"Behold The Bride Groom Cometh" by Maurice Berry

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we know not the what everybody the our when the master will return and while the bridegroom tarried they all slumbered and slept in a midnight there was a cry heard behold the bridegroom cometh go ye out to what to meet him in 1844 he went out to meet the bridegroom was he coming in the clouds where was he coming to the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary at this time I want to close you with this thought about the close of probation we saw in the book of Zechariah I mean on the book of Revelation we saw that the winds were being what he'll remember that in Revelation chapter 7 and it says that they would not to hurt the earth nor to see nor trees till we have sealed the white servants of our God before we go any further what is the seal of God what does it take in where we say the Sabbath but I want you to look at something with me for a moment it unless if it is carefully in Revelation 7 the Bible says this the Bible says in Revelation 7 - and I saw another angel ascending from the where the east having the seal of living God and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea saying hurt not the earth nor did see no any trees - we have sealed the servants of our God where in their foreheads now the Bible said this seal is found where in their foreheads now before I go any further the seal I'm gonna make us make a suggestion for you the seal takes in character and law it takes in character and law go to Revelation chapter 14 with me for just a moment Revelation chapter 14 I want to show you three things it's very important and they're gonna be the issue of character law but also want to show you the spirit of prophecy because some people are losing their bearings and some of our people do not want to believe in the spirit of prophecy they say if you can't show up from the Bible we don't believe it well let me just show you this - that spirit of prophecy is hidden right here in Revelation chapter 14 the Bible says in 14-7 fear God and give what glory to him for the hour of his what judgment has come was to say fear God and give what glory to him now first of all under fear God I want you to turn me to Psalms 25 Psalms chapter 25 and it's a gift verse 14 I want to show you what God gives people who keep his Commandments in Psalms 25 14 the Bible says in Psalms 25 14 - what it says it says here the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him now let's stop for moment what's what the people of God that fear him a secret the Bible said the secret Lords with them that fear him and he says and he will what and it says here it says and he will show them his what his covenant now let's stop a moment what is God's covenant turn me to do dorama nee 4:13 deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 13 let's see what is God's covenant the Bible says in Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 13 it says this and he declared a knew his covenant which he commanded to to perform even what 10 commandments and he wrote them on two tables of what stone so God's covenant is his what 10 commandments now go back to Psalms 25 14 it says the fear the secret of the Lord is with them there what fear him he was showed them his covenant before 20 father do you know anybody that has a message on fear do you know anybody they got a message on fear hello anybody home we have a message on fear what does that message say fear God now what does God say he do for those who fear Him he shows them his wife covenant now watch this but what does fear got me to me Tudor Omni chapter 10 verses 12 and 13 Deuteronomy chapter 10 verses 12 and 13 now and now Israel what do with the LORD thy God require thee but to fear the Lord thy God now fear the Lord they got what does it mean to walk in all his ways and to love him and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy want soul that's what it means to fear God stop do you fear that do you walk in all his ways no you don't have to answer me you that's what you think about it this is what fear God means okay do you walk in all this way as you love him and do you serve him with serve Lord that God with all your heart with all your soul verse 13 to keep the one the commandments of the Lord and his statutes which I command thee this day for thy good and what does God's commandments call here's what covenant so therefore the issue the secret Lord is what then there what fear him those if fear God love him with all that mine heart and soul and they will keep his 1 commandments and it will serve the Lord with all their heart is that right so those who circle over all their heart and keep God's commandments he says I give them a walk they fear me and I give them a secret now what is Amos 3:7 says let's see what a secret that Amos 3:7 we noticed text surely the Lord God would do nothing but he reveals his secrets unto his service of what prophet stopped so what's God want to give those who fear Him and keep his Commandments he's going to get him a secret but the Seekers with those who are his servants to what prophets this is what the Bible says in numbers 12 6 hear not my words if there be a prophet among you I don't remember self normal in a vision I will speak to them in a dream what the prophets have visions and dreams stop that God give those who preach the three angels message and the first angels message dealing with fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment come that God bestow upon them