Walking in Our Authority - Pastor Paul Brady (06.07.2020)

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hello and welcome to today's broadcast it is our heart that you know that God has great plans for each and every one of us over this next few minutes I believe that your life is about to change one word from God can change our lives forever so no matter what you're doing in life today I know that every one of us has an opportunity to change and change for the good it's gonna turn out all right I believe God's Word it's final and it's a good report I believe Satan is still defeated and that we are the winners Jesus is Lord you believe that give him some praise and honor and glory come on let's give him praise in this place we magnify his holy name if you believe that shot a big a man hallelujah turn around and wave at something this morning say hi to somebody before you take your seats in the precious name of Jesus good to see everybody a man man you're getting closer to the platform hallelujah praise God good to see everybody this morning if your visit and welcomed a man but you're not remain a visitor too long we're a family right here a man we love we love God with all of our hearts we love to worship Him amen and we just loved you just tell the truth and then why because the truth sets us free praise the Lord so I'm believing that I find you happy and blessed today things are changing how many people know that a man there's things going on out there in the world but thank God the job of the church is to keep things steady as we go forward amen we've been given the blessing to be able to pray and pray is what we do praise the Lord I sound like a like an advert for an airline right there I praise the Lord but amen the pray is what we do is the job of the church amen and that's what the Lord Jesus asked the church to do and before he left the planet he says you know what says I'm gonna give you my power and when I leave here you're gonna do exactly as I've done and greater works than these shall you do still 2000 years on it's amazing to think that we're still looking for the greater amen but I believe there's a few people in this room today it's going to show forth the greater works of Jesus Christ how many people believe it's time for the church to rise let me see your hands and that's why we're here today a man be free to worship God be free to clap your hands be free to shout be free to do whatever it is you can get up and dance in the middle of my message it really doesn't bother me in the slightest I'll just keep preaching right on through it hallelujah amen and if your dance is really annoying that I might just dance with you praise God so we've been talking about really not getting caught up in what Satan wants to do before the body of Christ is a very special body of people there's not another and to be like this on the earth it's not a group that exists like you we know by study that there's three groups of people on the earth the Jew the church and the jente out of those three people groups we are the church and whether you were a Gentile the heathen or whether you were a Jew God's people the moment that you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior you move into the group called the church the church is a very significant body we encompass the power of God we are infused with power from an eye the Spirit of God lives and dwells within us the we this group have been given the name of Jesus there was no greater name than this name and scripture says that every knee must bow to this leg in heaven or earth in Ephesians six that tells us very clearly that we don't war against flesh and blood but principalities and powers right inverse Tana says be strong in the Lord that word strong as the Greek word in do namu it means to grow stronger in ability or to increase the strength now you must remember that the book of Ephesians is not written to the Jew or to the heathen it's written to the church you you that have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior it is written to you and so are the other epistles galatians colossians so what does it say to us it's and to us to be strong in the lord that means your strength will have no play in this fight in other words you may think that you're strong you may think that you can take on dead things you may think that you can really fight to win but without God you will lose against the Satanic phone every single time there's many days in our lives how many people in this room has ever got frustrated just once let me see you praise the Lord how many people succeeded to do it several times moving right along if you'll know that there are things at work things naturally the work that want to just restrain us because you know what we're not perfect but he that is perfect lived with and who lives within us the scripture 1st John 4:4 says ye are of God who's that's been spoken to the spoken to the church again he are of God little ones for greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world so sometimes we think that we can just go on our own steam and we can just take authority over the devil and but here's the thing remembering or a reminding of your authority over satanic operations is not the same as walking in your authority over satanic operations and a lot of times when we just remember that we have Authority a lot of times us the church that has been given the power or the power of God to dwell in us as the church the remembrance of that does not necessarily afford us the victory it's walking in the authority of what God has given us in Christ through Christ by the power of the Spirit it's walking in that that ensures the victory even though we have a few let's say not-so-good moments see God's not looking for perfect people but he gave a perfect sacrifice for a body that would work in whatever we think of ourselves we became the body of Christ when we receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior empowered by the Spirit of God we became a body of people known as the body of Christ that you can't find anywhere else on the earth you were at we are it