Escape from Tarkov: Rags to Riches S3 (Ep. 1)

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it is that time ladies and gentlemen for the kappa case run right to riches style are you ready [Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome to the first episode of season 3 or right or riches this season we're gonna be doing slight little bit different but we're still using the outfit container now yes I know some people said I should use the gamma container I even thought about debating about using the gamma container but you know what I think it's still a good challenge for us to put it into there considering that we're gonna go from there all the way from the Alpha case always to the gamma case and then all the way to the Kappa case hopefully at some point I think it's gonna be a really good challenge and I'm excited to do it so I don't think you even give the gamma case I think it's goes alpha beta then you go right to the Kappa case but either way I have excited to do it as always in as usual the way it works is we're gonna be going with nothing we have everything Delita of our stash we only have our alpha case we have our bayonet but the difference is this time is that we are allowed to put anything into our off the container so say we get ourselves a Tetris and I want to put it in there we'll put the text right in there so with that being said we need to get some stuff we need to accept an exception tasks just go to the traders real quick crap or my friend I need your test thank you very much and I think the other ones is gonna be therapist and that's all I should get so we need to get 5 Salus we need to get 5 kills on customs and we also need to get to 133 shotguns chocolates are gonna probably take the longest out of a in these parts of the quest and probably say a little too so I think for right now to get us started to get so hopefully get some nice gear see normally you think I start pmc but we're actually gonna start our scale and I'm okay with that because our scabs gonna give us a little a little bit jumpstart in this whole run we're gonna go as fast as we possibly can to push for that cap case no one we're delaying last time we got that two-week gap of not having a graphics card and it really slowed down the last season it's not gonna do this time ladies and gentlemen we're pushing harder than ever that cap a case so let's take our scav and i think we're gonna go run and do some interchange let's go okay here we go 26 minutes left to go got some armor we got some decent stuff let's go push and see what we can get three by ollie we're by all right check the back you know what now let's see what we can find the back hello hello people shooting bullets and directions I hope the net towards my face I'll see anything okay bunch of plex everywhere they don't quite need Plex yet later down the road we will but not just yet the goal for this first episode is I want to try and get at least the five scab kills done you can get as many sailors as I possibly can I don't think I'm gonna get all the shotguns or if any of the shotguns if we do awesome that will be super super lucky be able to get that but do I think we're gonna get that probably not which is fine it's it takes a little bit longer especially since most people wanna kill us calves they're taking it right away because everyone's starting again so it may take us a bit to get that we'll have to definitely get the kill on the SCAF i what you got no okay well actually I could take that also you take that you have a couple of guns on you jerk you got nothing else on you another dead body over there you know one of my right to laid down a little bit hey got armor I'll take that you got a bigger thing to dig your backpack bigger backpack taking it all duffel bag now some ticket let's not take it yeah we should probably do this though can we find a bigger backpack or shaken up your backpack Timmy find a bigger vest that name keep that stuff up there what did you have on you sir oh gosh the duffel bags in the way I can't stretch your body whoa okay so bad can we get a bigger vest I like it oh did you have on you you have the pistol anymore okay that's it that's nice sure let's move all this stuff over here up you put you on here drop this guy got this one we could just grab the ammo from this maybe it's not even worth it the ammo my name be worth it yeah just drop it if this is in case that can be good yeah I'll be good guess you're empty on this okay let's get this reloaded let's go back around there's still one more dead body over there these are all players too so that's one two three four dead bodies so far the chance we may be able to get some decent stuff from the buildings oh my goodbye hello believe that that's pretty common thing that masks bandages but it's not a bad thing really it's not a bad thing he'll take this much bandages I can get drop that one will keep the splint those flash we need we can drop least man she come in handy I don't know what's useful a drop on the band-aids that over there grab that yeah I don't wanna get greedy anymore let's get out of here this is more than enough that we're gonna need yeah we're not gonna be any more than this for now head towards the back yeah a successful scam run and I only had to go about two feet and I collected we collected together those will get our PMC definitely started I want to loot some more but it's just too risky this point why would I give away this good gear to other people okay I have my old knife I'll just use that I think five of those knives you do to the mp5 if I remember