Surprising Friends With 100 Mystery Amazon Presents!

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ladies and gentlemen welcome welcome to a special video da dance act yo the munchies no like easy snacks relieves a cologne grow today I have a hundred presents and this time I got all my presents from Amazon and there's also little forfeits all the presents are from Amazon there are forfeit now as always when we do this video the worst is jump in the pool but there's a twist this time let's say I pulled jump in the pool couple turns later I pull swap an item jump in the pool is gonna be considering an item whoever has it at the end of the game has to jump in the pool without further ado James you're up first Ivy me feet if you touch a person you have to take it all right and open all the presents right here there are some empty boxes this was not one so do I get to keep this what I have to use squat one item of any player James you have no items that card is useless I can save it for later no is there any papers in here that would make me twerk Oh 100% the odds of you pull it back bro I'm watching every watches knee cap boy oh nothing ah Moby first of all I respect the drip fire my mind is from you in a rock-paper-scissors I beat you you get that material thank you Chris did you say this was a boss yeah you can take that doesn't it yeah you touched it whoa that's impressive what there's something I'd like to know what's on your board what are you talking about oh I just draw things do with anything with them that's not even right that's it Kenny's call of duty Katie why are you holding that I'm that's all like when your eyes are you holding that I'll let you choose boys i'ma let you choose me man the one right next to your right foot this one yes Chris I trust [Music] it's up to the flame Oh God all right already everyone pass all their gifts two times to the right you gotta feel it back oh no guys I'm sorry I'm go right here oh my gosh heavy it's a little heavy feels like a story I think I was just staring at the speaker I know if I know those colors Jamie oh hey [Laughter] item cuz if I got other good items when I can take the box which mine in Tyler talks I'm on that one but it's not worth it such a beautiful Tower of presence I can't I am touching this one what I'm touching the big one now the tower [Applause] wait one the and we Apple watch my gosh I get when I think there's no Apple watch so so mine it yeah I don't know what you just got Apple watch papers throw those bouncy balls though this is high key like why why roll get get a link gifts right now dude I want to take the box and I was gonna take those bouncy balls would you go home full ring I'm gonna go with your banana bike still whoa always paper in there boy not in the pool No I'm good you've been up for 200 all right good good over there banana wait is this over wait what there's another James back up to the plate Comeau how many oh my god Oh what an entrance duty went for the drop Oh what could it be J no way up to the Playboy whoa nan racist um let me go oh I like this one but it's so suspicious is my heavy so excited about his 4.0 it okay we got some paper [Music] speaking a British accent for the next two rounds [Music] do not give it to Zach two days they've got snacks dude I think these are outdated it's in everything as a Japanese so I can't see the expiration oh my god this is Japanese Halloween candy flavor oh my god [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] these are from Amazon yeah they knock off swap one item with any place you have your empty box and now we got some beats maybe just got a man my mom you get a super cool super cool box you didn't have your fifth-grade feel better I just till you said yo loser mine oh here paper boy Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] people denied on okay you are so busy roasting oh you forgot about our true enemy what is it oh they're like figure teaching these for your plus right here Paul Airport kzo o DS for pros you got no pros mopey I saw you try to do that flip into the present I'm gonna choose the thickest box I'm one of you [Applause] white privilege white privilege 4head oh you got to go ahead first oh it's tape swap all items with any player present all people need to stay together I don't want him to be alone and given to the best possible person who came I don't know what happened this speaker all right boys Mitchell is up they call me Siegel hi Siegel on why do they call you see the lockers I'm not quite evil on yet okay you're getting there yeah first you got the bunch of underwear that hit direct spinal cord all right single you know for the pink one Vienna's oh sorry paper paper hi baby hi baby hi your favorite could be bad man another swallow you jump in the pool Pennywise said get the pink one you listen all right let the balls to if you don't choose the balls fellas balls are gonna choose you okay okay okay gross person to your right get oh yeah boy you did it Joe mother impor stealer ship merchandise can I use your phone I need to use Google Maps yeah I'm still trying to find his bottom teeth [Music] [Music] Wheldon boxes are strong in the flowers yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's go for something good oh my pants your pants did [Applause] oh okay come on seagull I swap an ID on player to your left I'll be nice I'll be nice no Mitchell okay completely okay with this take these someone who doesn't know in any of these okay Oh Pizza sucks those are pairs of socks pants it's actually pretty cool Chris bro your side hey I like these Oh Oh do a freestyle rap okay banana CB peelings okay all night long ah once I take redeye that I what yeah cool and calm like a Jedi [Applause] [Music] salvations hairball it might be a target Apple watch wait somebody say target Apple watch our mystery target Apple watch here what Rose is my spider in a box it's awesome trade with me Oh bro that USB mic looks dope bro I'm good living in 2040 right now sure bid to round Oh still right up anybody what no way and though is this yes no not the spider in a box the obvious pick would be to go to beats but I do have a lot of headphones Mitchell I'm saying keep those I'm safe why don't you get wait would you know go crazy Kenny okay maybe something no no no spit the socks look good on you some Enya what here's something at the bottom of there oh I see something down there Katie I want you to grab that for all your items with mopey no no no no no I love an item with the player to your right right oh man you want um expired Halloween candy or expired Halloween candy really candy you really just lost him but you can even have eaten item really not hot in this room but the conveyor on the TV is making us subconsciously think on whatever it likes no me Lance [Applause] we're gonna telekinetically pick a box of it okay that one yeah what you described you guys wanna know what this is it's pool I'm telling