Start Creating Music | What Cubase Can Do For You

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[Music] hello everyone if you're just starting out with music production and you're looking to create your own music easily cubase has pretty much everything you need to get you started from virtual instruments killer synthesizers drum machines to amazing ways for creating chord progressions even if you don't have any music theory knowledge cubase will allow you to create incredible music in no time so let's jump into cubase and let me show you what you can do with it so in this video i'm going to create a song from scratch in cubase and i'm going to show you how easy it is to do this even if you're just starting out with music production so let's get started to begin with cubase comes with thousands of sounds from loops instruments everything that you need to start creating your songs if you want to find those sounds you need to turn on your right zone and you go to the media tab here we have quite a few libraries of loops of sounds of instruments as you can see we have virtual instruments drum instruments we have effects we have loops so maybe i can go to the new bloom library that contains some really amazing vocals and i can audition those vocals straight away day after day after [Music] and most of the loops that we have in cubase are clearly labeled when it comes to tempo when it comes to key so for example this one i know that it will be a g sharp minor loop so i've dropped a vocal loop here and it sounds like this i want more than good good good good i want more than good good good good so this would be my hook and then i have a nice verse i really want the best for you even if it's not me now if i want to start adding some instruments some virtual instruments i can go here to my vista instruments and now i might want to drop a groove agent stick which is great for drums or a highly on sonic sc that has quite a few different sounds or even a retro look for this great synth sounds and patch up which gives us amazing pads amazing atmospheres ambient soundscapes really incredible scenes all of them so all you need to do is just click on groov agent and then load a preset here we have all the groove agent libraries let's go to laser beams and let's double click on one of them and immediately it gets created into cubase okay so now we have our drums here [Music] and now i can immediately play them on my midi keyboard now maybe i want to use some really cool drum loops to get started so i can open my groove agent and this is what we get this is like an npc style drum machine but in groove agent sc we also have patterns so as you can see here i have some already made midi loops let's listen [Music] okay so these are already in tempo in sync with your track so let's try and drag and drop this right here let's say i want to extend it for the entire length of this loop so i'm going to hover my mouse in the center of the event and then i'm gonna drag and maybe i want to have this loop for my verse okay drag and drop there we go and now maybe for the chorus i can have this loop again let's drag and copy that's it and now i have my drums sorted so now let's see how this vocal sounds i want more than good good good good maybe we want to add a little bit of delay to make this a little bit more interesting so i can click on this e button here and bring up my multi-top delay now let's listen to how this sounds yeah now we can start grooving okay perfect we have our vocals with nice effects we have our drums now comes the most interesting part now we need to add some chord progressions to this song okay i'm going to use the hallion sonic sc that i showed you just before and i'm going to use this beautiful gramaphone piano now let's say you're not a keyboard player but you really want to get going with these chords in cubase we can add a chord track and the way you do this is you go to this plus you go to more tracks and then you add a chord track and then the chord track will appear right here we can also change the color and now i can start adding chords and i can have them play in real time without ever touching the keyboard so let's say that this is an f sharp minor because we know that this loop is in f sharp minor it's already labeled in the cubase library and let's start creating some chords okay in order to be able to hear those chords i need to activate my piano track so i'm going to hit record enable and now let's go and double click here and let's use the root chord f sharp minor now let's go and add another chord and maybe now i don't know what chord i should use i can go to my chord assistant and now you can see that we have the proximity editor here so now if you're in f sharp minor cubase helps you create chords very easily the green ones are the ones that are most typically used especially for pop music and you can also check the circle of fifths [Music] so you can start learning about music theory so let's go to the proximity and let's say i want to add a c sharp minor and for the third chord let's add a d minor okay so let's listen to how this sounds now let's try and embellish them a little bit so that they sound a little bit more interesting so okay that's f sharp minor i can go to my editor let's go to this chord and maybe i want to have maybe a different bass note [Music] this sounds nice and maybe for the third chord i want to have maybe [Music] this one sounds really nice so let's try that and maybe i want to copy this across [Music] let's listen to this more than now good good good i want more than good good good good good i want more than good good now that drums come in [Music] i want more than good good [Music] okay now i think we need a nice part and for this i'm going to use retrolog 2. let's listen to the sound now let's say i want to play some chords like i have here but in a rhythmic way you can do this very easily by using the core pads that we have in cubase in order to show the core parts i need to show my lower zone there we go and i go to core pads as you can see we have a few chords right here and if we want to make sure that we use the same chords i can drag the chords into my chord paths [Music] and now i can trigger these notes on my keyboard see this is a c a d and an e so now let's go ahead and record this good pad good good i want more than good good good i want more than good good good good i want more than good good girl i want more than good good i want more [Music] so now all that we need is a nice deep sub bass and i might want to create this using an 808 kick so let's go to our hard knocks library and let's find an 808 let's type 808 in the search bar here and as you can see we have quite a few of them i like this one so as you can see this has several notes but now what we're going to do is we're going to use the sampler track so all i need to do is right click create sampler track and as you can see cubase now created a supper track for me that means that i can immediately play this 808 kick on my keyboard and if i want to i can even set the sample end and trim this and i can even turn it into mono legato mode and now we have a nice deep 808 bass so let's try and record this now in case you have no knowledge of musical theory or if you don't know how to play the keyboard cubase can help you hit all the right notes let me show you how we just need to set up our locators here and then we double click to create a midi part now once i double click in it i can turn on my scale assistant and i can set up my key there so in this case we know that we are in f sharp minor so let's do just that f sharp minor natural minor is fine and let's listen now if i activate snap live input then whatever i play on the keyboard [Music] is going to be in key so now let's go ahead and record a base [Music] with the drums [Music] oh [Music] good good i want more than good good good good i want more than good good good good i want more than good good good good i right so now our track is almost ready i'm going to add a nice line with pet shop [Music] here in the chorus good good i want more good good good [Music] good i really want the best [Music] so as you can see even if you're just starting out with music production cubase has everything you need to allow you to create amazing music straight out of the box i want more than good good
Channel: Cubase
Views: 75,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music creation, creating music with Cubase, what can you do with Cubase, how to start creating music, how to easily create music, VST, virtual synthesizers, composing without musical knowledge, composing a song from scratch, music composing for beginners, DAW, create your own music, complete music production software, composing music fast, Cubase
Id: jSy1_6-aMzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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