"Stay The Winds" by Maurice Berry

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our subject this evening is stay the winds and we're going to look at our message last night we talked about the six angel and the second woe that came on August 11th 1840 that laid the foundation to show that the early advant movement under the Miller writes and later that will be established by the seventh-day adventists church movement that we as a people would have the correct interpretation a prophetic a correct prophetic interpretation of Bible prophecy and that event happened exactly as predicted by one of our early pioneers Josiah Lynch now as we talk about state of winds I want to show you that what we're talking about is directly connected to your early Advent history but before we go any further I would like to first of all call your attention to a promise because we need the Holy Spirit it is not me that must speak to you it is the Spirit of the Living God from the Word of God that must speak to all of us are you understanding me now we are living in the time of the in many of our people are sleeping on the verge of the close of probation this world as we know it must come to an end sin can no longer continue to reign in this world righteousness must soon reign forever and ever in this world and in this universe and so the days are approaching a storm is coming relentless in his fury but in the midst of that storm God will preserve his people did you hear what I said and so God is trying to waken us shake us and weaken us to the realities of what is about to come yes trials and difficulties are coming on upon us individually what did Jesus say he said ve said don't let your heart be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness and what they cares of this life lest that day come upon you unaware and otherwise you get so caught up in your personal problems and your personal issues do you cannot prepare yourself to think soberly about your eternal life or about the prophetic fulfillment of the signs of the times all around you and so I promise we're going to claim I want you to turn me to John 16:13 in your Bible John chapter 16 verse 13 and when you get there just say Amen are you there in John chapter 16 verse 13 the Bible says albeit when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and show you what everybody things to what come it is God's will that his people are not caught by surprise as the events are taking place in this world we are watching natural disasters that are unprecedent in the history of the planet we are living at Wars rumors of wars everything is happening and yet it seems not to be sufficient to awaken God's people what will it take will it take a loss of your finances and your bank accounts before you begin to call on Jesus and seek the Lord while he may be found what will it take is it taking the loss of a job for some of us just to get right with God and realize that this is out of my hands it's nothing I can do what will it take for Jesus to get to our attention and understand your salvation is more important than your job your house your car and any earthly thing down here your character is your character prepared for heaven do you have a character that can span in the presence of the glory of God Jesus is coming ladies and gentlemen don't you understand what Jesus said there's be upon the earth distress of Nations with perplexity the sea and the waves roaring men's hearts filling for fear and for looking after those things coming upon the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken and Binney says and then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven and didn't roar at rice enough mourn and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory Jesus is coming he's coming and we need to prepare let's have a word of Prayer together father in heaven we bow because Lord this is not the hour for man finite minds finite men with a stammering tongue cannot present your message but Lord we ask that you will put your words in my mouth and use these feeble lips in this rare form of clay and may it glorify your name grant that Jesus will be seen and uplifted gretna true word will be the sure word of prophecy that we might do well to take heed as a light that shineth in a dark place to the day dawn and the day star rise in our hearts Lord open our eyes we pray and guide us by your Holy Spirit now teach us may holy angels that excel in strength that keep thy commandments that hearkened to the voice of thy word may they also join us here in this sanctuary in Jesus name and for his sake amen now I want to turn me back to Revelation chapter 10 for mullen revelation chapter 10 because I told you Revelation chapter 10 is a foundational prophecy to show the foundations of the Advent movement we are not just another church we are not just another people we are not just another denomination we are a people born out of Bible prophecy and our and our history and our roots goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden in the great plan of salvation that plan a Redemption that was not an afterthought but a plan that was formulated before the foundation of the world I love what Ellen White says which he said when there was sin that was a savior you understand me now and so the Bible says and if you don't believe that you remember genesis 3:15 and I will put enmity between thee and the woman between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel you remember elder Brooks talked about that this morning and so I don't I'm not going to boil a berating on that but I just want you to understand that the plan of when redemption for a lost world the plan of a probationary period extended to man was given in the Garden of Eden when there was sin there was a savior and because we have a savior the lifespan for this planet was extended because man had broken the law of God and the law of God demands a life of the sinner do you understand this and yet when man sinned Jesus tucked in and said father I will go down I will spare as men's I will span as man's mediator I will take on his sins I will bear his burden and father through my death some will be retrieved and restored back into the image that you and I had in the beginning the plan of salvation about restoration of the image of God in man mentally physically and spiritually so this is what we're talking about but Bible prophecy plays a major role in this because Judas III 15 is a prophecy is one of the first prophecies in the Bible so while God is love he's also a God of Prophecy amen he's a balanced God amen amen somebody and so let's see did look at Genesis chapter 10 with me now we're going to look at the Bible what did I say we'll go to the Bible I'm what we going to