Starfield Is Trash, But Bethesda Keeps Gaslighting Players..

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let's talk about Starfield when the game released I was hyped a lot of people were but probably for different reasons I spent launch day and a few uh days after reverse engineering the game and porting over gameplay hooks from Skyrim together to a potential Starfield together mod I ported about 70% of Skyrim together reverse code to Starfield together there was just one problem this game is [ __ ] trash I didn't realize that until after I actually started playing the damn game a week after launch the game is boring Bland and the main draw beesa games exploration in a lively handcrafted world was completely gone anyways everyone already knows this most people agree there's no need to further repeat the point just read any of the Dozen reviews online that said I won't be continuing development of Starfield together I'm not going to put my heart and soul into a mod uh for a game that just mediocre is this WOW Starfield actually saw there was like a video about this recently about bethesa responding to criticism for Starfield so it's been interesting to see how the reception of Starfield has been like over the course of its post launch period a meta critic right now sitting at an 83 from 90 critics which is definitely not a I don't know how the [ __ ] people gave it bro in 83 an 83 that's a big number man among the highest rated Bethesda games like not horrible but you know people were definitely think hoping for higher and then user score is sort of you know good to mixed at a 7.0 out of 10 from over 11,000 us I think that's still too high man I do looking at steam the situation is a little more interesting as Starfield over time has lowered its user review score from like positive to now a mix score of 69% nice from 81,000 user reviews the recent scores have been closer to 58% and the general feedback has been a lot of kind of the issues that I had with the game which is that while there's some cool like side quest content here and there some good storylines Gunplay also generally feels pretty good in this game and I think the [ __ ] building well the Gunplay the only good thing about star build is a ship building that's the only good thing about the game there are a lot of other things about the game that are not bad but the the ship building was cool aspect is something that's been really well done with just how customizable ships are and some of the creations with Cena have been really cool I was disappointed by the main quest I was disappointed by how fetch questy it all was and how repetitive it was and then the X I I tried to do the main quest man I really did I tried three separate days I really put my heart and soul into trying to enjoy it and I just couldn't do it it like I feel like if you like have somebody play the it's like oh like oh I have in trouble sleeping just make an ASMR of the Starfield main story quest line that'll work better than anything else it wasn't made to be enjoyed yeah exporation I think is the biggest qualm that people have with the space element of the game being the thing that gets in the way because space is just so much empty space that a lot of stuff is now segmented and separated across all these different planets and so there's no cohesion anymore it's not just one giant open world that feels like handcrafted but rather a lot of little things separated across the Galaxy and the planets themselves aren't all that interesting to explore even the more handcrafted planets feel like just lesser open worlds compared compared to one cohesive open world like you know Skyrim and stuff like that and then beyond that well there weren't really hardly any handcrafted planets like I went to probably 50 or 70 different planets in Starfield and every single one of them was trash they were all bad it's not like there's one or two that were good no they were all bad I think just generally the age of the creation engine is starting to show and while Starfield does use an has nothing to do with the engine like the engine problems like if the engine if Starfield never had any loading screens it would still be a bad game like I I I need people to understand that like the engine yes it made it worse and it made that aspect of the game worse but it's not like oh the engine's holding the game back no the game is bad and the engine is also bad version of The Creation engine the foundation of it is still the creation engine and so the presentation the AI issues the animations and uh the uncanny valley of NPCs like there's just a lot here that feels like it hasn't caught up to more modern RPGs and what they've been able to accomplish butda games have always been you know kind of janky and whatnot they've always had this fun Factor the sense of wonder of just being able to kind of like go anywhere and always find some curiosity and with Starfield and how much just loading screens there are how much stuff is access through menus which are also clumsily implemented Starfield I think loses the one thing that Bethesda games could ride on despite all the janky elment and so all the other stuff all the other flaws just stand out that much more in Starfield and that's I think why we're I just I don't understand like I remember whenever I was making videos about Starfield whenever it came out I had so many Xbox Fanboys in my replies malding like they were fighting me and they were like getting angry they were like you can't [ __ ] say this is you're a [ __ ] Sony Pony you're a [ __ ] you're you're just you're being paid by PlayStation to say that our game is bad how are you can't say our game is bad Xbox is the [Applause] best just and I look at their profiles and these are like 