correctly on that trade and blue that's what the trade is but the more scab ones we do the world that those knives and then at some point we'll get a free mp5 excited also for those that are curious yes we are bringing the pacifists run back because I know some of you've been asking me about that fascist runs gonna be mixed in with the flea market challenge because they did change the flea market like they said they were going to so you can only sell in rate items to the flea market which means you're gonna have to make up our own style for the new flea market challenge basically we're gonna go in Tritton not kill anyone click all the cool stuff we can and sell on the flea market and just make bank overlay that's the goal how much money we can make up the flea market and not kill somebody and lives let's see how high of a survival rate we can get cuz we're gonna do all that plus trying to get to level 40 and maybe we could do some quests it'll be hard to say because a lot of quests obviously involve killing people hey you never know we may have may may get lucky and some of them and some I can ask you doing this a little quest I can do that once the therapist stuff I can do it won't be too big of a deal oh let's just get all this lovely stuff just I'm taking every single bit of it nothing will be left behind that was a beautiful run come in like that and go alright four dead bodies you all had really nice stuff I'll take it and I'll use it now you need to come out with a kit we should have some money after this so we can get some medical items so let's just get some do some want to take the rifle what kind of ammo did you have here anyway well this is the first like all the stuff out spread it around for now I don't know if I want to bring a backpack I'll kill us I'll probably kill a scav or a player and take their backpack get the money it's list sell few things let's unload you first okay PS amo it's not bad let's say the 760 - but it's only 10 rounder just take that with us and call it good because Oh what could we sell actually I don't need too much get the painkillers we get the band-aid our bandage on that one let's do this let's go - traitor it's going can I show you this because I won't use this will sell the es lamp there's some money from that actually let's do that we just buy one may I - I could be the best but it'll do us for now and this should be good ooh maybe we should sell couple or things Ragman good buy a couple things right yeah I don't know the fleece is about we can sell it for now that will still the respirator I never repair this armor I want you gonna cost me for this uh 86 I don't even have 86 man I just got to go with 37 durability because I don't want to sell the weapons I really want to hold on to that hmm I want you to give me for a scab backpack yeah let's do it I think it's worth it just so you can repair everything I believe that it's worth it here air parrots there this guy as well oh this is super cheap you do poet nice nice nice like I went take a split two just in case I need to fix my leg we'll bring all the good stuff and this would be nice if we can do a lot with this this is that you really I start I'm happy with this now we got that let's head to customs let's get the five kills as fast as we can we have a pump shut this is all this isn't it's a m870 I think it is yeah it's not that one of you want is keeper that's dope you have can I work on my what no he can you're not working my wife no sex so oh it's a to the knives okay so it's not what I was thinking we got a few more we gotta get let's say car guy and let's go to customs get five kills and we'll start there here we go the first raid honors PMC Italy is up season three I am very excited about this now if we get our hands on a scope dude put on this gun are you just a sight that make this even better sniper already do want to let you investigate this better running right there sure an automatic for this and this wedge you backtrack question what they're they're over here we're exactly but we'll find me farther back than I thought man it sounds a little off of course it's always been like that in tark oh yeah if they hear one place and they're actually not there where you guys that more shots just hang out for a second dance wanna see if I can see him coming out maybe inside this further out the outside like we're on the outside over there it says shot so stop now so maybe they killed one each other well one of them probably kill each other and then we'll maybe clean this up there's one okay tell about this Gabbar a player come behind me or probably relocate in a second all right what's a player at level one we got some medical stuff too I think I must have moved on we went to the land the land bridge over here probably nothing at all also if you guys could answer one question because I couldn't find it that's like the one gift that's always available every year the key tool is that not a thing anymore or is it just the old like the other so like the cases and stuff because I could not locate the key tool at all and maybe that's on purpose on you know battle states aside they decided that maybe that shouldn't be a thing that's available right away and if it is that's fine I just want to just make sure I'm not going crazy that was a player you see me think you did now your skin standard okay we got them I don't know I missed that many times I really don't oh boy got both my arms but my aim wasn't crap is already it is worse now I'm going to double check this here I'm sure there's not a person inside this okay you grab you grab