How to Deal with Negative People - Kevin Hart & Joe Rogan

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this video is sponsored by trends that's the problem there's so much click bait  out there because it's such an effective way to   get people to pay attention to things because as  you said people focus on failure and negative and   anger that's what we want to see controversy  that's what we want to see people want to see   the anger yeah and and you know why do you  think that is because it's just the times   it's it's that's what's cool now is that what it  is what's cool is being negative you know how you   always have some people this is a great example  how you have people who me and you can talk about   a movie right we can talk about titanic wow man  titanic one of the biggest movies of all time   [ __ ] great movie yes it was a great movie  and one guy for no reason ago i [ __ ] hated it why you ain't like titanic [ __ ]  why man i ain't got y'all know why   now tell me why why'd you hate it  i ain't got time to talk about that   the cool thing is just being different  i wanna i wanna be completely opposite   than all these contrary positive people you  know what nah nah nah that [ __ ] was ass why why why was it ass you have people that  just like to do that oh yeah for sure and and   what happens when one person does it another  person for no reason i'll go yeah me too   yeah that [ __ ] was ass  man i i ain't like it either   did you see it what y'all talking about you  don't even know what they're talking about but   you just want to hop on the negative train right  because that's what's cool it's not cool to be   positive it's not cool to be happy i don't know if  it's a cool thing i think it's usually people that   are really frustrated with their lives 100 what's  the that's the factual side to it i i did a joke   before it was like do you think michael jordan  leaves youtube comments like i bet he does no that's not for winners no not at all the type  of people that want to get mad and complain   constantly about [ __ ] like that do you  know what it takes to do this right here   not much you know right here i'm gonna tell you  how i feel right in your comment section joe   rogan you can kiss my you know what that takes you  what do you have going on that you have the time   to just simply be that negative and and do it in  this world and you know it's just a mismanagement   of your time yeah time is so valuable and and i  i don't think people understand how valuable they   can be if they use their time correctly yes now  have you always been like this have you always   been this out of this [ __ ] guy man but always  always really i find a light in every dark tunnel   i will find a goddamn light man i hear it all  you listen when i tell you the weight on my back   is so heavy of all the stuff that i deal with  and i'm fine the reason why i'm fine is because   i'm genuinely happy i'm happy and i'm  not happy just because of the success   success acts as a bonus i'm happy because i  truly know the definition and the feeling that   comes with happiness i truly know it i felt it i  felt it when i said yo what really makes me happy   and i look at heaven and hendricks and  i look at zoe i look at my wife i go yo   i didn't have the family [ __ ] when i was coming  up y'all got one i got one look what i did look   what i built these people depend on me i provide  for these people that makes me happy that makes me   happy when my daughter comes up dad you're not  only my dad you're my best friend yo i'm happy   that's my world so everything else from the  outside that comes in you're you're you're   throwing [ __ ] at a at a bubble that can't be  popped it's a force field around me yeah there's   a force fit around me because what matters what  really matters loves me wholeheartedly and when   you have that and you understand that you're  unbreakable so if you don't add to that force   field if you don't make my force feel stronger  you don't you don't you don't get time for me   my team heartbeat productions the people  underneath my umbrella you're part of my   force field you believe what i believe we all  see the same things we want the same things   so we march with the same beat you can't you can't  shake that when you're an individual that's seen   that and understands that if you've never felt  that if you have no idea what that feels like   then it's easy to shake you that's why some people  are easily broken being broken is not a hard thing   it's not a hard thing so those that do get broken  those that do get down those that do get depressed   i understand i understand i don't i don't knock  people for it i don't knock anybody for it what i   also understand is that the encouragement that can  come from so many can add value for those that may   need a little push that may need a little hey man  pick your chin up it's so easy to be that positive   reinforcement for somebody and add value it's so  easy but some people choose to throw that aside   and kick while you're down i try to put out the  light of positivity because whoever's out there   you i don't know what it could do for somebody  else but somebody else may just simply look at   me say yo the way that he embraces his kids makes  me want to be a better father you know the weight   of this man doesn't stop and waited every day  he wakes up and he's just positive regardless of   what's going on makes me realize that this [ __ ]  ain't so bad the way that he gets up and says hey   today's another day it's a morning let's all be  better than we were yesterday somebody probably   needed to hear that the more that i can give  that out and