you see this church now I'm not talking about millennial Atlantic or other churches I'm talking about the family of God the body of Christ I was saying this over the last two services it amazes me that not one of us could even get born again unless the Spirit of God drew us to Jesus isn't it amazing that you couldn't even get saved on your ability on your works on your power on your sorry you just can't waking up one day and say I just believe I'm going to be a Christian you literally can only become a born-again Christian when the spirit draws you to Christ and then by the act of your will you receive Christ as your Lord and Savior forgive me a minute if I dodge and be in a special group of people because sometimes I think that some are embarrassed or ashamed of being Christians right there in the workplace sometimes it's kind of like oh I'm a Christian I didn't want to have to tell you oh really you're one of those but I just want it just for two minutes just that you know that for those people in your workplace that are not born again at this time and they haven't been wooed by the spirit and you were quite a special character that you have already been found in Christ now what about that it's time to turn these things on us right hand and to know that is one of the greatest if not the greatest privileges to be found in Christ and what I worked out before I came into the ministry when people would ask me are your Christian I wasn't afraid of it I wasn't ashamed of it in actual fact I will go out there to work with a big old bag of Bibles books and magazines and people were so intrigued that he used to hand out the victory magazine to guys that I worked with that didn't even believe see ladies and gentlemen you can lend us the tail but scripture never asked you to be the tail even to the covenant people the Jews God says you are the head and you were not the tail so for you to be finding Christ that means a supernatural transaction took place that the Spirit of God pursued you that word pursued literally means that you were hunted died by heaven in a came to have a place that you could do nothing else other than give yourself to Jesus Christ he loves me it might you became for you imagine he came for me says you saying all of this here and just having a moment to think I'm special because the world doesn't want you to think you're special the world wants to think that you're the heel here comes a goodie to shear here comes the church oh man watch him you can't trust him good living 411 you've heard it all how many people in this room have ever been persecuted for your faith let me see your hands how many people's ever met a person that didn't really like you because you were a Christian how did it feel now momentarily it can feel like you're isolated momentarily it can make you feel like you're the one with a target on your back but when you get over all of that and you realize I'm the one in him the Spirit of Christ dwells and I have been given the gift of eternal life God came for me would not stop until he I am part as soon as we are at the body of Christ and we've had our special moment why are we here and what are we here to do are we here so that we can just have church services are we here so that we can sing songs are we here so that we can just have a blast life did you ever ask yourself a question why didn't we just go to heaven the moment we were saved would have saved a lot of hassle wouldn't it why did we stay why did we have to stay because the scripture tells us that the body of Christ will become the restraining order of the Antichrist and the Antichrist will not be able to appear until the time of the church being taken away the book of Thessalonians will tell you that yes so we're here the scripture says that we're an occupying force in other words that word occupy means is where to do business until Jesus comes that's just not a personal business that is also the business of the kingdom of which not you still today you'll hear people saying that Kingdom Come but you must remember is that the Lord's Prayer was trying to get something to come but neither side of Jesus Christ we know that that which needed to come has already arrived you see the Book of Luke tells us that the kingdom of God is within you so we're not looking for the kingdom to come because the kingdom already dwells within you so now as a special group of people we are an Ida spur sirs of this kingdom go on abide as Jesus did doing good and healing all that were sick and oppressed of the enemy that's your job you can see the streets you can see cities right across America and last weekend between Saturday and Sunday O's awoke in the middle of the night to say that these riots will not stay in America they will go and I just took a look briefly at the news in their London and then yesterday again in London it was chaotic see ladies in genuine to live in America means that you can protest we have rights we have freedom of speech and we have amendments we have a constitution and to have a peaceful protest that is a very powerful powerful thing because to be silent is indifference but when you put a voice to a cause which is right now that releases power for change but even in the best of protests and the best of causes you must understand that there are Devils that are at work that want to destroy the very cause and the very reason of the protest these spirits are at work - not even a lie the protest to have its full weight but these spirits are at work to bring destruction and mayhem they want calamity they want to render this Kenter to a place of lawlessness and what has done if the church is here for such a time as this and we have to stay until the rapture or the time just before the Antichrist appears then why are we here to deal with the spirit of Antichrist it is a spirit of lawlessness it is anarchy in it is rebellion it hates God it is devilish to its core hey buster you don't mention any words no because I tell you the fight is on in the fight is not about color I come from Northern Ireland and they told me that the fight was about religion Catholics and Protestants