see this PowerPoint don't worry about that but right now I need you to go to the Bible because if I just give you a PowerPoint you'll say ah we are and you know there's something about reading a Bible that strengthens the mind that's something about reading the Bible that invigorates the heart big rates the thoughts invigorates the intelligence of man thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path the interest of thy words giveth what right and so we need to get into the Bible so we're going to be in the Bible a little bit before we go to the PowerPoint to lay the foundation on adventism for a moment are you with me now and then we're going to go to the issue of staying the winds and we're going to see how relevant it is today but before we go any further look with me for a moment in and go to Revelation chapter 10 with me Revelation chapter 10 the Bible says and I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven clothed with the cloud and a rainbow was upon his head and his face was as it were the Sun and his feet as pillars of what everybody fire now we all look at this verse for just a moment I saw another mighty angel we already know that that another angel means of the angel previous and last night we found out that angel that was previous to the mighty angel coming down in Revelation chapter 10 was none other than the sixth angel with the second wall that foretold that was under the prophecy of the four winds loose on the river Euphrates which dealt with the fall of the Ottoman Empire on August 11th 1840 when that prophecy met fulfillment it was seen that we had the correct interpretation of Bible prophecy at that time the mighty angel came down but now before I go any further who is this mighty angel now in order to figure out who this angel really is we need to see what the Bible describes because how the Bible describes the angel and what the angel has on determines the many teachings of our own movement in this prophecy are you with me now so let's take a look at it together look here for a moment and it's like a blessing of the description of the face of this angel look at Revelation chapter 2 in verse 1 and what does the Bible say his face was as a word what everybody his face was as it were the son now first of all whose face as the Sun turned me first of all to Revelation color sensitive revelation would explain itself for a moment and then we go to some outside books whose faces as it were the Sun turn me to Revelation chapter one and this will give verses on verses 12 through 16 in Revelation chapter 1 verses 12 through 16 and when you get there just say Amen the Bible says in Revelation 1 12 through 16 and I turned to see the voice to speak with me and being turned I saw seven golden candlesticks in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like the Son of Man clothed with a garment down to his foot and gird about with taps and a golden girdle his head of his hairs were white like wool white as snow and his eyes was a flame of fire and his feet were like fine brass as if burned in a furnace and is what his voice was as a sound of many waters and he had in his right hand what seven stars and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword and his countenance was as daud-what as the Sun China in his strength what did the Bible say whose countenance was as the Sun shine if in his strength whose Cutlass was this the son of man whose ass on a man Jesus so Jesus is the money angel that's coming out to start the movement now this a little bit closer so you can be sure to me to Matthew chapter 17 verse 2 Matthew chapter 17 verse 2 and our turn there so I won't pop the text so fast because most of the texts I know by heart but I have wait for you to get there but I can't wait too long amen so Matthew chapter 17 verse 2 are you there the Bible says we'll look at verse 1 into the Bible said after six days James says that's the six days Jesus taketh Peter James and John his brother and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart and it says and was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the Sun and his raiment was white as what his raiment was white as light but wait a minute whose face did shine as a son again Jesus on the mouth of two witnesses let a thing be what establish so we find that the mighty angel come down is who Jesus and he's coming down to start the ethnic movement because the Advent movement through the Word of God and sound doctrine has understood and has the correct prophetic teachings concerning Bible prophecy are you with me now so if you don't believe nothing else let me say something to you you are in the right church you may not like everything going on in this church but you are in the right church as far as understanding the truth of Bible prophecy there is no other Church that's going to give you this not only that this church has an inside track let me show you what I'm talking about full moment turn me to Revelation because Revelation chapter 10 and Revelation chapter 14 go together we know that Jesus started the movement right but Jesus is called a mighty one an angel was an angel in the Bible an angel is a messenger or a minister are you at me now so wait a minute how does God use messengers or ministers in what capacity does he used him to remain for a moment to Romans chapter 10 Romans chapter 10 when you get there just say what Amen I'll wait for you I'm turning there Romans 10 and this look here for a moment at verse 14 and 15 for a moment Romans 10 14 and 15 an angel is a messenger or what everybody minister look what the Bible says here it says here for watch this verse verse 15 14 house then shall they call on him and whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a what without a preacher the Bible says and how shall they preach except they be sent and as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring of glad tidings of good things how beautiful are the what feet of them that do what that preach what the gospel wait a minute so an angel is a messenger or administer but administer that is called by God is called one who would do what who is sent to do what preached or what everybody the gospel so wait a minute in Revelation chapter 10 when the mighty angel comes down he brings down with him a message that he will used for delegated ministers that he will call to his side but before he do that what type of ministers is Jesus going to use the starters Mullen is he is he going to use first-date ministers is it just going to use anybody in the beginning he will use the millerite movement but he will do he will use people who are though their first day ministers they have a conscientious regard to the law of God did you hear what I said though they were first