Skyrim Late Night Steam : Welcome to the Nonsense

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[Music] for this stream I mean technically I am doing companion missions or whatever so there's that oh where's my joystick is my Wi-Fi out it's not like loading anything no it's [ __ ] working just YouTube is being a little [ __ ] cuz I was trying to play music I now are not working for some reason it just got to restart my phone maybe it's my phone I bought some fruit today I bought cantaloupe pineapple and watermelon I don't like green uh I don't like green melon I just it just doesn't like what's it called honeydew I don't really like it it it doesn't have no flavor to it oh and also bought um a rotisserie chicken and I also got a potato salad and um egg salad I think because it's hotter that I'm like I mean where do I leave off at I don't know somewhere somewhere sure yeah sure what if no [Music] cuz I use my phone to like look at see if anybody comments on my stream but I don't know if it's going to happen today YouTube on my phone is not working there we go don't play no [Music] music is working but I don't know's going to happen today okay cool it's working cool cool cool but it's all I I realized that maybe if I put all messages rather than top messages I can actually see the comments okay cool cool I'm eating water it's good it's tasty cuz I was like I didn't buy nothing to drink I got no that's a lie I bought two things of jug I bought two jugs of like spring water Eric don't you [ __ ] dare go over there and start trouble okay let me finish eating and I'll be right over there okay we going to kill these [ __ ] just give me a minute okay let me just let me just snack some okay I just woke up from my nap a little bit hungry all right yeah come back over here okay you got to wait from me Eric you got to wait from me you won't live to see tomorrow so easier the wrong a [ __ ] it hold on hold on look what you did come on there oh godam take this and hold on to it I'll be back for it later wait who the [ __ ] is you you're good don't lose it my joystick not even off no time to talk snitch or double cross me and I'll kill you I'm it [ __ ] excuse the [ __ ] eny think so [ __ ] [ __ ] out of here dble across me and I K oh [ __ ] I need to get rid of this ring on me I got bored today and started posting on Facebook honestly don't go on Facebook but sometimes I just get bored it's just like what's I be [Music] doing and I like I see Memes and stuff and I just posting I guess I don't really do much on Facebook I don't [Music] know bra where is [Music] it oh damn y' done started the phone without me hold up wait [Music] wait can I slink did he just go slink that's funny that's [Music] funny I was G to go to uh where wait wait a damn minute where's Kaiden K oh no maybe he already went inside I don't know he went somewhere I like wait didn't we already do this we did but did you see someone run past just now no I'm also going to kill him too cuz I want his [ __ ] I need money oh no hold on let's be nice we always kill this person may you know here you know what here I don't even need this here you go yes how did you get this never mind here it's not much but it's something I'm going to track down that thief and murder him I mean I already did he over there there you go buddy okay see I'm I'm a nice person I don't always just have to kill everything see look at that guys yeah where the [ __ ] is Ken I don't understand kiden did I leave him back in town I don't think I oops did I leave him back in [Music] town hold on let me go get him oh he's going come to me sometimes you just have to reset him there he is where his tall ass all right let's go inside cuz as soon as we do this I want to start doing the uh companion missions again bloody out it's War I want to start no the yeah the don't worry about I'm again well upgrade the sword though it's pretty bad actually wait actually no I'm kind of curious if I did something no I'm not going to do it I'm not going to do it he would have saw through it anyway let's be honest hi sweetie I have a sharp action look what we have here [ __ ] knife in your face [ __ ] you're going to they got it they got it a [ __ ] I did not see you oh you a come get some fight of okay I kind of panicked and lost sight of that fight but give me your [ __ ] am I going to K yeah but of giant Killers how you doing what you get [ __ ] with me all your [ __ ] actually most of these are Orcs uh I'm like do we have the equipment needed to like upgrade our sword good job I can see you know what you're doing thank you I love how he always compliment me thank you that's all I needed in my compliment right you anything there another one over here that got to have the wine actually these shoes these shoes nice shoes I really want to go grab a n but I feel like every time I grab him I don't know if he's glitched or anything but he always ruins my game and it kind of sucks because I love anigo but he's just he's lagging it's just lag like I reinstalled him or like I did everything else so like I even got rid of his high poly uh replacer and it still just lag maybe he just has too many lines on him I'm just like I don't know the reason is nicely done my lockpick is usually me boot kick them sh y t asses move all right uh there's something over there but I don't care to go towards it so time to hunt some two-legged ska and make Skyrim safe again that was dialog see if see iFish i' never heard that maybe what do you want to do Ken I just buy oops okay I hate Bandits and thieves men like these radar town every year take that we have a lot here taking that thank you I don't know where I want to live at either in White Run or like maybe like vad I like the farm and Ro dead but the farm and V dead though if you have a family like the kids will stay there but not the um not even the kids won't stay there and neither way you're like spouse and it's annoying beautiful out here I speaking to hous this I don't know [Music] oh the powerder [Music] well my lock pit is usually me boot we'll do so much good by ridding the realm of these Bandits I come myam be like you should you should have been eating on your stream I can hear the crunchy and you eating it's disgusting I don't give a [ __ ] I'm hungry and I'mma eat this eat it Bandits steal and kill without remorse they don't deserve to live what is that I I know what it is but like I've never been in it before follow me guys we're going to go over here actually if we get any more money I'm going to upgrade um azen's outfit cuz I kind of just gave him like what was left over be good kindor I just feel like it doesn't fit his style yourself was excellent help okay I think it just might be a tower very peaceful here I don't know that never been up here [Music] before it's laggy as hell though oh oh this must be from the uh White Run expansion I mean look at that that's cool get to see the chickens the C that's a lot of cows look at those cows one [Music] two three four five whatever six six of them we should look for game while we're out here are they fighting for their life right there you see something over there hold on yeah they fighting hold on going stop [Music] hold on is there like a battle going on I'm going go over there and check it [Music] out for Save [Music] actually I think I might start have to delete certain mods cuz my game has been laggy couldn't have chosen a better day for traveling Oh this is cute I love this got Farmers [Music] here you just going help you up you seem to be stuck here you go yes can you talk to him you buy stuff off you maybe nope all right then that a big I've seen my share of Tamriel nothing compares to the Wilds of Skyrim she's beautiful yes she is dangerous these damn chickens look that chicken hey chicken oh wow look at that detail look at that detail on that chicken you can really see the craziness in his eyes czy chicken you know I didn't realize until recently is that roosters are [ __ ] big as [Music] hell like you see everyday chickens but like a rooster is [ __ ] tall they big I was like he [Music] huge cuz that person I know owns chickens and she she was like oh you can look at the chicken from Chicken Coop and I'm like oh okay cool yeah she had like just a a giant ass [Music] rooster I'm not sure what can we make with all these eggs oh I'm sorry wait is this for like the the hold of white r i feel bad for the yet it's okay it's okay I did a lot I'm the dragon born you know I can get right with it you know what I close this gate sorry so nobody else can oh they also got potatoes I think may be my next Skyrim playthrough I'm going to pretend to be a farmer I know there's a mod out there but like I've had too many mods I probably have to disable a lot of stuff but there's a mod where you like you overhaul Skyrim into basically like a a farming simulator it's pretty cool I would never do it because it requires me to get rid of a lot of my mods but yeah godam you scared the crap out of me Kaiden woo oh sh yo look at his pose look at his pose oh shoot look at that kite is yeah kite is kind of like he there but he's not like he not like slick like as in is look at that that's a cat that's a cat movement right there that's awesome right what's this e [ __ ] hate art chokes need something does any here good afternoon buy any fruit or Goods no all these Farmers which do you think is nobody can or Bandits i e dealing with drer we always come out stinking a dead bodies H shut the [ __ ] up well Bandits don't exactly smell good either always using walls or buckets instead of a privy and none of them seem to know what soap is right damn y'all just go with an on them [ __ ] hate Bandit piece of [ __ ] well what else is up here [Music] though where am I actually let me see okay I haven't been yeah I haven't been over here yet it's called Farm Haven obviously I think if I go off off it's