a prophet or a messenger yes he did and no he's had a writings of the spirit of prophecy remember revelation now 12 to 17 and the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God they had the Covenant and they have the testimony of Jesus they have the secret everybody say that that's what you're talking about and so we find here that the Bible says here going back now to Revelation chapter 14 so therefore we have those who have the secret or those who have the Covenant under under the word fear god we have the evidence that the people who preach the three ingles message God's people the 7-day Adventist Church would have with them the spirit of prophecy that's just a shortcut of trying to look at it and there's other ways to look at it but that's just one for time sake but I just want to take you there because I want you to see it from the Bible because everything I'm giving you his Bible so you can go back and study for yourself it's not what I know is what God wants to reveal to us because he's trying to speak to us he's trying to speak to you in your day in your morning hours when you commune with him he's trying to help you understand his word and help you understand that when problems come how to trust him how not to get this confused or or how you say what's the word you use when you when you when you almost discombobulated because you don't know what to trust in you don't know what that put your faith in your faith is strengthened every day that you study the Bible and you must have prayer and Bible study not just prayer and a devotional 15-minute reading you need to spend at least an hour searching the Scriptures comparing Scripture with Scripture line upon line precept upon precept here a little there a little this is what God is asking of us because as we search the Scriptures and lay the Word of God in our minds we become fixed and the Spirit of God is able to bring things back to our remembrance when we need it most but if we never time to search the scriptures if we never take time to lay the spirit of prophecy booklet the meat that their messages in those books in our hearts and minds when trials come when temptations come winds have picked up to come but we have to make a stand even in the church we don't know how to stand because we're not rooted and grounded in the Word of God listen only those that fortified of mine with the Word of God will stand to the last great conflict the last great conflict is approaching us the probationary period of this world's about the close and only God knows when he will exactly close it but we are not to procrastinate and put off the day of our salvation because we are closer now than when we first believed this message and came in here 10 years ago 15 years ago 30 years ago 40 years ago or 60 years ago or maybe in 80 years ago we are closer now to the second coming of Christ than in any time in Earth's history and if you don't believe it look around again and remember what you saw with same-sex marriage that has never happened in previous generations since the start of the Advent movement you are approaching we are approaching the very ends a probationary period and that's why I'm that's why I'm making that emphasis so you can understand but now let's go back for this sucker but we talk about the closed robe ation and I want to know one thing will probation is there such thing as a close of probation you know we don't like to talk about that nowadays because there no but everybody wants a you're talking gloom and doom when you talk this am I talking gloom and doom or am i talking telling you that this present world of sin with death and sickness and disease which suffering that you might not want to always focus on but it's there is about to end you call that doom and gloom you call it dooming room for people who have lost their loved ones in war and wonder if they will ever see their children who died in hospital beds again and you call it doom and gloom because you want to continue or that life of prosperity while many around you who don't know Jesus who have suffered the loss of loved ones who have suffered loss of children and are wondering if there's a God in heaven and is there any hope beyond the grave long and look for a day or hope for a day somewhere somehow where their families will be restored where the husband will be brought back to them where their wife will come back to them where their mother will be restored to them but you and I we think only in terms of ourselves sometimes and we think about poor men he talking doom and gloom why the world some in the world are looking for some type of hope how can we sit here and think like that we ought to try to give people hope that this role in and you will see your family members again especially if their lives were here in Christ your child will be returned to you one day mothers who lost their children through miscarriage but still put their trust in God their babies will be returned to them one day Ellen White said the angels of God will bring them children to their parents arms the imaginet family chains will be reunited at the resurrection of Christ I mean at the resurrection at the resurrection of the righteous immortality that's gonna be giving you have you thought about that you most of us we've muscles jump if we younger we don't think about it yet because we don't see their wrinkles yet we don't see the gray hair yet but keep on living it's coming the tooth the teeth get loose and everything else and you begin to wonder you begin that they realize you