Stay Away From Negative People - They Have A Problem For Every Solution

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[Music] there's a saying stay away from negative people they have a problem for every solution this is not true for all situations just like everything in life you will need to apply some common sense but what the quote points to is that you should always limit your time with people that continually drain your energy and add no value to your life negative people are usually very committed to being negative and the more you push them to be anything else the more they will push back this doesn't mean you show no compassion towards others live with compassion live with empathy put yourself in others shoes short do all that as a standard practice of being a decent human being but keep your life free from the drama and negativity that is not who you are if your attempts to lift someone out of negativity are unsuccessful you have to move on they will get to a better place when they're ready to get to a better place and no one will get there if they're not ready whether they are pushed or not there are no accidents everyone comes into your life for a reason a lesson or a blessing Will Smith once said don't chase people be yourself do your own thing and work hard the right people the ones who really belong in your life will come to you and stay I can't give any better advice than that the people in your life should be reducing your stress not causing more of it if you consider yourself to be a positive person and want to live your best life to surround yourself with positive people surround yourself with people that make you feel good about being yourself surround yourself with people that see the by doing so you will see more good too you will attract more good don't let them drain your energy energy doesn't discriminate just like weightlifting if you focus on getting one body part stronger and you put all your energy focused and effort on that muscle group working on in every day that muscle will get stronger if you put all your energy into negative people your life will be negative if your attention is on what is wrong with your life if your attention and energy is on the negative people and the negativity they breathe that will invade your life do not let them suck your energy keep your focus on what is good and you will see more good more good will bro just like a muscle the same is true on the opposite they say if you lie down but the you'll get up with fleas if you lie down with negativity you'll be consumed are what you eat and you are who you spend your time with by choice what you consume will consume you your friends and peer group are a great reflection of you because you chose them choose wisely say thank you to all the toxic people in your life who I say thank you if they didn't appreciate you they taught you how you must not be treated and they taught you how not to treat others if they let you go they showed you how to move on they showed you that you are more than a relationship you at the deepest level are not you plus someone else you are you your soul is not owned or attached to another if they made you feel unworthy if they took the life out of you for a moment they showed you that no one can ever take all the light from you long-term they gave you strength and character they expanded your heart if they were racist they gave you more compassion towards all races and showed you a clear example of how not to treat people who simply look different than you if they were unkind through their example of what comes to unkind people and the lack of love they had in their life they showed you what not to do and gave you two great gifts kindness and compassion whatever they did you don't let us stop you from being you from loving and living life fully don't let one person or two or three stop you from becoming your greatest self you're more than one of them you're more than one person use whatever happened to your advantage don't let them win by holding on let their toxic energy stay with them and release it from your life say thank you thank you for the lessons thank you for the blessings and thank you for the strength to move on to let them go for good I am grateful for all those difficult people they have shown me exactly who I do not want to be I am grateful for every single person who has come into my life every person who has shaped my life those who came to teach lessons and those who are real blessings they were all as important as each other as they all shaped Who I am today now I am wise enough to decide who will stay and who I must distance myself from who adds value and who takes it away and lastly ask yourself honestly what kind of person you are to those around you are you lifting them up or draining their energy are you adding value to their life or making it worse remember you cannot have a positive life with a negative mindset [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Fearless Soul
Views: 1,886,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fearless soul, inspirational music, Stay Away From Negative People, Problem For Every Solution, toxic people, negaitivty, how to deal with toxic people, negative people motivation, how to deal with negativity, negativity motivation, negative people speech, toxic people speech, toxic people motivation, toxic friends, toxic family, negative friends, negative family, drain energy, people drain energy
Id: QsumYK9o0Ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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