day ministers William Miller and others they have a conscientious regard for the law of God and they didn't have the light on the Bible Sabbath as yet but they did believe that the law of God was a standard of righteousness are you with me now so let's go a bit closer so in Revelation we got to find that when Jesus starts the movement he will start it with a messenger with messengers who will preach about righteousness and messengers who will preach about judgment let's see if we can find that first of all in Revelation turn in Revelation 14 with me revelation 14 and listen to verses 6 and 7 together revelation 14:6 and 7 let's look in verse 6 verse and when you get there just say what Amen now what are they going to preach I got to preach a message on what righteousness and they won't preach messages on what judgment is that right look what the Bible says in revelation 14:6 and I saw another angel come down from heaven I'm sorry and I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth to every nation and kindred and tongue and people wait a minute what did he see another angel preaching taking what the everlasting what having the everlasting gospel to do what preach to them that dwell on earth so this angel is preaching is this a real angel no this angel is symbolic of God's people or ministers of God who will be preaching the everlasting gospel of the three angels messages are you with me now let's go a bit closer though and you'll see more with me the Bible says about this angel or these ministers what type of ministers are these are first of all in order to get this first of all a message is coming and it's a message of the gospel but what is in the gospel of Christ termina Romans 1:16 Romans 1:16 and 17 Romans chapter 1 verse 16 and 17 look what the Bible says Paul said it this way for I am not ashamed of the what gospel of Christ for it is to what power of God unto salvation unto the Jew first non sorry let's go back I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ it says for the power of God in the salvation to every one that one believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek for there iam now very and meaning in the gospel of Christ is what righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith for as is written the just shall live by faith wait a minute what is revealed in the gospel of Jesus Christ the message on what righteousness by faith now why would that be important because when the mighty angel comes down who's the angel Jesus now question what was Jesus doing in the heavenly sanctuary prior to 1844 he was working in the first apartment as your what high priest remember that we talked about that last night so in 1844 Jesus is going to move from the holy place to where most holy place and begin the final work of atonement you see the atoning sacrifice was made for you on the cross but the actual atonement which will mean the bloody night of sin and the right to give you immortality will not come until Christ finishes work as high priests in that most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary this is why we say fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come where is the hour of his judgment in the most holy place of the one heavenly sanctuary and by the way is there heavenly sanctuary remember what Paul said and won't and Hebrews chapter 8 verse 1 and 2 now the things which we have spoken this is the Sun we have what we have in high priests we have such a high priest that can be touched what no no we have a high priest who is a minister of the one sanctuary and of the true Tabernacle which the Lord pitched not man in Hebrews 8 2 but now remember so there's a Saints way we're in heaven and Christ is the minister there but where is he ministering at in the sanctuary and the most holy place before what what instrument before the Ark of the what Ark of the Covenant please tell me what is in the Ark of the Covenant we have the law of God in the Ark of the Covenant now Aaron's rod that but it was suppose being the Ark of the Covenant and a pot of manna was in the park and the Ark of the Covenant are you with me now now the earthly priests ministered there once a year and it was called the day of atonement or the day of judgment ladies and gentlemen since 1844 we've been in the judgment and the judgment started with the righteous dead it is soon to come and is going to open up very soon for the righteous living meaning that many of us who are now sitting here today will be brought to judgment while we are yet living need to understand where we are time is in time is running out and you and I have a case pending at the bar of God we don't have time for foolishness we don't have time for playing with the world we don't have time to continue to hold on the sin you've got a kiss sin get by and say Lord cut it off if my right hand offend you cut it off if my foot offend me cut off it's better for you to enter Heaven lame and crippled than to be lost for eternity you got to let it go you got to say bye-bye little secret things remember for God's will bring every work into judgment with every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evil you've got to let it go young man you got any Oh young lady you got to let it go some adults that still want to play young hmm yeah let it go if you're going to be there now let's go a little closer you'll see with me now by the way what's in the gospel the righteous of God was revealed right why was that mention and why does Paul mention that because the mighty angel came down from heaven Jesus is in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary he would move from the holy place to the most holy place but in there is the Ark of the Covenant the Ark of the Covenant also represents the throne of God are you with me now what is at the throne of God took me to Psalms 89 14 songs 89 14 in Psalms 89 14 the Bible says justice and judgment I'll wait for you the Bible says justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne mercy and truth go before thy face now where for justice is righteousness but now let's compare that with Psalms 97 - Psalms 97 - in Psalms 97 - the Bible says clouds and darkness are round about him righteousness and judgment are the habitation of Daiwa throne now the word habitation means in the actual Hebrew the foundation was the foundation of God's throne righteousness and what judgment so wait a minute what did he promise that last day church what was the promise to Laodicea I want to show you something I want to show you that the message to Laodicea and the three angels messages are all together they are not separated these are not separate little things they all are connected look what the Bible says in Revelation chapter 3 verse 21 