you she's got a lot of stuff what do you have that am I missing something is this like better now all the stuff quickly now can't take the body armor Coby deal luckily he'll William he'll hit my arms which is a good thing it's a very good thing let's go that yep Wells is shooting all the scavs okay I'm not gonna not even gonna this I want this badly but I want everything drop it major magazine please he's down we know where our exit is obviously this may take a bit to get there though and there was players behind me shooting at me across the way so they maybe come behind me push forward but forward I say ask questions later I miss that many times you black something out no he didn't you painkiller this please down what order rock wrong wrong chucking it distract me man don't you have the shock and I need a little bit hopefully it's not gonna be sitting at this fence line he's in the staircase they took my water and he'll okay we're good you're up top be running great get to live you live today I'm leaving not having a good day with that gun obviously actually wasn't even in here what's the m855 it's not the worst animal but just for my sanity and first completing this quest I complete the quest when completing getting gear and at least getting scab kills let's just start going towards the exit go I need two more SCAF kills now we're sure 22 zero one two three yeah two more twenty two more we take the pipe jump over the pipe probably our best option here like the idea my video let's go jump over the pipe but a shooting jumped right over the pipe mmm of course it did oh I don't know shooting at me around why why new plan going around Oh flag flag flag game please I don't know who was shooting at me sound like scab but it could have been players like spike spike spike Jake so day one wait for you right there at you now that I think about it we're actually into day two of white because the time I got to work and then got to be able to be able to film it you ever in day two right now yep what if the stutters it's a lot of times I know the stutters can be from like people exiting the game you know that's what's happening oh boy but there is a lot of stutters stop stuttering oh you know is it the sniper SCAF on top something someone's tracking you really well oh boy dar cough you may need to restart you may need to restart after this raid you're gonna can't even see who's shooting at me if you're in the pop shots I mean but no direction we'll stop that keep pushing seems good seems good this is why sometimes I wish I had a partner we go along with me to do these these type of glass this is like the beginning just to get started because they all know how this game could be in doing it alone it's just makes the team but you know ten times harder which is great I like the challenge of it but doesn't you know there are those days where I go me and I wish that a partner partner in crime to be great but you can pretty pray but now same thing but I don't want to quite lead yet alright okay we're getting about 50% and water and energy I have to come back in not a big deal we may have to come back in i'll check this building here and then go towards the back if I can't see nice calves at that point then we'll call it something is definitely shooting me there's gotta be at least one over here call it and good after kill here maybe and she say 'la what's been spawning here we're gonna check this building you really do much of it out in the sense of owl sitting in a corner waiting for me man her man that her a lot my soul not-not-not mathieu body it's my body actually did pretty good it could controlling getting destroyed by that but man hurt me inside is that it is it is a barrel after it was this oh dang I didn't leave those things even spawned in there do I'll take it I'll be nice for modding up a weapon soon I'm getting low on ammo very low on ammo not sing another scab so let's let's go check the boxes in here and call it a day for this map at least I can remember how to get inside there we go now does the factory key still spawn on the dead scab over there or is it changed that's something I got it again okay so we check the box that's something I have to look into so I've never actually looked to do that spawns ever changed first we get the luck we got last season and got what two or three keys every time the factory key I don't think we really need to worry about it because yeah quite a bit of them definitely know we're gonna be doing this coming Sunday was it the 28 or 29 today so the first we're gonna be doing a live stream you're probably gonna be going for keys because a lot of these quests are gonna require staff keen so we're gonna be going for all those what is this bag again I was like right here oh no it's right here that's right I think that's probably one the best hidden ones yeah wash is okay Oh eight peat rounds it was not horrible but I want to replace the PS rounds why not okay let's go let's get out of here it while I like all right exit exit exit let's get the heck out of here now here anyone comes some skin trick stance or quick asks yeah we got three of them we get two more kills two more kills that's okay we can easily do that easily do that that's not gonna be hard at all who's come back in here again with some they was taking the hunter I think the there's a pretty sure there's our availability to buy another magazine for the hunter off on these traders if not then we'll just what's bring something outside I'll look first though but 4700 not bad that's not bad well we got three player kills three SCAF kills nice