murdered each other for years and they said it was about religion but yet it wasn't it was evil spirits it wanted to keep the scab being pecked off wounds and would never allow a generation to heal in the same-old same-old same-old kept subjugating and become an infected by these Devils that worked behind I declared no weapon formed against us shall prosper I declared that the generation of the upright shall be blessed and I declare in this time of the Lord's appearing were smarter than what we used to be we're not going to be hoodwinked by Devils let me tell you ladies and gentlemen all men are created equal every single one of us no matter how we came to this land have the right to live free regardless of creed regardless of color regardless of culture regardless of background every one of us have the right to the very same liberties in the very same existence doesn't matter how the outside looks we are all the same in the inside and the differences or the n differences throughout many years is going to be eclipsed by the power of God and the demonstration of God's love through the church the Bible tells us that they will know us by the love that we have for each other that's another thing that you never did you couldn't even conjure up the love of God because it had to be put there by God in Romans tells us that the love of God is she'd abroad in your heart by the Holy Spirit you couldn't even get the love of God you couldn't even rally or stir up love it had to be put there I'm so pleased to be part of the church I'm so pleased to be falling full on in love with Jesus Christ come on any believers in the shrimp I love the Lord with all my heart with all my mind with all my being how many people's cloud to be part of the church in this day and aren't you glad that you're not under Satan's domain Ephesians 1 Jesus was raised to the right hand of the Father come on Ephesians 2 starting off with you were dead in trespasses and sins he were under the sway of this current age for success but God rescued you and he sets you on high far above all principalities and powers that means that every ruler of darkness is beneath your feet you were part of the church you are not merely human ladies and gentlemen the Bible tells me that you were a new creation and did you err we created in Christ Jesus if you believe that said of a gay man the Bible tells us clearly that you are a triune being into our spirit soul and body in 1st Thessalonians 5 tells us that you would be preserved whole spirit soul and body but the church cannot fix the problems of the world by living out of their soul and just get me strong in body it's humans we don't have the power to fix all the wrongs that are done by evil princes and dark Lords the Bible tells us that Satan is the power of the Prince of the air and he's not hiding out all you have to do is listen to any news media right now and you can see that Satan is really positioning himself for a full-on frontal assault he's trying to take over all media he's trying to take over all avenues all all forms of communication because he has a satanic agenda that he must push and that is high he will try to reprogram the nation's when a man forgets that he or she is spirit soul and body then we try to sort out all the problems of the world by what we can think how we can think how we can reason how we feel like Beverly just said in the front row that is a nightmare you see this special group of people called the church you and me we were given power Dunamis from on high we were given exuse eeeh authority to rule from on high as Kings in this life this is what scripture says we were never supposed to be people down here that did not have a voice and I just attached this thing that people think that we should be silent if you have a cause you shouldn't be silent you shouldn't silence is indifference and it usually comes from a passive-aggressive nature that you can say all the ugly stuff to those that will listen but you can't say it where it needs to be said and that's the way the church is actively they don't forgive me if you thought that was a little ugly but sometimes ugly has to be just a little bit present just to get a little attention the cute church won't work in this era we're in the year 57 80 it is the year of the pay the mouth and the face of God is a year 2020 but in the Hebrew calendar is 57 80 everything changed when we commend him 57 80 and we came into this new year everything changed and whether we like that or not we have nothing we can do 2020 has turned out to be a year that nobody thought would ever happen if kovat 19 wasn't bad enough and I we have riots everything is a full onslaught assault against economy how many people understand this Satan is trying to control everything but I want you to lift your hand and say he will never control me come on shut it on he will never control me he will never control that's why the Bible tells you to stay away from the love of money so that Mammon will never be able to control and you will not be a part of the Incan economic debug debacle or the problems of all of that but you will stay free under the blessing shut it on I I'm under the blessing how many people's understand them what I'm saying today first Thessalonians 5:23 says and may the God of peace himself sanctify you through and through separate you from profane things make you pure and holy concentrated to God and may your spirit the soul and body be preserved sound and complete and found blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ I love this where it says that the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ because we're not approaching this day - very quickly I want you to shut it out I'm gonna make it say my family's gonna make it in the name of Jesus but let me tell you something you might have something to say but when the power of Christ comes behind what you say people that did not listen will not listen and the power of heaven will begin to invade your present knowledge place wherever you are God will begin to invade and begin to work and things will begin to change you may not see that the efforts