35-year-old men like how like you're 27 years old what the [ __ ] are you doing see such a generally mixed score and compare that to say Skyrim which is sitting at an overwhelmingly positive score of 95% even Fallout 4 is sitting at a positive review score of 83% it's a pretty Stark difference I think there's a general sense that Starfield might be bethesda's weakest single player entry with many calling it The epitome of white as an ocean but shallow as a puddle even looking at player numbers while it's natural for a single player game to event dip in player numbers once people are finished with it it's worth noting that Starfield currently has a 24hour peak of 18,000 players Which is less than Skyrim's 24-hour peak of 23 okay that does matter though right I mean it the the fact that like Skyrim is still beating Starfield Starfield came out this year Skyrim came out 10 years ago I mean that's pretty [ __ ] bad ,000 players and you know not too far off from Fallout 4 is 24hour peak of almost 15,000 players now I think that's in part because Fallout 4 and Skyrim maybe they'll have to re-release uh Starfield in seven different ways and then maybe they'll have enough people playing have modding tools that are officially available so mods play a big part in that I think when modding tools for Starfield come out we might see those numbers rise up again I think there is a general sense that Starfield is drawing a lot less buzz and a lot less interest and it's just a game that's a lot less interesting to players compared to past Bethesda releases and we'll see if that will change there's nothing interesting about Starfield like I I genuinely think that there is nothing that is interesting about the game expansions and with Mod support now while we wait to see what happens on that front something that's caught a lot of people's attention there no m is the fact that Bethesda has been responding to negative reviews on Steam so if you go to Starfield reviews right now and look at the list here you can see that some of the negative reviews respond developer has responded notice that you can click on and you can find what and it's not just one or two reviews they're getting down into trenches it's quite a number of them here's 1 2 3 four 5 6 7 8 9 this is like Todd gets on the company account he's like you [ __ ] you don't know anything 11 12 13 14an 15 just in this one page alone but I've kind of compiled a couple of those uh Developers comments and responses to those negative reviews to see what they had to say and I for one have no issue with developers trying to communicate with players but I think there's also a way to do it where it does feel sincere and it doesn't feel like you're trying to tell people you're wrong about feeling the way you do about the game I don't care I love it when developers communicate even whenever they're stupid because if they're stupid then you earn more and that's why the way bonded here uh it just feels kind of hollow and it's just not something that's being seen as a positive development so for example here we have a review who did not recommend the game I mean 26.1 hours on record two Matt I'm going to be real all right you spend 256 hours on record and at 183 hours you say don't don't you play this hey hey hey don't you uhuh don't do what I did I'm going to keep doing it though but like don't don't you do what I did play this game quite a bit 183.2 hours played at review time and complain about many of the things that a lot of people complained about and looking at the developer response here they try to justify some of the things that the user complained about one of the things that they recommend when it comes to like the game just feels kind of boring is to try creating different characters with backgrounds and characterist that Clash or opposite of your previous character you'll feel like you're playing a totally different game to a how do they do it man how the [ __ ] did they do it like you understand what the special uh like things are like if you have a special perk it's just an extra dialogue option where it's like if you were a soldier and you respond to the NPC you know there's like the dialogue for Soldier it's like yeah I used to be on the Battlefield 2 and then the NPC is like yeah that's what it's like whenever you're in the army anyways let's go back to this back to the story that's it that's literally the entire thing degree but one of the things that people complain about with Starfield is that a lot of the choices you make especially when it comes to dialogue just doesn't really seem to affect the outcome events all that much there are a handful of key decision not that much it doesn't affect the outcome at all that the impact who lives and who dies here and there but generally it doesn't feel like your choices have that much of an influence on the way things play out and you know what ending you get and all these things but Bethesda here insists that when it comes to Starfield you'll be faced with completely different decisions to make and difficulties to encounter when you make new characters and try new things there are so many different layers to Starfield that you'll find things you never knew were possible after playing for hundreds of hours and while it's true that you I just thought um I feel like whenever a developer like this talks about what they think it actually makes it really easy to understand why the game has problems because you look at what they're saying and it's like oh wait now I understand we'll find new things with the way New Game Plus Works in this game Afters of hours just the process of doing New Game Plus and the process of kind of exploring the content of Starfield is there's just enough uh sort of roadblocks and friction between