Revelation chapter 3 verse 21 when you get there just say Amen revelation 3:21 / the Word of God says are you there now it says to him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me where on my throne even as I have overcome and sat down with my father in his throne wait a minute where did Jesus say you want to sit where did you say it's going to sit I'm asking I'm not being redundant and that's it for reason I will make an emphasis where do you say you would sit and it's throne what's the condition for you to sit at the throne of God you're overcoming but the evidence that the actual way that will be determined that you really overcome will be an investigation of your life in judgment are you with me now but now watch this what sit enthroned righteousness and what judgment now let's break this down for a minute what is righteousness you say right doing now proverb now that is right right doing this right when you read the spirit of prophecy and I'm going to just break it down a little closer to you though just would you keep this in mind in proverbs 14:12 the Bible said there's a way that seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof other ways of what death so righteousness is right doing based on us right doing is based on a standard that God said not what you said are you waiting on you're sending me now it's not what you think is right it's what he has declared to be right that is righteousness and what it éclairs to be wrong that's sin are you with me now and so the Bible says here now let's go look closer what is righteousness term in your Bibles for a moment - Psalms 119 170 - Psalms 119 172 what does your Bible say the Bible says what my tongue shall speak of thy word for all thy Commandments are what righteousness stop where is this righteousness at the righteousness call Commandments but where is the righteousness of God at at the throne of God so question if you live in violation of God's law and you die in your sin will you be at the throne no and she shall bring forth a son and shall call his name Jesus and he shall save his people from their sin to him that overcometh what sin through Christ's righteousness will I grant to sit with me on my throne how can you sit there on the throne because you have also experienced his one his righteousness and through his righteousness you are able to sit with him on the throne but there's something else that's had the throne what is uh what else is at the throne judgment so that means in order for you to sit one day where Christ it is throne you must experience his righteousness and here's what judgment that means you must pass through the judgment are you understanding me now and so when the mighty angel comes down what does he bring he brings a message on what righteousness and he brings a message or what judgment oh you don't believe it why don't we just say in revelation 14:6 about their blessing gospel and I saw another angel fly to mrs. heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach and I'm well on the earth what is it what is in your lesson gospel if I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek for therein is to what righteous of God revealed from faith to faith so you and I must experience righteousness by faith if we will one day stand at the throne of God now so righteous in judgment I had the throne so God sends a message on righteousness question does he send a message on judgment turn in Revelation chapter 14 one more time look at verse seven now verse seven what does the Bible say in verse seven it says what fear God give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is calm the office jumpiness what everybody come wait a minute why did we go why do we have a message of judgment because as a requirement for you to be at the throne you're the last generation you're the last church what does it what does it matter what is there to see of me the judgment of the people or the people being judged so if you overcome in this last generation and by the way you are in the last generation because we we you know we went past the fourth generation already since 1844 you understand that you are the last generation this generation should not pass to all these things be fulfilled you and I are in the last round of everything last church last trumpet huh we in the sixth seal because the seventh seal brings silence in heaven are you understand that and that's because the work of salvation is over the work of judgment is over the work of our high priests being your intercessor is over our time is short beloved and so I'm trying to get you to see but now wait a minute what is Christ doing in this age where he Jie what high priests in order for him to be your high priests you must experience righteousness and judgment oh you don't believe me go back to Revelation chapter 1 for a moment and let's look at again what Jesus has on phone just Revelation chapter 1 just a little bit look what the Bible says and I turned this in a voice verse 12 again and I turned to see the voices fake with me and being turned I saw what seven golden candlesticks in the midst of the candlesticks one like the Son of Man now listen to the description clothed with a garment down to his foot and gird about what pets and a golden girdle stop who dressed like that a priest who was a priest function when he was dressed in that guard he worked in the holy place in the outer Court area didn't hmm Jesus was a lamb in the outer court he becomes your priest in the holy place and your high priests as well on top of that and he is the high priests it goes into judgment for you even the most holy but wait a minute what's at the throne righteousness and judgment who's that at throne Jesus what is he your high priests what does Jesus have on he has on the garments of a priest is that right are you sure I'm just asking a question he has the garments of a priest on is that right but now what are the garments of the priests remember the mighty angel is clothed but I want to show you something terming your Bibles to Psalms 132 9 I want to know you I want to know what the priests wears in Psalms 132 9 the Bible says let thy priests be cold with righteousness wait a minute are you there let's read it again let thy priests be clothed with what everybody righteousness and let thy Saints what shout for joy so wait a minute what does the high priest have on what is clothing in actuality righteousness but not what else does a high priest have on turn me again to psalms 132 16 psalms 132 16 what else does the high priest have all the Bible says I will also clove her priests with what salvation what is salvation deliverance from sin so we have a high priest who is able to what save you from sin and then cover you with his own righteousness