Alaska Bucket List

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We just went to Alaska. We raced ATVs, jet skis, and dogs. We found gold, climbed a glacier, and almost fell. We rafted, bears fought, and yeah, we met Santa. Welcome to Bucket List. [THEME MUSIC] All right, guys, we are all geared up. We're about to hop in the helicopters. Going about a six-minute ride, all the way to the top of the glacier, to go dog sledding. [DOG BARKS] Any of you ever ride a dog sled before? No. First-timers. Yeah? Quick details, this is your dog sled. This here is your handle. You got to place both hands on it, hold on to it tightly. And hold on for dear life. And in between your legs, you'll have this black mat. That creates drag. So if you press pressure on it, it will slow you down a little bit. You only need to stop when we tell you to stop or if you're about to drive off the glacier. [LAUGHTER] How do you make them turn? You can yell out the command, haw, and that'll make them go left. Or yell out the command, gee, and it'll make them go right. I get my left and rights mixed up. He's in trouble. I'm hyped, Zoe's hyped, let's go. Dogs are obviously very excited. They start barking a lot when it's nearing go time. It's kind of like calling shotgun. All right, who wants to go with me? [BARKING] This is up there with the coolest things I've ever done, and I haven't even started. [BARKING] Hey, hey, hey, Luke. Oh, watch out. Fore. [LAUGHS] Oh, what an amateur. [LAUGHS] Just had a runaway sled. I'm not going to lie. I didn't know we're about to start. First time. What a save. Yeah, that was an incredible catch. I'm sorry about that. You're OK. All right, baby, let's do this thing. [MUSIC PLAYING] [CHORTLES] Let's go. Woo-ee. Welcome to Alaska. Woo-hoo. [BARKING] Gosh, this is awesome. I'm telling you what, that was one of the coolest-- So sick. I mean, just to wind, the snow, the dogs barking, this atmosphere, unbelievable. What a day. [HELICOPTER BLADES THUMPING] [BANJO MUSIC] I've got 30 pounds of pizza in my lap right now from the Moose's Tooth. [CHEERING] Oh, yes. Yes. The output's as good as I thought it was. Very hot, hot, hot on the mouth. Ah, the roof of the mouth. Yeah, I just burned it off. Huh-ho, there's gold everywhere, boys. Wow, smells like gold. You guys really left me a path to get out here. Ty had one request our entire trip to Alaska, gold mining. Here we are. He's guaranteeing that he comes back with the biggest nugget you've ever seen. Realistically, the other guys don't find gold, (WHISPERING) but I will be finding gold. It is a complete fail if we don't leave Crow Creek mine $10,000 richer. Each or total? No, each. If we every own a yacht one day, just know it was because of today. Yeah, this was why. And if we do, I'm ready, because I'm wearing boat shoes. [LAUGHTER] OK? So we're good. These yahoos are about to go waste half a day looking for gold. I'm going straight to the gift shop. Check that out. Do you have gold found from the mine? We do. They're right here, these gold nuggets. Folks, time is money. Someone's already spent days, weeks, maybe months looking for gold. It's been found. And we're going to buy it. And we're going to save a half a day. Callum, have you ever watched somebody get an impressive amount of gold? I have. Usually find like $25 to $50 of gold for like 30 minutes of work. It's all about volume. Dude, I am a shoveling machine. You say volume, I will get you volume. I'm actually going to hide the gold flake in Tyler's little pan. And we're going to watch him collectively lose his mind. You guys want to see what a gold flake looks like? Look at that gold flake, brother. All right, so the flake is in Ty's pail, but he's got to fully commit to cleaning her out. Oh, thought I had one. What's going on, guys? We've got a classic sluice box situation here. Ty, who has already dug up some dirt with gold in it, of course, comes over, drops a little bit here at the beginning. The heavier stuff, including the gold, sinks down through the pan, which catches it as the water runs across. And by the end of the day, you're rich. It's crazy how easy it is. Shocking more people aren't here. All right, so one of my fears just came true. I snuck the Nugget into Ty's little sifting dish, and he went ahead and just tossed the whole loot into the