Staying Overnight in the World's LARGEST Inflatable

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today i'm gonna be staying in the world's largest bounce house overnight but i can't have this place all to myself i gotta bring the boys hello we got moochie and johnny here if you guys can last overnight with me here you will both be winning a thousand dollars if i get out before tomorrow overnight everyone gets to shoot me with a paintball gun let's get a tour of our new home we have candy canes i hate candy canes behind me we have our own maze that is amazing aha the running squad we have our own treadmills 100 more laps johnny we have our own slides here we have a rock wall wayne wall a wrecking ball get wrecked nerd another rock wall but boys obviously we're staying here overnight but we have zero supplies pretty much zero chance of survival especially with how cold it gets at night it's winter time man we're gonna be shivering so the way we're gonna be getting supplies today is through different challenges we're gonna compete against each other whoever does the best we'll get the best supply whoever it is the worst we'll get the worst supply for the first challenge we are jousting up there it's gonna be painful first place we'll get this box second place that one third place that one you get first place you have to get three wins all right count us down three two one go hello [Applause] what is this fair all right mitchell ah three two one goes oh not enough power whoa why do i keep getting pushed into the crevices oh i did get bullied he tackled me scared him mitchell yes this sport is just not built for someone like you you know i was injured during the jousting part in p.e so i never got you missed that segment man what school did you go to you can open number three all right man's got a thin blanket this is your sleeping bag all right johnny case number two hey this is looking like an actual sleeping bag let's go all right dude my box is full i got a pillow let's go i got a blanket let's go i got a sleeping bag oh i'm ready bro it's gonna get freezing you keep your thin blanket get your hands off my nice wool singular blanket you got three [Music] are you boys hungry starving i'm pretty hungry too for this round we're playing for food and water to survive through the night we're gonna be doing an obstacle course this is what it looks like it's basically a big u i'll see you guys the best time first this one's an actual legit challenge in three two one no way no way he's that fast no way no way 20 seconds are you the flash we're eating tonight baby he is starving he said he was starving to figure out how you did that 20 seconds johnny odds are stacked up against you in three two one go i don't know oh my god 20.11.5 you're insane john i even fell no y'all know my specialty is childhood games anything for a five-year-old i'm great three two one he's already over here 58. i'm the fastest man alive i'm the fastest and alive oh my god i've never ran so fast in my life impossible dude i thought i did amazing this one i was like not getting third place this time fantastic effort you know what it's health season boys i'm not mad at this you know if this is not bad at all i'm scared for what you guys gonna do i have the goldfish the full size gatorade the ritz three granola bars the lunchables with the oreo you got me hey what do i have dude honestly johnny oh my god yeah i got a whole ass charcuterie board yeah you want to sleep over or what yeah you want some hawaiian sweet rolls oh yeah too bad big goldfish i'm gonna start setting up this is all i have i am actually starving i don't like sleeping alone so i'm gonna move in with my neighbor maybe we'll sleep together who knows all right i gotta find home base i wanna sleep with a dream catcher sleeping under charlie a little in the open but that's okay i don't want the boys to know where i put my food i know these dudes everyone's a scavenger i'm a scavenger i might steal their food you never know i always sleep with a snack that smiles back next to me i'm free it's usually hump free but tonight it's the goldfish it's time to rest up before the next challenge i won the first two challenges i'm gonna keep going with that keep putting the pressure on them be on their heads gotta fuel up we're gonna throw tomatoes at jessie already after the first challenge awesome mitchell staying overnight i've decreased seventy percent i put him at 30 percent right now if he loses another challenge and has more supplies it might be over for him did they just throw a tomato at me are they throwing tomatoes this means war people think i don't fight back you hit my camera man leave my camera out alone hey johnny was stealing my tomatoes false throw those tomatoes at me i didn't he has all of them yeah the next challenge boys why are you so wet i spilt my water you know i'm just having a rough time out here today for the next challenge we have a hoop here so