that you might be able to one day stand in the judgment and one day sit with him on his throne you're not just going home to a mansion you're going home to a throne oh you thought you oh I know I know some of you say oh I've actually just be just one of those number that no man can number no I don't want to be one of them it's a nice it's a nice pivot you debt you you mean you just want to be saved that's all you want but God has made a special promise to the last generation if you can't be one of the 144,000 then God said at least make up your mind you will overcome so you can be at the throne with the 144,000 you get it now I don't know about you but I'm gonna I plan I plan to go for the throne you know you go for a lot of things if you want to go half way in you just want to barely get through the golden gates go right ahead but I don't want to barely get to the golden gates I want to be at the throne with Jesus are you understanding me I want to hear and say well done thou good and faithful servant in a darlin to the door of Lord oh excuse me Barry you know you don't belong there so you up here with a you up here with me that's what I want to be that's what he told me I supposed to set my eyes on he said it not me you read it right there to him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me on my throne even as I overcome even as Iowa would come and send out my father in his throne and by the way did he sit down with his father in his throne are you sure what Bible takes you get come on I'm from Missouri you gotta show me all right somebody say but look what the Bible said Hebrews 1:8 but unto the son he saith thy what my throne O God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom is he going to say that to you to his sons he safe sit down on my right hand why is he saying right hand come on why does he say right hand right hands carry power is that what it is but but right right hand here's righteousness how do we know look at Isaiah 41:10 come on Isaiah chapter 41 verse 10 remember he holds the ministers in his right hand I actually earlier what type of ministers is going to use we're going to find out right now what type of ministers that God's going to use to carry the last day message of the three angels this one the Bible says the Bible says here Isaiah 41:10 fear not I am with thee be not dismayed for I am thy God I will strengthen thee yea I will help thee yea I will uphold thee with the right hand am righteousness what does heave-ho you with the right hand of his righteousness so therefore we have everlasting strength coming from him who is our high priests coming from him who is who was which is to come the Almighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace we have strength coming from Jesus you ought to be happy going in 2014 just the mere fact your breathing meaning that somehow the right hand of God's righteousness his powerful Almighty word is upholding you in spite of yourself oh you don't believe that do you you got a Bible in your hand you got a Bible your hand don't you how many brought a Bible with you now what does the Bible say about the scriptures just to give you an idea what the Bible say about the scriptures all Scripture is given by what inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction and what righteousness but wait a minute the word inspiration means God breathed so every time you open up the Bible and you make up your mind you're going to spend some time meditating well your mind can inhale the very words of life that day God have sustained you with his very breath understand hear what I'm talking about do you study the Bible like that do you find yourself getting joy do you breathe with the last time you breathe are you getting tired of church are you getting bad and boring are you looking for music to make up your emotional because make up yo get trying to get you aroused motion Lee because spiritually you're dead you're empty on the inside you're restless and that's why you go out to the world and that's why you're trying to date this guy and date this girl and all this other stuff and play dating games and and and all type of things in the church because you're dead dead in trespasses and sins dead to the claims of God dead in communion with God dead when it comes down and doing the things that got actually to do dead to the commandments of God but keep the Sabbath because somehow like a lucky charm you hope one day God made happily you just stumble along and be saved this what God is calling us to do that's not what Jesus called us and do beloved his corners have communion with him he's telling you to come I get my righteousness for you come I want to give you power come I don't want you to be lost I want you to pass my judgment with flying colors I want them to see my name my glory written all over your life what are you talking about that's what God wants for love it how is it today that we go around like this and so the priest is clothed with righteousness and what salvation and the priest now stands in the midst of what judgment they follow what throne of God and what the Bible says and what is that the judge what is it what is righteousness all thy Commandments are righteousness therefore and one of those Commandments it will point back to the Creator which one would it be if I went down into the most holy place right now like Ellen White and winning vision and saw the Ten Commandments is it the first one that was on the other gods before me thou should not make any graven image Jimi likeness of anything that's in heaven above us in the earth beneath or that's in the water under the earth that's not bad on this earth to them nor serve them fire the Lord thy God am a jealous God Vincent iniquities of the father's upon the children unto the third and fourth generation they hate me and showing mercy and a thousand of love me and keep my Commandments those who not take the name LORD thy God in vain for love when I hold him guiltless and take his name in vain remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy stop what did it say remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy 4:6 for what for in six days the Lord made one heaven earth to see in autumn æneas and rest the seventh day wherefore Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it to the fourth commandment carries with it the name the title and the seal of a creator and because of that God says I will send messengers and my messengers will be those who keep my Commandments I will give ministers Commission who will stay in my right hand who will stay and commute with me who will confess their sins and who would join me as priests and intercede for the people of God and for their own Souls I will Commission these