river. So the nugget is now gone. Yeah, that's on me, boys. Moment of truth. (SHOUTING) Oh! (JOINING IN) Oh! Whoa. Gold, bros, we're rich. We got specks everywhere. Oh, yes, let's go. Oh, that's awesome. It's got to go in our vial. Look at that beauty. That's gold. Think I'm going to need a bigger vial, if you know what I mean. Fellas, today is when our lives change forever. I have absolutely no idea where it is. (WHISPERING) Because TT came prepared. It was in my pocket, and I never even unzipped it. But I don't want to bring it up now, because they got really mad at Cody for buying a $400 gold nugget. And mine was $800. So I think we just don't tell them until the video comes out. It was $1,100. Oh, it was? Yeah. Yeah. Maybe they just find out when the video comes out. Or we go look for it and see if we can find it. Or it's still here somewhere. Oh, it's definitely-- it's got to be here. Who knows? You have no idea. No, no clue. It was in my front chest left pocket the whole time. Did you take it out and you're pranking me? No, I really didn't. First shopping pit stop here in Alaska, Bass Pro, one of our longest partners, about to gear up before we all had our separate ways. Just grab the essentials. First up, candy section. This is nice because it kind of limits you. Except that's going to limit us too much. So we're going to go here. Should I jump in for old time's sake? Anybody got a mermaid tail? I'm going fly fishing. Why wouldn't I wear a shirt that says "fish." Lemon Drops, top five. Sour Gummy Worms, top five. Could ward off the bears with it, mountain lions, like in Parent Trap. [BEEP] I honestly can't wait to get out there. Going to be a good time. [MUSIC PLAYING] Sheep Mountain Traffic, helicopter 868, radar 44, picking up on Sheep Mountain Lodge. Going to be southwest towards Blue Glacier, Sheep Mountain. Sick. So have you ever spent the night on the glacier up here? Oh heck yeah. Yeah? In for a treat, huh? Oh yeah. Matanuska Glacier, straight ahead. Wow. Holy cow. That is sick. 27 miles long, 4 miles wide, 500 to could be a couple-thousand feet thick. Nobody knows. Nobody knows how deep it goes? Nobody knows how deep it goes. I've seen it crack 400 or 500 feet deep. I mean, there was no bottom. No bottom. It just went into darkness. I mean, I landed the heli, just peered over the edge, nothing. Check this out. Oh my gosh. That is insane. All right, gents, here is Glacier Camp. [HELICOPTER BLADES THUMPING] I think it's going to be a good camping trip. We should do a polar plunge. Would you? I'll do it. If you do it, I'll do it. You will? Yeah, I guess. What are the chances? 100% chance of Alaska. Can we jump in the blue lake? Definitely. It's my good friend Warren. He is the brother of Jerry Senderson. I'm telling you right now. True fact. This guy inspired the Jerry character. All day, every day, baby. Hoo. Woo. Hoo. See what I mean? Got the crampons and harnesses. Just once we put these on, remember, don't step on anything. Kick flips and ninja moves also become off limits. Once you're on a rope, you can resume. I don't think Warren knows a thing about ice climbing. He was just hired for comic relief. Comedic relief? He has no idea what he's doing out here. So what you got to do, knees bent, weight back. So if we ever say cowboy walk, that's what we're talking about. Us cowboys, we just call that walking. Use the weight of your boot and swing your feet into the wall. Don't let your heels drop. Don't go tippy-toed. Nice, level foot. And you can just walk right up this sucker. Ah, Codes, I forgot to cut the rope. It's not going to hold both of us. Ty, there's no rope. Just slide down. Oh yeah, no, you're right. Yeah, sorry about that. This guy. Let me just unhitch here. They told us to wait five minutes and the guy goes into goon mode. Yeah, we're OK. Hey, all is good. All is good. Yeah. Rope. What a toss. Woo hoo hoo. Let's party. Good stuff, dude. Thank you. All right, boys, I think it's time to step it up a notch. What do we got? Bottomless pit over here. Who wants to get in it? No way. Any horizon line, something you cannot see the other side of, assume 100-foot drop. Probably is. Getting a little V-thread anchor here. Thread some rope through it. I feel like I could just straight pull that through the ice right now. Give her all you got, dude. [GROANING] Yeah, I