How to Build a DRUG EMPIRE in Starsector

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so i heard you wanted to make money in star sector have you heard about drugs drugs are a fantastic way of making stacks of cash very quickly hence why today we plan on creating a massive drug empire while also throwing some knowledge your way since people keep asking me how to play this game uh and on a slight disclaimer this is a modded version of the game which the mods are in the description so you can please stop asking me for the mod list it's also conveniently right next to the like button let's play playthrough a champion of the people was required meet jim a humble trader with a small training fleet which uh i sold a third of it at the start now down to just a mule and a starfarer it was time to adjust these ships for our smuggling operation there is one very simple rule i follow when smuggling uh don't get caught therefore when it comes to designing our fleet i could out for speed stealth and efficiency that basically means i'll be using a combination of two of these mod specs per ship now with our fleet sorted we needed a base of operations and i personally recommend the mythical irish system of high brazil which fortunately doesn't disappear for seven years at a time this is because of the two tritech planets which both produce a large amount of drugs which is also legal in tritech because they don't give a they just want to make money so that's our supplier sorted uh now let var in the past show you how it's done as you can see on this planet you can they sell a lot of drugs 848 and they sell them at 155 each which is pretty good price if you press f1 uh you'll bring up the uh trading screen here and you can see which places you're selling it for line the cheapest but which places have a desk as well which that means they're going to be paying a lot so what i'm going to do is i'm going to buy some drugs here you can see the planet don here is uh is in the same star system as me and he's paying 289 for the drugs that means i'm not going to burn any fuel because i don't have to travel in hyperspace and it's going to be uh it's gonna be an easy trade so we'll head right over there immediately we're not getting the highest price possible for it but we're still getting a pretty good return on capital now there are only really two methods when it comes to making it to your planet you wish to uh offload your contraband to uh click the transponder off and eating as fast as possible or a more sensible way of pressing two and going dark in a nearby asteroid field or nebula then slowly creep towards the planet doing your best to avoid patrols until you arrive and then yeah make a ton of cash bada boom bada bing 300 a piece 37 000 credits returned it's as easy as that we had to try tech pick up some drugs buy them on the open market and then we'll just head straight back to that planet same again hit two go dark not there's anything really to worry about here straight to the black market sell more drugs 62k we've already tripled our money oh yeah we're also gonna maximize our profits as well so we're going to get rid of as much crew as possible as you can see our fleet down here can run on 60 crew so we're just going to get rid of the 13 crew members so we don't have to pay them you want to think of this whole game like a business for example when buying a ship only buy if you're going to be able to maximize its potential there's no point buying a huge superfreighter if you're not going to be able to fill it with 100 capacity i also go with the mindset of not buying any military ships for escorts because you don't need them if you don't break the golden rule of smuggling a couple of other pro tips would be to pick your trades properly there's no point holding yourself halfway across the galaxy just for another smuggler to get there before you ah son of a someone beat us here and then all you've done is just achieved wasting your time which is wasting money also weigh up every trades risk and return there's no point trying to sneak into the hegemony's capital to grab 50 credits per drug when you can find a small pirate outpost which will pay 400 credits per unit and yeah i guess the only other thing i can say is buy all the mod specs you find you're um you'll thank yourself for that one later i basically repeated this process for about an hour maybe two and we made around three million with just three ships which means we were ready for the next stage of the game all right now i've made about three million which is always my goal it's always around this amount i'd like to start buying some ships now because now the neck now you go into the next stage which is uh building a fleet to go and do some exploration ah that's something that we need salvage rig uh drone tender shepherd glass that's also what we like we like one of these how i like to kick these out is by uh whacking on uh expanded cargo holds and then converted firebase since they have an integrated bay for the mining drones that will give these little things uh 270 cargo capacity which is great all right ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to our exploration fleet we have a beautiful 14th battle group eradicator now this thing is just like my dreams come true it has a missile micro forge on it which basically means it makes missiles so i gave him the expanded missile rack so basically we're going to be launching unlimited torpedoes and then we have a normal pirate eradicator