of your labor may be instantaneously but over a period of time you will begin to see that what you're doing is taking effect and lives are changing all around you let me tell you ladies and gentlemen though I fall the Lord Jesus Christ Himself will pick me up if I sit in darkness the Lord Jesus will be my light when I fall I shall arise Micah 7 verse 8 the church cannot sit in a state of pity and self-pity in this time and in this hour wondering where was God and where was God's blessing and where was God here and where was he there let me tell you God is where he's always been he's right at the core of European he is in the kingdom he is the king of the kingdom and he lives in the inside of you by the power of the Spirit you are God walking about this earth and people will say you're making yourselves of God no Sam's tells us ye are gods but it's not because of you it's because of Christ in you the hope of glory this is nothing about you this is his power in you and through you you are superhuman that's what the solonian tells us and that means that you have been touched by God to do supernatural things and you will do exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ever ask her things you are Boros canaan ii brought to the kingdom for such a time as this if you believe its shine a man [Music] forgive me for coughing but it's not kovat 19 it's not even funny how many people how many people let me talk how many people I've got a few things that you could fall apart about right now four people put up their hands those honest people deliverances come into your house how many people know you don't need people to think ugly thoughts about you you think enough ugly thoughts about yourself you could your neighbor and say leave me alone you're worse than a hump praise the Lord again that's not even funny I don't know if you're listening to all that we said during the week well we said last week you can listen to the archives us all our millennial tells a church page whatever it is it's on there if you can find it but there's powers at work ladies and gentlemen they want to defeat you they want you to become a casualty of this war july 2019 our word from the lord don't get caught up in words of incitement don't get caught up i knew what the spirit of god was sent spirit of god was sand to the church your job is to pray your job is not to take on sides your job is to do the work of the church and the work of the church is to pray and a lot of times we have to do that ladies and gentlemen and our flash is san I want to get even I want to say something but yet greater is the maturity of the one that can hold it and just speak what God would have them say see Jesus was in the midst of a uprisings when he walked triumphantly into the city before his death Berlin resurrection they thought that he had literally come to overthrow Rome and to set up his kingdom and they were shouting Hosanna Messiah here he is everything's over come King come o king do this thing when they realized he wasn't gonna do it their way let's go but the same people that shouted Hosanna could it have been that they were the same people they shouted crucify you see this is the world that we live in we live in a world of Perpetual change and if we don't watch our seating and our foundation in Christ it is amazing at times how we can get caught up in the wrong fight Selah there's a night loss spirit ladies and gentlemen he hates you his name is Satan he was ELISA fer and because of his revolt in heaven against God was cast to the earth the Book of Luke in chapter 10 says behold I saw Satan fall like lightning it's pretty quick and he has never forgot the height from what she what she fell and because of that he still sees an opportunity that if he can anyway scramble the plans of the church he still thinks he can win but he can't win if we individually make a decision that he's not going to use me for nothing shattered eyed Satan will never use me I want to talk to you a little bit about this right here because I said spirit soul and body that means that spiritually you're sealed the blood of Jesus is on you you've been born again by the Spirit of God and your spirit man is where the power of God dwells the power of God does not dwell in your mind the power of God does not dwell on your physical be and even though the Spirit of God can come upon you but the Spirit of God the kingdom of God the power of God lives within your spirit what Satan does not want you to ever be is an operating spirit on the earth from your seat in heaven do I need to say that again what Satan wants to do is he wants to push you into the realm of your soul keep you in your mind keep you in your emotions how many people's ever had an emotional moment praise the Lord there's a lot of ozone enough - a lot of things here today but we will get you delivered before you leave for it now I'm plan but is the truth how many people know at least a few people that you would say they live quite a lot out of their emotions husbands and wives don't look left or right it's the truth but that is the place of defeat the place of victory is the spirit man because I tell you even as pastor and I know you're gonna be shocked at this I don't think I can trust my soul unless it is submitted and surrendered to my spirit and the only way that you can do that is to make your spirit mine as strong as you can and that is the personal responsibility you're not trying to get the love of God in there you're not trying to get God in there you're not trying to get power in there it's already in there but what we have to do is we have to stay activated see scripture says they that are the sons of God are led by the Spirit of God how are they led are we led in our mind absolutely not God is not in telepathy or telekinesis God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth so it's spirit to spirit right can you see his kingdom now that his kingdom is within you can you see the results of his kingdom working through you absolutely but if you have something negative against your life the temptation is is to sort it right and how many people has ever