The Real-Life 'Exorcism Of Emily Rose' Is Way Scarier Than The Movie

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the 70s were a big decade for Lucifer The Exorcist came out in late 73 Anton LaVey was really feeling himself with the growing popularity of his Church of Satan and his book The Satanic Bible was really hitting its stride this enigmatic mixture of satanic hysteria was a perfect storm that set up one of the most horrific cases of child abuse by way of religious ceremony and tradition in this video we'll uncover the violent truths that still shroud Anneliese in Michele's death and the 67 exorcisms she endured which inspired the exorcism of emily rose but before we get started now's a great time to subscribe to weird history leave us a comment and let us know what strange phenomenon or person you'd like us to cover next now let's go back to the mid 70s when casting demons out of people was as popular as disco an ELISA McHale was born on September 21st 1952 to a fairly normal Bavarian family in West Germany the Mikhail's were heavily into Catholicism but that wasn't all that surprising considering 70% of the almost 11 million residents were Catholic at the time still Lana Lisa's family was more religious than most her parents forced her and her three sisters to go to Catholic Mass twice a week her mother in particular pushed her to pray and devote as much extra time as possible towards religious devotion according to the doctors an ELISA met with later she developed neurosis related to religious iconography as a result of punishments inflicted upon her as a young girl remember this diagnosis as it'll come into play later still as religiously oppressive as the Mikael House was Anna Lisa's friend said she was initially a great student showed strength and language study and was happy and playful the constant helicopter parenting and strict religious upbringing she had to endure would come back to haunt the family almost literally several years later whether it was possession or Mental Illness Annalise's condition began rather gradually over a period of years while at school one day in 1968 a then 16 year old annalisa unexpectedly blacked out for a few minutes during this first documented blackout her classmate said she fell into a trance-like state an ELISA says she didn't remember the event and claimed she was fine after the ordeal but the same night she woke up feeling like there was a presence pressing heavily down on her body and then with the bed and Lisa's parents kept her home the following day and it seemed like it was a one-off occurrence an ELISA said she felt fine and she was until August of 1968 less than a year later annalisa experienced a similar episode and was taken to a local hospital to determine what had happened her doctor dr. Vox referred her to a neurologist dr. Siegfried Luthi after an examination and a series of tests dr. Luthi couldn't find anything wrong with her brain function physically an ELISA seemed completely healthy a clean bill of health it wasn't until sometime in February of 1970 that an ELISA experienced a third event after catching tuberculosis and spending months in a hospital and ELISA had her third blackout when the other patients in the hospital found out she had wet her bed during her blackout they openly mocked her and excluded her from any group activity this third blackout was different though an ELISA said she saw colors heard sounds and experienced feelings of euphoria while praying with her rosary beads after more tests a second neurologist dr. von hallor diagnosed her with epilepsy and prescribed her medication that's when Anna Lisa's condition got worse analiza eventually returned to school later in 1970 but now she was depressed and withdrawn around her friends and a lot of it had to do with the fact that the frequency of her seizures increased her doctor's visits offered no insight into where the root of her seizures were coming from which only compounded her family's frustration with a situation and ELISA pressed on though she threw herself into researching Catholicism while finishing up high school and in 1973 she enrolled at the University of würzburg to become a teacher she continued to take medication during this time but her condition was rapidly worsening by mid 73 annalisa experienced hallucinations while praying and believed she was damned she was obsessed with the idea that the devil was inside her and began to see a priest along with her doctors by late 73 annalisa strange behavior and erratic symptoms kicked into overdrive her parents took her out of college and kept her confined mostly to her bedroom it was during this time when she started taking tegretol an anti-seizure drug and mood stabilizer it should also be noted that at this time and Lisa said she heard a knocking in her bedroom her sister's confirmed that they heard the knocking as well she also said she heard a voice that would regularly damn her to hell despite taking her daily cocktail of neuroleptic medications and