you and getting to the interesting content that I I feel like looking for all that new content through all the new game pluses and whatnot it's just not something that a lot of people are going to stick with or even if they do they'll find the experience just not as good as it could have been and based on the fact that almost look I don't know why people keep talking around this it's just not that good I mean this isn't a crime against humanity a developer just released a video game that wasn't that great what's the noise um they do this like every like month and they'll just get out and they'll just start playing drums it'll go on for like 30 more minutes and then they'll stop it is what it is 9,000 people found this review helpful it seem as though there plenty of people with a lot of the negative sentiments expressed here you know and then right here we have another user review with negative sentiments with over 6,000 people who found this review dude this is problematic 100 hours on record 91 hours on record like and again you know what's really [ __ ] up about this is that I'm one of these people it's like I'm sitting there eating [ __ ] level 200 in Starfield oh God don't you you you don't want any of this oh this is [ __ ] awful full now scrolling down the developer response here you'll find is basically kind of copied and pasted from what they said in the previous review where they talk about how you should try creating different characters with backgrounds and characteristics that class or are opposite of your previous character you can fly you can shoot you can mine you can loot you can't really fly shooting in the game actually doesn't really work that well and Mining you don't really mine anything you just use a laser beam and then it goes away that's it like what is this you can with Boost assault pack oh if you fly but you can't really fly though right like I have my Boost pack leveled all the way up it doesn't matter and you'll find it to be a totally different game which again I don't think is entirely true sure the gameplay style might change a little bit you could go for something that's stealthy or something that's more Gunplay heavy and whatnot but generally it feels like the outcome of events will be relatively the same say for a few key moments yeah 100% somebody says you didn't see most of the game you can't access the unique zones and boss fights through exploration all right wait when you have a few minutes there's something I'd like to discuss wait wait did it this it is this what I missed out on I missed out on this I didn't get a chance to uh to play this oh wait it's over oh wait is this the boss so let's go ahead and let's look at something okay so that's the that's the last boss this is the first boss open that's it that's the that's the game it doesn't guys it's not a boss fight just because what do you call it it's not a boss fight just because the the mob has a special name there's nothing about that that's a boss fight at all I'll be right back rather than this being something that'll be consist like say balers gate where you know every Quest and every decision seems to like come back at some point and there seems to be ramifications your choices at every turn that sense just isn't anywhere near as prominent in Starfield next up we have a negative view here with over 4,600 people finding it useful and one of the key complaints here is about exploration and the way there are so many loading screens and how much you have to access the menu to really Traverse space and the lack seamlessness and the experience well the Bethesda representative here responding by saying that the option to the option to fly freely among planets is still there and you can travel from one planet to another and land without needing to open your map if you use your SC janner no it's not that's not even true like holy crap yeah that it's it's you can no remember that uh Alana Pierce flew to Pluto remember and then the Pluto was uh [ __ ] it was like a a just a cosmetic Planet it was a JPEG she flew to a JPEG fly freely among planets is still there which just isn't true like yes you can bring up the scanner and you can travel from one planet to another and land without needing to open your map but that's as long as the planet is visible within the area in space that you're in and even then you're not really freely flying to planets you're just kind of activating a loading screen that leads you into the planet and that sun is yeah it's just a load screen yeah way where it breaks the illusion that you're genuinely exploring space whereas in something like no man's Sky because you can hop in in and out of planets and fly your ship around anywhere truly freely you know that that is a much more immersive feeling sense of space exploration in fact it's already been proven that if you do just try to fly to a planet you'll essentially just face through a JPEG uh there's no actual Planet there to take your ship towards in a seamless fashion when it comes to fast travel Bethesda Justified it as remember that fast travel also has its perks as you can do so quickly when trying to complete quests and will always be given visual of your ship launching and Landing thus being able to appreciate all the little details that make your customized ship look unique there are only so many times you can watch that ship Landing or ship leaving animation before you kind of grow tired of it and you're right the amount of times that I can watch it without growing tired of it two times I'm landing and then I'm taking off like oh cool okay so can we skip this from now on no okay ultimately just prefer if you could fly in and out of planets seamlessly and yes the inclusion of fast travel is not a bad thing because you