Last To Leave Mini Basketball Court Wins EPIC PRIZE

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there's gonna be five different rounds today and in each round one person will be getting eliminated until there is one man surviving this is about to be a banger video so make sure you drop a like rating down below boys i know what you're all thinking jesse what is that massive thing in your pants i'm not sure we are playing for a signed vince carter frame picture that's it the winner of today's challenge will be getting this bad boy i'm not going to put it up there because i don't want it to get hit yo what is good is jeff hello i am moochie what up it's jesser yo what up it's zach hi i am johnny hello i am james for the first round we are doing a last to miss we're all gonna get two lives we're gonna shoot it on this cone and each time everyone makes it once we're gonna move the come back i'm gonna start it [Applause] hold that for that oh come on everyone shot it moving it back once oh my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hey hey let's push [Applause] i'm moving back watch mitchell is out but the rest of the guys have to hit their shots bringing me back i got two lives so i'm safe oh all right come on [Music] this is home but mitchell please leave the mini hoop court mitchell we actually need your help in round two boys i'm back no you're not back for round two we're playing simon says and mitchell you get to be simon simon says let me back he gets his son whoever wins is gonna be safe and they get to choose someone to be eliminated simon says line up on the half court line simon says everyone punch jeff simon says one squad [Music] simon says kumquat it's a reverse squat simon says half of you turn around i mean they did it simon says the two that turned around high five now high five the people to your right oh they're smart simon says johnny turn around all right simon says catch this ball simon says boys another ball catch it you boys are lucky right because first person to make a shot is exempt from next simon oh so close simon says last person to make a shot has to do a weird signing thing please bro all right jesse middle of the court all right jesse simon says make your shot all right simon says you have to attempt blocks on each of the contestants what kind of simon says is this simon says if jesse blocks you you're out if you dunk on him he's out you're fighting for your life wait what is this no no no no [Applause] there so jeff is confirmed congratulations jesse now you do also have to block the other three boys [Music] [Applause] says says round of applause simon says last person to make a shot is out okay james is safe jesse's safe oh exactly johnny you were the last person to make it you may go sit with jeff and simon said zach starts off with the ball first person to three points win simon says zach you have to pull up right now there's one point back [Applause] [Music] okay so it was two one two one now simon will uh be quiet simon says zach you're bald oh [Applause] before i make my decision just want to say that i appreciate each and every one of you for believing in me and for sticking with me throughout this whole ordeal i also want to say jesse you are safe james you are safe zach thank you you last two you guys are both very important to me but there's a decision that i have to make jeff i really don't like you but i like you slightly more than johnny so with that being said i need you to leave johnny you are safe [Music] jeff please pack yours yes unfortunately you have to leave the basketball court but i'm actually gonna have you come back in to help us with this next challenge the last person to score a point on jeff is being eliminated everybody else got a free layup i said i'd like you more than johnny oh there it is hey hold up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] unfortunately i'm gonna have to ask you to leave the basketball court great effort jeff got his revenge yeah yeah uh whoever's in come back come behind me dude boys for the next round it's a dunk contest each person is gonna have five attempts to make one a cool dunk and the boys who are out will decide who had the worst done because they will be eliminated [Music] all right here we go [Applause] i missed all my dunks i am trash johnny just used to me all right it was a tough decision for us we have come to the conclusion i think i speak for these guys when i say jesse sucks and he's eliminated jesse unfortunately you know what time it is i'm gonna have to ask you to leave the basketball court for the final round we are doing a 1v1 first to 11. johnny versus james [Applause] oh [Applause] um [Applause] oh [Applause] hold it in his face [Applause] oh oh [Music] congratulations james thank you performance hey shout out to christine auction for that by the way thank you guys so much for watching if you guys want to see us play 1v1 for presents and mystery prizes like that click up here check out that video it was a banger i'll see you in the next one take it easy and peace
Channel: Jesser
Views: 789,660
Rating: 4.9287443 out of 5
Keywords: mini hoop, last to leave minihoop court, last to leave, last to leave challenge, last to leave basketball court, basketball, basketball challenge, dunk challenge, last to leave wins mystery box, mystery box, zack ttg, jiedel, moochie, nba, nba signed poster
Id: DX6fbl6yG3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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