know what I'm getting old and at the same time you begin to understand what sin has done to the planet what's thin has done to mankind and what sin is doing to you and that makes you long for immortality God has made that promise to you look what the Bible says here and let's take a look at this one look at his clothes the Probation point right quick get you out of here in the next 20 minutes or so let's go right quick - me too - me in your Bibles for a moment remember turn to Revelation 15 Revelation chapter 15 in the second verse 8 is there such a thing as a close of probation in Revelation chapter 15 because in Revelation we read that Jesus will do what stand up remember that in Revelation chapter 7 but now just before he stands up something happened in the sanctuary above nuclear Revelation chapter 15 verse 8 said and the temple the word temple means and the sanctuary was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power now what part of the sanctuary was West Jesus in says 1844 most holy place and we're in the Bible in the book of Revelation do we see we get an idea of the most holy place experience that Christ that the heavenly sanctuary is seen and the most holy place look at revelation 11 19 in revelation 11 19 remember the temple God was filled with smoke from the glory of God from his power but in revelation 11 19 we read this and the Temple of God was open in heaven and there was seen in this temple the Ark of his one the art of his Testament and the and incident was lightning and voices and thunderings and an earthquake and great hail but they what is this the the Ark of his Testament is from where in the most holy place and revelation 11 19 is showing that when the sounding of the seventh angel came and the 23 and a prophecy was meaningful filmin that Christ had moved into the most holy place and now the temple of God was seen you remember in the early advent movement there was a man named Chiron Epson what what happened with hiren Epson he has he was he had suffered a great disappointment of 1844 he was in his barn with some other friends they were seen down kneeling in prayer and trying to understand what caused a disappointment of 1844 when he left that barn he was walking through the cornfield he looked up in the sky what did he see he got a little vision of Jesus moving from the holy place to the most holy place and he saw that there was a transition that the sunnat' that though that the Lord came suddenly to his temple look at Malachi chapter 3 come on Malachi chapter 3 won't you see that with me Malachi chapter 3 you can see it right there Malachi is last book in the Old Testament for somebody if you're not definitely with your body in Malachi chapter 3 and I want you look here at verse 1 behold I send my messenger and he shall prepare the way before me and the Lord whom you seek who was seeking the Lord at that time the Miller right movement the Lord whom you seek show up shall suddenly come where come come back to earth right no he's gonna come to his wife temple what's the temple dealing with sanctuary where'd the Saints where is he gonna go to the most holy place look what it says here even the messenger of the what covenant what's the company dealing with the Ten Commandments the messenger of the Covenant join it who's this mess of the Covenant is Jesus himself it says whom he delight in behold he shall come says the Lord of hosts so where's Jesus going to be seen at going where the most holy place do we have any scripture that shows that Christ would go into the most holy place look at Daniel chapter 7 with me come on Daniel chapter 7 looking here at verse 9 and 10 the Bible says here in Daniel 7 9 and 10 I beheld to the thrones were cast down and the Ancient of Days did sit whose garment was white as snow and this hair of his head like pure wool and it says his throne was like a fiery flame in his wheels as burning fire and a fiery stream issued and came from before him and thousands thousands ministered to him Tim thousands huntin thousands - before him the judgment was set and the books for what open and otherwise said this is a scene in other writings of Christ moving from where holy place to where most holy place and for 18 century for 18 centuries he was in the holy place in 1844 at the end of the 21-day prophecy he moves into the most holy place and now begins to work a final judgment or the hour of his judgment is what come but now the Bible foretells a time when Jesus will finish his work as high priest he will cease intercession in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary Wow we are yet living the judgment started with the righteous dead in 1844 it will end with the righteous living and only God knows the exact time but I want to understand we have every event that we have seen taking place is pointing to the idea that we're headed into the judgment of the living if we now already begun and we got a name there your character is gonna come up a review your life everything about you your secret things are coming up in review there will be nothing here in that day will you be ready are you seeking the Lord now and are you seeking to put away sin that he can put sin out your mind he can't blasting out your mind that she's willing to put away sin and if anybody telling you gonna be saved in your sin he's lying did you hear what I said if they telling you you're gonna be saved in sin somebody's lying to you it's a lyin preacher he did say if I know him he keep it's not his Commandments is a liar and a truth not any brother he