can quickly travel to locations and whatnot which is important for a game that's so massive previous Bethesda games have had fast travel but the over Reliance on fast travel in Starfield is what really brings it down whereas in past Bethesda games you'd have to like actually explore and see what's out there and find locations before you could fast travel to them and so there was this constant sense of like actually having to like be aware of the space around you and yeah you had to like explore it before you went to it discovery whereas in you're just skipping all this empty space that doesn't really have much to offer uh it's just not worth like taking your ship and just like flying somewhere in a direction because the odds are you'll probably not find anything even in Planet the odds are that as you walk around you'll find the same Outpost that you've seen you know procedurally generated before it's all the same and then even the NPCs that you fight there are some of them that are called the eclipsion and other ones that are called spacers the difference between them is that one's called eclipsion and the other one's called spacer that's the only difference fundamentally they're the same NPCs in the same suits doing the same things with the same voice lines that drop the same Loot and oh you're right I think the eclipsion have there's like red on their shoulder it's not the exact same they're red the more handcrafted planet is even if you go outside of the main city Crimson yeah the Crimson the Crimson redda here also tries to justify the economy in this game and just the lackluster loot saying that in terms of game economy remember that the higher the difficulty you're playing on the better items you'll receive as a drop enemies will be dropping more rare weapons and gear you'll also be given the option to board and steal more expensive and valuable ships saying well just increase your difficulty to get better rewards but even the generally the best rewards in Starfield even are not not all that impressive because of a lack of just general weapon and loot variety there's no like I have they're very few in the way of like Legendary Weapons or whatever that feel really unique and I don't know like I have a [ __ ] weapon like the weapon that I ended the game with was a weapon that I could literally one-hot a level 99 Elite if I got a Critical Strike I could One-Shot them there was a sniper rifle that did like I think 6,000 5 to 6,000 damage on Critical Strike I had it completely maxed out everything I was trying to get one that had a special perk on it and then I realized that the game was bad and I quit uh just a lot of weapons in general given its sci-fi setting are underwhelming even Fallout I more unique weapons uh whereas Starfield very like vanilla and generic and uh a lot of the stuff you get that are higher level weapons it's just you know a a weapon that you've already seen before with higher stats or with certain specific mods but nothing really crazy that makes you feel the sense of oh my God this is so cool what I just looted here here's another I got a couple of cool weapons like they're all right but like the Needler from Halo was cooler than all of them the energy sword from Halo was cooler than all of them the fuel Rod cannon from Halo was cooler than all of them that's just the way it is a review with over 4,600 people that found this review helpful the developer here talks about the excess of loading screens in between fast traveling saying just consider the amount of data for the expansive gameplay that is procedurally generated to load flawlessly in under 3 seconds while there might be loading screens in between fast traveling just appreciate that it's proced reg generated to load flawlessly in under 3 seconds yeah it I probably load it flawlessly in under 3 seconds because I have a [ __ ] perfect computer I guarantee you it's going to be more than 3 seconds and also 3 seconds every 10 seconds is a lot of seconds we believe that shortcoming will not hinder our players from getting lost in the world we created so I guess this is more of like a technical explanation for why there's so many loading screens and I'm not saying that there isn't a technical reason for why I don't give a [ __ ] about the technical reason like if Pax day can do a better job and it's like a Early Access Alpha game if uh no man's sky can do it like what are we doing here Spider-Man can do it better like it's like all these other games could do it cyberp Punk can do it like why can't why are all why why is every other game able to do it if it's how is this possible I don't know ask anybody they'll tell you look at Elden ring the game was designed the way it was but it doesn't change the fact that the excess of of loading screens does negatively impact the gameplay experience it doesn't necessarily hinder the player but it does make the immersiveness of the game feel far more diminished compared to what past Bethesda games accomplished for such a vast Galaxy you know for this being the bethesda's biggest game volume wise it weirdly feels like the smallest because everything is so separated into their own hubs with space itself just kind of being a hub rather than like a seamless part of the experience it's the place you go to to go to your map and select a destination basically the illusion of this just being one seamless tapestry just isn't there as a result of the fragmented nature of this experience that is a result I don't know why so many people talk about the immersion aspect of it because I think that like really if you if the if there if there were no loading screens in Starfield Starfield would still suck loading screens didn't kill the game had really nothing to do with it it was like yeah it was bad