sorted it wrong it's the same hands every time faster you're being very soft-spoken I'm sorry you tried to get this I don't feel like one through here or like a Tasmanian angel I just feel as if we need to talk and I'm holding on to this as best I can how many people knows you used to be a mess come on you not a big a mess anymore right well I'll say over here so I made up my business I was gonna that's gonna help you win you're not here so that you can just build a church you're the church and our identity has been in buildings into names the oldest church years ago that the identity is coming back to who we are in Christ not the name of the preacher and not the name over the door but I'm telling you we're coming in two days of our identity is completely founded and grinded on Christ see these are days of not defeat of being casualties and victims of a war but if you stay in your mind if you stay and you well if you stay in that place you will be a casualty because you do not as a human habit to withstand Satan's attacks he is now human and I know that your faith confession can be hitched Jesus stripped all principality I've heard it all but then why would we need to be a restraining order why would we need to enforce Christ's victory why would we need to stay in faith if there weren't forces at work against us Satan's authority was stripped from him Jesus Rose the victor triumphant over all Satan's ability to harm us John 16:33 I have overcome the world and deprived above us power to harm you but there's one thing that you must never forget you must do this in the spirit for that is where the victory lies and Satan knows the difference Satan knows when you come remember in Scripture they blow you off like a leaf from the tree but now when you step up and you're not remembering Authority but you're walking in your authority Satan knows exactly who you are and Satan knows that you have come to plunder hell I want you to let your hand say things are gonna change in my house in the name of Jesus because it's in the spirit it's all of the Spirit in the name of Jesus if there ever was a time for the church to speak at snide ladies and gentlemen before she seemed to have lost her voice and all she would say was niceties to everybody and tell everybody that they were okay but let me tell you something people weren't okay because people couldn't even pull their lives together when it was Monday it was great for the moment have you ever been in a church service and she thought for just a second that you were going to be raptured I mean the presence of God was so strong was so beautiful and you're no sinner at lunch to hell started to bite down on your neck there's something wrong with that existence because it's not supposed to be like that but it is the sways of this world tell me ladies and gentlemen that this is not the truth it is the truth and I defy any person to tell me that it is not this way scripture tells me so clearly that there is a war and you were part of that war and the priviledge ladies and gentlemen is to be part of the body of Christ but the duty is to act as Christ would act in this time and in this hour we cannot be passive any longer we cannot be silent in the of oppression and we must declare what it is that needs to be decreed so that we can see heaven's kingdom established in our midst if you are not again going to be the casualty of this fight if you believe inside a big a man and you must stand on the promises of God that's why we do the promises were not so that you could change so much materialism went quiet 7,000 promises for me to get rich it's not what was in the heart of God even though the blessing enables me to be empowered with Prosperity Jesus did a total eradication of Satan's ability to keep me broke to keep me locked to keep me an insufficiency it's all part of a total i'ts prosperity it's all part of it but just to be coating promises so that you could be blessed is really an abuse of a right as a son and heir of salvation you were born to fight he didn't give you weapons of warfare and the armor of God just so that you could drive around in your mercedes banz knock yourself out buy six of them I have no problem with any of it but he didn't give you the power to overcome death hell and the grave he didn't give you the power so that you could just live a life glanced and watch everybody else live hellish existences he gave you his ability and his power to do what only he does and that means wherever you go and you find what is not of the kingdom you can sort it when you find poverty you can actually relieve that poverty or that that situation if you find sickness you can relieve them and give them health that was what God had planned all along he anointed you to Goa by doing good and healing all that were sick and oppressed of the enemy he anointed you to be the ecclesia the governing authority of God on the earth he gave you the power and the ability to overcome and overturn this entire satanic operations and strategies a protest is a protest protest all you want but you must not allow Devils to cash in and make it something that it was never supposed to be as I said ladies and gentlemen this is America we have a flag and we declare it that it's one nation under God if you believe I shot a big a man and we are one people and we were created equal as I said before you must realize what fate you're fighting and who it is you are fighting as many are fighting themselves and fighting devils unnecessarily and many are picking fights that they were not asked to fight how many people give me five more minutes thank you you're very gracious for those that did not lift your hand I speak mercy to you if you're visiting today you've never heard a man speak in tongues before that's the stuff that God's meter when you come to the end of what you have to say God's ready to say all that he needs to rise Oh building yourself up in your most holy faith that you're not going to be a lame duck lying around just at the side of the curb just thinking oh my god Satan's beat me by this time I don't think I'll ever get up no like what I've said before