be among us or it be among somebody else if he preaches that he's a liar and I didn't say the Bible said it right there the Bible goes on and tells us here in Revelation 15 8 the temple was filled with smoke from what let's go to Revelation chapter 15 verse 8 now now do we understand that Christ is in the most holy place now we can understand this imagery a little bit better the Bible said sent about the temple the temple was filled with smoke from the what glory of God and from his what power and no man was able to what endure in and till what to the seven plagues of the seven angels were what fulfilled notice something very carefully probation the seven as place which brings the wrath of God cannot fall while price is our high priest while he's interceding for us when Jesus stops interceding the plagues will fall this is why revelation 16 one you read and a voice came out of the temple saying to the seven angels go your ways and pour out the plagues of the wrath of God upon the earth but that voice indicated that the work of the high priests Christ's work as high priests and intercessor in the most holy place had ended but now the Bible says that temple was filled with smoke what does that mean filled with smoke well we're never where for smoke is a cloud turn me to first kings 8 10 and 11 first Kings chapter 8 verses 10 and 11 and first Kings chapter 8 verses 10 11 look what the Bible says the Bible says here are you there okay those are the Bible says the Bible says here and it came to pass when the priests were come out of where the holy place that the cloud feel the house of the Lord what filled the house of Lord a cloud it says so the priest could not stand to Minister because the cloud for the what glory of the Lord had filled the one filled the house of the Lord what happened when the glory the glory of God filled the house of God the priests could no longer a minister and if the glory of God has filled the house of God in Revelation 15 8 this prop this particular verse in Revelation 58 is telling you what will take place after Jesus steps out from between God and man there will be no mediator between God and man therefore the wrath of God is able to forth upon the world because it have been wrath poured out without what mercy but out mixture and means without mercy because I would it be without mercy because what now let's see why would it be without mercy turn me to Hebrews 4 14 through 16 Hebrews 4 14 through 16 I want to show you why be without mercy look what the Bible says in Hebrews 4 14 through 16 the Bible says here seemed in that we have a great one high priest said it's passed into heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast our profession for we have not an High Priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without what sin verse 16 now let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we might obtain what wait a minute what's mercy predicated on mercy and grace is predicated on you having a high priest is that right a mediator between God and man so therefore when the plagues are poured out without mercy is because there is no more what mediator between God and man therefore there is no more grace to be extended to man no more mercy to the offer to man therefore when the plagues fall they fall without mercy and without grace on those who have rejected God's message and his law little careful now the Bible said the temples filled with smoke and no man could enter - how do you and I enter the temple how do we enter the temple of God turn me to Psalms 65-63 for moment songs let's go there right quick Psalm 63 I won't know how we enter a temple it's actually 65 Vica Psalm 65 - let's see how do we enter the temple remember in steps of Christ's prayer does not bring us down to God it does not bring God down to us but it brings us up to God so what brings us up prayer so well how do we get in the temple through what prayer lookie here in verse 2 it says old doubt it here is an answered prayer unto thee shall all flesh what comes now when we pray how do how do i how do we get how do we come to how do we come and God's presence with prayer we come in Jesus name but how does our prayer come into his presence you say a Holy Spirit look at psalms 141 2 1 & 2 psalm 141 1 & 2 once you see this so I was 141 1 and 2 says what let's take a look at again the Bible says Lord I cried unto thee make hasten to me give ear to my voice when I cry unto thee let my prayer be set forth before the ass incense how does your prayer go up as instance before the throne of God how do we know that to be true is that true or we just making this up hmm turn me into revelation right quick chapter 4 won't you see how our prayer goes up you pray and you wondering if your prayer groaning your prayer goes up before God as incense and the Spirit of God also helps our prayer but Jesus blood is what gives merit to our prayer is moistened with his blood and with his merits listen very carefully in Revelation chapter 4 I'm looking very carefully of Revelation chapter 5 listens very carefully and I want to look at verse 8 with me it says and when he had taken the book the four beasts and the twenty elders the four and twenty elders fell down before the lamb having every one of them harps and golden vials of odours that means like perfumes or incense if you please which is the what prayers of the what of the saints look at Revelation chapter 8 verse 2 and another angel came stood at the altar having a golden inch golden censer and there was given him