Starfield Apparition Decorated Ship Tour

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hi there captains and construction workers it's Miss plays back and this week we're taking a look at one of the things a lot of y'all were asking about last week and that is the insides of ships would I be decorating them the answer of course is yes and this is the first ship to get that treatment so behold the Crimson Fleet Apparition this is a chimera that was kindly and lovingly donated by cyf sometime ago and this has been my base in space ever since living well as they say is the best forent so kiding this puppy out to become a floating pirate Palace felt like a great place to start on M ship dear Adventures not only that but it's a pretty nice size ship it's got some big Habs it's got some small Habs so should offer us a good look at some of the things that are possible with these new building options the cockpit up here is a damos Aries Bridge which frankly is perfect as it is so put some plants in a poster up here to add some of that Crimson Fleet red but aside from that doesn't really need anything and then just below the bridge I swapped out the existing HS for these three Stroud ones to create M Captain suite and the first one is this workshop and this is a stoud workshop I went with the fully furnished one already since I pretty much just be filling it with workbenches anyway and it comes with some really neat Furniture items that we can't build ourselves otherwise but I did add some extra Furniture as you can see down at the bottom end and added some extra Decor like that whiteboard and these posters to make it look a bit more polished was adding some junk items too to make it look like like it's more in use and in action and then this Companion Way is going to take us over to the Captain's Quarters proper and I've been using some of these office deviders and pictures to cover up some of the storage areas to keep this luxury vessel thing going even in those companion ways which can be a little tricky to do but that does bring us on here to my Captain's Quarters and this is an empty stoud 2x1 half it's Captain's Quarter Hab empty and I really like these new desks that they've added they've got this cutout so they fit really nicely into to these bolsters that stick out of the walls which makes furniture placement a little tricky with some of the pre-existing items from the old build menu also those desks are big so I was able to make my office area and kind of like a tinkering bench over on that desk for my girl to get her work done in private right here in her nice Captain's Quarters now originally the bed if you remember them in these Habs was a sad very uncomfortable looking plank of wood with a pillow we've swapped that out now for this lovely double bed so we're sleeping a little bit better than we were before much more like those Trident liner offices quarters and I've been using the wall shelves a lot in those Hollow walls cuz they help fill in some of that blank space as well as giving you some way to decorate those walls speaking of awkward walls we got these ones here with the struts I I should get one of those monitors in here to look like a big screen television and then flow one of the coffee tables up there to make like an entertainment console underneath now this couch with matis set very nice originally I wanted to put a Poole here and have a window out on the Stars however every time it added a Poole here it put a stupid set of ladders on one end or the other of the hab and kind of ruined everything so I had to give up on that dream which is why we got that couch but we still got pretty nice dining area over here even if it is windowless and then I built this uh kitchenet behind those Dividing Walls and just to the side of those Supply shelves which is making a lot of use of what was otherwise dead space before in this Hab when it was still furnished and then the final part of my captain Suite is this Armory with that Bounty terminol which I visit frequently and um as you can see it's very well stocked I actually started decorating this before the update was announced with plants and knick-knacks and it's been nice to be able to keep that going now with this update now my plants don't keep flying around but we got a bunch of crimson Fleet armor and weaponry to keep that pirate theme going since we still don't have any faction based furniture some mannequins up here it's a shame that they're just sort of standing on table still not in a case but you know we make do with what we've got particularly happy with this particular Tableau with the gun magazines and all the Crimson Fleet helmets up there and I've been using these paintings from the new build selection to tuck into those desks to give them a custom feel so even if you're using a pre- decorated Hab you can still customize and make it feel your own using little bits and techniques like that so that's my captain sweet sweet and I don't know if it's look or placement but my companions leave it pretty well alone but while I might not want them in my Captain's Quarters I do want to give them somewhere nice to hang out too and this is my mess haul now this was one of the empty stoud 3x2 mes hols originally and boy is this a great Hab to decorate it is huge like this is this is significantly bigger than most of the player homes in the game that you can buy it's got I think three four four different rooms and this is one of the rooms from that mess hall which I've turned into a library for KA she kept saying wouldn't it be nice if to ship out a library well girl it does it does it's going right here and I've been filling these bookshelves the glass fronted ones using the technique I showed at the end of last week's video it was a faf but you know feel worth it for how I feel books should be stored on a spaceship and that brings us on through to this dining area here I love these new chairs they look so good with the wooden tables but still have that really classy luxury vibe that the other wooden ones do not and I got this ancient Branch up here floating to make like a centerpiece without blocking the view of your friends and you can find those in front of the mayor's home in Aila City if you wanted to find one for yourself we got those less formal dining options over there on the right and then down here is my game room we got some couches board games all of that kind of fun stuff