like traveling in the dam Shadow sometimes how do you move about so [Music] silently you get enter all these houses that's pretty cool oh they weren't there's no war going on here they're just practicing hi hello talk to Sophie well hello what if you got to self Sophie so you're interested in my potions and ingredients I am what do you got that's a lot of money gold solves most problems doesn't it coin always be sure to put it to good use thank you dear coin always the wheels thank you I'll be sure to put it to good use thank you I'll be sure to put it to good use I'll be sure to put it to good use thank you dear detect life detect nearby Li for 15 seconds okay I don't need that water walk I can walk on water like like I can walk on water all right let me get comfortable real quick cuz I kind of just sat down on this chair I need a new chair I'm using my recliner right now I bought a gaming chair but it hurt my back something fierce cuz like if you notice my streams are like pretty long hold on one second [Music] I noticed I wasn't breathing while I was talking so yeah okay so anyway my streams are pretty long actually and I usually stream for like at least an hour or two or three even and so that gaming chair I had put my back to the test and I'm just like this hurts so I ended up giving that gaming chair to like myy X um workplace and I was like here do you guys want this cuz I was like I spent $100 on it so I didn't want to waste it and now I heard that the um boss uses it for like his hunting Nest or hunting cabin I don't know I was like well however you want to use it you can have it I do not and so I'm using my recliner right now to sit in and also it kind of sucks though CU it's you know it's a recliner it's not really it's not setup worthy so maybe for like I don't know what's a what's a saving holiday that's coming up actually I'm like I should buy a chair I won't buy a chair I'm saving up to go to a trip hopefully to Scotland maybe we going to see and also to back home as well a chair can wait I'm like what else do I need um this thank you I'll be sure to put it to good use I just want to support you Sophie that's all I want you see you seem until next time I kind of want to steal the rest of her [ __ ] but I'm not going to do that Sophie is this your house oh okay what's in here little secret Hideway nobody's going to find me up here in my tower of solitude oh yeah nobody's up here actually I thought maybe at least a guard would be up here is that a moose a here oh there's a horse down there though isn't that wait isn't that a bandit Camp right there I didn't realize they were so close to White that's kind of funny doing illegal activities I as in I'm listening I can't really talk to him though he could only you could really only talk to aen if you like you go to taverns which is kind of annoying what is [Music] it that's good all right then yeah I want to give him a new outfit though something more appealing to his bad ass fness you know cuz I hook Kaiden up and I also hook Eric up too but we just been so busy just you know I'm going to practice can I practice you guys try see how while you did if I stay in the middle would he shoot me do it [ __ ] do it oh he aims at the other one hold on come on do it do it I'm joking okay oh you actually waited okay that's cool cool here I want to practice with you hold on I have I a hunting Bo well I can do [Music] be careful I feel like none of mine are sticking get it I don't know that reload effect is pretty pretty cool she doing it pretty fast wow I thought I was impressive with the be careful expect to find my equal in archery but you shoot like death itself hey thank you see that's how you pray somebody I feel like I'm doing pretty well see yeah oh no I did pretty bad I didn't get I didn't get one single one actually well no I got one like a little bit this one right here I didn't no I didn't I didn't really get no I did I did look it's right there evidence evidence proof right there see you're a fine shot with that boy H yes okay so I can't really engage or talk to all right then that's fine hello need something huh I was like it's sto for a lot what do you looking to protect yourself or deal some damage I need to buy some more iron or something thank you I'll be sure to put it to good use for that price of course sure a little coin always greases the wheels I don't know why I went by thank you I'll be sure to put it to good use a lavender honey dumping uh we have enough food what you got suppression oh no you really got anything I like don't got nothing I like I might just have to craft my own [Music] sword I don't think I have unique weapons installed at all I'm just like where are all my cool ass weapons in these stores until next time you as well it let it de like this it feels good to be out to the city away from people what the hell are you talking about we are literally surrounded by people yes are these just houses not shops okay oh that's Sophie see there's right next to whichever house cool all right I want to explore the rest of the town they can either come with me or stay where they're at which they are going to do just abandon me fine all right I can I can explore the City by myself oh no there you go hello a CO statue right there Snake right there that's a that's a beautiful day in Sky what the [ __ ] is that on my screen oh is that is that on my screen or the game hold on what is that scared me I was like I thought there was a scratch on mine it's like a weird red mark what the hell it looks like crayon the [ __ ] is that okay scared me shoot I thought I scratched it all right Baker's drop what's this I want to check out the shops I'm to go I mean we already bought potions and then we bought materials I don't know what this is I'm thinking maybe a thrift store right Sky let me know if you see anything you like miscellaneous Goods who the what the this seemed like a setup this seem like a set up no no no this place sells a lot of crap Ked be nice be nice Ked okay I'm sorry I should have judged you like that what you got here you sell schuma oh this place shady as [ __ ] you got how much sub schuma 105 gold for sub schuma oh you okay I'm all ears okay okay okay uh what do you give me for these I've got coin and I've got merchandise let's see what we can do okay oh Biggers drop storage deed okay trapo pass thank you I'll be sure to put it to good use f now okay what do you [Music] have 30 that's pretty and only okay that's pretty cheap actually did I buy the wrong thing I'm not sure I don't know light armor blah blah blah no oh you got pumpkin pie oh he got pumpkin pie I love Mr pumpkin pie for 57 gold though is it worth it yes thank you I'll be sure to put it to good use oh I haven't seen this yet salmon jerky oh okay I'll buy some I have enough cheese to like laugh at time what was that Tinder what is this mushroom okay yeah you got nothing yeah Kaiden was right oh this is crap oh this is absolute crap all right till next time yeah no we're not coming back here this was a waste of time uh is she okay hello what can I do for you oh she's a baker okay here have like you know no no no I'm gonna H you up I'm gonna hook you up on hold on I like to give Beggars um clothes and like food so hold [Music] on have toy my ring there you go until next time like I'm not going to let her go onto the world like that no okay all right I'm going give you a book bag there you go so that way you can hold all your stuff in um for boots yeah yeah for armor hat keep know s s warm and stuff a shield if you want a shield sure why not um what else trying to think oh I guess food yeah here you want some wine some bread oh no that was oh that that was good cheese there the [Music] cheese butter you want some meat yeah yeah cooked chicken meat like a whole chicken yeah yeah there you go cookie there you go got dessert you not getting my crab meat though I love crab meat that's mine all right um a hard boiled egg there you go want some wine too that any drinks I have 42 Nord I think because Ken really likes Nord me that I kind of kept it here you go I give you like now no I'm keeping all it all right I think you good I think you good um yeah there you go see look look at that now she not just so look she's so happy she's just sliding with excite I don't know what the hell that was I'm not going to I'm going to pretend I didn't say that can I Rob him oh I guess I shouldn't do that but also what's in here they better me to not be a goddamn monster in here I did that last time and it was a you make it seem so now a this is a surprise oh you set me up I'm sorry oh you a [ __ ] oh you I'll make sure oh you a ho ass hole oh you a ho hold on wait I got no more weapons on me hold on oh that was his whole setup I did not think it would lead me to that God dang sword [Music] going to die for that [ __ ] pathetic W get away with that [ __ ] up you get the other one [Music] oh that's pretty cool it's kind of cool that they L to that cuz before it [Music] did if you give that book to Kaiden he will also increase your um pickpocketing skills schuma take do I still have that schuma mod installed okay I'm going to press save cuz sometime it's it's pretty cool but at the same time it's just it's really weird take it I'm going to consume schuma consumed okay yep if I start tripping out I'm going to re reload the game cuz it's kind of annoying good done with that then what oh I hear people I can't really I don't I can't really see ah [ __ ] oh oh this was not the right time to oh this was not the right time to take hold on wait I can't really move cuz I'm just like I fought worse than you you [ __ ] you're dead you make quite a team eh yeah yeah good job good job guys good job I guess I'm tipsy are drunk I don't know oops hold on we should probably move away from this area I feel like I ruined some type of um criminal franchise [Music] you