that had loading screens like yeah it made it worse but like that's not really it's still an issue yeah it's still an issue but it's really not the it it's like a minor [ __ ] footnote result of just how excessive the loading screens are that reveal just how segmented this game is like it there's no illusion here that is properly evoked about the sense of being a space Explorer now here's one particular response to a review that has especially raised eyebrows so this is somebody with a review who 100 hours onto this game oh my God 4,000 over 4,400 people found helpful scrolling down here they insist that the way Starfield is designed and the way planets are so empty is not actually boring it reads right here we're sorry that you do not like landing on different planets and are finding many of them empty some of star do you remember whenever I went to that solar system and I went to every single planet in the entire solar system and there was nothing on the entire planet except for rocks and then there was one point of interest and I identified the point of interest and it was a cave and I went to the cave and inside of the cave there were rocks do you remember that oh they're minerals excuse me planets are meant to be empty by my design but that's not boring Bethesda declares here and then this is a quote when the astronauts went to the moon there was nothing there they certainly weren't bored look don't get me wrong if I were to go to the Moon I would be just off no bro like I bet the moon would be [ __ ] boring like what are we talking about how the moon would be lit this [ __ ] would be boring as [ __ ] man like you're sitting there okay you can jump around like would it be F it'd be fun it'd be interesting for like probably like it' be cool to go there for like an afternoon right you like take some pictures take some selfies uh you know jump around a bit throw rocks at each other uh you know like maybe look around try and find the flag that we put there and it's like okay all right I got to go back home now because there's nothing to [ __ ] do there's no internet on the moon there's no Walmart at the Moon there's no MCD there's no Chipotle at the moon like what the [ __ ] there's no there's no power at the moon like it's probably annoying like you want to go outside you have to put on a whole suit of [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] is this it's crazy yeah I don't get this at all I go to yeah what is this as a video game you're not going to go to the moon on your couch eating Doritos yeah it's boring as [ __ ] this a thrill you can die at any second if something went wrong but like you couldn't really I mean I don't know maybe you could like I mean it's just but you can't really die and if you die you just respawn in the game like the moon is it would not be lit okay all I'm saying is that going to the Moon would not be as lit as you think it would that's my point by the Majesty of being in space and being in a completely new land mass in space and stuff but if somebody told me let's just walk around the Moon all day and why you think they stopped going over there what was last time we ever went to the [ __ ] Moon never because it's [ __ ] boring what the hell are we going to go over there for it's expensive well yeah but if there were some crazy [ __ ] there we'd probably go it's like at least with Mars it's like oh maybe there's water maybe there's other [ __ ] over there but like the moon found throughout that expedition was just empty space as cool as it is to be on the moon I'd eventually get bored of that like the thing that Starfield is supposed to offer is that when you do land on the moon there's all this stuff to do on that planet or just there's enough content there to keep you preoccupied but it just doesn't do enough and it just stretches itself to thin by having you know a thousand planets you can land on or whatever with a vast majority of them being so empty or having such copied and pasted procedurally generated I mean I played the game like if you played the game you what it is like we're not playing any we're not playing around with this like it it's [ __ ] boring like everybody knows it like what is this H that they're not really worth exploring like doing the same activity over and over again in a video game is just not fun and trying to make a game ultra realistic can be at time to your detriment because realism sometimes is not fun so you got to like heighten that stuff through the unique elements of gameplay you can bring to the table with a kind of any time that a developer tries to go for realism I always get worried because real life is boring like I don't want to play real life that's why I'm playing the game you're making butth as justification continues the intention of starfields exploration is to evoke a feeling of smallness in players and make you feel overwhelmed you can continue to explore and find worlds that do have resources you need or hidden Outpost to look through but starfields planets I don't feel like they overwhelm you with a sense of my God there's so much to do there so rocks you eventually start to realize oh this is content not even worth exploring so you start skipping exploring planets and just kind of want to do quests which are the most interesting aspect of the of starfields content in my opinion and because there's a lack of vehicles in this game walking around planets is genuinely painful because it takes so long to reach a point of interest and you stamina while you're out of combat so you can't even run you have to like run and then you get tired and you're like [Music] and you got to run again like oh my God so much of Planetary Exploration is literally just walking around and using your Boost pack to try to