amora some wolves some of our classic kite design you know the ones with the militarized subsystems and expanded missile racks are real classic and uh some classic brawlers uh except this one has mortars because i can't be asked to find any more chain guns so uh there are only really two rules i follow when designing ships and it's worked out quite well for me so far rule number one make sure your flux dissipation is higher than your weapon flux otherwise you're going to be generating flux while shooting which basically means unless you're going for some sort of specialized ship design you're going to lose every single firefight now this rule pretty much applies all the way up to capital ships where then it just kind of becomes a game of whack on as much dakota as possible so you can kill the other ship before you flux out rule number two alternate your damage types if you take a look at this eradicator you'll see it has three heavy mullers which deal 200 damage to armor but only 50 damage to shields this means i need some weapons that can balance the fact that my shield damage is very low that's why my smaller weapon slots are filled with dual auto cannons that deal 200 damage to shields it's very simple when designing the ship keep in mind who you're gonna be fighting for example this ship was designed in the mindset that i'll be fighting low tier ships with lots of armor however i'd flip this design to have hyper velocity drivers to deal bonus damage to shields and light assault guns for its smaller slots if i was going to be fighting against tritec and it's high-tech armada that uses lots of shielding just keep those two things in mind and you'll be alright now with our brand new fleet it was time to head out into the big open galaxy to find our riches and i'm not gonna lie i feel a little dirty showing you this because of how good it was oh a beta core hey hey hey that's what we're looking for baby all right warning beacons usually mean there's something in here which is good oh oh star federation modern blueprint oh my god what is some of this stuff a remnant platinum point defense system i'm having such good runs at the moment i'm finding so much stuff and more extensive runes for god's sake i mean i'm not mad i'm just like surprised oh my god i corrupted nanofudge oh ballistics rangefinder adaptive phase coils 36 000 or holy me oh star federation weapon blueprint package oh yeah oh my god of pristine oh no it's not a prostitute not that unfortunately to me all right ah what was this uh after our very successful salvage runs it was time to find ourselves a home for rarinko now there was two things i was looking for farmland and organics farmland so i didn't have to spend a ton of money buying food and organics because that's what our light industry will require to make us drugs i found this system which had a medium warning beacon and after clearing out the natives i found our home you know it wasn't perfect but it would do however little did i know uh this probably wasn't the best place to settle oh there's a remnants nexus here oh oh um i didn't realize that was that uh let's just hide here wait for us to be able to build a star base i think that's the game plan right i'm going to rush go and have a piss and leaving this on pause and uh see what happens they've already found me come on man leave me alone why do they want me so bad please come on man ah god they found me again i think yes well i thought you suckers get out of it here we go ladies and gentlemen they're coming to attack our star base all right that's them the feed get out of here all right well that's one remnant fleet destroyed how many more wanna die uh uh oh okay looks like there's another one coming oh my god there's two coming oh my god that one's got a massive battleship on it all right let's kill this one first all right easy clap yeah i'm not really sure quite how we're gonna beat this but we'll give it a we'll give it a good old try shall we everyone just pile in on it without a sabot missile i've got overloaded shields oh they're doing nothing to it oh my god we're doing absolutely nothing with all our chain guns and rail guns oh actually we're behind it haha come on we're behind it hit it with everything we've got let's try to out maneuver stay behind give me some more missiles please oh what the i wasn't allowed to do that come on man that was cheating that was outrageous outrageous i think we've lost it boys i think we've lost that's the station all right let's uh let's let's let's disengage during a series of special maneuvers i think thankfully siren had started making me a little bit of money at this point which i put towards building a battle station right away and with some colony growth it was time to build some light industry as well and then also found this little cheeky minx floating around oh look what i just found my precious look at it it's mine we're grabbing it we're covering it let's get out of it all right leave my poor station alone you know i might be actually able to defend this one get out of here nerds this is my star base now i have a battle station here you can't take it from me well that's a load of remnants dead that's quite a lot of them all right well it's time to get out of here before we get killed by another fleet or something like that up well speaking of the devil uh i'll speak of the devils and they will rise so after slugging it out with the remnants for a while it crossed my mind that i could you know just ally with them so