Micah seven per se when I fall I shall arise it doesn't matter ladies and gentlemen how hard sickness at you you are more than what you ever thought you wear and it's not because of you that you have stood it's because of Christ's promise that you still stand and when you couldn't pray for yourself others have prayed for you and when you couldn't say anything for yourself others have said plenty for you you are a product of supernatural activity if you are a product of heaven and you are part of the kingdom of God and Jesus showed it himself that when you step out on his word and would you act on obedience to what he has asked you to do he will never let you fall he will never let you drown he will never let you down he will never let you slip he will steady you stabilize you he will get you up again dress you and again and he will get you moving forward again if you believe I'll give me another good amen and that is the truth you cannot be defeated unless you say so what you do James 1:8 second Corinthians 10:3 4 and 5 says that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty for the tearing down of strongholds where Satan wants to work ladies and gentlemen is in your mind that's it he can't beat you in your spirit so what he's left is your soul your mind your will and emotions that's what he's left with in that is this battle right and what he tries to do Bible says four times he's an evil genius what he tries to do is he tries to get you to be completely unstable that you waver between one day you think this the next thing you think this one day you think this the next day you think this so look at this in James 1/8 for being as he is a man of two minds hesitating Juvia sir resolute he is unstable and unreliable uncertain about everything he thinks feels or decides and this is pretty powerful because it's just not saying that you're unstable about one thing that's saying that you're unstable avoid all things and what Satan really wants especially in a day like this is for you to think one day right now in church I've got everybody charged praise the Lord we can take it on Satan and then we go out to our own lives then before we know it five six or seven hours later we digress into our own existence our own world that we have a created and whether we know all of this if we not have employed this if we do not live this life or be activated in this you will hear a good message you will make a decision in service that is going to be better this is it it's it's done but yet if you're living out of my conviction and not your own then you will digress to the level of your own conviction every single this word two minds wavering is a word di p su CH o s de su cos means two minds it means wavering I love this work was on to say that it means split in half it means vacillating between thoughts see Satan's looking for you to be not trustworthy Satan loves it when people of God called the church postulate or change their opinion with the crowd I want you to shut it out I'm not gonna do that anymore that means when you're with this grip you're like are we gonna need you with another group it's like you see but I'll look at I look at this and because of study and because of these words it actually gives the notion that what Satan wants you to become as a spiritual schizophrenic once you look at your neighbor and say that's not going to be my hand in the name of Jesus see what Satan wants you to do is he wants you to live out of both worlds he wants you to be part of the kingdom and he wants you to be part of the world and when you sow to the world or you sow to the flesh what does the Bible say you reap corruption and what the church wants to do is we want to shout we're under grace we're under grace we can't do anything wrong because Jesus has already paid the price for it and while that might be theoretically or scripturally correct you only looking at one slice of the pie because it also says you are not to give Satan any room and you are not to give him a footstool period so one you could do wrong and you'd be happy that you're under grace that you're forgiven and that you're in right standing with God and when you come before God God cannot because of the blood remember you're wrong remember your sin and we can dance there and be happy there but then there's this other unfortunate mass that is brewing and it's the consequence of an action or a seed that was so on to the flesh that is reaping corruption see this is the truth ladies and gentlemen and what Satan wants is for you to live as a mess one day doing right by God the next minute repent under grace under grace but then Satan's ever here just with his big old tongue my god she has a crazy mess if you don't even know that I'm speaking and spinning my web around you and hauling you in you thinking you're okay oh yeah you're going to have it I'm gonna make as much hell as I can while you're here and we don't know why things go wrong and things go bad and it was God when you needed him / was God when you needed to pull on his grace you see everything as a result every action every word every deed has results those things that you do in the spirit those things that you do in the flash but yet again there's no group of people like the church how many people's cloud then we see your hands but then how many people can understand that the enemy is waiting for a moment lift your hands look at you never say I'm not going to give them any more moments in the name of Jesus why because there's nothing more torturous to a believer than knowing that you're right with God but yet you don't have the power within you to stop doing what you know is wrong I heard that groan from the body so what are we gonna do can I trust God to give him at all has he given me the ability to take authority over stuff that I might do how many people's listen to the the news broadcast recently and just got irritated by what you heard don't listen to it anymore how many people have heard stuff that you can't even believe you heard how many people knows we're living in times where right now is wrong and wrong is right were there guys you'll