is there any more sco around here I'm take [Music] it wait there must be something on that truck I mean wagon watch the truck [Music] first on this bam that's how you do it that uh this is cool and all but how long am I going to stay like this I think that's all we can check I want go back up I'm going to go back up got something for just about everybody in hereit give AER questions where he at what is it now girl get up I give you all that stuff you that's how you're going to greet me here bless your kind heart thank you all right I I want talk to you again I want to buy [Music] schuma I don't have a problem I don't have a problem [Music] like I am high C curious what's going to happen cuz I think when I drank it before there was like really weird hallucinations but oh it's not really happening man I need to drink another one where's the schuma just in case that does kind of f up this game I don't know if it's going to break my game that's why I'm just saving just in case um so yeah just where's the [Music] schuma is it a potion or food I guess it is food I [Music] guess there we go [Music] oh okay nothing's happening it's kind of slow so I don't have that mod installed okay that's great actually but now I'm very slow oh he got pies he got oh he got yo he got pie pie he got potato bread I want one can I eat this I'm eat this thank you I appreciate it here what what you got to sell hold on I don't want to just eat your good evening H you a horri work man hello I am willing drink for the Thirsty food for the hungry see look how nice he is like I didn't even pay for that yes oh you need to start doing that mission I I so busy touring around the town we need to go back to um doing a campanion mission uh you got vegetabl take some that oh milk love love milk 56 okay you know what no here give me all your stuff of course you need to go on vacation you deser always Wheels I hope you can go on vacation have a nice time with your wife you know just what however for thank you sir thank thank okay all right what you got need something uh go M oh he just sells pelts I don't need any pelts oh thank you I'm like what else is over here I think this is the farm area where we came from okay so it's kind of like full circle what do we go over here oh there's more stuff up here what is this this what's [Music] happening oh there something wrong with this mod there's nothing there okay that's okay this gu supposed to be no doors up here [Music] oh my God yo this is so pretty look at this area me too me and K me and kaid are on the same wavelength right now oh there once was a hero named Eric husher who came riding to White run from old Ro I think it works it does but I'm sorry I hear that damn song Oh Mara cleanse me May cure this scuma [Music] addiction to be fair I only had [Music] five I like how this is just like a random like Bakery thing over [Music] here oh no don't enter that something yeah no no no [Music] well there's nothing up here but this is a cute area though I I don't know where I'm going fif side bath house um it's only a matter of time okay we're going to enter heads down though heads down okay I wish I wasn't oh there we go thank God cuz I'm just like can I not be tipsy anymore okay this is really cute wish I could swim in it that would been fun I don't really sleep it didn't in that often hot meals are nice and all but it's impossible to sleep through Ragnar the [ __ ] red all night long Ragnar the red open door oh it's a that's cool maybe we got a spoon in here can I sit down yeah I can guess she sells like wine and stuff need something you sound very excited about your job I can still from this chest that I'm not going [Music] to okay this is a pretty huge expansion for white run I wasn't expecting this to be this [Music] big like you already go this [Music] way oh I didn't get to show you guys last time the other side because it crashed but yeah it seems to be doing okay today so I think we might do that today oh she SS worse C [Music] [Music] horse like does this lead to the main city oh oh hold on we went too far I think we went too far hold on turn your big ass around that glitched as to hell it's actually quite beautiful here it is really beautiful here all right it is almost getting night time so I think we could just go there and steal those plant not right [Music] time do a job guys oh he's adorable look at his smile that man look tired his eyes look dead though he's just like H I like his gear [Music] though I just can't wa don't know why I'm obsessed with that song about lately anyway okay is this the place this can't be right I don't think this is it I think this wasn't the same place we went to last time okay girl you got me it's beautiful shut up K he she this [ __ ] sent us to a ho ass Tower how we supposed to sneak in here how am I supposed to sneak across the bridge that make it make sense now she lit can see us no after this we going in storm storman hold it this here's a toll road see are you you're going to have to hand over say 200 gold if you want to use our road you seem really nice and sweet for for to be a band it you know what sure here wise move now get out of here you goat licker before I decide that tolls going up okay I was like oh you don't seem that confident about being a that being a bandit but [ __ ] this [ __ ] this will be fun get out my way this is my kill get out my way Bry jum give me a [ __ ] disrespect me call me a goat licker you see you heard her filth that lives here and know better than the SK all right okay now we're going to go in here going to be sneaky okay sneaky get the [ __ ] out the way oops hold on wait wait wait I do have on easy lock picking because because I got tired [Music] don't want to wake up what kind dark oh that's surpressed it gets okay maybe it's the Shader I have on I can't really see anything all right where we going this way I can't really what was that oh yeah I can't really be sneaky I mean he's literally on the bridge thought I heard something over [Music] here I guess I wasn't close enough [Music] to ow I can take you you know what I just let the guys handle it they seem to be doing great you Bandits never stood a chance your [Music] best you push me off the goddamn Bridge Oblivion te you your death is what you want enough have it good to be spilled here we be your own are you hear [Music] me give [Music] up are you sure it's over [Music] here hello who's there I you take care of it you take care of it I take it I don't think this is the right place I don't think huh I think we went to the wrong place this don't seem right someone there I didn't realize how delicate that work [Music] is oh okay no just it's above us all right cool cool it feels like half of sky has become Outlaws by Zenithar get Tri look over here take that nice hi sweetie she's bored she just like why aren't you well I put away all her toys maybe that's why she knows how to grab them up here bread cheese I don't like the look at this oh he's way over there can you aim at that actually oh it's not even here talking to myself I literally am talking to myself okay down here here this is pretty easy I mean we could just leave from this Tower what do we even grab oh it's okay I feel like she's just sending us on random mission we should probably go home actually too to oh been tending your hounds you smell like a wet dog what who me I don't even have why did he say that actually why did he say that do I am I disease is that why is there something happening go where's this poison I don't know I mean cure I need cure you know I fear the night because werewolves and vampires don't yeah werewolves walk away Sil squ wolves kite is tired Dragon reach is the greatest structure I've ever seen I doubt that'll change in a while it ain't nothing fancy honestly well looking up from up here this kind of impressive actually you know what Eric you're right Eric comes from a small town anyway he's just like look at that big I mean sorry let me stop cussing look at that big building up there God damn you [ __ ] I've only been to White run a few times before I joined you I can't believe that I found it exotic at the time did that loses his pill Eric is that why can I assist you I was going to talk to him but I'm just they'll Sing My Name Across all lands you can't hate Eric you just can't he's a he's a great follower I don't know [Music] it amazes me how big my cat got she's huge oh they're having dinner okay I made it just in time is that pie is that pie oh I don't mind if I do don't mind if I do it's been a long journey U pie cassum that yum yummy in my tummy what you got over there cassum Raw meat yeah I take that got some what theas I'm not sure what that is a cheese is's one of the poops is it the Grumpy One or the Grumpy One mind if I take some food off your plate You' spent enough time in your that you can always long for when I was a boy any chance I there you go it's the [ __ ] Grumpy One worst things to be known as iose at least I don't have the m of a sailor and the mind of a libertine ah you're [ __ ] wrong there vilus I have been reformed I'd sooner believe that farcus was to be wed to nazim all right uh so we did the missions we at okay what she wanted to do I've been running interference for you around here I don't think anyone's caught on to our little campaign yet perfect hopefully this will let us know more about their movement I think we've got them on the Run mhm have you been bringing the battle to the silver hand friend yeah I wish I could be there with you soon enough cups but now I can have as much as I want and there is more work to be done but I fear that cac's gotten wind of our recent efforts he's asked to see you my advice always be honest with you old man but don't tell him anything he doesn't need to know I was okay I did download a mod that extends the companion missions so I'm just like this has gone on for