expedite the process a little bit it doesn't really help that much just looking at just very monotonous looking Landscapes as you try to reach your next destination which is a couple minutes away or whatever like the visual experience of looking at the procedurally generated environments from all these different planets that's not all inspiring enough for that alone to be able to carry exploration of planets you know the activities have to be compelling and purposeful and meaningful and that's just not the case more often than not and when the same criticism is brought up by other VI viws like this one right here with over 4,000 useful you'll see that Bethesda has kind of some of starfields plants meant to be empty Quest are made to be completed in SE several ways if you're looking to feel op we recommend looking at completing a quest that Grant special powers oh my God oh God they certainly when the astronauts went to the moon they certainly the intention of sur's exploration is to invoke a feeling of smallness in the players well they did I feel like the game is very small yeah I mean that's the first thing they said I agree with damn I and pasted this response some of starfields planets are meant to be empty by Design but that's not boring it declares the same code it's literally just a copied and pasted thing which she has copying and pasting helps save time but it it just this feels like a very like marketing kind of response rather than somebody genuinely engaging with this player specific feedback for me this experience was very boring and them saying but that's not boring and bringing up this quote about real life astronauts like that's not going to change my mind or change many people's minds about this it's also worth noting that going to the moon in real life is a real life experience that can be life-changing whereas Starfield is ultimately still a video game you know what I mean like going to another planet a video game has been done before it's not this magical thing next up we have a response to this user review with over 3,700 people finding it helpful Jesus I can't believe they got into trenches like this at Harder difficulties AI are nothing but stupid bullet sponges bad AI yeah that's true 100% yep scrolling down here there is justification for aspects of the game's visuals and the clunky UI stating that starfields art Direction and overall UI aesthetic is meant to be cohesive and have a NASA Punk look menus are clean bold and neatly organized NASA Punk look clean neatly organize the focal point on the player's character I feel like at a certain point you can just be so off base that it's not even worth giving feedback it's like this is just so wrong that I don't even want to take the time to explain why it's wrong like it's just like have a nice day organized um I would highly disagree with that menus are a bit of a mess in this game and are some of the clunkiest menus I've used and especially Inventory management is a pain in the ass because it offers so little information and everything's organized in such a rudimentary way that it makes it hard to actually like go through your inventory naturally uh it just needed greater features more enhancements that mods now already offer and it feels like Bethesda hasn't learned from past entries clunky UI you know and even from mods who've already like fixed this issue I mean look I like the NASA Punk aesthetic personally but the UI itself was something that I really wasn't a fan of but butth insists here that menus are clean B it suck dick why don't you have a menu why don't you have a a a map for the cities why not where's the map it's really that simple right I mean like is it yeah that's literally it UI was horrible yeah it it's just I I the thing is I forgot what the problems were with the UI I remember that the UI sucked but I don't actually remember why it sucked the neatly organized with a focal point on the player's character the skill menu is colorful and iconic while the inventory shows off items weapons and armor in a visually striking way these UI design choices increase your immersion into the Starfield Universe see this just feels like Bethesda is saying you're wrong let me tell you what actually is this is not you know a [ __ ] cake it's actually chocolate cake which you know it's that's not the kind of feedback that's going to be well received I love how people are using this I love it I think this is probably one of the best like metaphor things I've ever come up with is it people are trying to eat [ __ ] and convince everybody else this chocolate yep provide any kind of insight this just feels like a marketing statement that you decided to throw out there in the hopes of changing people's minds but you just stating things that people don't feel is accurate is not going to change their minds or it's not going to change the reality of the flaws of the game there's also an attempted justification at the fact that the carry weight in this game is so low that it can be disruptive I mean Inventory management alone is already kind of a pain in the ass but the fact that you have to do I went through and I played the game with no mods I played it with literally zero mods because I wanted to have the real experience I wanted to have the raw experience and godamn that was a [ __ ] mistake holy [ __ ] that was messed up oh [ __ ] bro like my God bro is so bad so often because you're so frequently over encumbered just doesn't help matters and they highlight here how you can purchase the weightlifting skill but even that has its limit and I don't feel like it was enough for me even maxing that out to really smooth out the over encumbrance issue they highlight here how you can have your ship's cargo hold carry some stuff but even the