that's what i did i spent the next couple of hours whoring myself out to them until they finally became neutral and to truly embrace the way of our new ai brethren i bought one of those drone battleships from them for seven hundred thousand credits and oh boy it was a hundred percent worth it um i could make my own drone battle you've done it i don't care if that bankrupts me i don't even know what to put on this thing how do you build one of these oh there we go whack two of those on the front this thing already slaps all right there we go i finally got this thing so it's actually set on a 70 combat radius i have no idea how it works something to do with automated ships and combat ships and buying a clue i'm not gonna lie i just kind of did things until it stopped moving we also sell this dust world called her and we're gonna be throwing some light industry on it straight away ladies and gentlemen with the additional light industry built on her we now have five percent of the drug market share which is great i have settled another planet called killin and we are planning on building some heavy industry on this bad boy so we could finally build some of our own ships all right well we're off to go colonize some more planets these are they're a little bit far away but they do produce organics which is what we need to for our light industry to make drugs because if i control the if i can control the organic market i can then control the drug market here we are this is where we want to be established economy hell yeah uh yeah that they are a little bit far away but don't worry about it after spending the last few hours colonizing and beating up pirates of our new drone daddy i kind of maxed out our drug production by colonization at this point i had control of around twelve percent of the organic market and eight percent of the drug market and you know it was making us quite a bit of cash but we wanted more so i turned my eye south to a small factory called the sindrian dictat now they are nine percent of the organic market and seven percent in the drug market and i planned on taking that out for myself you know they're a small faction they own three planets how hard could this be so after spamming as many patrol hqs as possible to raise my fleet cap to a tiny uh 400 points it was time for war our first objective was to secure a foothold in the system once that was achieved we would have a base of operations which we could spam out a constant flow of reinforcements so we set up a ground invasion fleet to target cruel however it was ambushed as soon as they arrived in the system i actually snuck off to steal their comms relay thinking the fleet could defend itself but unfortunately it died so we uh we went home and gave up on the war now i'm just with you we raised another grand invasion fleet but this time we had the support of our remnant brethren who decided to send a raiding party of their own to the system i then went back to destroying all that bloody fleet just don't get caught by any more spell jesus christ that's gotta be all of their fleets dead now i have been fighting for so long oh my god there's more of them holy crap there's so many more of them with the scindery and armada destroyed and the arrival of not only my new grand invasion fleet but our ai brethren we headed towards cruel and conquered it with very little resistance this gave us the power to call an invasion fleet in this system which we used to conquer another planet now this was the uh plan i actually wanted from this war because it both produced drugs and organics already this left the capital syndra to take which surprisingly was really easy we just headed over clapped the staff fortress called in a massive invasion fleet and took it for ourselves with the war over it just left the fun game of dealing with non-stop rebellions i probably spent more time sat waiting for the rebellions to off kicking the out of the pirates and the hedge of me who decided to declare war on me and try and steal my new system you buddy i have the better ship and we all know it's true i will beam you until you die loser but it was all worth it in the end because after we stomped the crap out of the rebellions and spammed the light industry all over the planet we ended up with control of 25 of the drug market and it was making us bank we were making around 90k a month from the sale of drugs alone on top of that we had control of around 30 percent of the domestic and luxury good markets and to top it all off because we stole sindria we now had 30 of the fuel market which means we were making around 600k a month and that my friends is well we'll call it for today big thanks to all my patreons that support me of their hard-earned cash and thank you to viewers like you have made it this far uh check out some of my other star sex content if you enjoyed the video and i'll see you all again in the future
Channel: Rarr
Views: 97,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starsector, starsector rarr, starsector game, starsector 0.95a update, starsector gameplay, starsector nexerelin, starsector smuggler, starsector exploration, starsector colony, starsector modded, starsector mods, rarr, rar, starsector 2022, starsector luddic, starsector luddic path, starsector path, starsector terror, starsector drugs, starsector drug, starsector tips, starsector tricks, starsector tutorial
Id: b1x6D_IYZcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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