a long time when we going to get to this point already oh how much money do you have left uh nazim I'm sorry I'm so sorry I didn't mean to call you NY I did not mean to disrespect you like that as I need to get him a outfit actually got we got to go sleep okay something has shifted in the moons sister what is it I've sensed the blood pulsing a little stronger of late I had assumed you had as well I think our potential is on the rise perene Smiles on us let's let's not question too much the more we feed the greater our prowess will grow we could perhaps discover even more gifts of her scene that was a new one don't remember that I'll take my leave then I hope the hunting goes well sister we've got the cowards go through the goddamn door so I can go through go after you I'm trying to get through she's just like still talking to me you're Block in the door lady all right let's go talk to what the hell is his name again SK whatever at we at we at I heard you wanted to talk to me sit down so we can talk some of these places we go remind me of that story brinar used to tell us about the I hear you've been busy of L wait no no shut up I want to hear what he's talking about just so you know if we see any uh lady dger I won't be giving them a wink I remember how that story ended what the hell you talking about see that was interesting I never heard that dialogue before I was curious all right thank you for coming you seem distant are you feeling all right well I grow old when there is Glory to be had when you get to be my age you'll come to miss the smell of blood strange I know very strange some nights I dream about The Mists of sovengard I wander weary and lost no matter it makes no difference let's not waste too much time talking when there is Glory to be had did do you want to talk to me am I bugging thank you for coming coming there we go I had to stand up yes youngling have a seat I was just s okay pie I I sit down okay talk to me talk to me I hear you've been busy of late no no I'm going be honest with them yeah yeah your hearts are full of grief and my own weeps said the L of skure but his death was Avenged long ago you have taken more lives than honor demanded the cycle of retaliation may continue for some time in any case I have a task for you have you heard the story of how we came to be werewolves oh it's going to be a long ass story okay the boy has a nugget of truth but the reality is more I'm skip it it always is the companions are nearly one of my if the companions would hunt in the name of they did not believe the change would be permanent The Witches offered payment like anyone else interested but we had been [Music] deceived we'll get it's not so the disease you see upon death werewolves for some and that is their choice but I am still that's what I've spent my TW and now I found they won't I want you to and bring me their heads the seat of their abilities from there we may begin to undo centuries of impurity all right cool you want so you want me go wit on BET what just kind of think about this do you have any dialogue for this listen if kodlak's right about the witch's heads do you think you'd want to cure yourself yes cuz I'm sorry I don't really want to be a werewolf I did it because I needed to complete the they won't let me do companion stuff if I don't become a werewolf oh uh does me being a werewolf bother you kiden what bothers me was hearing the companions were deceived I want to know for sure that this Choice was yours yeah I think I'll I'll cure myself yeah yeah all we'll find a way for this to work for you and codac that's right we going to get through this codac together alive me and you yeah yeah yeah with you all the way hug hug hugss oh you actually you have a [ __ ] a bunch of my stuff I got wor about later oh I do want to stop by my house first before we do that I feel like we haven't been there in like a while actually I reloaded this is it did I even buy it yet hopefully I [Music] did hopefully I did cuz I don't want look at that crap that's [Music] throw your pinky BR up to the [Music] moon what you trying to do okay why is it raining okay yeah I I bought it already cool we still have a house to live in to live in need something no I'm good oh I forgot I hooked you up see look like she's my um Steward I guess of the oh [ __ ] why are you taking off the clothes okay Len Here Lady uh let's see bar get the hell sorry wait what what thecon I want thecon what I already ran out of gold that was quick B too much stuff uh is it night time is that why you got your [Music] sorry I got jealous real quick don't know why all right I'm it's kind of dark in here oh actually I want to put my stuff on my stuff on [Music] here cuz I took um skulls clothing cuz I was just like you know why he needs to be [Music] remembered it is way down here though there we go don't think I have I think I still have a [Music] sword okay fine there you go rest in peace gold I meant to actually enchant it and like name it after him but that's okay I can just put it right here well kaido was talking about wanting a sky forward Sky Forge still but I don't want him using a dead man sword so all right there we go sir excuse me why he sleeping butt naked in my bed sir sir all right fine see what else can I put up here that pretty cool to have put here I could organize stuff up for a little hunting no I want you put on clothes that would be nice we have guest actually it's nice to be back in a friendly spot I didn't realize that there were follower beds up here um sir get your ass out my bed get your get your ass off my bed that's my bed you sleep up top I can't even sleep in these beds hold on wait is it cuz I don't have I do have it on it says I only have two beds okay okay I'm kind of confused cuz this is a player home I got off of the gallery what do you need my friend I don't know what's happen anyway he's up my bed so that's all that matters I'm going night night this is a pretty I haven't slept her yet actually it's pretty comfortable oh look at that Lantern got a nice plant right there got some bedside cheese for when I wake up I I night night night oh was 3:22 okay yeah we should go sleep like 8:00 or nine let's do eight no let's do six okay see for 5 hours maybe we're going to have a dream too hopefully when was the last time you did something nice for Kaiden my blood Beast okay well we haven't really transformed at all oh he's [Music] sleeping I guess we could choose oh oh hold on wait we got to eat sh don't wake him up guys s out of bed oh wait he already he's already [Music] awake girl put yo put on some clothes good morning what do you need where are your clothes I don't understand this like I know I gave you a full ass outfit actually I like that outfit I might take it from her like take it from her would that be bad you can't like what what do you call it would you take something back that you gifted see you oh dang you have all this stuff got jewelry she just decided not to wear it okay you got gold Tak that gold you don't need gold a long Bowl where did you get all this stuff from has all these still okay I'm taking that too I probably should have take that I guess she likes to go hunting um okay if I take her don't really want to take it um yeah she just refusing to wear her outfit fine hold on hold on we Dress for Success around here okay there you go see look how good that outfit looks on her yo that looks that looks cool when did I give you that sword oh crap if you need me to move just I'm sorry sorry my you okay who you bumped it to me want a man next time would you man [ __ ] you I'm sorry after for a little hunting no everybody just I'm I'm feeling overwhelmed everybody just move also um oh got pie oh pie pie always calms me down just eat pie let me okay um so we have no more money to oh 750 never mind no don't [Music] this kind of sad oh I guess I can't buy oh I can't buy freaking as in outfit now I used it for the house wait did I where the hell is everything [Music] but I like this house because you get to see like white run from up here which is pretty cool is it glitchy yes but it's also very beautiful I mean this is a really good location I didn't think it was going to burn me help me help me please all right so is everybody I wonder if we should get some shelter we out this rain I mean I guess we could but like we got to get moving kind of we got to kill these witches we got to collect uh Glen we got to collect these heads where's my sword [Music] like is this powerful enough maybe actually since we have a forge now I'm going to see if I can upgrade my um my clothes how do I still have this on my back take this off me just ring mytic uh I think I need to upgrade Eric's stuff as well but I'm not going to do that right now nothing compares to the Wilds of Skyrim where is it I still upgrade my stuff I cannot okay as in excuse me sir excuse me thank oh I can't Le I need Refined Moonstone and where do I get that from where did I get that from oh okay well I guess I'm not upgrading my stuff okay let's just go kill a bunch of witches all right where they at where they at we going to find you and when I see and when I see you and when I see oh my God it's on [Music] S it's still right okay ah this isn't creepy in the slightest the hold of ful reminds me a lot of Dragon Star a land and hammerfell they share a lot of common characteristics by the way we have yet to do the main mission of Skyrim where mostly this is just like a I automatically just went to the side quest stuff kiden my dear would you be so kind as to do something for me hi what is it that's all right all right thank you you it here I'll handle this I'm kind of very much weak against magic so I'm just like he can go ahead go right ahead sweetheart okay I was it doesn't feel right to kill her a sworn then there are other times like now when they team up with hard Ravens and you know it