can't do it. That thing better not budge. You're golden. It's like six inches in there. Six inches? It's not nearly that deep. [LAUGHTER] This is definitely going to be the best documentation of some serious freaking stuff. Warren said it. Yes. Full send, baby. This adds a little extra pucker factor to the jalapeno. On the Scoville pucker system, this one's up there. Oh, dude, we're talking muy habanero. Yep, just flip back and start walking backwards. Let's do it, baby. The bottomless tube of doom. Yes sir. [DRAMATIC ORCHESTRAL MUSIC] I'm coming down, Timmy. All right, dude. Keep breathing. Take some deep breaths. Timmy, oh, whoa, I lost a tube. This is insane. it keeps going, doesn't it? It does. Dude. This looks like some Star Wars map. Where are the Tauntauns? OK, we'll see you guys back up top. Go get 'em T. [ICE CLATTERING] Whoa, heads up, Dan. I've died and gone to heaven. [GRUNTING] Woo. Yeah, boy. Yes. I made it out of the Tunnel of Doom. [MUSIC PLAYING] Wow. [BELL SOUND EFFECT] Woo. How are you feeling about the polar plunge thingy? What? You change your mind? No, we're plunging, brother. Let's go, Codes. We're going to get pneumonia. But I tell myself all the time, pain is temporary, film is forever. Just got a report that we're looking at about 33 degrees Fahrenheit. Woo. I need new friends. 3, 2, 1, polar plunge. Woo hoo hoo. [SHRIEKING] Like thousands and thousands of knives. It's crazy. (PITCHED UP) It's not that bad. [BELL SOUND EFFECT] I'm proud of us. Hey, love you guys. We do it for you. I can't think right now, otherwise I'd talk to you. I regret it. I regret everything about it. We're continuing to honor the salmon of the trip with some wild-caught Alaskan salmon cooked over an open fire on a rock. At 10 PM. [LAUGHS] [SIZZLING] Ah. I wish my wife looked at me like Ty looks at his King salmon. It's not a King salmon, it's a silver. That is flaky. Perfect. Oh, wow. That's better than finding gold. [BELL SOUND EFFECT] [MUSIC PLAYING] Me, Garrett, Corey, we're getting on a raft, going down the river. Going to be a great day. Let's have some fun. [ZIPPING] All right, boys, you all ready? Let's do it. Sweet. I can confidently say this is going to be the best whitewater rafting you've ever done. No way. Better than Colorado? Oh yeah, guarantee it. 10 miles on the river. We're going to do three canyons that get progressively rowdier. The river is the great equalizer. She knows if you've been living right or not. Oh, that's good news. And so if you guys have been living right, she'll probably treat you well. But otherwise, you've got some time to repent. [LAUGHS] All right, we're about to do a swim test. The only way to know if you're ready to get tossed out of the boat later is if you try it now. This water's freezing. First one. Colder than you thought? Yeah. Oh, it's so nice. Hey, you're going to get him by the shoulder strap. All righty. We passed the swim test. We're ready to raft. Let's go. [MUSIC PLAYING] 1, 2, 3, Pearly Gates. All right. Oh, dude, there it is, class 5. Hold on, boys. Stay calm, stay calm. [THUD] Oh, heads up, heads up. One more. Heads up. Oh yeah. Nice, dude. What I'm talking about, baby. [BELL SOUND EFFECT] My boy Dylan kept it safe, in the boat. On to the next activity. Alaska, I'm in love. Woo. Let's go fishing. Come on, baby. [AIRPLANE ENGINE WHINING] That is insane. You cannot explain, in words, the number of fish that we flew over on the way here. Just landed on the float plane in the Middle of Nowhere, Alaska, and landed next to some bears. Now I'm a little nervous. Runs across, charges them, he runs off. The guy's got brown pants now, pretty sure. So please keep your head on a swivel. Be safe. Gosh. I think I'm going to take pics. And hopefully he won't eat us. You know? What are you doing? Oh, dude, that is going to be absolutely special. The bear's coming closer. This is insane. How long does it take to do the-- You can see it in about 15 minutes. OK. It's pretty cool, mine, you can see instantly. Look, there's the bear. That's overrated. Yeah. Yours is stuck in your camera. This is going to be so much better than yours. I can put this on my wall. [BELL SOUND EFFECT] Oh, we got one. Got 'em. I'm ready to go catch a fish. Let's go do this thing. [MUSIC PLAYING] [FISHING REEL GRINDING] Ladies and gentleman, I'd