Steak and Potatoes on the Blackstone Griddle | How to cook a steak on the Blackstone Griddle

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[Music] hey y'all and welcome back thank you for joining for supper that's right supper we're in the south i don't have dinner we have supper and you've seen the title we're gonna have steak and potatoes here we're having steak and taters gonna be super simple ain't a whole lot to this at all it's gonna be real quick and easy and we're gonna have some supper here in just a little bit so let's get started let's fire this thing up and show you some groceries let's get it fired up we'll go all four burners and these two burners i'm gonna go to about a medium and these two i'm gonna go to i don't know about a medium low right around in there that's where we're gonna set them now that is one very big advantage to having a 36 inch griddle you can have a lot of different heat zones as you see with one side a little higher one side a little cooler so if anybody ever asks what size griddle should i get i always say get the biggest one now here's the groceries like i said not very many now as far as the steaks we don't have rib eyes not t-bones not sirloin found these at the local store they're denver cut i've actually never had these i like the kind of marbling in them they look pretty good forgot to give them a try we diced up some russet potatoes back here uh we had some butter we're gonna use a little olive oil now as far as the seasonings go i figured chicken and herb would be really good on these potatoes and uh my wife decided some high plain steak for these steaks so let's get started y'all well there's that white smoke you know what that means time to get some groceries on the griddle let's throw down a little bit of olive oil so that's all over here add just a little bit of butter to it let's get them taters on here [Music] get them good and mixed up get some that oil on everything [Music] let's hit them with some seasoning now [Music] get this chicken and herb on here just some good good stuff [Music] i'm gonna tell you what that chicken nerve smells amazing on this riddle [Music] mix things up a little bit [Music] all right let's kind of put everything kind of in a pile here [Music] grab your dome cover them up now the reason i went ahead and put potatoes on they're going to take longer cooking than these steaks these steaks ain't gonna take long at all so we got to get potatoes a little head start all right we got the potatoes going get a little head start on these steaks but now we gotta get the steaks ready let's put a little olive oil on them we're gonna give them a light drizzle with olive oil just kind of cover them up rub them in there let's add that seasoning to them now don't want to go super heavy because i do want to be able to taste that steak they might let you see them [Music] that's looking good [Music] kind of take and get some on the sides make sure both sides are coated good [Music] now i'm going to tell you like i tell you when i do barbecue i don't rub i just pat so i just tap the seasoning into it like that you can kind of just get the seasoning off the cutting board onto the ends it got looking really good right there let's check on potatoes oh yeah that's hooking up good [Music] the thing will kind of spread them out a little bit maybe put a little more butter on them let's add some more butter here and there [Music] now we got the taters kind of cooking up good let's go and throw our steaks on now you know i've covered them in olive oil but i'm gonna go ahead and put down some butter here on the griddle kind of cook them in there we go look at that that's hot put steaks on [Music] as you see this grill is very hot and what's gonna happen is it's gonna crack kind of sear the outside and that's what we want [Music] man that potato is cooking up right nicely and just look at these steaks over here y'all man there's gonna be some good eating here in just a little bit let's stir the taters real quick all i'm trying to do on these potatoes is just kind of soften them up a little bit cook them until whatever doneness you like your potatoes done too i'm not looking for a good mushy potato i'm just looking for a good soft potato [Music] so i do think i'm gonna cut this side down to low now so now the sour petals that's on low besides my steak sauce on a medium medium low speaking of steaks let's check them out give these things a flip man look at that crust on them steaks right there look at that look at that now that looks good i said we add a little butter on top [Music] look at that kind of smear that butter in there like that [Music] man just look how the mistakes are turning out these potatoes they don't have long now i don't know how you like your steaks we like ours like a medium rare around here so we're shooting for a temperature about 135. let's see what we got here i know we're not close yet but we can always check i don't know that's about 115 right there 114 this in here's 109. getting there but not quite let's turn our players up again [Music] now a little tip i learned from a great hungry hussy is to flip your steaks more than once and what that does is you know that little gray area and then it turns pink and then gray that keeps more pink in there not so much gray so let's flip them again man at that crust man oh man i say we'd have some butter on them again [Music] y'all we're gonna have us a good steak dinner here in just a little bit all right it's been about another i don't know four or five minutes let's check see what the stakes are at [Music] 134 oh 145 time to pull them [Music] it's time to pull these takes up [Music] man look at those look at those let's set them over here and check taters now the stacks are over there resting because they've been kind of busy let's see if these tatters are softened up like we want them let's see oh yeah look at that man yeah so grab your plate and take them up [Music] all right let's put these over here with the mistakes [Music] i tell you what we have an amazing meal right here in front of us then potatoes them steaks they're looking amazing look at all the juice coming out of these steaks y'all i mean that's the way i like my steak right there potatoes look amazing steaks look amazing let's cut into one of these steaks and see what it looks like [Music] let's get this one right here on the end y'all [Music] if you think about that right there that's the way i like mine just look at how pretty these steaks have turned out they are amazing see if i can focus here on these potatoes oh yeah these taters turned out good too well try this out oh man this man i don't believe you can go to a restaurant get one better than this [Music] home i got to savor this you know i cooked a lot of great things on the blackstone but i believe this is one of the best the highlands plain steak seasoning wherever it's at this high plain steak seasoning by blackstone is amazing it's really good as you see we've used it before we like it then potatoes we gotta try one out perfect that chicken and herb on the potatoes paired with this amazing steak is gonna be perfect for supper tonight oh i said this ain't probably the best way to cook steak it's the way we like to cook our steaks so let me know down below what seasoning you like to use um what how you like yours medium rare uh well done please don't say well done uh however you like it let me know so with that being said i gotta plate this up and i gotta feed the family and probably cook some more steaks here in just a little bit and i hope you enjoyed if you did hit that thumbs up it really helps us out there's also a join button down there if you're still sticking around and you feel like helping the channel out hit that join button we'd love to have you here with us if you don't that's no problem either just hit that thumbs up hit subscribe and just keep on watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Cooking with The Crazy Pop
Views: 20,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the crazy pop, blackstone griddle, cooking, fun, family, food, blackstone, griddle cooking, griddle, grilled, smoked, flat top, smashburgers, how to, how to cook a steak, how to cook a steak on the blackstone griddle, how to cook a medium rare steak, how to cook a medium steak, blackstone griddle recipes, blackstone griddle seasoning, blackstone recipes, potatoes on the blackstone griddle, potatoes on the blackstone, potatoes on the bbq
Id: _5Mvh8uUYtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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