that was very good run we should level up twice on this yeah we're gonna level it twice on that there was a new one so we got the xscape bonus we were definitely in there more than ten minutes I don't know where it's at but I thought I'd read something about you get like more XP now for being like in raid like for a certain amount of time I don't know that's an actual thing you're not well I thought I read that let's go look at the passion once again you guys incorrect me the shadow or not the chat about the in the comment section obviously or you can even cut you can you actually you know you could you could comment me the chat on Sunday let me know if I was wrong on that oh gosh okay let's get all this stuff off oh my gosh that was some really good stuff really good run actually it was all level ones but hey it's okay and we got her back back back I knew we'd get one all this off for now I'm gonna figure out what I want to do for the run but before I do that I want to go and do a scav run and I want to take the scab over to reserve those reserves got a really good chance of getting say little spawns so I want to go there and check all the medical areas and see if we can find some state laws so let's go there maybe we'll even find some desk ads with some shotguns but let's see what happens let's go 28 minutes we can do some addition now melech goal like I said all I want shot me it through the window okay they're shooting through the window let's get to the white knight quickly this way of some type of detection I don't think I have armor on right now yeah nothing okay we're in medical on the table there to say hard to say you can make it to the Black Knight I think again let's go awkward okay I did what's going on that's a player or a scab or or what I don't know at this point that's a little terrifying yes I'm got some good stuff here yes you got a grenade King heard rumbling in the bushes down here so let's see if we can see anyone down there OOP ever player scammer player you look like a player it could be a scam watches scam we're good okay somebody's ring below me itself as a player all right we're gonna jump off this roof in a moment keep tell and it's bothering me cos don't want to shoot any schedule now I want to keep them all alive as long as possible we got all the medical rooms here plus we get the downstairs one say the wall it's 8 for now that's a knife act I'll take the I fact - works for me no nothing really that's surprising there's always something that box medical and no medical I'll check upstairs some go downstairs after that least this way we're getting some better medical stuff - which will help how many times can you say medical alone though apparently a lot I want the key for this room now that's such a good room bandages I don't need bandages right now it's like there isn't anything else full of what else we'll check the basement there's one more area where they spawn and then we can move crushed like the gymnasium and it's if there's any good food down there the shot goes really useful for sure this one yeah this one here no medical on the table hey Taylor wha sailor boy say hello and say - ah our cheese okay we have to use a sail while we will there's a chance we've got me see we'll get shot at so can you just use it good spawn down here at all pineapple juice I'll take you for now you probably can't really see much and I apologize but I'm gonna blame that on YouTube compression yes that's why I'm gonna blame it on YouTube compression today all got anything in here this read a magazine network that okay will probably take the heating pipes out or where else is our exit we were manhole scablands CP fence CB fence will be bad that's just over there yeah it's not too bad a couple different options lever near it's like obviously this probably already got rated by somebody listening that doors open over there well we'll check the big garage first and then we can go from there but I need to see if there's any food in here usually is but somebody grabbed it oh it's a gunshot you know I'll take the screw nuts I'm gonna need them for up greenly the hideout anyway I don't think either stuff requires I've green the stash right away but we're gonna hold off on that when I try to upgrade as much as I can without upgrading stash right now because the less money we have to spend on the stash the better I feel it may seem like a weird thing to say but honestly I need to save all the money for other gear spawn me something good please in killers management's this is also a nice common spawn because it no there is a chance for a survival kit or CMS kit spawn there don't think me one of those check it because there's a chance for you're gonna have luck and maybe something miss something can't happen at it before I was like a big miss - it was like willing 100,000 verbal items and I don't know if it's dad maybe just ask a brownie I'm hearing it again nothing you died you're trying to do probably actually alright mm what if we go check underneath that little yeah a little stand over here her would you call this awning on or maybe the word I don't really know what you call this a bunch of scabs at the were still yeah look at that they didn't check it the fools were they thinking a couple leaves we can get some nice swing it a nice weapon you and tape I think I need to take four oh yes I did she do I need it for the tool sets ash trying to remember the two sets again and haven't gone for those in a while you got on here lag you've got lag on you something Rodrigo say Marie I'll take it if you have that you have