definitely does oh no you don't get him get [Music] him see he got it let's see what else is around D oh God it's a whole oh it's a troll up here too this will be fun that could have gone worse I suppose okay we got it we got it Dam it guide [Music] my guys like I'm not going to wa for you all right just follow him wherever you go I follow hard gens perversions of nature these things oh should I be quiet maybe that way I don't ruin his surprise kills I'm right behind you hold on I fig it' be easier if just I just let him do it come on there [ __ ] happens [Music] the first word that comes to mind is ugly I think there's one more right no there three couple is he just going to track that's pretty cool that he does that I didn't realize how in dep that was he he'll detect all the enemies and like just cut them down that's pretty cool dang ker I mean do I wish you move a bit faster but that's okay I do not mind walking behind wait did you kill two trolls sometimes it doesn't feel like to kill of a swarm then there are other times like now when they team up with hard gravens and you know it definitely does if I'm overhead he'll be fine there you go see here nope oh he's going over here okay I'm coming a little bit slow I'm a little bit slow but I'm coming I feel kind of useless when he does this though cuz he kind of funnyes are making my skin cruel oh well he got it got it you right over here I win you're not going to help him youde now a oh no you don't problem [Music] solved I have to be quick so I keep uping everything you can good we go we go he on move he's on move oh I'm definitely going to need to give me armor a good clean in the night because it's about to get [ __ ] messy in here okay uh I think there's a couple left wait is there yes I think we missed one where though there's a sense of evil on this place are you sure okay where's Kaiden maybe I went the wrong way I feel like he's tracking them down is he behind us yeah okay where the hell did kiden not if I just say next or your turn hey okay I hear you I hear you but I don't see you where did he go I should have just I should have followed him sometimes it doesn't feel right to kill a a swor you go over here then there are other times like now when they team up with hard gravens and you know it definitely does the hell was that [ __ ] me I'm sorry I'm ending this right now they never lose that was a giant ass spider creepies crey craw right oh crap did he leave already yep God that man is just on the move I love it but I want to keep track of you K it sometimes it doesn't feel right to kill a a swarm then there are other times like now when they team up with hard gravens and you know it definitely does I admit I was um you a little worried about staying behind but Kaiden okay Ken told me he trusted me to be here with you like I need to collect all the head that a lot thank you I remember last time there was just like three of them D what's next oh absolutely nothing you did such you did such a fantastic job kiden um yeah don't mind that we're going to drink it tonight oh just get the crap out of me get that what you doing no no just sit on the floor sit on the floor you don't need to stand up no no no take a rest take a rest take a breathe is there anything else up here I think we're good can you smell magika in the air too it smells like a a rainless thunderstorm I guess we could leave this cave now let's go um back to klac and show him what kaida did I'm not even going to take credit of this cuz kaida did all the work wait on know ex sure it's up here y see I know what I'm doing [Music] huh good job kiden what can I do for you hug hug hug I don't know about you but I need rest I'm with you there all right let's see we should be out let's be out [Music] buy a horse like I want to buy a horse um I would need to buy one two three four horses I kind of want to go grab AO real quick though [Music] [Music] sorry I mean we have we could have a bit of downtime right I believe so I don't know does Ain want to chat let me just go check just make sure I think kid wants to rest as well so yeah let's get aripan do the rest welcome let me know if you want anything think I got a clean mug around here somewhere oh it's a bigger hold on let me get close hold on give backpack clothes I know some boots oh what is this this is this is I've never seen this one before that's fancy plus one random werewolf what this was made for me this was made for me wait it said random hold on maybe not all right I was going to give you a hat but I don't think I have any [Music] there you go have have a safe journey man Melvin what are you doing why aren't you at the shop or something what what's with you Melvin you need something no why you being so enjoy this work well enough but I'm ready to retire I've been thinking of selling the in to isolda anyway what do you need do I still have a room here I believe so um [Music] kind I was going to tell him to [Music] rest don't mind me just going to try and relax a bit I'll be ready to go as soon as you head out the door okay I don't think he wants to talk to sure thing nothing at the moment other than and wherever our adventures take us next what are you doing that whenever you're ready I'm asleep I'm like when does the night life start in uh this Tavern 9:00 right am I Rand going to transform hopefully not better not wake up a beast you are what is what's happening here oh it's so cute oh Sadia yes Mom just a reminder sweetie the blankets still need to be washed certainly mom certainly Mom that's a working how it work sing you a special song tonight beautiful lass I think so what time is it uh is one okay yeah life you're always working why else would I spend so much time here m is quite the maybe he's the reason you're here all the time hi the B's got T I'll give him that you just make sure his music is the only thing you're admiring oh John darling you know you're the only Stone biting knuckle dragging Nord for me is that this wife talk girl that is one very tall drink of man excuse me I'm joking I like you a you know you could you can look at them I don't mind I don't mind I really want to put on that Shield though I enjoy this work well enough but I'm ready to retire I've been thinking of selling the into his SOA anyway what do you need I don't know why I asked you honestly uh you look exhausted now need anything else just let me know I think we can go do you have Aon that one I'd marry him twice okay listen y'all need to back the hell up I don't know where the hell Kaiden is at even where is he he still upstairs he's out of sight and y'all still flirting with him he ain't that tall all right we need to go back to KAC and tell him what we did hey SC oh look at the kitty hi Kitty no no don't run away kitty I don't want to chase it though hello oh he's scared hi wow hi Kitty [Music] a St C social do you feel deaf do you Fe deaf kitty [Music] cat I don't know where that dialogue is from it's it confuses me um I'm coming I'm coming I think after I complete the companion Quest stuff I what happened here [Music] huh why they outside what happened wait what are you still alive oh you scared me I was like that's the equipment dude these two AR the problem anymore hand we finally had the nerve to attack your basard we got the silver hand they finally had the nerve to attack your vasker oh my God we got the silver hand these two aren the problem attack your Bas I didn't give her this ring these two I'm just going to repat the same dialog okay okay but like there was no sign of this at the front gate though like there were no silver hands waiting for us or anything cuz we stayed at the um the bar for a while the problem anymore the silver hand they finally take your to attack your B we got most of them the silver hand they finally had the nerve to attack your basard what the hell is this stuff all back hold on a few strag where where's everybody at my boys my boys did somebody just jump I think I'm bugging I thought somebody karate jumped onto the scene ER wh me ER wh me I'm like are there some out back this seems pretty be quiet okay random oh no the table got knocked off what happened where have you been oh oh he mad de you should put Where Have You Been I'm sorry I was I was I was doing K bidding can I tell him that or should I should I not tell him that I'm I'll be honest I hope it was important because it means you weren't here to defend him listen the silver hand they finally found enough courage to attack your vasker we fought them off but the old man cdlac is dead was anyone else hurt he I've never that made me stand to attention I was like where have you been like I was in trouble I am in trouble but dang I don't like to I'm sorry was anyone else Hur no but they made off with all our fragments of wuad but you and I are going to reclaim them okay okay we will bring the battle to their Chief Camp there will be none left living to tell their stories only songs of your vasker will be sung We will avenge cdlac and they will know Terror before the end we already had two people die already okay well dang you still mad at me filus I'm sorry i i i k like maybe do do that stuff I didn't want to we're going to make them pay okay oh you pissed he look mad he mad mad can I give him a hug you're a talk one on you it's going to be okay buddy it's going to be okay oh damn oh he got [ __ ] up oh and they took his did he take his gear are they examining his body oh damn he dead dead k no oh varus they oh he was like a father figure to them I'm sorry I'm going to rob this person's body oh my God I'm so sorry is that his weapon I'll take it oh it's more oh you okay you need healer can I talk to anybody oh is he okay here here I think I have I don't think I have any magical abilities at all oh wait I have [Music] healing oh I can heal myself I'm sorry that was selfish of me I'm s okay are you okay like what