i can take my platform to throw   good energy out i'm doing my part because there's  so many that throw out the complete opposite   yeah i don't want to be a part of that that's  beautiful man that's and that's true i believe   you it's not it's not forced right it's not  phony yeah it's not fake i get [ __ ] every day   i hear [ __ ] every day it's very contagious  too i had a lady i had a lady right later lady rolled down the window she goes  when you gonna make a good movie again i said uh did you see the upside i thought the  upside was good what's that oh [ __ ] it's a   movie it's one of my movies that's out i think  i think it's a good movie i didn't see that   all right ma'am you have a beautiful day that's  awesome all right that's it that's it that's it   yeah all right she said that she asked a  question with such conviction like literally   yeah by the way i could have said a lot of [ __  ] like she rolled a window down you could tell   she still had the crank so i'm like i could have  said a lot of [ __ ] i didn't i didn't i didn't   there's a lot of things that i could say to you  man when you gonna make a good movie it's snapping   i got one out the upside do you see the  upside what's that uh it's a movie so it's   out now amazing that that's how she chooses to  come at you i see it i'm i get it she chooses   to come at you with a negative i get it  every day when you don't be funny again   i'm trying my best trying my best if it's not  working for you hopefully i do better soon   what do you what are you what what am i  going to feed into that and why ryan why why   for what yeah for what it seems to have been  working thus far are you getting this positive   attitude towards life from life experience are  you getting it from books did someone teach you   how to think about this i'm getting it from the  experiences and from the the real understanding of   perfection doesn't exist it don't exist joe we're  in a time right now where people expect perfection   you expect perfection i don't know where  this came from i don't know what happened   that this is the criteria for living my true  understanding is all right you got one life   and that one life the goal for us is  to live it to the best of our ability   from the beginning to what said the end  in the middle in the beginning middle   you're going to do things you're going to  make mistakes you're going to [ __ ] up   you're supposed to learn and then move forward  with the understanding of what not to do and when   you move forward life may get better it may not  but somewhere along the lines is going to click   and everything that i went through back here  was supposed to happen so that now that i'm   here i'm able to go ahead with such a high level  of knowledge and i can make other people better   i can make myself better i can do more for my  family something happens my dad is the prime   example crazy drug addict in and out of jail  life was very bad very [ __ ] bad for my dad   son got successful sun then took money gave it  to his dad here's your house here's your truck   here's your monthly at this age i want you to  live your life you have made mistakes you can't   rebuild and correct the things you've done  i'm your son i love you you can't go back in   and redo you can't try to keep going backwards  ain't about me you got grandkids go be the best   grandpa you can be for these grandkids that's  your focus now where's this energy devoted to   being a grandpop for the grandkids don't worry  about me but something happened in your life   something happened that took you in the  direction to reap the benefits of your   son's happiness and success my energy is  now contagious enough and i hand it to you   so now you're able to give that off to  all these other people that you're around   something happens and that's in every single life  in every life i understand that there's a payoff   for bad eventually there's a payoff it can't  be bad but for so long if you got the strength   and the understanding to realize that [ __ ]  will change it will change yo we all are great   we all should think that we're great there's no  reason for you to not think that you're great if   you don't think you're great ask yourself why why  don't you think the highest of yourself when you   do people have no you have no choice but to follow  suit hmm you got no choice but to follow suit this video is sponsored by trends a community  of entrepreneurs who are on the cutting edge of   business and technology 2020 has been  a chaotic year but in times of chaos   some see difficulty and some see opportunity  knowledge is power and with access to the   right knowledge you can find an abundance  of opportunity in these difficult times   trends has valuable resources to help you build  a thriving business with over five thousand   entrepreneurs investors and startup ceos sharing  their expert insights trends gives you exclusive   private access to a community of industry  thought leaders in virtually every field   they gave us some useful tips on how to improve  consistency across the after-school brand   they also have an incredible content library full  of in-depth articles and videos as well as live q   and a's so you can get an answer when you need it  use the link in the description to take advantage   of a two-week 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Channel: After Skool
Views: 1,035,271
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Keywords: kevin hart, jre, joe rogan, deal with negative people, trolls, positivity, happy
Id: a5ZqfulHMac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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