be looking for too much more prophecy we're bucking up against this thing Jesus is coming and I am a static he's coming and we are the endtime Church so what are we going to do about it see we have to stay out of the devil's playground we have to stay out of that mangey amass ladies and gentlemen we have to stay away from the slightest bit of schizophrenia that's one miniature this the next minute you're that I'm this no I'm not and to every crowd you're different you see to every group of people you know what to say because you perfected that oh this is the on fire crowd so I can say this but this is the dahle crowd so I can say this this is the heathen crowd so I can blend but I'll tell you all of this is just a tragedy waiting to happen see I believe with all my heart that there's a bunch of people that are finding each other that are so light to Jesus Christ and that we're looking to God the crosses before us I don't care what that world wants to offer me it has nothing for me I'm speaking I'm totally Vanna science man isola people that are in their teenage years people in their twenties I've got my eye I'm telling you people that are marked for destiny for greatness people in their 30s - Allah - Robin asked and I know people in their 40s look at the Apostle Paul 50 bear armies on at 9 Abraham and Sarah the Geneva say don't write me off yeah I want you to speak this the best is you have to come and we're backing up on it right now for every service that we had I said this last night we've had camp meetings we've had the best of meetings we've had the best of preachers throughout the years the healing evangelists I'm telling you even in the city Oral Roberts come on TL Osborn we about some of the grace Kenneth E Hagin I mean some of the best that the earth could ever have received and we're still here because you never say you haven't seen me praise the Lord you know look at look at you finally say you don't know who you're living with hallelujah because one of these days I'm about to break I praise the Lord because I'm going to get a revelation that I am a spirit he is a spirit and we are one in spirit in the spirit of victory the spirit of the overcoming Christ is race within me I may not have all the answers at my mind but I have the wisdom of God in my spirit and I tell you something is cooking in the name of Jesus because I'm not what I used to be and I may not be what I'm supposed to be but I I am on my way so says Jewish Meyer but I checked out years ago and I said you know what I receive that because I know in my spirit that something something God is one thing is happening within me and I don't understand it in my mind and I don't want to touch it in my mind but I just know that there's something going on in my spirit that I don't even understand but I'm telling you it's like fire in my belly it is like fire in my bones and I just I can't even tell you I'm crawling up on this platform because I know that there is an anointing to destroy yokes and to remove burners know that the story of the church is not over and while you look at the streets turning into chaos the church has the answer what Satan will want you to do is to get you to lie within your house and your couch looking at all the ways that you've been wronged why does it keep happening to me well when are you gonna rise up they say it's not gonna happen to me anymore waiting for God to deliver you when God told Paul do you have the authority to get this satanic message or of you rise up there are demons at work ladies and gentlemen who wants to take Tulsa to hell Tulsa has a harvest of of an inheritance of seeds that have been sown for decades if you believe that let me see your hands come on you're part of that why are you here it is a territorial promise that God has given that you cannot sow in tears and not reap in joy you cannot suffer and mourn for the night but joy doesn't come in the morning you cannot sow seeds a revival and revival not come I don't care what has happened to tone Tulsa die but I'm telling you Tulsa is firing back up again Oklahoma will be in fire by the spirit mind games is what the enemy wants to do to keep you spinning so that God cannot come through but when a man thinks he's trying to get the kingdom to come when a man thinks that he's trying to get the attention of God Satan wins every time you're not wanting the attention of God dog got your attention you're not trying to get the kingdom to come you were supposed to release it I heard for more grows see ladies and gentlemen this thing is over bar the showed the king is going [Music] and what are you going to be like it is a period still hoping to get your needs man [Music] are you gonna say I don't care about any of them what I care about is Christ in Christ crucified how many people in this room need to see family members come into the body of Christ let me see your hands keep your hands out begin to pray in the spirit come on come on lift your other hand if you know that things have to change come on pray with me fervently right now in the spirit come on my brother Mannis Olek a proper Nana so corsola finish alo'so lamella Tokra Manas command I Jesus says I have prayed for you saving cannot sift you I have prayed for you that your faith would not fail in other words that fear that wants to grip you it cannot take you - Allah known phoniness a copy Nina Kapoor's cavana mayonnaise Chicano Venice a Canaan Ivana solo Java neither Vanessa can even Orson even Thoreau Fosca - ala plan an orphan Island come on let that victory rise come on let that victory rise let that victory rise within you today your children are gonna be a sign and a wonder your family is gonna be something I'm telling you that heaven can look to and know that you are not vacillating between opinions you're not one thing one day and another thing another day you don't live it in the kingdom one day and then in the world the next day Satan has nothing on you in the name of Jesus you're not working with the mind of this world you have the mind of Christ [Music] you have the thoughts to think the thoughts of God [Music] there's so many people