else got robbed this [ __ ] is dead what can I do for you friend you didn't hear all the freaking are you drunk right now actually H I think you might be right okay that will explain let me tell you sobriety is highly overrated okay he likes to sleep naked you K he's [ __ ] up where's this where's this gear at bro are you okay farcus I can't talk to him so they sto oh yep Gone Gone okay hold on hold on all right we Ro yo we to avenge car [ __ ] your name again I'm sorry carck we going we ride bad boys bad girls bad boys we got to avenge this [ __ ] make them don't leave any of them alive damn straight let's go what what these [ __ ] at they killed killed two more people already you know it's probably because you went to all those camps and started killing everybody that they retaliated finally just saying this wouldn't happen if freaking uh the girl AA a whatever hell name was wasn't so vengeful maybe KAC will still be alive that oh [ __ ] I just thought about it he's going to go he's not going to go to Sovereign guard cuz he wanted to go to oh this makes it sad oh this is sad cuz he wants to the Reas how reason we did the whole witches thing was to figure out a way to cure himself so he wouldn't have to go to heres he wants to go to senguard instead for the afterlife oh no okay hold on yeah it's [ __ ] up let [ __ ] it's [ __ ] up there's someone there come on [ __ ] actually know what [Music] no huh [Music] [Music] this ready they follow me inside it's so I love how Aid just [ __ ] about the uh the Cod he's like it's so cold oh he has his helmet on oh he ready for battle he ready where's Ken hold on y f up sorry safe going avenge KAC mess with the companion Family actually know what no hold on wait I want to go beast mode since y'all don't like werewolves Let's Go Beast mod there come here come here F this my f [ __ ] you're [ __ ] [Music] dead don't run [ __ ] don't run [ __ ] don't run [ __ ] very well the silver hun don't seem any more civilized than what they hunt I hate that though when you're in werewolf mode you can't like um loot people that's okay there's no point doing that cuz I can't loot we're going to break these Hunters thank you huh I do this the hard way fine you can go to hell let get here I think we're definitely going to like upgrade our powers now do you think tyers septum ever fought here keep your guard up huhy I hear something come on then bring it on oh I almost got I didn't want Friendly Fire sorry sorry sorry yeah I'll text I have so many compion [Music] hard let's proceed I thought there was more no sure easy now you remember me right I don't remember you how come vus didn't uh transform it's a door right yes can't open it hey can you still understand me when you're like that I can understand K did someone there page [ __ ] come on then oh sh who oh back off things considered where's body at I need to eat it it's like traveling with a dumb Shadow sometimes how do you about so silently you know it's fine we're going to have to come back this way because we need to loot everything in here mama got those to and I really want to buy buy the H I really want to buy the breeze home also cuz I think you only have oh I can't check that all right can I upgrade world cause ice wolves o I want that but what else is there okay I'm going get this cuz I feel like my health and were form is kind of crappy seems a bit sketchy I feel like we might get ambushed over here come on this what you want field are off with my blade slink our true n fights hly I thought there would be more I thought this was going to be a setup no hold kind of stuck huh what was that you'll die this [Music] [ __ ] that's the end of it don't go giving me fleas I'm sorry what did you say the girls never want to pay to keep their fors they just keep slipping further into ruin honestly yeah all these for forts are pieces of crabs K I'm not going to give you fleas do you really think that you think I'm dirty oh I don't think we can have a relationship like this you can think that you going to have to accept this [ __ ] you're going to have to accept this world war 4 man if you're going to love me you're going to have to love all of me my hairy okay oh you know what it is I think he mad cuz I'm taller than him now wait am I hey was that on you or me this time it's only CU I'm slouching it's I'm slouching slouch I can't can i e anything else okay we're good we're good let's go can't do that is someone there over here Victory or S guard [Music] what [Music] true oh hey there's a wh oh but he's glowing red why I can't unlock the door for you some else to do it nope can't all right never mind I can't interact is there any more up here oh there a horse right there came that way right no no wrong way have to go the other way can I run oh I can't what was that we make quite a team ehy I'll be honest with you I didn't want to play as a it's kind of growing on me it's kind of growing on me oh no why why he bent like that I kill somebody okay why did the bodies keep disappearing [ __ ] my fault sorry you're fine kiden you don't always have to apologize I'm no mood for this [ __ ] [ __ ] son of a let it be a lessers thank you hi it I could just like oh sorry again I like how he comments that okay uh all right I'm trying to this person I can't hold on wait wait I saw the option there you go yum yummy M it's like lightly roasted too right next to the fire what a beautiful milk what a beautiful Mill this a lot of enemies in here I didn't expect all this hello venge time you you [ __ ] that kill thirsting for blood come here you I want you where where you at yes I got him I got him I got him I got him you won't leave Skyrim alive finge KAC fingee my boy damn it he stuck okay you're so weak come here come out the fire come out the fire no move move I got him I got him I got him move move here you will win this you should run while your leg still work I can't get him he's stuck I'm glad that was necessary oh yeah I'm back to normal cool is this what do we need yep rest in peace KAC rest in peace we revenged you all right no need to worry I I did not mean to sit down she was like I'm tired that transformation took a lot of apparently the rest of them too books here maybe this was a skill book okay all right I need to okay n we're going to go back the way we can be just because I need to loot everything oh how are you feeling Focus how you how are you let's get back to your vasker we'll want to pay our respects to codac Spirit of course of course good to hear oh oh let's can you roll Miss did not know that okay hold on I wonder what great battles were fought here so romance choose end or continue lovers Quest can you romance him hold on can I like save before I I press yep hold wa wait wait hold up I hope the offic is still there hold on hes up till next time wait well I know we want to ro Miss K yes we do but also I believe my favorite adventuring Tales left out one rather important oh know who's a smart one I forget what no no no he's been he's been on most Quest mentioned chaing all there's nothing more I can teach you whereever you'll get the DI I've got nothing against it great you might just make it but for now you're still a WEP to us new blood so you do what we tell you yes sir all right take down the enemy SL so romance sure what can I do for you about the romance what did I say I'm not into men for sex are you as bold as you are handsome what to do what to do sorry sorry I'm choking all water I got thirsty I got thirsty okay um watch that tongue New Blood see he likes it though don't know what your game is but uh I'll humor for a moment I think your armor would look much nicer if it were on the floor besides my bed oh hold on hold on wait wait wait ain't nothing about to happen here right if it is I'm we going to have to click off this [ __ ] I need to pause pause uh well I'm uh I'm yes yes use the grindstone use the workbench one at a time yeah until I've uhhuh what in the well we'll be seeing each other around handsome I don't know what you're getting at but whatever it is it's not appreciated yo she laid it on thick I mean I've never seen that question I've never seen that uh dialogue before um hello handsome how are you I'm not going to make him flustered anymore today wait Focus the reason why we are here was to get fin car like so we killed a whole bunch of people now it's not the time to be flirting and we did it right besides Ken I'm so sorry all right we just what two time you two time wh stop uh all right then all right let's go Eric like I want nothing to do with this I'm drink my dang Bear all right let's go back this way oh sh this there are a lot of werewolves heads right thank you sell this stuff yeah I want to buy the breeze home and also I can't buy the tundra household because it's underneath the city of white run because I um have a mod where it expands white run so tund house H is a no go but I can't go over there because it like glitch it crashes my game it's beautiful though it is beautiful I love it they have like a dock and like Merchants sh set up it's so cute oh you know what that's fine that's fine how do I think we get be back out here so quick oh nasty way to go what are you talking about it's a bit bloody chilly it's a bit bloody chilly is really beautiful though okay let me not get caught up in the scenery we need to leave where did I save it at let's just do this one I guess I could have just did a new save that's fine hi sweetie talk to my cat all right uh we need to go to pay our respect should we get some flowers for KX funeral I feel like we should go get flowers for callx funeral before we do anything else where can we buy flowers oh we could get some from like the mountain side that requires another waiting screen I'll just get some in time you like liquor right we could pour one out for the hom meat right yeah let's do that instead the others have probably