some eggs taken but not gonna sell them another dead guy here yeah the other is oh and I need that too you know who's everywhere dropping it I'm gonna keep it shotgun I know shotguns are not the best but they're nice for like will runs here and there like runs that I'm trying to get something and I don't really want to waste anything good put some slugs in them good to go pick for some telogen this chance for some intelligence to spawn up here nothing there bucks bouncer that's the sound son for sure that that why not one more over it one more thing they were leaving that's one see if anyone went up there I'm sure they did but I'll take the scraps you get a hands on a military key as well happy some prime prime winnings right there got left for us you doesn't see and doesn't seem like we got left anything that's fine that's fine Peters check the bag alright let's find that it's good thing we get that 3m is we're gonna need that for the quest for skier let's be unlock it but I'm satisfied I'm satisfied that except I'm kidding I'm gonna go check this building once more but there's a tech room on the third floor cuz they didn't take that there's some decent loot on that yes I'm gonna go check that again you know I you're all yelling at me right now and tell me leave what are you doing you're going to die I won't not today not today she's no not this floor one floor down you forgetting when the tech stuff is dissuade and go to the left like someone's gone through this digging it I was hoping they didn't rounds round okay that's clear now there is a there's a chance for a spawn top think of pretty souped-up a K as well we'll see if that's there or not one more room over now easy spawns right there or response on the table here it's not here today what we deal there's no intelligence on the desk all right well that's as know there's cabinets there's cabinets and we need to check those cabinets you're stuffing it - yeah I'll fill the rest of my stuff was stuff in the cabinets that's cool me Rick it's different crickets I don't want crickets duct tape 203 take it or duct tape you click I don't think anything yet probably need that later down the road but now right now okay that should be all chute ropes and oh that's phone in here or not nope no way well this time where they got taken well there's a spot on the roof golly I have to beat it got stuff on me it shot lose it all there's sometimes tech on the on the roof so I have to check that let's just think about what if it's a graphics card or Tetris that's up there and I leave it you'd be mad at me more than that mean just like running to the exit right now Oh God we're on the site we're not in the bottom floor of trains Kevin green coming means just me Raiders coming is it worth it I don't think so no no no Matt Matt Matt Matt and that was what I've got yet you need that full set just way out good enough good enough for me let's go take the CP fence out let me running where someone was running stretch Dallas Kamsa dear me I may shoot him take a stuff real quick sorry Gavin scott vallance is a horrible thing but not during the Y or the white portion it's completely acceptable we're down for a minute we're gonna call that a good raid I'm gonna call that a fantastic raid right there they got the sale whoa I got a bunch of extra healing stuff and we got a couple extra weapons and which I think we can use that that well I don't know we have to have a gas block to put that that I can't think of the name of it sport things that we got from customs pretty sure we have to have a different gas block for it but if we get one down the road sweet we can use that that is definitely a freaking win right there I'm happy to say we're taking it all every bit of it was gonna take all this stuff out actually how much sway so I got left I got decent spit no bite Sheila's not for the sanity of my of my of my stores that I have should probably not do that I'm gonna regret it I know I would but we need to go back to customs now we need to get the last two kills and then we done with that if we get the shotguns at all that'd be great but I think we'll have a better chance again the shotguns if we go under scav and do say like a factory run that would actually be a pretty decent idea would work really well because I feel like I see more shotgun scams on factory than anything what we're gonna bring with us what do we bring with us guys they'll bring the hunter to kill them oh you know let's bring the SKS cuz I've got the trade oh I'll see that's why I wanted to grow the plugs we got in the skipper they can buy it though we'll just let's buy it let's buy a real quick so some items or what were you what will you take something that I do not need I saw the shotgun why not it's worth it it's it's worth having that special let's go what else can I sell this one empty this is the one that says stuff in it pull all this out for a minute I can't do anything with that well sell mass then we'll sell dog tags I think yeah cuz they're not really we should so those therapists though yeah we saw this therapist let's give her the barrel don't mean oh gee what a tell you and you'll buy four more for that right not really not a lot more that's okay though I'll take it I want the scope though cuz that'll help us out for sure it'd be scope that's and we need to get a vest we have any other small ones that don't let's like this drop all this stuff off boom this is well are you okay that should be good now do we have the ammo I do actually FPS ammo we put some armor on as well we should put our old army I would put our old