we're going to be playing a game of pigs trick shots and now it's actually only like 5 30 but daylight savings just happened no one likes daylight savings it's pitch black out so it's gonna start getting really cold soon what are they feeding the daylight for for real but we're playing for worn clothing you're going to want to win this one especially for you because you just got the thin blade you can go first i almost didn't catch it it's gonna be the toughest part of this thing i got packed by this little bear butter oh my spleen need more power let's go you gotta draw contact from eyeball that's a foul don't hurt moochie we're just shooting from up here my house but i got a blick on me i'm gonna shoot from that screen so we got a defender here no way bro's about to shoot me out of the game channeling my kyle korver oh no there we go hey i'm going for the dunk no you did it i definitely made that let's go it worked [Music] my legs cannot do that definitely not staying here if you break a leg oh you got it let's go that's crazy all right this one's called the aggressive reverse layup so you must jump here finish on the other side hey this is a tough shot if you can't jump too high oh no i can't lose right here oh good job all pi gonna think johnny's stolen slimy neighborhood rats i'm scared shoot on the middle one yes elimination oh yes i've taken the victory in pigs so ronnie and mitchell gonna have shot per shot see who is second and third first one to miss loses shoot on these hoops here we go here we go second place here baby johnny last place mitchell congratulations finally let's check out first man i'm on a roll i'm gonna be extremely comfortable is this a winter coat i think it is we got some sweatpants fuzzy socks a beanie and tights yeah it just keeps going oh nice i got a sweater and sweats not bad at all not bad not bad just a shirt loki already got the sweats on though so i'll be honest no winter coat johnny did it no winter coat oh yeah baby i needed to win at least middle place and i'm gonna be matching they're calling these blue face you also got a new blankie i did i did get a new blanket how did i get this he said he's gonna think that johnny took it he's framing you i'm so happy right now i've won every single challenge i feel like zach father like son no son like father trying to make my boy zac proud i already know once i come up with the jazzy socks they're going to be so jelly bro i literally have grit on the bottom nice i saw mitchell by my tent okay it looks like all my food's here blueberry i just wanted to check out your crew this is my boy charlie the clown he's my dream catcher my pillow charlie got punched in the face he's gonna turn into a rain cloud i have so much food i didn't even know what they tint i'm zipping this up i would be salty too with the dude who's won not one not two but every single challenge hater's gonna hate what a play second and third place just absolutely dominating first place right now that dude is fast i understand now why he got 16 seconds protein bar since five shower baby [Music] i know i haven't been putting the six pack stuff in the videos but i'm gonna make one big video i'm dropping december first of six pack by december you're gonna see it gonna be like wow that's a nice six-pack what's you up to that was all johnny dude i wanna talk real well are you good what do you want it is time for quite possibly the most important challenge of the night inside the boxes are tents what we're gonna be doing is holding this tray and taking turns walking across the top if all of your cups fall you're eliminated i'm going oh my god oh you guys made it look a lot easier oh no i see why you went with one hand johnny watch out the dog behind the seagull i can't see oh wait for round two you must stack your cup all right yeah it's your boy everett emra got this johnny why is it so unstable for me it feels round three is like this i'm slipping my balance all right uh hey hey hey back there oh my goodness dang it you got this johnny go slow this is another level of life i never thought i'd be here stay in last place i'm lonely down here just take these i lost one cup so if he does it right here he could win go slow johnny already loki moving go slow low keep tilting off stay on that oh damn it another one i'm undefeated now i'm open mine first got myself nice little tent right here hey i got bold hell yeah both and the ten two i got a four person ten i got a two man you get mitchell a box just a box yeah another thing in there nothing i have a box i could sleep in there boys this tent one was the last challenge to get supplies so now the only thing left is to be here overnight until the morning when we are allowed to leave so now we just do whatever we want set up our tents get comfy we're gonna be here for a minute i'm cold i'm freezing yeah see they lowkey have to set up tents look at them they gotta read while i get a ball quick set up 10 minutes see