prepared cod's funeral by now okay all ain't going to cry I going to C oh did he leave the others have probably prepared cod's funeral by now come up to the sky Forge to pay your respects of course I'm kind of um we buy drinks at I'm going to buy some drinks for um KX [Music] funeral take I'm pretty sure we have enough do we have enough drinks oh we got enough we good we good yeah take pity lady and spare me a few septums I gave you food I gave you gear I gave you head gear you know you know we haven't given her anything I'm sorry lady could you spare hi there me give him the little girly thing here you want some food here you go here you got coins oh thank you divines bless your kind heart and then what food oh thank you we have plenty of food uh apples app slices there you go a bread of course uh oh cinnamon rolls kids love cinnamon rolls right yeah yeah I also like C rolls though uh kind of hard to find you know you know let me not be greedy here you go you have one and what else a croissant yes there you go I am such a good all right then all right let's go say mock the town beggar like everyone else but I've got a right to browse don't I I ain't hurting anyone I don't think you're talking quick then I don't want your stink driving myom the baned M can do without smile on them who show charity best you remember oh should we dress in all black maybe I don't think we have anything all black though for a [Music] funeral it's okay it's okay I mean no I don't think anybody else is going to get dressed up either is that body still there [Music] why I didn't do this either Kaiden didn't careful with that well clean it up you over here sweeping clean up this body too that's why I put it over here what a waste he been here for like there's no place for a little girl every night needs a squire I can help you with your sword things like that nice try Blossom but I'm not a knight I'm a mercenary the answer is still no besides your mother would miss you too much hey Kitty yeah this is already a sad occas I want to adopt a cat maybe because we don't have a house yet maybe that's why we can't adopt one like a actual legit house all right time for the funeral I don't think I'm quite ready for this oh [ __ ] oh they did a whole bonfire for him who will start I'll do it oh my God before the ancient flame we grieve grieve at this loss we weep for the Fallen we shout we shout and for ourselves we take our take our leave got light the fire rest in peace KAC rest in peace his spirit is departed members of the circle let us withdraw to the underforge to grieve our last together we going to see them cry as it now is not the time to be doing that do you have the fragments of wuad still oh yeah yeah of course I do do you need it I'll need to prepare them for bouncing again careful with those don't want even more fragments do we of course I have a small favor to ask of you there's another piece that klac always kept close to himself would you go to his Chambers and bring it back for me okay I'm not sure I'm the best one to go through his things what does he have in here okay it will be my pleasure I'll go thank you I'll be here it's at least I can do well no I've done a lot for you guys I'm not going to say that's the least I can do I've done a lot I mean how are the other now leave me this person is busy anybody else wants to talk wait what's he doing here [Music] wait what wait is this a sun I don't think so or are they just like random sorry my BD are you okay oh right wa okay we got to do a piece of offering I'm sorry hold on I bought some beer I mean liquor whatever beer liquor got some items for a so drop that oop I I didn't mean to drink it I'm sorry I I meant to pour that out to donate for him okay how do I drop stuff here you go I have some Nord wine as well he did like his cheese he did the man loved his cheese here you go some n wine here you go I'm not going to get rid of everything there you go rest in peace rest in peace KAC you sent me on that stupid ass Mission but I got wait what the hell do I do with all those witches heads now that he's dead cuz I got a whole I got a whole bunch of witches KAC how you call die on me and leave me with all this junk in my trunk you were like a father to these people I didn't know you that well I just joined like a week ago but like you was a real one I like how his beard just sticking up too like is his body actually going to turn to Ash I'm just going how far going I'm prob to burn myself I'm not going to get that closer rest in peace KAC rest PE this is such a beautiful how can I be of service I over know I don't know you have any dots I wouldn't say no to a blade of Sky forg steel imagine it weapons forged in fire as old as Skyrim itself this isn't about you this is what's next hey it feels like we've done this dance before all right let's Go Achieve his stuff I'm sorry I'm sorry Kaiden I didn't mean to take out my anger on you I apolog apologize that was [ __ ] up with me off here hello [Music] there uh thanks he was like I don't want to hug what the hell is this for I'm in grieving give me hugs so two people ma two major people already died in the companions thought they were both older so I guess now um vilus and farcus and Aya will now be the um higher ups I guess in the uh campaign well they don't have ranks though they say they don't but they [Music] do let's go to this room grab some stuff so I guess after this is it done it's kind of sad this is wait do we have a cure actually I think this is probably the furthest I've gone with the companions I have no idea what happens after this right oh his room will be left unattended now I'm not going to steal from a dead man now unless is a lot of money right this was not in here before did he put that in here before he died oh it's a helmet I think conle like Journal oh he had a journal hold on can I sit down and read [Music] this that cheese went flying okay we all right in my dreams I see the lines of the other s guard I real this is only a dream but strong I think this man knew he was going to die I feel like cuz if you dreaming about the afterlife I mean yeah vus seems trouble the boy is are Fierce as the saer okay I don't know what to do about Sky they take to the blood more deeper than the rest of us yes yes SK and Aya were actually dating by the way that's why she was so pissed that he died I mean I mean and they were friends I guess yeah what did I say if you guys want to read this just pause it begin speak test the newcomer oh he's talking about he's talking about us she calls herself J oh our name got mentioned hey he did a shout out for us she calls herself jaspine Ator and has already impressed some of the with her metal nice jaspine Ator I love that our name gets mentioned in this that's so cool continues to impress I don't know yet where she will stand on the question of the blood but the question has not been presented yet she does know that we care the blood I can explain our troubles blah blah blah apparently she and Jasmine oh are waging their own separate War yep Jasmine shows Valor I we seen a few dreams over the course of my life why does this make me sad oh he mentioned us in his whole diary tells me that jasor can carry the okay it says tells me that Jasmine Ator can carry the companion's Legacy as truly as any residing in h vasker especially with the loss ofar do solid AR V oh aola is too solitary vus is too Fury vus is too kindhearted only jasor stands as a true warrior oh oh he telling us to leave the companions oh snap but we just joined but that's okay he like he knew these people for like years years 20 years I don't know 30 years he's like [ __ ] all them they not ready yet this new chick she ready she ready who can keep still mind amongst the Burning Heart I would not speak to her of any of this though it is too much to burden that's so it is too much to burden another with hope that she and I can keep conso over the coming years oh he he oh man Justice for oh is that it it would appear that our path to the Cure is not without some po poetic poetic I know Justice for oh trickst to sh okay so he doesn't talk about the actually huh interesting I'm going to keep that it gives me a lot to think about a [ __ ] all right uh let's go um is that a heart it's D heart I don't want that let's go turn this stuff to him he talked about us he was just like oh well you know she she she she can take over the companions she'll cure us and know like oh be a little bit cuz I actually feel emotional know about it what the hell may have a little bit tired what time is it 11: 12 17 do you guys want to talk now you guys okay want to talk about your feelings keep your distance unless you want to taste the sharp end of my blade I guess not okay we all have different ways we like to grief I I can understand that there's nothing more I can teach you you kind of mean I'm just [Music] say oh how are you how are you do you want to talk about anything is the newest companion until you came along I guess that's okay just means I can show you the ropes does anyone want to talk about his death no really okay you spent two long at the bannered mayor last night didn't you oh that's right they don't know about it my bad oops oops what I I not supposed to oh okay all right then you don't believe us anyway it's fine all right so I got the thing for now so let's go back up here I'm GNA sell all that stuff off stream because this is a lot of stuff I have right you're back I am I have CLE fragment thank you your Shield siblings have withdrawn to the underforge I think they're waiting for you oh [ __ ] is it going to be will cry FR are we killing we going [ __ ] kill you AR we we not done killing are we he has a lot of stuff here is this body still there oh I guess it's really cooking though cuz his leg's moving can I go up there and grab his body what you doing that for they make sure you