much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of the Saints upon the golden altar which is before the throne so our prayers lead this earth and go up to God like what incense and where do they go where is the high priests in the most holy place and what did the high priests bring with him when he would go into the most holy place the golden one sensor and the golden censer had fire in it and it also had what incense and Christ blood and his merits and his atoning blood is mingled with the what the incense to make our prayers acceptable so how do we in an attempt through prayer how do our prayers go up like incense are you sending up any incense lately I want you to see by faith that's how your prayers go up but now let's go one more step with this so you can see as we close the Bible said this now it says no man can enter temple the temple is filled with smoke from the glory got it from its power now what does it mean then smoke is representative a cloud what did the Bible say about clouds when a god has a cloud turn me to lamentation chapter 3 lamentation chapter 3 lamentation is after the Book of Jeremiah lamentations chapter 3 and there secured at verses 42 through 44 we have transgressed and rebelled in thou has not pardoned thou has covered thy covered with anger and persecuted us thou has slain and not pity thou has covered thyself with a what what they cloud that our prayer should not pass what happens when the Saints where is covered with a cloud prayers can't go through but why can't our prayer go through at this time because there's not going to be somebody turn me to Isaiah 59 16 Isaiah chapter 59 verse 16 don't you remember this Isaiah 59 16 the Bible says here and he saw that there there was what no man and wondered that there was no what intercessor now when you study Isaiah carefully you Isaiah brings out a point if you go to book prophesying Kings and then White says and she talks about Jesus when he was on earth Christ had no intercessor did you know that for 33 years Jesus lived on this world had he sinned one time he had no intercessor yet the Bible says he was without what without sin that's why when he died even though he died to death that we deserved he could be resurrected from the grave because he himself had not sinned you understand is now why is this important to us because the Bible said there's to be no what no intercessor so that means that that God's people when Michael stands up when Jesus ceases intercession God's people will go through a time of trouble without an intercessor that means that your character has to be sealed with the seal of God that means your mind your will your intellect everything about your life is fixed now if that's going to be the case then you need to have the seal of God is that right I actually earlier what is the seal first of all turn me to Romans for eleven former Romans chapter 4 verse 11 in Romans 4 11 the Bible tells you something you need to have this what happened to Abraham talks about Abraham's minute it says here it says and he received a sign of what circumcision a seal of what the righteousness of the one faith and that's not right there what type of seal did he have the righteousness of the one faith or what we were called it what would we call that today righteousness by faith that's a seal but that righteous by faith as a seal of the character because thoughts and feelings make up moral character but your characters are only righteous are you are partakers of Christ and His righteousness or partakers of the divine nature are you with me now and so therefore this is a seal of righteousness by faith look what it says here it says here which he had being uncircumcised that he might be the father of all them that believe though not believe doesn't just me believe it means believe with obedience believe with the mind to obey God listen very carefully through that it says though they've been what not circumcised that the righteousness might be imputed unto them off so now so wait a minute what does a seal of God take in to show you one more time lookie here it takes it's got to take in character and law what is the glory of God we say fear God and get what glory to him look at Exodus chapter 33 verse 18 and 19 Exodus 33 18 and 19 it says here and Moses talking with God and he says and I he said I beseech thee show me thy want show me thy glory verse 19 says here and he said I will make all my goodness of pass before thee and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee and I will be gracious to my be gracious and I was so mercy upon whom I will show up merci so wait a minute what is this this is Moses sense show me your glory God says I mobile claim my wat my name what is name character what is glory honor majesty and character so God is going to proclaim the Moses his character let's see turn me to Exodus chapter 34 verse 5 through 7 look what it says here and the Lord descended in a cloud and stood with him there and proclaimed the name of the Lord it says and the Lord passed before him and proclaimed the Lord the Lord God merciful gracious long-suffering abundant in goodness and truth what is all this so far character Liberty says keeping mercy for thousands forgiving iniquity and transgressions and sins and by no means clear and if guilty what is that so far still character there's a very carefully and it says by no mean clearly guilty visiting equity of the father's upon the children and upon their children's children unto the third and fourth generation what is that character but law how do we know it's law