weight capacity of that is much lower than you think it is and looking at more reviews you can see that a lot of stuff is just straight up copied and pasted the same kind of PR sounding statements here's one response from Bethesda that does show new text this one's trying to justify the combat saying that Starfield has some of the most advanced combat in a Bethesda title to this day it's that ain't saying a lot that's really not saying a lot guys like I really like man it's one of our players favorite aspects of the game I will say that I generally have positive Impressions about starfields combat what about any other game though what about like cyberp Punk or like any other game that's recently come out like uh Doom uh you even have like Halo uh Call of Duty um uh Remnant uh where are some other ones that came out armored Core six I mean like any other game it has the most advanced combat in a Bethesda title this that's not necessarily a high bar bethesda's combat has never been the best feeling I think it's trash it's not the best feeling it's [ __ ] garbage that's why I quit Oblivion I quit Oblivion because the game played like [ __ ] it's just it's it just doesn't play well like that's all there is to it like the movement is trash the combat sucks and in Skyrim it's it's the same thing I saw my friend play Skyrim the combat is garbage field has made some strides on that front and it is the best feeling and before you think oh no it's actually super good play a good game go play cyberp Punk and then come back and tell me that Skyrim or Oblivion is good no it's not it's good for a Bethesda game Bethesda combat uh but compared compared to other Shooters uh you know it still falls short in in many regards but it's still good enough for the type of experience that Starfield is and then when it comes to criticisms about how the game stealth systems don't feel fleshed out enough it says that to experience some of starfields better stealth scenarios we recommend you embark on the ryuen faction quests but the thing is you can create a character who entirely relies on stealth and it feels like the game really wasn't designed for that or was designed in such a way where stealth feels very artificial and you have to really jump through through hoops to really make it work and um I kind of felt that way as someone who played a stealth build the stealth and Bethesda games have always been a little rudimentary and Starfield felt like an opportunity to just really evolve that aspect of Bethesda games but it just feels like more of what we saw previously and and in some cases because of AI and consistency stealth can at times feel worse than what it used to be here's one more review worth highlight like I'm going to be honest I don't know why people like these games so much like I I didn't really get it like I don't see what they see in these games because like whenever I see these games I see garbage NPCs boring stories shitty combat bad Graphics like that's it everything about it is bad it's like I I just I don't get it like I maybe it's just like I mean I don't watch horror movies maybe it's like people like horror movies I don't like horror movies so like it's just it's crazy I don't get it how is it possible the music is nice to be fair the music is nice lighting where the Bethesda developer here or representative insists that companions can be valuable allies and assets I had a lot of complaints actually about companions because while they can carry your stuff that's like one thing that can be use for essentially as a backpack of sorts a walking backpack the actual element of of the companions being an asset when you're engaged in combat for example that I rarely found to be true because companions often walk in front of you as you're shooting someone or if you're a stealth build like me they would often just run into combat and just disrupt your stealth plans the companion AI is bad enough that I never ever wanted to have a companion with me at any given point in time and in general the I think companions are they also can carry you if you play it the right way canions and characters in this game I personally didn't find to be all that interesting so I wasn't really emotionally invested in them enough to bring them along but as far as unique responses go from this Bethesda representative who's responding to these negative reviews those are the ones I could find and the rest of the responses were seen to other negative reviews it's basically some form of copied and pasted version of the unique statements that we have seen it doesn't happen it's just like you can't tell people that aren't happy with the game like no actually you don't understand why the UI is good if everybody is saying the UI is bad and then the most popular mod apparently is a mod for the UI maybe like what you think is important with the UI maybe it's not that important after all I mean I don't know what to say very frequently that a developer will will go out of its way to respond to all of these negative reviews on Steam and whatnot usually they'll just like Keep Their Heads down and try to work on fixing these issues uh but Bethesda just trying to declare that things people have experienced is not actually the experience when that's what a lot of people are saying like it just comes across as bizarre and generally people don't like to be told that the experience that they had with something that they thoroughly played is actually not the experience that they had um it just feels like it's brushing aside it just feels like Bethesda saying we're right and you're wrong rather than saying huh okay I'll take that into consideration and see you know how we can fix things well they make the game how the [ __ ] they want to make the game but