if that's true all right so this is the outside of the tank all right so turns out you need to stake this into the ground and also i'm like the worst at putting pens together i mean it looks easy but i don't think i could do it with just myself so i'm gonna just use this as an extra blanket pretty weather resistant so if it rains it rains at least i got this on me i'm asleep directly under it inside the sleeping bag so i'll be good to go i don't know about this guy he's going to be one new strategy what the heck that's a floor i'm going to pull the sleeping bag over it and then pull the tarp up here and it will all come together tent wasn't really working too well i think you need to stake it into the ground so i just gave up i'm an indoor boy so i'm gonna just turn this into my tent it's gonna be sick yes no i'm reassessing i'll see you in 20 minutes my phone dies so i have a bull back there's an outlet right there oh my god i didn't even see you there welcome to my crib ow it's a tent it's not a basketball loop i actually regret setting up near them but i turned this into my house honestly i got all the warm clothes i got the most blankets someone stole my blanket by the way we're not gonna ignore that um i got all my goods down here all the foods for the night and yeah this is my crate i like it here it is now 10 o'clock they turned off the lights for the inflatable bounce houses are still here that'll be fun to make some s'mores invited the boys to the tent welcome to casa day bucket squad oh look at that that's fire hell yeah oh god oh my gosh we'll tell our kids we went camping sit around the fire in our world's largest inflatable bounce house that's gross just eating charcoal is delicious i didn't like that my only source of water yeah i should have realized that was pretty warm it's the only warmth we have all right because um where's this over with yeah all right so this is an overnight challenge and trav's been filming the video he's not staying overnight so i will take this from you all righty oh wait no we should do one more challenge bro one more challenge yo yo where's he going you're my ride wait what do you mean you drove me here are you leaving that's a thousand are you serious okay this is just like a compound video and we stayed overnight there it was me and johnny literally the only few people willing to stay let's go all right i'm not really ready to go to sleep let's go mess around this massive bounce house is in a parking lot so they still have like the parking lot lights on so we got a little bit of light we're going to mess around until we're tired it's like a running wall i got to try it you could do it no way oh one of us has to get this i've been wearing a wrist thing for a while now and it's actually a five thousand pound weight it's been holding me back when i unleash it i'm a different beast four thousand pounds whoa i'm sad that's impossible we'll just edit it you know no way johnny is gonna try to jump over this wall and this wall at the same time there's the hole there oh is that what you're trying to do broke you slide you could slide do that hole i want to try this i'm good it is time to go to sleep my nose is so cold it feels like an icicle like i'm walking around with an icicle my nose gotten larger so cold i have to be all the way inside my sleeping bag dude you need to double up on that thing you're laying on lucky i need to wrap myself like a chipotle burrito all right y'all gonna try to catch some z's i wake up in the middle of the night i'll update y'all peace hello there bad news it's [ __ ] cold it's sweat everywhere water just fell on me also bad news the sun isn't up yet it's still night time right now basically it's 5 50. ronnie johnny where's the sun where is the sun it's so wet guys look at this it is so everything is so wet like the condensation he's doing a madness today it's literally a slip and slime i'm going back to my room until the sun comes up how you feeling are you cold my fingers are about to fall off my ears are cold it sucks you don't have a beanie the daylight people the sun is rising the bubbles be bubbling i gotta hit the slide for the one time the slip and slide bro we should have slept up here yay we are out this thing yay well it's largely inflatable we are done johnny's won a thousand i don't have to get shot by paintball ladies and gentlemen if you didn't enjoy this video please leave a like down below subscribe to the channel if you aren't already subscribed we'll see you the next one take it easy peace
Channel: Jesser
Views: 1,548,316
Rating: 4.9102077 out of 5
Keywords: world's largest inflatable, inflatable city, largest inflatable, staying overnight in inflatable, spending the night in inflatable city, world record inflatable, 24 hour, 24 hour challenge, overnight challenge, inflatables, jesser, 2hype
Id: LI4uj9ulHQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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