armor on this one out that'll work let's get some medical items boom and boom we need to have a bandage because you know I'm gonna bleed you know I'm gonna bleed it's gonna happen I can feel it that should be good I guess it will get a backpack in raid but overall I like this as if it's a setup here we're gonna try to play the exact same way we did before and apt I guess a nice stuff finish up the quests partially yeah shotguns get parently for our next one but let's head back and get the last juice Dustin there's the last two scab pills see what happens okay we spawn back here I was like spawning back towards like the trailer park area some reason I feel like you get better compression I guess would be the word versus starring at the other side I feel like my luck is always bad when I start at the other side we can check for the key here a good thing to do if it is I'll take it no Pete said sad day today okey right right right right we need to go and get the to scam kills and that's really the only goal for right now is to be quite frank I don't think we're going to get the shotguns those go for the two kills maybe we could try to that wouldn't work I was gonna say go for the gold pocket watch but I have to wait for the question I should be available that's a thing right in the passing land bridge doesn't look like it we went inside there it's clear first frickin thing every time now I check got too many people shoot me in the back inside there okay we can push it but at least we got one stay in the wall well it be sure we'll get there shorelines definitely be a run we're gonna be doing soon for those keys I wouldn't want to do it early on so like I did later late on to into the episode 12 of 13 of season 2 we went to shoreline to look for keys we mostly need to do that a lot sooner one good bad he doesn't fall big forward get his stuff it would be awesome to get did Bobby should have brought that shot girl me for Close Encounters but I could always just hipfire if I do you someone too close to my face that's a player right I kill the SCAF you'll get a better advantage on them anyone over here heard the shooting and I came to check on everyone there is crap that's not good I hit him once maybe he'll be willing to stay and fight outfall but you may have a sitting target to the guys am i right anyone comes that's beautiful careful that a little bit you're gonna stay and fight are you running just keep it on that right side hmm he may have just kept going dorms has got some people in it okay forget about it forget about him keep going pretty scams maybe their first outside the wall could still get a sight on the police take him down that way she's fair cool that was on the further oh I don't want to get that close just in case it's right that door oh boy shots going off now be investigate all right then why not sneak behind and moving inside the two-story chance of people being in there there's people in there really be careful obviously exite seems clear well you know what I got to do it because I'm not gonna level up any any other way right getting XP is gonna help obviously completing the quest and I saw over the last second dying however does not help exp I saw the last like in a freaking window he's popping with a shotgun that's what it sounded like he did he popped me with a shotgun you they pop me one shot me oh boy that's right I don't really have much on me anyway that's nothing I have to go back to customs anyway and I want to do right now I'm gonna go win with just I don't know let's go see what we got I better just bring a pistol in let's try to uh from 0to here with a pistol let's do that let's go write it now we're in the red building all right let's push it push it push it push it I'm gonna wash right for there's like the convenience store right across the bridge usually typically a scab there let's go check it out I am gonna go for just getting the scab killed and do what happens I mean if we can get some more from that it would be awesome I think rid of the goal obviously every every single wife is keep the okay I should say the medical the mini goal is always to keep our survival rate above 50% does it always happen no no it does not things happen when it comes to these raids you can do a fantastic one minute then the other minute you're just you race go horribly bad all the time there's our victim that's a player that's parsed completed Oh guys did you slide down here because she did not mad they did they have the same you slid down we worked with PSM oh I can do it what you have on you mister you have anything good shoot down ouch yeah that's a shotgun I want it pushing keep pushing because I don't know if scab or player rush remark not sticking around to figure out correctamundo I have one of the shotguns and I'm not losing this I will push this to the end just for show how do you know what's in the freaking sling that I got it's full of something but I will not down not with a shotgun sniper scab was up that would sell scab is up there oh that's not good circletine when you scan oh well ideas by yes you said that tower son of a gun hey I can even touch it I can hear my stomach that's all I'm not going up there going down oh that's scared was a pain yes I tell you really is they have the key for that obviously jump over this don't want to deal with you right now you leave a message after the beep there's no beep you were tricked ha ha really hope you got snipers Gavin that tower over there being closed I want to pop it on the painkiller just to be safe I don't like how it makes everything so sharp I think