at the end of the day if you look at the way the game plays you look at what people said about it that paints a very specific picture that's it you need to play 30 hours to feel the real experience no man it starts getting good in New Game Plus no man see you have to uh you have to get like your superpowers and there's like a superpower that makes it to where like uh you can like jump really high and then there's another one where you could run a long time and you don't understand it's Jesus [ __ ] man the future entries or future patches or updates and whatnot oh so that's kind of the general discussion surrounding uh these Bethesda responses to Starfield negative reviews on Steam and with that ladies and gentlemen that's everything you need to know about the situation let me know in the comments below on Bethesda responses Starfield negative reviews and to be further updated on all things gaming news reviews and discussions stay tuned right here on Yong yeah I'll see you guys next time Yong there it is and so uh C pushing per put power in your hands yeah I mean pandering Twitter on it was insane whenever this game dropped like it's just what I like about seems you can find genine criticism about games sometimes you need to filter them out well yeah I'm sure some people are very upset about that kind of stuff but uh it starts getting good in an next spoon fill the [ __ ] like you said yourself just because you don't understand what I'm saying doesn't mean it's wrong yeah exactly and uh I think it's so funny that they're actually like trying to defend this [ __ ] like I wish they had just listen to the player base just listen to what people say and change different things in the game like like Starfield actually you know what that's not really true the truth is that Starfield has so many problems with it that I genuinely believe that is a it is an irredeemable game like the DLC will not fix the game because like so here I'm going to make a list real quick okay um bad things about Starfield NPC NPCs how they act personality um how NPCs look Graphics combat Gunplay melee uh planets uh planets being boring story boring um loot boring enemy AI bad um no exploration uh realistically um uh repeat NPCs menus are bad car wait like I mean what is left let me link you guys the video and that's the thing like what's left guys it's like Yeah The Game's good except for everything space combat sucks yeah true or is it like every single thing about the game is bad how is this possible so why can't the DLC fix these things because there's too many things they have to fix everything about the game it's like you you just make a new game at this point just start over it would be a completely different game they need to make a new game yes it's just like I I make a new cake yes exactly you missed the thousands of bugs I don't care about the bugs the bugs are funny the bugs are better content than the story oh oh here we go oh yeah I already put the story as boinging okay never mind I already did that yes Jesus manesa doesn't make DLCs to their games yeah the modders do the loading screens it's not even part of it that's not even the issue like the loading screens don't even matter it's like building a house on wet concrete yes it's like okay so let's say you have to make a cake all right and what the ingredients that you have for the cake are um a dead porcupine uh car oil and Nails can you make a good cake with that no no you can't it's just a piece of [ __ ] no matter how how you it doesn't matter what you do it doesn't make a difference what's the solution to these bad games simple just quit just stop stop making it like realize that you have made a piece of [ __ ] it's like all right I've I've I've now made uh I've now made a piece of [ __ ] and now I need to make something that's not a piece of [ __ ] that is the solution in my opinion crazy how no man sky is made with a fraction of the cost yet 100 times better you guys really need to understand something the amount of money that a developer spends on a game doesn't matter they can spend a $100 million and you get Diablo 4 or one guy makes Hollow cure and it's great or vampire survivors the problem is this let me make it very simple and very clear there are a lot of game designers and game developers that shouldn't be game designers or game developers they have no creative Instinct they have no idea what they're doing they're bad at their job and they're completely inadequate in every single way they don't understand players they can't design a game they can't program it properly they don't understand player Behavior they don't understand why people play video games they over monetize the games which to be fair probably actually that one isn't really their fault probably the accounting department that makes them do that but again the entire game revolves around that these people have no [ __ ] idea what they're doing and at a certain point you have to stop blaming the executives it's not always just the executives that are causing them like there's no EXE that made them make the uh like there's no executive that made them uh you know like make the colors in every single boss fight in Diablo the same color no executive made them do that they did that themselves I don't think you understand how games are made besides teams of like six people I don't I don't need to understand how a game is made in order to see that it is very clear that the people that are making the games are [ __ ] [ __ ] on
Channel: Asmongold TV
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: vVZ8Tx12dFY
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Length: 52min 56sec (3176 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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