in Exodus chapter 20 verses 5 X is 20 verse 5 the Bible says thou shall not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the father's upon the children and upon the children's children unto the third and fourth generation that hate me and show him mercy in a thousand that love me and keep my Commandments so what is God proclaimed the Moses his glory was his glory his character and his law what it otherwise saying about pay trusts and prophets dealing with God's law she says that God's law is a transcript of his character therefore if we're gonna have the seal of God we must have the character and we must have his law and where did God say he would put his law Hebrews 8 Tim says what and this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days said the Lord I'll put my laws in their minds and write them in their hearts and I will beat him God and they shall be Tamiya people and they shall not teach every man his neighbour and every man his brothers same no the Lord for all shall know me from the least to the greatest and I'll be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities while I when I remember no more wait a minute where does God gonna do it a new covenant he says I want to put my law in your mind I'm gonna seal you with my seal what's the guts before I go there what is it seal the seal is the seventh how do we know look at Ezekiel 20:12 come on Ezekiel 20:12 the Bible says are you there come on now you ought to be there by now come on is equal twenty-two moreover I gave them my Sabbath's to be a sign of what everybody a sign of what's the word for sign a seal between me and them that they might know that I am the lord that what everybody sanctify them in verse 20 it says here and hallow my Sabbath's that they may be what a sign between me and what between a sign between me and you that ye may know that I am the Lord your God so wait a minute what does the seal take in it takes in character law but above all God's holy one sudden and I looked and be and I looked at a lamb stood on Mount Zion and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand of all the way it says having his wife having his father's name written in their foreheads wolves his name his character and was with his character his law his law of love his character is love God is love first John 4:8 he's also merciful gracious long-suffering abundant in goodness and goodness and truth do we have that can we have that what's the fruit of the Spirit love joy peace long-suffering gentleness faith meekness and temperance and what is the Spirit of God the right in our hearts God's law the law our love based on the fruits of the spirit of love joy peace long-suffering gentleness faith meekness and temperance temperance that's health reform and the Joe body is a temple of God and him that the father body God would destroy for the temple of God is holy which temple ye are are you understanding me now and so God's lost when we read in the heart but what did God say we're doing a new covenant he said their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more well when will God not remember your sins and your iniquities anymore who in will that take place is gonna take place in a day of atonement this is why is a shocking thing that Adventists are no longer one to believe in the investigative judgment it's a shocking thing why because if you don't believe in it let's get a judgment chances are then you will be a candidate not to have your sins blotted out therefore you will not cooperate with the Holy Ghost in purifying your soul and obeying the truth therefore you will not receive the early rain convictions nor will you be prepared to receive the latter rain therefore your sin will remain and you will be lost this is how serious he gets but now let's call a bit closer what do you mean was he going to do with your sins what did the high priest do every year on the day of atonement he went into the most holy place and whatever was he doing it was a cleansing of the sanctuary you saw that you studied that last quarter remember but look look closer with me now as we give it come out gave you last two glass who takes a look at this right way to remain your Bibles to what did he Bruce chapter 10 Hebrews chapter 10 what the Bible say in Hebrews chapter 10 that'd gotta get you got it gotta finish here look here Hebrews chapter 10 Berta you about where you'd be read in a few minutes okay okay here Hebrews chapter 10 the Bible says here he says for the law having a shadow verse 1 for the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of those things can never with those sacrifices who say offered what everybody year by year what's year by year year by year's talk about Day of Atonement this is when they had the Day of Atonement now what was it about these animal sacrifices they could not what watch what says could not make the cover they're into what perfect now do we find anything up with before we finish this go to Hebrews 11 with me and look at verses 39 and 40 and all these talking about Samson Noah barrack Abraham Isaac Jacob everyone you read about Joseph all these haven't obtained a good report through faith received not the promise God having provided some better thing for us that they without us should not be made perfect wait a minute they cannot receive something until we receive it and it's got something to do with becoming perfect now get this they Abraham Isaac Jacob most of ancient Israel that you read about in Hebrews chapter 11 whoa waiting on us now let me break this down to