like to introduce you to Brian, founder of Alaska Sportsman Lodge. He is taking great care of us. We have a bear behind you. There was a bear on our side. And I think there's millions of fish underneath us-- There's more than millions. --right now. We got a nice rainbow. She's pretty. Beautiful dark rainbow. Try to get him facing up that way. I got the net. You can let go of that. There's only one first fish of the trip, and Tyler got him. Just fishing with my friend, Brownie. So far, he's caught more than I have. So got some work to do. Keep that rod right where you got it. Yeah, baby. And I'm just going to have you hold the net just like that. This is a fatty. [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS] Should I pick up the camera or the fishing pole? How do you decide? [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS] That's so cool silhouetted. Try not to hit myself in the back of the head. That's the main goal with every cast. See, that one's getting dangerously close. [LAUGHTER] Golly, Jeffy, help me out. Why does that happen? If you want to watch a master at work, come to the front of the boat. [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS] Well, Cobes got another keeper in the boat. Jeffy's currently instructing him how to hold it. No, he's giving me a special technique. And shockingly, I'm behind him in the fish count right now. That's a dinner fish. It almost wasn't a dinner fish. Kept it in the boat. It nearly was not a dinner fish, but it is a dinner fish. The ultimate predator, brown bears and TT, in Alaska. No, no, I'm not going to take a bite. Guys, I'm hyped for this. We are going ATVing through the back country of Alaska. You've seen a lot of snow in this video so far, but right now you're about to see all the green trees and the crazy terrain. Going to be epic. [ATV ENGINE REVVING] Welcome to 49th State Motor Tours. My name is Brian. I'm going to be your lead guide on the tour today. And if you have done other ATV tours in other places, this is going to blow that out of the water. [ENGINE STARTING] Is everybody good? We're in two-wheel drive high, guys, two-wheel drive high. We're going to cover all kinds of terrain today. There's going to be lots of mud, sand dunes, big, open, wide spaces. Oh, this is awesome. Oh, yo. What? [STIRRING ORCHESTRAL POP MUSIC] All righty, guys. Wow. Welcome to Knik Valley. Unbelievable. [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS] Let's keep going. [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS] Never done anything like this. We are just ripping through Alaska right now. Highlight of the trip so far. Dude, what kind of tour has views like that? What a view. Huh huh ho, now that is Alaska. Honestly, I don't know what to say. It's insane. You know what that is? [ZIPPING] That's happy. This is unbelievable. By far my favorite part of the trip. Not even close. All right, let's race, Coach. I'll race you, brother. Woo! Woo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo. Woo! [BELL SOUND EFFECT] That was fun, man. The ending was so fun. Just ripping through there, dude. I hope the footage makes that seem as insane as it was in real life. That was crazy. We've arrived. [CLAPPING] The North Pole, baby. This is huge. Santa, we're coming. Santa. I know him. Cannot tell you how excited we are for this next part. We are officially in North Pole, Alaska. Let's go. This is huge. Standing in front of Santa's house. Editors-- Santa's inside. --you know what to do. [SNAPS] [MUSIC PLAYING] Having a hard time putting it into words right now. We turned the corner, and Santa's here. Ho ho ho ho. Cody and Ty are going to be so jealous. And I literally met Santa and his wife. That's Mrs. Claus to you. Mrs. Claus. [BELL SOUND EFFECT] Guys, we got an actual, real-live whale. [MAKING WHALE SOUNDS] [BELL SOUND EFFECT] Talking to the whale. We just boarded the train. We got panoramic windows all around. The views are about to be insane. You know my favorite thing about a train, no red lights. That's true. You just go, go, go. Yeah. And you don't get stopped at a train track because you're on the track. So we are just warming up in the natural hot springs of Alaska. Fun fact, it actually comes out of the Earth at 170 degrees. They actually have to cool it off to about 106, 107, so that we