5 Ways To Get Back On Track When You've Lost Your Way

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there is not a human being on this planet that goes through life feeling up 100% of the time there is not a human being alive on this planet who is happy 100% of the time we all have low moments we all suffer setbacks we all get caught up in things we shouldn't and we all lose our way some of us remain lost forever and some of us find our way back to the path we were destined to travel Eckhart Tolle once said the primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it whether you stay lost or find that path is a choice if you beat yourself down or lift yourself up it is a choice and that choice starts in your own mind your reality is not what has happened but how you frame what has happened change your thoughts and you will change your life here are five ways to get back on track whenever you've lost your way number one write down your reason why when you know your reason why you need no external motivators why must you do what you do why must you succeed why must you get healthy develop yourself set a positive example why must you earn money change your attitude strengthen your relationships who are you doing it for why must you keep fighting there is a reason that's when you find that reason it will light a fire under everything you do it will get you up early and if you up late it will inspire you to push harder to fight longer to try a different way to find a way to never ever give up you'll still have low moments but you'll never stay there find that reason number to know that life is short understanding at a deep level that life is short and you only get one shot at this human experience can be one of the most powerful ways to get you back on track it's not a recipe for recklessness or craziness it's a knowing that life is short and everything you are stressing about likely not matter in the end it takes the heaviness of almost every problem let it go and focus on doing the things you love following your passions surrounding yourself with great people be grateful for the life you have inside you the time you have left and make the most of that time ask yourself how do I wants to be remembered how can I conduct myself today and every other day so I am remembered that way number three feed your mind with something positive and powerful consume as much positive transformative and powerful self development material as possible however you do it books audio videos mentors it doesn't matter how it only matters that you do if you are feeding your mind with powerful content every day and really taking it in it is very unlikely you lose your way you lose your way by getting caught up in the negative like most people on this planet negative news petty conflicts comparison with others you find your way by doing what most people don't as one of those things is self-development be curious and open with your self development seek to learn grow and develop yourself in all the areas of your life ask yourself what you would love to improve in your life with your personal skills or traits and seek the best mentors and skills on those topics you can also feed your minds with your own inner content this is known as gratitude there is no more powerful force on earth than gratitude and if you are really feeling it deep and practicing it every day it will ensure you remain in a powerful positive state number four moves science has proven physical exercise can lower depression reduce stress and release endorphins or happy chemicals from your brain so next time you lose your way get to the gym go for a run sweat release that tension somewhere positive do it daily and continue to grow your physical strength your physiology and posture also has a lot to do with how you feel you will feel very different by standing tall with your shoulders back as putting a big cheesy grin on your face then you will slumped over down and frowning take notes of your posture when you are down be conscious of it learn all you can about it and make that needed changes number five know where you want to go goals are important because they clearly define where you want to go and keep you on track to getting there science and common sense will tell you those who set specific and clearly defined goals are much more likely to live successful and fulfilled lives than those who don't here's a few secrets to goal-setting firstly be very specific about what you want if it's money don't just write down I wants more money writes exactly how much money if it's a fitness goal don't just write I wants a better body writes the exact weight or body fat measurement you must reach second be clear about when you must have it I will make one million dollars per year by the 31st of December 2019 I will reach 10% body fat by the 30th of June 2019 finally define how you will reach that goal I will make 1 million dollars per year by the 31st of December 2019 doing X and to do that I will first need to learn Y and complete Z by getting clear about what you must have at defining how you will get it and by when you will now have a clear purpose to work toward the chances of you getting off track when you have something important to work towards is very slim the key is to make it meaningful to you we gave a money example but your goal should never really be centered around money unless that money goal is attached to a greater purpose your reason for making that money which might be children family or a cause you believe in now you know how to get back on track now you know that there are ways to get back on track you don't have to stay lost you know next time this too shall pass its will pass keep going that's keep growing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Fearless Soul
Views: 3,358,258
Rating: 4.9551182 out of 5
Keywords: fearless soul, law of attraction, law of attraction speech, law of attraction music, spiritual music, inspirational music, lost my way, how to find motivation, how to get back on track, how to get out of depression, want to feel better, inspirational, motivational, cause of unhappiness, unhappiness, how to end unhappiness, life is short, low moments
Id: v7fODknoBrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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