you but I'm gonna switch it with Kenny once I get the change all right what is the pay per second one is choose a player - rock paper scissors with winner takes atoms from loser Tyler you're safe you spared my life thank you what make it alliances why are you trying to hide your speaker's rear leg plane is high bounty my hat's off to get this your ass off your ass off to get some eggplant value challenge you I'll go with Kenny cuz he has a blue shirt no you go with Kenny cause a dumb are you gonna ready up Rock Paper Scissors shoot let's go on paper again rock show okay sing everything you say for the next round it was pretty good Hey so go ahead I'm saying what occurs I'm surprised you can sing like the [ __ ] [Music] right here don't which one of these making that man oh my god I'm gonna kill myself yo whoa he's hungry oh my god yo Space Jam song actual Space Jam oh it's definitely gotta be the pool yeah sorry fam okay this is he doing the Pennywise whoa you want this for your hands speaking of vampire but goddamn needy I go and wake up in the morning yes I'm very horny when I wake up in the morning and then I just go about my day and here we are this is what I say I'm a magnificent singer Kinney's KD is point six [Applause] would you fix the big would you get it you know I happen to just buy one of these last week really it's actually kind of sucks what is it what is it we just bought this like a week ago that's your turn down row we counseling anyway man yeah but we boys not see me no not tag-team yeah it's a per meal blankie [Music] why do you keep saying Amazon they're all from Amazon okay blood oh my god he's still talking like this wait wait longer to pick a present you know open your present and that's why people push you a problem all right jeez man with the plate I got an alien ball thing so hi occasional fellas ready to go jesse was wrong this video Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] hi Tyler but you have been getting less today [Music] what is that divine eagle open it up boy charging cables and a break yeah where'd you get the fan hi ray so crazy good fire swap items with the player whoa swap all items with the fighter tear right [Applause] [Applause] all right so you've got a brand new binoculars yep you got a yeah come to us be one can fridge top item [Music] [Music] just like when you can punch with your finger like a punchy buyer I have a lot of anger as you see sauce comes to you [Music] nothing man's a bunch of nunya all right Chris give up the lid [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no paper we paperweight hey would you get miss hottest gummy bear oh world's hottest gummy bear my little nitrous to it oh oh are you good no no no no my lip is like literally very well I'm not only lying I can't move out okay meat are like my life I can't even talk if you touch it you have to your Wow nah Wow no that is nothing to do this Jesse you gotta try great try this it's literally like yeah you got the piece right here oh my god [Applause] Oh Oh swamp it item with the player to your left what you guys that know what I got this item right mother yeah what are you scheming bro yeah man oh it's a Big Mama undies I like you what are you looking for it nothing what are you looking for in your binoculars no I mean looking at this direction trying to find a better card player but I think it's time you pull one come on seagull I all right Mitchell would you get up Oh what is it group tapes back screen group takes that board to be me get the backboard then is that what I let my thirst yes [Music] [Music] [Music] was in their emergency Underpants one pair take two extra presents next turn oh no that's not good there's twerk in pool at you the pool is on the way [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh what is it wacky waving inflatable tube guy so last turn Zack got a piece of paper that says he has to take an extra two presents this round three presents right now and jump in the pool still in there number one I kind of sound like sorry I think I think it's good come on oh my god toilet paper boy or by the pool what could it be minecraft dunno that's fire present no I'm from a girl here this chapter Goldie is empty I think it's itchy I think you sleep see Lily three four three four three it's nothing oh there are one two three four five presents level two three four five [Music] no no yes take what I do from Kenny slimy Stan yeah no I go bad Kenny no you enjoy this hey man Oh take the bugs up oh oh poor peasants less there are two bad ones that we know of which one forgive them where you think about the more like the articles of stick wait but this whole ants work think of me no one asks you to pick anything that's worth I saw you why are you not begging for him to like damn I want to see Chris twerk all right we have three presents left ladies and gentlemen this is that one for you this is actually hard I told you so you got you you got it I had some another 83% chance I feel like gold good luck so I'm gonna go for this one Jason's the type to go I told you big box over the big box this paper this paper [Music] [Music] choose someone to skip their next two turns what look what I just make please Mitchell first Rick what are you hungry for first off but Sekulow Rick we're talking about lunch tomorrow you're gonna be feeling really good you're gonna be you're gonna be having a great day tomorrow can I have a backward on me like James those you dinner right or he's gonna threaten their why you holding this I got I got three dinners on me three dinners three dinners we got you [ __ ] the whole weekend weekend dinners on me what and this speaker case okay those [ __ ] I bought you the dinner not gonna sell you owed you dinner because there's not other kind of heart oh yeah you [Applause] speaker I'm gonna skip what is your decision that's Chris don't don't listen to James Thank You cap last this and you you tomorrow I won't hurry smelling that [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] Oh what does it say no you would have made me if I didn't say if I'd if I stood there told me to go up did last time no you really did yeah you under said anything you snake oh [ __ ] no James it's not a burrito my exact enough you're the only person on the good list Brett oh my god [Applause] yeah I did thank you guys so much for watching this video if this gets a hundred thousand likes I will make the prizes twice as let is this video so let's see if you guys can do that make sure to check out the other present videos pop it up I'll see you guys next time Fe
Channel: Jesser
Views: 3,499,484
Rating: 4.9462423 out of 5
Keywords: mystery boxes, Jesser, 2hype, dont open the wrong mystery box, presents, gifts, opening 100 mystery boxes
Id: SDHD-Ad3lQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 31sec (4411 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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