don't boil like little crabs. We actually came here to try and see the northern lights. But as you can see, it's cloudy. The only lights we get are these man-made ones right there. [IMITATING CLUB MUSIC BEAT] They're not bad, though. They're kind of like cool club lights. OK, boys, we're at the mouth of Lake Iliamna, and we are going to drink some water right out of the lake. I like it. Here you go, boys. Cheers. Salud, my friends. Look at that. Crystal clear. Cheers. Not many places left in the world that you can do this. So let's keep the ones that we've got, keep them this way. Here's to it. Oh, that's good. Pretty good, huh. [GULPING] I got to bottle some up and take it home. That's nice. Would not recommend doing this at your home lake. Don't do this at Ray Roberts or Texoma, certainly not Lewisville. If you missed the point, the water's a little different here. [MUSIC PLAYING] Are we good? Good to go. Kvichak Area Traffic, 606, heading up the gulf, departing eastbound after departure, Kvichak. [AIRPLANE ENGINE REVVING] Experiencing everything that Alaska has to offer has been a blast, but we also want to ensure that future generations can enjoy it like we have. On our last day at the lodge, Brian took us to the proposed site of Pebble Mine. Many people fear that this mine would have a negative impact on the environment, including the supply of clean water and salmon. Seeing this area in person has really put into perspective the damage that this proposed mine could have. So look down right here through this pass, and you'll see a bunch of sockeye in here. Oh my gosh. Wow, that's crazy. Bristol Bay produces 50% of the world consumption. As long as we take care of it, it'll keep on feeding us forever. But it's our responsibility to protect it and ensure that it's here for future generations to enjoy. So you can kind of see where the deposit is at and where the proposed mine would be at. We're not against mining. Our groups have not been against mining. We're against this particular mine in this location. So this is Frying Pan Lake, where we just landed. But we just flew over the proposed mine site. And as you can tell, the ground is like a giant sponge. Here's the water that is contained-- That's insane. --in the ground the water table is at six feet. So if you dig down six feet, you're now affecting all of the underground water sources in this area. Even if you think it's separated, by land, from water to water, it all just flows straight underneath. That's nuts. Blueberry. If I was a bear, this would be where I would be hanging out right now. Good thing the mine wasn't here yet, because that might have had some arsenic in it. Yeah, there's literally no telling. If you get stuck in the Alaskan bush, that's a blueberry, that is not. Oh, you ate not-a-blueberry. I started-- I spit part of it out, but I definitely ate-- it tasted like a grape. Am I going to die? I hope not. That is tricky. It looked just like a blueberry. It's blueberry time. Mm. That is by far the most blueberries I've ever had at one time. Just feels right? I think, by coming out here, Brian, it just reminds me that we get to see this now the way it is. But obviously we want to protect it so that we can bring our kids back one day or our kids could bring their kids back one day and it would still look like this, which I think is what's so cool that it's untouched. Absolutely. I didn't inherit this land from ancestors. I'm borrowing it from my kids and future generations. Fish on, brother. Keep running. Could be a world record. We've got a bear basking in the sun, on an island on the coast of Alaska, surrounded by mountains and a weirdo with a Polaroid. [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS] Dude, I'm done. You can thank me later. That was priceless. He's sitting right by me. What do I do? The water here is very, very cold. My legs are asleep beneath my knees. But it's fine. It's worth it. All right, we're catching so many fish, Brian's issued me a challenge. Topwater fly with the fly rod, going for a lunch fish. That's the goal. Let's see if we can get it done. Oh, here we go, here we go, here we go. Oh, Oh, hold on. Let me capture this moment. I know you're a little disappointed. Go away. Doubled up. We did it. We did it. Topwater. Woo. Yeah, baby. Pink salmon, topwater fly. Let me get in tight. 