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right now we're doing an overnight challenge at a mega trampoline park school side whoa we have this whole place to ourselves air city 360 not only has the longest sky coaster but also the largest inflata park along with two zip lines and a whole bunch of other stuff [Music] where are you going i'm going to the top of mountain to sleep do you sleep right here right next to the slide [Music] you think this is a good spot to sleep pretty cool i mean i don't know what would be better than this so mountain sounds pretty cool but have you guys heard of the taj mahal what do you mean the taj mahal right this way our new sleeping headquarters the taj mahal i could come in frankie [Applause] [Music] no no more cool looking sniper disconnected oh my oh what is wrong with you guys we have ton of fun supplies for our sleeping area how much around these cars unlimited games guys i can't explain to you how excited i am to be sleeping in a car machine who does this all right we have picked this place as our sleeping arrangements for the night we'll set it all up later but it's time to have some fun first thing we're doing is the sky coaster this thing is attached to the entire ceiling here there's a pretty funny video of some guy riding one of these and it passes out and flop around like a fish we're gonna recreate it who wants to go first i'll do it keep in mind hyper is extremely afraid of heights terrifying let's get this over with we believe in you [Applause] that was epic look how high up you are oh no are you kidding me [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] it's fun to watch it's fun to ride you see the entire park room here this is so cool so if you guys haven't seen the meme here's what it is and now it's time to reenact it [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are going to see who can get the fastest time to complete this entire course three two one go oh wow hyper you got 42 seconds 42 that's pretty good for a rookie three two one go oh my god your time was 40.1 oh that was the best ride in my life two one go going with the flying monkey technique go boy run don't fall off oh he's gonna eat hard whoa 45 oh come on like like subscribe this is the zip line ready ready [Music] i don't think trampoline parks will ever get old even when i'm a senior citizen i'm going to be coming to trampoline parks just because of how much fun they are gentlemen it is time for 1v1 dodgeball you are aiming for headshots only ready dead battle [Music] what was that what was that what you guys have all probably seen the milk crate challenge well have you seen it on a trampoline i'm going first do not try this at home or anywhere else ever oh bro he got so far are you okay okay yeah i'm good you went way farther than i thought it was possible on the trampoline he currently has the world record oh my oh my are you okay like like we said this is dangerous don't try this at home warning the following show features stunts performed either by perfect hi i'm johnny knoxville welcome to oh my keep it together oh there he goes i'm gonna try a new method wow what is this method this is called the boy oh boys how you gonna how are you gonna get down the other side i didn't think of that but now i'm already here i can't move wow this is the new milk crate challenge whoa holy [Music] i should have been with a helmet for the rest of this vid i am nervous a nervous brother the largest inflatable parks you can buy and we get it all to ourselves we are in inflata park we're gonna do three challenges the ultimate loser has to do a punishment a prank call let's get to it first challenge jousting take your position i can't lift my arm warriors ready three two one just oh i can't lift this up one point for andrew challenge number two wrecking ball that's where [Music] [Music] challenge number three spin cycle last one remaining wins [Music] this is getting tired we all tied so the tiebreaker is whoever doesn't make it up the warp wall loses i'll go first [Music] how did your sock fall off [Music] boys currently it's 11 p.m it's time to get some door dash delivered here must have snack while the food is coming we have one mission to do we have to explore underneath the trampolines it's time to find out what's under this trampoline uh-huh there's just something so fun about exploring where you're not supposed to explore obviously we got permission to do this but this is so fun here we go whoa dude this is legit it's so massive under here andrew it would be kind of scary to be under here when somebody was jumping going into the dark depths i am over here where are you look for my flashlight i found a place where i can sit up i am sitting up over here where did you go get back up a little bit more and you're running home right i'm right i'm right next to you whoa you can't sit up here who turned the lights off doordash just dropped our food off right at the front doors go get the food quick yes since it is late the only thing that could be delivered was wendy's and boy does the wendy's wind blow spicy nugs those are just share remember really oh that it's different that's good oh man since hyper lost uh the challenge we are writing a prank call for him he has to read this verbatim can't read anything else during the prank call no matter what they say just keep going [Music] hey guys my name is currently hyper i just moved here from jackson tennessee and just looking to make a few extra bucks on the side do you have any opening positions but you are severely cutting out brother oh well i totally understand honestly i was just hoping you would say that because i was looking for another reason to start back up my love for collectibles i i loosely collect all sorts of nonsense you know you collect a bunch of nonsense well again i yeah i totally understand honestly i'm just looking to make a few friends here currently i don't have any that i know of i just wanted to see if you have any willing to hang out and come in to get a quick sandwich we can chat about that when i get there honestly i mean i'm probably on my way [Music] honestly i totally forgot to ask how have you been lately i mean like well all right man it's whatever i'm gonna go back to bed now good night you got through the whole thing and he didn't hang up that was pretty impressed all sorts of nonsense huh [Music] it is time to get into the taj mahal and fire up some veggie games guys because we bought a ps5 and a projector we've got the projector coming through oh it's processing no way but these lights are definitely making it hard to see so we're gonna unplug it whoa oh yes boy oh my who's ever played fifa inside of an arcade machine there we go there we go it is way past midnight now and we have reached our wall this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience to be able to say we slept in here so that's why we're doing it yeah taj mahal you ready for bed buzz why do we all have to be in here oh we're not all right you are not putting your feet while i sleep no no rawhide who did that well anyways uh we're gonna try and go to bed and uh we'll see you in the morning good night i'm the only one in the claw machine right now no idea where the other fellas are huh what are you doing a golden barb in here oh what i'm not kidding i'm trying to get him [Music] how long have you been out here i'm not sure you don't get any sleep last night nah the taj mahal was sweaty as all get out is ready [Music] oh come on have you seen hyper anywhere no let's turn on the lights and see where hyper is i think he probably found a different spot to sleep what happened over here life up i heard him what are you doing what [Music] are you doing how was your sleep it was good i guess special thanks to air city 360 for letting us do this epic overnight we're gonna put some of our keychain plushies in one of the claw machines here so come and try and win one but other than that click up here to watch our previous overnight video and then the other side a video youtube recommends for you [Music] someone hunkered down in the bunker now like made so much underground you gon think we built some time like pin me to the ground i just send it down like
Channel: JStu
Views: 6,927,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morejstu, overnight challenge, overnight trampoline park, 24 hour challenge, 24 hour overnight challenge, mega trampoline park, 24 hour trampoline park challenge, morejstu overnight challenge, morejstu 24 hour trampoline park, super trampoline park, best trampoline park
Id: RwNxMlYQk4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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