happening in there and now then bring us on through to my kitchen again this is still part of that stoud Hab as are those walls and the window it is nice and the space is again absolutely gigantic now I've used some of those cabinets like you've seen me use before to make that kitchen counter and then fronted it with some of the new paintings to make it look a little bit sleeker now this gley kitchen is one of the things that remains even in the empty Hab I'm glad that it does cuz it's actually fully functional which meant is's no need to put in one of those kitchen workstations if you want to have a working item you can actually cook on Tranquility is of course the poshest beverage in the coso so we got my tea station back there and another one of those toe stations because I don't know I just think they're neat and that's going to take us on through now to The Pantry which H boy was that fun to stock yeah kids if you thought sinking items in Outpost was annoying be prepared because it is so much worse on the ships I don't know why it is but just about every single junk item has been needed to be placed twice because it started getting absorbed into the surfaces it's a slog so that's where we're chilling let's take a look and see where we're living and this would be the entrance to the ship when you come up from that first Docking Bay we got this cool window either on the stars or right now looking at new Atlantis and I put like a little table and chairs there too so you can chill out and watch the cosmos go by statues of course make everything look like a trident liner so we got those there too to really make an impression when you first bought this ship and I might just tuck those paintings into those storage shelves to cover up a little bit of the junk and keep that classy liner Vibe going now this brings us into our cruise stations this is a regular stoud crude station Hab but I man to fish up this little area here to create a little Lounge area I really like the way these Navy couches look in the lighting for this particular Hab we got some more of those paintings back there to cover up some of those storage shelves and then we got the D moss model because art who doesn't love a little bit of art now this one is built into one of the stoud 2x1 living quarters a really nice size Hab to build into the original one had quite a lot of dead space but we can address that the beds here originally the one on the bottom did lose its bed roll but you can add in one of those sleeping bags to make up for it and there only will those beds still give you that crew and passenger slot stat but the bed roll that you ad will also work your companions will still use it even if you add your own in there now I've been using these letters and numbers in this one obviously the letter O to create some mid-century modern wall dividers and I'm really excited to see just how much we can do with that cuz I think I should be able to make some pretty good geometric wall art using those too now down here we got some bunk beds to create in what used to be dead space a new living area now this won't add to your crew capacity at all but it does give your crew an extra place to sleep which I know for some of us can feel pretty important from a roleplay perspective even if it isn't necessarily going to affect our stats from a playing perspective so that would be one of my first living quarters let's come on through now to my utilities starting with this cargo hold because I mean let's face it what pirate ship is complete without a place to place your plunder and I've been building these shelves again using tables like you might have seen in some of my old outposts and you can really stock a lot of those large container crates onto them which I like to fill with at least one item to get those glowing lights activated and bring a little bit of life to the space and this next one is a 2x1 Hab it is an empty stoud Med Bay that are split up into three different rooms and the first one is actually my Med Bay more really just a doctor's office we got the little desk down there with some medical supplies books all the things you might need to do a little bit of a patching up but you know if you got anything more than a scrape or a bruise then we're still going to have to cut you off off to the clinic to get that fixed up but I think it looks pretty good in here I really like the shiny white flaws for the setting because they have a very clinical and clean look to them and then I got these wall shelves stocked up here on this difficult wall space to add a little bit more of those medical supplies and then after that we're going to come on through to my utilities which is something I'm actually surprised we don't have on any of the ships normally we're kind of looking at this like my laundry room kind of like you would have seen on of the stars and maybe looted too so got those laundry items up there on the counter got the little bin for cutting all those sheets and things from the beds and then a sunken down sink that I'm thinking of as a utility sink for you know any cleaning that we might need to do this is kind of like my janitorial closet if you will but it gets a little bit fancier once again over here with these computer Terminals and this is my uh managerial console center so this is kind of where the daily management is happening where's the other computers in the cruise stations I see as mors being part of that engineering center of this Starship also really loving these chairs cuz even in office spaces they make things look a little bit fancier and a little bit less sterile so now let's take a look at some more of those crew lodgings now this is one of the stoud 3x1 Habs the all in one living Habs and this is uh one of the furnished ones like I wanted to do one furnished and one unfurnished to see how that would differ when it came into decorating and obviously we still got some furniture items that are included so we got these bed rolls included down here this time a little bit Messier and we've also got some like little bins and an awful lot of storage like you'll notice over by the bathroom we had a lot of storage taking up a lot of space and then as we come on through to the more living area part of it we still got more bits and it it like things like this little table and this box which we not movable take up a remarkable amount of the floor space so it kind of cuts down