3, 2-- Oh, wow, good thing you had the flash on. That is special. Oh, yeah, baby. Attaboy. Brian, cannot thank you enough for the last couple of days. This trip has been unbelievable. And I hope you save me a spot for me and my three boys 2040. Got it. I'll put it on the schedule. [MUSIC PLAYING] All right, we're heading out to Decision Point. It's about 60 miles of beautiful landscape. When we get there, we're going to see a glacier. Should be awesome. Let's do it, boys. Check that out. Wow. [MUSIC PLAYING] We made it to the Blackstone Glacier. Creation is beautiful. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing. The trip home, with all the zig-zags and the top speed, unbelievable. [BELL SOUND EFFECT] I say we go grab some grub and do more activities. [TAPS CAMERA LENS] Ooh, do you think I scratched-- We are here in Talkeetna, about to board this beautiful aircraft and go land on a glacier. What? So how safe is this? Well, you guys are about to find out. Oh, gosh. There's sun here and snow there. And Pilot Paul is going to hopefully land us on a mountain. Let's do it. It's not a mountain, a glacier. Denali is the highest mountain peak in North America, with a summit elevation of over 20,000 feet. The peak can reach temps as low as 75 degrees below Fahrenheit. That was cool. That was very cool. That was awesome. Yeah. Woo. This is unbelievable. It's quite slick. [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS] I'm obviously about to bust out the Polaroid. Because this is just one of those moments. I'll see what the guys say. I love this. What are we-- Are we being pranked right now? Oh my gosh, guys. What in the world? I'm telling you, Ty's had his big fancy camera the whole time-- [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS] Dude, digital is past gone, OK? You're a Polaroid guy? Guys, this is special stuff. I mean, this is as city boy as it gets. You fly in, you land, you get an amazing photo, you say what's up to your bros, and then you peace out. We're taking off, baby. [MUSIC PLAYING] Cor cannot wait to make your dreams come true, brother. These were your dreams, Ty. No, those where yours. Guys, welcome to Ice World. Yeah. Aw. OK. Check that out. That's sick. Guys, I found the Beauty and the Beast rose. Give us a half-check for this one. I know we've added a few checks. I wanted to build my own igloo. Turns out we're just going to observe an igloo. But I am going to go in it and enjoy the insides. (TO TUNE OF "TWINKLE, TWINKLE, LITTLE STAR") 1, 1, 5, 5, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1. 1, 1, 5, 5, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1. (SHOUTING) Oh! Wow. Our buddy Trav here is letting me take the reins on one ice glass. So here we go. [ROUTER WHINING] One ice glass, coming right up. [CHEERS] Beautiful. Torch it. Thank you, Trav. Appreciate it. Torch. Faster. Careful. Careful. That's how it's done. That's how it's done. Fellas, huge moment. I have one photo left. I got the whole group together. Come on, boys. So weird. Derrick, thank you. Take it, man. I'm freezing. Appreciate it. 3, 2, 1. [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS] [MUSIC PLAYING] What's up, guys, TT. Welcome to MTV Cribs-- Deluxe Tent Edition. Come on in, but take your shoes off before you get inside. Usually like to start off by putting our house slippers on. When we're on the ATV tour coming back, we were flying down these kind of sidewinder back country. And all of a sudden, I'm in front of him, and I hear a [MAKES BREAKING SOUND]..
Channel: Dude Perfect
Views: 24,656,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ak, alaska, atv, bass, bottle flip, bowling, bucket, bucketlist, clean, climbing, dog, dp, dude, dude perfect, dude perfect basketball, dude perfect bottle flip, dude perfect stereotypes, dude perfect water bottle flip, dude perfect world record, edition, family, family friendly, fidget spinners, football, glacier, ice, in, list, ping pong, pro, rafting, sled, sledding, snow, soccer, spinner, spinners, things to do, tour, tourism, travel, trending, trick shot, trick shots, water bottle flip, whi
Id: hj5Xv2L2X4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 7sec (1987 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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