men to go into all the world and that disgust will the kingdom shall be preached throughout the world as a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come what's what Gus is gonna be is it going to be Chuck Swindoll hmm Oh perhaps Jimmy Swaggart back in the day right no no cleft load all right what else are you looking to work or no TD jakes right yes TD jakes the next Billy Graham Billy Graham's gospel couldn't bring the world twin in Billy wasn't with the remnant mm-hmm did it come to you later you know he knew about the Sabbath but he worried about popularity a little bit more so what gospel is gonna bring the world to an end come on now no not yours right no not you you know your little people very not unknown in fact something we wear with we're a sect right your little cult tick people that's what you you're is impossible for your message to bring the words Minh that's because the world has perceived as the wrong way you see coats are those who worship idols coats are those who practice spiritualism coats are those who follow men more than they follow God coats and their coats do not keep the commandments of God ladies and gentlemen seventh-day Adventist Church is one of the only true charges that ever has existed since the history of our world and their turn of the century we let the outsiders paint us that way but according to the Bible seventh-day Adventists are not a cult seven Adventists have the same a tenth of our martyrs of the ancient tune of Israel and the children was not caught in a coal occultic are you understanding me now and the nations all around them were Colts and God said do not become like the nations around you you remember he said they were cross-dressing the nations around them they were they were doing everything pagan worship was going on people were being sacrificed the Devils are you sacrificing your children Devils add a mask you the question because your honor could be in the world but not of it your pilgrims you're passing through or do you love this world in your plan on staying here like Lot's wife when it's destroyed you're going to look back you won't be in the cloud you'll be destroyed by the brightness of his coming because your heart was here and not in the cloud would christ jesus is coming ladies gentleman and your mind got to get on heavenly things and you got to get all heavenly themes and it's got to keep your mind state on him your character is at stake you're not going to heaven cuz you just say you believe and you kept the Sabbath if that's all it is about the devil's could Gideon what makes you different from the devil they believe and tremble the Bible says but he doesn't have a character like his creator and neither do you if you want to live like a devil you have to decide why because the winds are blowing probations about the clothes the Bible says here in measure when it suited for thou will debate with it now we're going to go as far as I can then we're gonna take a break for just a moment five-minute break in between then we're going to go to the next part okay now I want to keep you in segments okay is that okay with you alright that way nobody gets tired and you don't have to run out the dough trying to get away from me alright look at the Bible says here to meet a little terminator Isaiah twenty seven eight in your Bible now you're looking at the screen I got that for your for your focal point but I was going to be some things we're going to look at double the Bible says the Bible says in Isaiah twenty seven eight and Bible said now he's stay off his what he stay up the rough wind in the day of the what and the day he stay off his rough wind in the day of the east wind now that furred that of a part measure when it shoot a fourth dial debate with it we'll talk about that last but I want you to see something with me for a moment and you'll see it right here now he stay off his rough wind not question do we have any evidence in the Bible of a rough wind now what is a rough wind let's break it down for long what is a rough wind a rough wind is a strong wind it's a cruel win it's a grievious wind when it's an obstinate whim it's a it's a as a wind that brings trouble so let's stop for a moment he stay if his trouble wind or his wind that will bring a time of trouble do we have any yes do we have any place like that in the Bible somebody already said it Revelation chapter 7 so I want you to turn me there because I want to know two things he stay of his rough wind and we're going to find out what the rough one is but he said he stays and we wonder why is he staying in rough wind over the Bible says in Revelation chapter seven and let's look at verse one and after these things I saw what for angels standing on the four corners of the earth what do we see everybody four angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth nor on the sea nor any tree now let's stop woman how many angels four for what is four in Scripture for is a number of seasons you can go with spring fall now spring summer winter I mean fall in winter all right there's number of seasons four is a number of daytime morning noon evening midnight four is also directional north south east and west so the four winds that are being stayed are representative of something that is directional in north south east and west are you with me now so let's call a bit closer and let's see what winds can also represent now we got to look here for a moment we go here oops oh maybe it's okay alright this is a winds first of all let's look at an overview winds represent what war strife and bloodshed what do they represent everybody war strife and bloodshed let's take a look at winds for a moment let's look at jeremiah chapter 49 verse 36 and 37 jeremiah chapter 49 verses 36 and 37 and when you get there just say what Amen Jeremiah 49 let's take a look together are you there yeah okay nobody's going to sleep on me here okay Jeremiah chapter 49 verse 36 and 37 look what the Bible says here the Bible says here and upon Elam will I bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven and will scatter them towards all those winds and there shall be no nation whether the outcasts of Elam shall not come for I will cause Ilan the B dismay before their enemies and before them to seek their life and I will bring evil upon them even my fierce anger was he going to bring evil upon them even as fierce anger said the Lord and I will sin a sword after them till I have consumed them but wait a minute What did he say he will bring upon Elam he said an appoint even will I bring what the for what the four winds of heaven meaning it Elam is going to be scattered to the foot the four corners of the globe and it says there'll be no nation whether outcasts of Elam should not