in this room the last service and last night service when I look across every single one with heavens birthday with the Spirit of God give nothing to be afraid of peer pressure it's time for you to put the pressure on everybody in the world trying to make the Christians become more like the world it's time not by the Spirit of God then we put the pressure back on the world and say that we're not giving up drive we're not we're not letting dying we're we're just not letting our whole let let me go over hold in the name of Jesus I'm not going to be what everybody wants me to be I'm gonna be what I was born to be in the name of Jesus I have created in the image of God come on I spent years trying to be what everybody wanted me to be and I'm telling you in a moment I learned that I'm telling you I would end up miserable by the end of my life because everybody took a piece of this and a piece of that and I never ever became what it was that God actually had called me to be I mean the decision that I wasn't going to serve my I was gonna serve God with my whole heart and with my whole mind in my own soul and when I did that things begin to change I declare to you today that you're in great times of change that you're not serving a man you're serving God serve in the world you're serving the kingdom of God you're not serving mine's ideas you're serving the holy word of a lady God it is a fire of God the birds within us and if you don't have that conviction for yourself I pray that you get it for yourself final between two opinions [Music] we somehow always get to the place that we start to put our trust in man he was a president that we know can be good for the church yet our hope is not in the president our hope is in the Living God and if it wasn't for God's hand upon the president ladies and gentlemen would be up some river without a paddle in the name of Jesus I declare that the president of the United States of America will do what is right in the eyes of God and he will become a like peace and that which is wrong that is what is all Donald J Trump will be pushed to the side and God inside Donald J Trump will come to the forefront if you believe I give him a shot [Music] and that is where Bharath parents allowing children to play with the world they have to learn themselves they have to make their own decision that's where you're wrong I told my son whose birthdays today 24 years old playing the drums I told him years ago if you have no conviction I am your conviction until you get your conviction you say you controlled him I did not you questioned him pin and dine extract words out of him he will tell you I did not I love the hell out of him I told him that he has a destiny that he is a mighty man of God and one of these days he would marry the fruit of his father's and mother's love for God loves him I declare in this place that were not playing to the weak we are strong in the Lord and in the power of his might do not give your children an opportunity to walk away with the devil well they have to make up their own decisions my dear brother and sister you are their decision see I don't know about that well how did it go for you thinking the other way you don't bring your children into the world to lose them to it [Music] let your hands who say my children are coming into the kingdom of God you're not gonna play with that story mess anymore fossil in between this and that and the other thing your children are there under the sway of the power of the present air being just literally tormented and assaulted by a satanic food no in the name of Jesus our children are coming back into the kingdom of God our children are coming into the church our children are born again by the Spirit of God the blood of Jesus availed the blood of Jesus is upon my high school and that's how we stand may ask you a question how do you stand CFM's poverty poverty as passive as they come [Music] you say you really don't make good for passive but I'm telling you when the anointing hits me when it comes to Parenthood and it comes to marriage comes to family and it comes to this work a change for no weapon formed against me no weapon formed against the families of this work no weapon I'm telling you I'm praying for you lift your hands and praise the Lord come on lift your hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] you your holy [Music] say this with me today changed everything you know Sam thank you for watching today really doesn't do what my heart feels right now justice I'm truly grateful for the power and demonstration of God's Word at work in our lives the precious Spirit of God ministered to you and bring it to light and bring it to bear what it is that you need to do in your life and how God wants to minister to you just eyes on you that is our God you see he's not just our God he's our Father and the father desires to minister straight to you like there's no one else on the face of the planet so like what I say to say thank you for watching that's a beautiful thing but to say I'm grateful is another I believe today that as you've watched this broadcast that the power of God has gone into operation and even things that you did not know about yourself and that you did not know about God it's beginning to come to light that's what I believe and I believe that as you continue to watch and as you continue to listen God is going to do great and greater things in your life and so that you can be all that God has created you to be in this time today I believe that as you healed yourself to the Spirit of the Lord the Spirit of the Lord will touch you deeply in ways that no man can allow him to do that the Holy Spirit is your best friend and he will strengthen you in all times regardless of what comes in your life know this that God has great plans for you ally those plans that come to pass in Jesus mighty name
Channel: Millennial Tulsa
Views: 142
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: PCeDx7rlpAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 12sec (4032 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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