you know me more like when you take a painkiller everything's like super sharpness don't know why but it really bothers me yes again it just looks horrible it really does yeah right run the run the good side now where I wanted to be let's check this building okay boy week when we need it's not gonna be a run-through cuz we killed a few cones gasps I don't see the point in staying now with the broken leg an outlet that was a broken leg like he's no good actually six-pack Issa doesn't do anything geez I'll take the wires actually rapid drop it drop it like it's all right let me show you something I don't like sound like gun let's go oh boy yes it's weird because some of these like shots they sound like they're were really close footsteps maybe I'm like going bonkers and that's not really a thing what it sounds like it let's just call it oh good got that partial the question and got one the shotguns done I want to know what's inside this bag - we're gonna find out before before we went to our necks cabron but I need to know I need to know all right let's see what's exactly in this bag oh not bad not horrible items I was expecting but hey I will take a nonetheless oh it's a good idea every time just refresh get everything out of your inventory figure what you want take will be next still got some nice room pop I don't actually mentally mappy I'm happy with that we need to heal up though we are we are issues the one held that up so good pretty much full right there now now we figured that out 6% I will take that pass wise we have one more once the other oh you need four more to go what's her in the other shot well turn the one shotgun in a little bit but I want to do good boy back in response that's that's cool actually I bet you would yep it did it does that sometimes where he doesn't actually understand what you're trying to do with this but the you of the game just set you back to whatever you're doing before I want to do a scan from this is the only magazine really get is usually that's the case let's go into factory and let's do a nighttime raid which is this just come on the shotgun okay that's good sorry I was singing FEMA they flash later but let's run e-vector run and see what happens let's go okay we're gonna think of it 11 minutes left a lot of shooting - yeah no it's not the case yeah they give me 9 rounds that's all you get ones like on the staircase shooting he's in the staircase I'm totally it's not another scam live it's a scam it's just it's just a headache and a half gonna be a headache and a half isn't it you think these mmm the shotgun I need Doughboy come on faster okay 3m fine I'm good not getting greedy not getting greedy lay down lay down I don't know what's in the backpack I don't know what's in the chest rig I don't care we're kidding out I'm taking my weddings that's all I know because I want to be able to least we'll live with some of the stuff I got that wasn't very very decent rate I got the I got the players get plus I got the actual player he's look at that very happy with that let's pull that off but you know we should probably keep that up wait I get three oh yeah no no the one get another one another one I'll take it let's see I didn't have any room for this right now going in there you're going in there let me do this I don't know how I'm gonna even do this get this in there we could put this in there right oh no I can't sure this thing anyway I don't want the sling bust that in there well Tosh you in there that's not gonna fit obviously this will fit in there though huh we figured out a way we figured it out if it works so so well that was pretty decent I thought it was gonna die there I shot the first guy the head of feeling there was gonna be someone that was gonna come around the corner to take me out but hey we defied it and we defined to find it we defined it as winning that rage but I want to be asked for you ladies and gentlemen I think this is gonna be the best place to actually end this episode we have done a lot of nice things like look at this stuff this is probably the best we've ever done in any beginning of the wife but it work we have so many more have supposed to be coming out this coming Saturday though we would not be putting any episodes out because is the wife's birthday so I'll be spending a lot of time with her and I'm very excited to be doing that because you know now they come once a year and yes from the time with it's a Sunday we'll probably live stream and including another video so I hope you guys enjoy this one if you did make sure you guys hit the like button make sure you guys leave a comment down below how excited you are about season 3 what you're most excited about and what you want to see in the future and if you knew the channel hit that subscribe button make sure you get ready for all the live content and video contents on this channel let us get from tarkov I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Halfman
Views: 40,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Escape from Tarkov, lets play escape from tarkov, escape from tarkov lp, lets play, lp, gameplay, walkthrough, entermainment, games, game, escape from tarkov pc, action adventure, survival, escape from tarkov gameplay, escape from tarkov walkthrough, first look, escape from tarkov first look, battlestate games, rags to riches, hardcore challenge, beta, video games, comedy, pc, halfman, wipe
Id: h1Eb2cp1p9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 38sec (4598 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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