come so wins refer to nations nations are involved in what war strife and bloodshed are you with me now that's what wins referred to here as Oh Leslie but winds also represent destruction let's call a bit closer you'll see more with me let's look a little more so careful of it and let's look at Daniel chapter 7 Daniel chapter 7 verse 2 verse 1 and 2 let's go together Daniel 7 1 and 2 when you get there again just say what amen in Daniel chapter 7 verses 1 and 2 notice what the Bible says Daniel 7 1 and 2 the Bible says here the bible says in the first year of Belshazzar king of babylon daniel had a dream and a visions of his head upon his bed then he wrote and he wrote the dream and told the some of the matters daniel spake and said i saw what in my visions by night and behold four winds for what everybody four winds of the heavens strove upon the great sea verse three says and four beasts came up out of the sea came up from the sea diverse one from another what do beasts represent in the Bible how do we know what Bible Texel Jeannette Daniel 7:23 said thus he said the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom and our free kingdom is nation upon the earth stop so again though four winds strove upon the great sea but winds represent war strife bloodshed contention revolution and these contingents our revolution is among what nations and Daniel said how many be seen using come up four great beasts or four great what nations are you with me now and so the Bible shows very clearly then that winds represent the nation so God is restraining the power of nations are you with me now want you to see the be closer doe remember with Isaiah twenty seven eight said he stream what Spaeth the rough wind in his estate his day of his rough wind and the day of his wife east wind there's going to be close remember north south east and west we talking directional here and we'll see just a moment this little closer adult winds also represents something else look at proverbs chapter 1 verse 27 proverbs chapter 1 verse 27 are you there in Proverbs 127 you know I have to go I'm so used to doing seminars where I'm teaching people that I always act you are you there because in the seminars we used to teach the people how to memorize their Bible so they would be there even if they hadn't got there with their finger they were there in their mind are you with me now and so that's why I say that so I don't want to be redundant on you okay the Bible says here in barbers 1:27 it says when your fear cometh as what desolation and your destruction come off as a what whirlwind what is this rupture connected to whirlwind or winds are you with me now it says when distress and anguish come upon you did until you call upon me but I without answer and they shall seek me early but they shall not find me now here the Bible says a win whirlwind is connected to what destruction and the Bible goes on and says part of the wise man Solomon is saying that when this type of whirlwind of destruction begins to come that's when God's people want to call on him because the people of God will be in distress and anguish at the time of this whirlwind of destruction which is a storm that's coming ladies and gentlemen you and I cannot wait brother says we cannot wait for the storm to hit before we start calling on Jesus we've got to be in a constant relationship a constant friendship with God now so he will know you and he'll know how to fight you can know how to trust him in the coming storm a storm is coming to this church to this people every last one of us no matter where you are where you live on the globe or what group you say you with a storm is coming for all Adventists and we need to get prepared we need to know how to we need we need to know how to come together to and ask God to humble us down and be my brothers and sisters and not like enemies at each other we are living in the time of the end and God is calling for us to come together but we can never come together just on the idea of being together we must come together within character jesus said by their fruits you will know them huh a good tree breath for good fruit an evil tree brings forth evil fruit and every tree that is not that is not a doesn't bring forth good fruit is cut down you're not to worry God's gonna deal with the tears around here and those who those who those who want to continue on in their sin and lead others into sin that day that day is coming a reckoning day is coming you can fool some of the people some of the time you can fool most of people most of the time but you can't fool God no time and the day is coming when God will pull your skirt back just to save you and expose you to shame and blame and hopefully did maybe just maybe somebody may humble down and say lord have mercy on me and forgive me for my sins God lets sin be exposed just so you could just even in that he's trying to save you and if that won't work then he lets judgments come and if you still won't work then he let you be taken out and you wind up a lost man or lost woman now you got your choice and I want and I want you to I want to I want to see you saved in the kingdom if you don't like me that's okay but let me say something to you when it's all said and done one day this world's going to stop it's got to and when it's all said and done and the smoke blows over I want to see you in the kingdom yeah you you don't know me I don't know you yours owner telepods I want to see you in the kingdom and the only way you want to get there is you're going to have that's God to change your character change your mind change your attitude about life and about church members and even people have done you wrong even in the church don't hold on to that foolishness take it to God in prayer if you got to cry cry and they took your office if they mistreated you if they ignored you if they made you feel like you were less than a human being or that you were not even a turn of God go to God on your knees in prayer and kiss all your cares upon him and don't get off your knees until every tear and shed and everything your heart comes out and when you get off your knees say God give me peace then go to church or go where you're going and pray and talk with God what you're going and treat that person and treat you wrong just like he ain't done nothing to you and smile at him hey how hey John how you doing praise the Lord somebody come well you know he said well praise the Lord why you praising God someone could I took it to God in prayer and he's going to take care of you and John in the long run so it's better that when you want to make friends now tell you now tell you now you better start make up your mind you're gonna be a Christian I know I don't want to be in that venison name