you us is not talking about just that apostles this is talking about us us why were they waiting on us because when they're under 2,300 days then shall the sanctuary be cleansed they Moses inna Elisha who are alive were waiting for us they were longing for the Day of Atonement why because Moses understood and Elijah understood and Enoch understood that when that day shall come that God is going to blot out sin and they will we cannot have their sins blotted out until we have our sins brought it out so they have been waiting for us can you imagine Moses mind when you saw the day of atonement come and he saw the disappointment that was taking place on earth in 1844 then he saw that God would turn around and give the people God the Advent people the understanding and that the admin people would understand that when there's get plotted out on earth then that means that the sins of Moses Elijah enough and all the tune of Israel and Hebrews chapter 11 will have their sins blotted out too they have been waiting on us longing for a day of the Day of Atonement and we take it for granted because we don't understand what this really meant if you don't believe that didn't look a little closer with me you'll see they'll put it there waiting on but there Hebrews chapter 10 come on remember year by year year by year deal with what everybody did what they have atonement look at verse 2 it says here for them what they cease to be offered because the worst verse once purged to have no more what no more what no more conscience of sin oh what's gonna happen when they have this woman when he ends what will God do he's not only forgiven sin he's not only partnering sin but this time he's going to do something he hasn't done in the in all this time but long for it he's gonna bought sin out of the conscience of the subconscious and the conscious do you understand what I'm telling you I don't think you get it first of all if you understood it you ought to be rejoicing and that means you must have victory over sin in order for that to happen not only that but get this that means for another thing if my sins are blotted out before my high priests finishes work in the heavenly Saints way above and he declares me righteous and holy still what does it mean to be righteous and holy still it means your sins have been blotted out and you have no more remembrance of sin but you only remember the nail prints in his hands in his feet but you won't be remembering your sins that you did in the past it means that the second coming of Christ you will have me filled with the Holy Ghost and you will see Jesus face to face and there be no sin in you that will cause you to be destroyed by the brightness of his coming it means that your sins are blotted out then God so right to give you immortality and give you a body that will never get old never die never get sick again it means that you will be with God for all eternity in an immortal body it won't tell you twenty forever you don't get it twenty forever you're to come to you some of us older ones nobody means twenty forever huh some of the young ones don't believe it yet they'll get there just keep on living another ten years you understand but look here but in those sacrifices it says here then what this needs to be offered because the worst ones purge have no more conscious of sin but in those sacrifices their food members again made of sin every year for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and the blood of goats should take away sins would have the blood of bulls and goats and animal sacrifices of the Old Testament cannot take away sin what can take away sin john 1:29 said the next day john see if jesus come in and said what behold the lamb of God which taketh in of the world what takes away sin Jesus blood takes away sin it forgives sin but Diesel's blood will do what no other blood can do it can remove sin from the countries and it will remove sin from our very nature that's what's coming God having provided some better thing for us that they without us should not be made perfect well beloved if we understood that what type of people what we really be how sober will he be understanding this that they can't have their sins blotted out until we have our sins blotted out and Paul said now do to understand that run run the race that was set before you and now that we are in the ends of the world pass 1844 now in the time when God's would have finished to work in the judgment and cut the work short in righteousness it is time to get right with God puts it away that God can blot your since out and they told name can be retained in the book fear God give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come and seek the Lord to get your sins brought it out that you might be prepared for have a character and stand at the coming of the Son of Man nothing is more important than that and so I appeal to you this evening how many was it said Lord block my sins let me get my sins blotted out then my name will be retained in the book of life if that's your desire they want you to meditate with us for a few moments says Roberta will come in singing we're closed for the closing prayer
Channel: Remnant SDA Church
Views: 8,793
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Keywords: Remnant, SDA, Church, Adventist, Christian, Seventh-day, Gospel, Worship, Sabbath, Behold the BrideGroom Commeth, Maurice, Berry, Tried In The Fire, Revival
Id: RvYzHhBdeaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2014
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