Elise's symptoms worsened she started growling like an animal she saw demons and she exhibited hulk-like strength to the point that she'd throw her sister around the house like a rag doll she'd also liquor urine off the floor chew coal rip her clothes off and eat insects she found around the house religious items like crucifixes and holy water also drove her mad her mother said she once caught an ELISA staring at a framed portrait of the Virgin Mary she said her daughter's eyeballs were 100% jet-black this all sounds like the classic symptoms of what the church would consider demonic possession Anna Lisa's family eventually asked several local priests for an exorcism but the men declined and encouraged the Macau's to continue with the traditional medical treatment she was already receiving besides it wasn't that easy a Catholic exorcism required the bishops permission sometime in September of 1973 the Michels met father Ernst alt a local priest who upon meeting Anna Lisa almost immediately said she didn't look like an epileptic and claimed she wasn't suffering from seizures father alt was convinced she was possessed by demons and got the local bishop to give permission for the exorcism Bishop Joseph Stangl eventually granted father Arnold Renz permission to exercise an ELISA in compliance with the ritual romanum of 1614 but ordered the exorcism to be done in complete secrecy while wrens performed Annalise's first exorcism on September 24th 1975 she began to talk about dying to atone for the wayward youth of the day and the apostate priests of the modern church eventually she stopped eating because she said she was not permitted to anymore by this point Anneliese as parents gave up consulting doctors and cut her off her medication instead they relied solely on the exorcisms 67 exorcisms and all over at an 11 month span in 1975 and 1976 to be exact it wasn't unusual for annalisa to endure two sessions a week some sessions lasting up to four hours and in audio recordings from the sessions you can clearly hear análisis distorted guttural voice she growls like a wild beast and you can hear the utterances she made in response to the religious ritual and these all sound super creepy the gruesome audio recordings during our exorcisms also reveal that father's wrens and alt talked to six spirits allegedly possessing an ELISA these spirits or personalities if that's what they were made up a murderer's row of evil incarnate Lucifer Judas Iscariot Nero Cain Hitler and Valentin Fleischman a disgraced Frankish priest from the 16th century given analyzes history with religion in her obsession with Christian teachings there were later theories that annalisa chose these figures intentionally it's almost impossible not to agree despite being pretty much skin and bones at this point an ELISA still had to be held down while her exorcisms took place this abuse along with a lack of medical treatment and food or water took a toll on her body and she died at home on July 1st 1976 on her death certificate it read that an ELISA ultimately died of malnutrition and dehydration though her autopsy revealed she also had fractured teeth two black eyes and bruises on her hands arms and wrists she also had broken knees and numerous wounds on her body fathers alton Ren's as well as analyzes parents face trial for a negligent homicide in 1978 the priest boldly maintained the exorcism was successful and liberated annalisa from the demons possessing her alt even doubled down and insisted that some of Annalise's wounds that were documented in her autopsy were the stigmata the evidence didn't line up though and Annalise's alleged demonic possession wasn't enough to sway the German courts three-judge panel all parties were found guilty but their sentences varied Alton wrens were charged with manslaughter and given six months in prison with suspended sentences Annalise's parents received no punishment as the German legal system deem they had experienced enough suffering so there's really only one main question to ask and it's an important one was analyzing Mikael possessed by Satan or some other dark sinister force what was she suffering from an undiagnosed mental illness let us know what you think of the comments below and while you're at it check out some of these other videos of all you nerd industry [Music]
Channel: Weird History
Views: 3,458,017
Rating: 4.8795481 out of 5
Keywords: The Exorcism of Emily Rose, True Story of The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Emily Rose, Anneliese Michel, Weird History, Demonic Possession, Real Life Exorcism, True Story, Catholic Exorcism, German History, 1970s, Bavarian History, Demon, University of Würzburg, Father Ernst Alt, Bishop Josef Stangl, Father Arnold Renz, Lucifer, Judas Iscariot, Nero, Cain, Valentin Fleischmann, Medical treatment, negligent homicide, Stigmata, Today I learned, Drunk History, Satan and the Demons
Id: JDTnPxekoxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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