anymore I don't want to be a tad venison note roof and don't know how to love people I don't want to be like that I don't want to be one of these evidence walking around here that's saying well you know I've got all this prophecy and then I and then I don't know how to be tactful sometime and I don't know how to be gentle with people you understand what I'm telling you it's time that we have a balance on this thing it's time that we understand how to love how to be firm and at the same time how to stand for right though the heavens fall now say brother I love you and you don't listen you may disagree with me but that's okay but I'm when you know dry principle by principle I cannot do head that's when you got to go it's time I love it we got to be Christian the Bible's about this there know that ye are my disciples when you have what love one for another do you love like that you know in the street we used to call it tough love you know sometimes I truly want their own way and we have to love them toughly we wouldn't them get their way never get mad at us and want to get away from it and go with their friends until long time later on they had to come back to us why was it Chloe had tough love I want to let you have your way in my house we had to move somewhere else but later you had to come back home and so you know Mom I'll rather be at your daddy I rather be at your house why you know I got rules in his house yeah I know you got rules everything but daddy I get peace when I come here I don't get peace with my friends though we smoking smoking and do it here through the Sun I don't get peace I get peace only in Jesus I'm gonna take you to one more last point then we gonna have a break then we gonna come back to this issue of rough wind and we don't finish finish it up but it terminal 2130 I want to know something about this particular win it said this wins brains desolation this win will bring distress and anguish but notice something with this win the Bible says in job 2130 look what it says there job chapter 21 verse 30 are you there job 2130 the Bible says here I hope you don't mind all the scriptures because I want the Bible to explain see this for me to say anything I want you to have the Bible the Bible is his own interpret a men know but the Bible says he enjoyed 2130 it says here the wicked is reserved to the day of what destruction they should be brought forth to the day of what the day of wrath for women whose will be brought forth to the day of wrath the wicked wait a minute who are the wicked to me to second us only is chapter 2 verse 8 keep your finger in jo21 2nd thessalonians chapter 2 verse 8 come on in 2nd thessalonians chapter 2 verse 8 notice what the Bible says here in a Bible says here and then to that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming not a word wicked there in 2nd Thessalonians 2:8 is capitalized did you notice that interest capitalized indicating that this word indicates that this word wicked refers to those who are lawless those who are without law or who have violated law so wait a minute who are the wicked those who in the last days will choose to make void the law of God those who were willfully trampled upon the commandments of God by breaking one are you with me now how many got a break in order to be a trance festival law one you don't believe it look at James 2:10 come on cuz I looked into something you look at me like kind of look kind of strange at me come on James chapter two come on won't you see from the Bible you going home with it you're not going home with me amen amen come on brother James chapter two are you there alright James chapter 2 verse 10 of what the Bible says who suffer what who's ever keep up the whole law yet a finn and what one poor how many points one point is guilty of all four dollars for he that said do not commit adultery that said also do not kill now if thou commit if no adultery yet if thou kill thou have become a what transgressing the law so speak ii and do ye as data shall be judged by the law of liberty so how many commands to get a break one so the sort the second coming of Jesus how many people will be wicked all all all who break the law but how will all the world break the law the Bible says the wicked shall be brought forth to the day of what the day of wrath what is the day of wrath wait a minute the Bible says in revelation 14:9 and I saw I'm sorry and the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the Beast and His image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is pro that mixture and did a cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of holy angels in the president of lamb and the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever and they have no rain still night who what everybody who worshiped the beast and is what image and who said received the mark of his name here are the patientís Saints here are they to keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus stop the wicked shall be brought forth to the day of what wrath what is the day of wrath is coming the mark of the beast the worship of the image and mark of the beast the union of church and state and Sunday sacredness and when they go with a brainís about everyone that chooses to go against the commandments of God to worship a false various rest day will receive the mark of the beast and they will be marked as wicked because they would have had a knowledge of Word of God and it chose him to go against the very truth of what God has warned him not to do the wicked shall be brought forth to the day of wrath and so before we go any further we won't take a break here and we're going to let Rama let my brother come up and we're going to take a little break anybody will come back we're going to finish up the issue of the this issue of staying new wins I'm enjoying the message so far you get in getting the Word of God all right this time I want to turn it over to my brothers moment that's this close this point out with just a word of Prayer father in heaven we thank you for the study of your word so far and we ask that your Holy Spirit will continually abide with us Lord give us understanding of the scriptures may we be fed by the Holy Spirit and by holy angels that draw nigh us to help us understand that things we read we thank you for this in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Remnant SDA Church
Views: 13,380
Rating: 4.652174 out of 5
Keywords: Remnant, SDA, Church, Adventist, Christian, Seventh-day, Gospel, Worship, Sabbath, Stay The Winds, Maurice Berry, Tried In The Fire, reviva;
Id: VIz0cOwCsZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 9sec (3849 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2014
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