y'all just hang around and watch so we're just checking our chicken every few minutes keep an eye on it moving it needs to be moved we want to see it starting to charge kind of like these pieces here are that's what I know it's getting done we've still got a little ways to go on it so it's not really time to check the internal temp we just want to let it keep cooking just hit flame up close the lid so our chicken starts getting done we want to start watching the internal temperatures look about 165 these are this piece of chicken is done you don't want to overcook it we're going to watch these temps with our thermal pin we're going to get them off when they're ready all of our chicken is looking great we're looking for you know in the thickest part of the breast we want to see 165 this one's almost there 164 and our thighs we're looking for 175 so they're getting there they're about 166 in that one you look at the last few pieces of our chicken off here we're just going to cover it with a little foil leave it on the platter let it rest while our chickens rest if we're going to get a cast iron skillet good and hot that's what we're going to do our vegetables look close the lid on a minute while I grab the veg I'm just starting with a little olive oil I've got some different colored peppers some yellow bell peppers and white onion jalapeno we thinly sliced save that dude I'm just dumping it all on our veg is going to cook down sweat down but we're going to put some seasoning on it too so we've got the same fajitas season that we use I'm just giving a good dose okay a little bit more olive oil we'll just take our tongs and work it around a little you want the heat to sweat it down the big cast iron flat skillet really works great for when you're making feed is on the grill how awesome is that all those colors those vegetables are going to be great with a chicken let's close the lid on it get some heat for fajita shells I've just got some of these small six-inch flour tortillas I'm going to do it just like they do in a restaurant we're going to wrap them in a little full we're just going to place them on the side of the grill there one more month you just want the tortillas to steam a little in this aluminum full kind of soften them up they're gonna be great with these chicken fajitas let's get on the grill we'll just place this fajita shells right there get revenge a little stir see how they cook down jalapeno is going to bring a little heat peppers and onions sweet season is great on them now while our vegetables are softened up on the grill I'm gonna go ahead and get our chicken sliced up and I just like to cut it in little strips bite-sized pieces it would be perfect place on us tortilla shell chickens juicy excellent moisture coming out of it it's the whole thing about not overcooking it watch those internal temperatures it will turn out perfect every time we can apply to this right here so she's a ton of flavor moisture is there it's going to be awesome in fajitas now I'm just going to slide the chicken right back on this platter we'll go check on our vegetables I know they have to be done that's a lot of good fajita meat right there I know our shells are warm going to get them off give our vegetables the last stir they are looking bright let's scoot them all over to one side because you know what we'll hit that chicken right there beside it so we can bring them to the table sizzling I listened that sizzle and hit it with some lime juice right over the top I'm ready to get it off we're a heavy glove when you do this because I promise you this is hot hey this is what I call grilled family-style chicken fajitas how awesome does it look and it was so simple we started with some breasts and thighs there of the boneless skinless the butterfly those breasts a little bit just to get them to cook even and the breasts and thighs cooked about the same time we put together that real flavorful marinade it had to all the vinegar a little bit of Mexican beer that fajita seasoning and that's so easy to make with that AP rub let that hang out in the refrigerator fire it up our grill got the chicken on and we just cooked it kept an eye on it until they've got a really good char on the outside but we really watch those internal temperatures can't stress that enough 165 for the white meat 175 for the dark meat when the chicken got there we got our veg own you know you can use whatever you want there I'd like to sliced jalapeno some good sweet onion red and yellow bell pepper a little bit of olive oil and iron skillet just cook them till they got done sliced up our chicken scooted it all on the on the big iron skillet brought it to the table you can't forget these warm flour tortillas I'm going to show you how I like to build them first thing I'm starting with is my kicked up sour cream I took some mexican hot sauce a little fresh lime juice and some of the fajita season just started in some sour cream it just want a good dollop on on the bottom of that tortilla shell we put a few pieces of chicken down you don't have to overload it we got plenty of chicken here let's get some vegetables on there there we go that looks great got to have a little pico got to have a little extra cilantro for me if you like let us say go let us last thing little bit more that lines you squeeze across the top and hey that's a beautiful fajita grilled to perfection and so easy let's give it a try I'm good for four or five of them I guarantee it going back in on this one hey let the heat of season really brings a punch to that it kicks it up it's got this human the chili pepper is all that's in one bite smoked paprika I love it sour cream sauce excellent on you've got to try this grilled chicken fajitas at home recipe is super simple makes a lot of food so it feeds a big family be like what we're doing here how to barbecue right subscribe to our Channel it will let you know when we put out new videos we're trying to put them out all the time can also send us the questions and comments to Facebook and Twitter we love them we try to answer them all see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 389,173
Rating: 4.9635897 out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, Grilled Chicken Fajitas, chicken fajita recipe, recipe for chicken fajitas, fajita recipes, chicken fajita marinade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2017
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