on what you can do in these tabs um without actually being particularly big themselves and you'll also notice that I've been using some of those wall tapestries over there as curtains have a little bit more privacy to the sleeping area and the kitchen once again got one of those great functional Galley kitchens here and you can see some more of those furniture and junk items that we just can't build ourselves and I do like those like the coffee machine and all that lot kind of make me happy and then I've got the storage here which actually takes up a lot of space and we're going to see as we walk on through to this one which is an empty 3x1 uh all-in-one Hab from stoud just how much those storage items really do take out floor spacewise like over here we got this whole shelves and a desk like a whole office bit that we couldn't do before and then of course the bedding kind of similar takes up the same floor plan of course we had to build our own bedding rolls this time I've been using some of those uh Bounty terminals turned backwards to look like a ER I got a TV going on down there and a little posc Pooch for that particular crew member and I'm really enjoying putting these chairs in here because they make it look like a space that someone might actually spend time existing in rather than just sleeping which I don't know I that's kind of nice and then as we come out of the sleeping quarters and into that living room area now we don't have that table or that box we can put some couches and chairs over in the corner and I got another one of those TV stations up here under those struts one of these like bites sticking out the wall I don't know they were here at the time of filming and they disappeared again shortly after but here they are for now and then this is the galley kitchen once again doesn't look terribly different you'll notice there's a bit more wall space there cuz we don't have the posters um and we can change where we want to put the table and I kind of like it in this configuration I think it looks a little bit more open and fun you know it's not stuck up against the wall quite as much and then where we had nothing but storage crates before we got this whole ass gym and like I said like this is actually a pretty decent chunk of living space which was otherwise taken up by those crates that we can't move or really do anything with they do take up a lot of flaw space that we can now recover to make this really nice Fitness station that covers the bulk of those living areas we're going to come on through to largely untouched engine room this is another stoud 3x1 I really like these engine rooms and I kind of feel like a Starship needs one like sure I could have put another you know decoratable Hab in here but really I mean I kind of like to have the guts of the ship on display too so that's why we got this one and you know I've got some this chair here that's extra Some More Junk and you'll notice lighting is doing some weird weird things I haven't been able to stop that and it feels really annoying here because this room the lighting is getting all blonde out and I don't know why and as you can see in here we got one of those one by one companion ways but this time it's been turned into a small bedroom offers a bit more privacy than the usual living cart and the crew members do actually use it so this was a nice way to wrestle back some space that's usually not really utilized so before we leave this Starship let's take a look at some of these Habs when they're still empty to get an idea of some of those flaw plans you might have to work with this is the uh stoud 3x2 mes hul and as you can see like when it's empty it is absolutely gigantic like these 3x2 and 3x3 halves feel more like you're decorating something like the Mercury apartment then you are say one of the regular Habs you might have built at your own outposts so I would really look at these as basically a player home rather than a single Hab if you want to add these to any of your ships and another thing is all of the empty ones spawn all of the doors so if there is a place that a door could go to go into another Hab it will bring a door every time so it's not random like you might get with those furnish tabs but because it's a bit overzealous it's really easy to lose things like um you know the uh bathrooms and some of those living quarters so you will have to plan ahead some if you want to use those bathrooms you know maybe put that wall against the outside or put it up against a hole piece or some kind of spacer to stop those from Vanishing out of your Habs on the smaller side we got this one here which is a 2x1 it's the captain's quars from stoud and this is the size we're probably using the most cuz it has the most variety as you can see it's not terribly wide especially when you got this like bulkhead sticking out so it feels kind of like decorating the Sleep crate but long if I had to quantify how these kinds of habs feel but the wide variety of configurations is definitely interesting some of them have these internal walls like we might see in that Captain's Quarters or here in this medbay so you can kind of find a Hab that fits whatever it is you want to build if you want to build up into small rooms or a large room there's a lot to work with in these 2x one hals and that will be the tour of my first Adventure in ship interior design it's definitely a really fun mechanic to play with and I can see myself using this a lot more in the future I already started working on a much grungier vessel that I'm really excited to start decorating and for Outpost Builders all of the tips and tricks that we've been using seem to work really well on the ships too like the floating item trick that still works so yeah things that you've been doing on your Outpost will work really well on the ships and it's nice to see those skills transfer forward so before I sign off and get back to building that grungy ship I just like to say as always if you found anything in this video in any way entertaining or useful please like And subscribe and I'll be back again next week with more building tips ships and outpost tours till then bye
Channel: Miss O Plays
Views: 15,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield ship decorating, starfield ships, Starfield ship interiors
Id: iEXM9yy_wEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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