couldn't okay I'm sorry sir I just are you just going to work on the forge while you cre mainting this man okay I just I just find that kind of weird he's like hey the work don't stop oh I always walk past this damn thing it's well it Blends in so well am already in trouble the old man had one wish before he died and he didn't get it it's as simple as that being moonborn is not so much of a curse as you might think vilus that's fine for you but he wanted to be clean yeah he did he wanted to meet esmore and know the glories of sovengard what you did but all that was taken from him it was was and you Avenged him cdlac did not care for vengeance no tharus he didn't and that's not what this is about we should be honoring cdlac no matter our own thoughts on the blood you're right it's what he wanted and he deserved to have it codl used to speak of a way to cleanse his soul even in death you know the legends of the tomb of scrore oh God no there The Souls of the harbingers will heed the call of Northern steel we can't even enter the tomb without wuad and it's in pieces like it has been for a thousand years and Dragons were just stories and elves once ruled skym where'd you come from just because something is doesn't mean it must be the blade is a weapon a tool tools are meant to be broken and repaired is that did you repair the blade see this is the first time I've had all the pieces thanks to our Shield system I don't want to use that the Flames of hero can reforge the shadow big one too the Flames of kodlak shall fuel The Rebirth of wuad and now it will take you to meet him once more as the one who bore the fragments I think you should be the one to carry wuad into battle the rest of you prepare to Journey to the tomb of eore for kodlak okay I got a new weapon I mean will I probably use I'll use it for this Mission but I'm not I like my swords all right where is I need to sell a bunch of this stuff o this is kind of fancy though see not you something like this but we going to see all right for C luck for that's right for K let's go right at dawn I it's probably like 4:00 but sweetie what are you doing hello my love what are you doing come here hi sweetie sorry what time is it oh is it almost 12 o'clock that was quick even though it's my day off I'm still like 6:30 I do have to actually early tomorrow cuz I'm going to breakfast lunch I don't know brunch brunch there's brunch tomorrow basically with the family I'm going get some steak I mean I'm going to get some eggs steak I'm G get some eggs and I'm gonna get some bacon it's gonna be a nice time I feel like I haven't spent much time with them it's my own fault though I feel like once I get home from work I just kind of like just I feel like I've been staying too much in my apartment lately which I feel like is bad why is this taking so long to get here and it's not just because it's hot outside or anything like that I've just been feeling kind of I don't know just to myself lately did this game [ __ ] freeze I feel like it froze oh oh there it is what the hell oh it's connected to new um White Run did it come this way it's the wheat make it quick excuse me lady don't don't don't be [Music] rude wait what am I doing we have technology all right oh okay it's this far I'm very tempted to still go grab AO before we do this but that's okay let's just let's go I'm I'm kind of like I don't know I don't know if I want to keep as in though CU I want to grab Lucian and I want to grab AO also but I don't want like five companions six companions or whatever I just feel like that's a lot I feel like I'm cheating I am cheating but like I feel like that's cheat chea sweetie oh no hey whatever makes you feel happy oh careful there friend ship in a distance all right team we ride not ride I guess but you know these tombs contain our ancestors Treasures you know who would like this Luan grit just what I [Music] needed but my game has just crashed though so all right this is a long Mission cuz I'm kind of getting tired but also we should do this all right guys ready this is the resting place of esmore and his most trusted generals you should be cautious okay are you not coming cdlac was right I let Vengeance rule my heart I regret nothing of what we did at drift shade but I can't go any further with my mind fogged or my heart grieved I mean we already came this far my dude like what's a what's a bit more killing you know like I think you just scared to go into a tomb full of ghost but that's just me you tall as [ __ ] you don't get your ass in that to I'm sorry no you know what why do we need to be cautious the original companions their finest Warriors rest with e gror you'll have to prove yourselves to them it's not that you're intruding I wager they've actually expected us they just want to be sure that you're worthy be ready for an honorable battle return WRA to eore it should open the way so are you you're not coming until next time Focus what the hell for COD laac okay well I'm taking this potion a broken sword yeah I feel like I shouldn't take that money for cardlock you'reall not right okay I don't worry I got your back in here oh thank you how come they're not coming with us didn't y'all want to do this you stand within the sacred tomb of isore himself Kaiden I believe you understand and appreciate the reverence this moment deserves opportunistic grave sweep ah IL I do truth is though I do not feel that one such as I just a man and not even a companion is worthy to be here in such a secret place you are wrong Kaiden you are not a companion is true but you are not just a man to us either you are our brother you are here to stand as one with us here in our most holy of holies and be United in our sworn oath for cdlac we would have it no other way you are our brother in arms our brother brother by choice our brother in spirit you are welcome here as one of us we need you brother when I'm dead I am on it beyond what I can see with words I will see this through I swear to you I swear it on my mother's blade for codl for codl for codl I for codl all right here we go so he's not he's really not coming okay all right Focus I've never done this Mission before so this is brand speaking new to me wait I did it the wrong I the wrong door let's try this again okay okay for God lack oh spiders fak yep wait what happened to my weapon okay guide my keep moving yeah oh ghost H mortal no one hides from the dead from the dead d Almost you good job all things considered do the dead okay did drop okay yeah I never been this far to the into the companions before so this is what was that you are welcome what you say I'm not welcome I think I I am [Music] never dead and buried found this what' you find oh nice thank you I don't want to miss anything I hope that when I die I don't end up as a shambling corpse and [ __ ] I sense a mortal fool time to end your foolish AR seems a bit weird to like spce them up like this I'll get you Oblivion can't back off you can never truly oh my God I thought I killed scared me my BL I can't go any further Shield sister what you two what's the matter ever since dustman's can the big crawly ones have been too much for me oh everyone has his weakness and this this one is mine I understand I'm not proud but I will stay back with vilus give my regards to eore are you serious I mean to be honest though I am about to use um I'm going to use uh Kaiden to do the spider stuff for me because I ha I hate this I hate it too nope yeah Kaiden Kaiden that's all you buddy here come here here what you doing what's he doing where you going where youall going oh they were following him that's why okay all right of course sure thing don't worry about me I'm good honestly I can't blame him because I'm just like I'm about yeah I'm about to leave I can't do the whole spider stuff either all right this should be good go through there please so many Kaiden please for love of God I need you to participate thank you is it cuz it's blocked off here come here and do your work first come on if death is what you seek I am happy to give up that's that so if you think about it it's kind of like a test though Fe who can go the furthest yes oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] hate these spiders that's the end of that I'm sorry like I said I also don't like these [Music] spiders the [ __ ] out of here [Music] where are they I can't see [Music] them a lot scarier than it is problem solved [Music] gu over BLS I don't want us here the ancient ones better left alone k then okay I did tell him Scout ahead he go so far though all my shall you are dead veryy slow I'm pois [Music] second [Music] right I I like I'm not going to wait for y'all Y slow start feel much better now wait what's that thank you I'm coming don't don't leave me behind I got it I got it oh he opened the door by himself he's like I'm not got time for that I'm not wait for you I admit I was um a little worried about staying behind but then Kaiden he um told me he trusted me to be here with you and that meant a lot oh D disturb [Music] my dead it is a shame be mostly dead and still twitching so uh watch way I haven't saved in a while have I okay is AA still with us yeah is she's still here oh this seems fancy oh this seems like a boss fight right here [Music] goac greetings Shield sister hello I wonder what the ancient Nords used of course my fellow harbingers and I have been warming ourselves here trying to evade H but there's nobody else here you see only me because your heart knows only me as the companion's leader i' wag your old vignar could see half a dozen of my predecessors and I see them all the ones in sard the ones trapped with me and here SCS real and they all see you you've brought honor to the name of the companions we won't soon forget it thank you vilus you said you still vus said you still be cured I'm sorry did he now I can only hope you still have the witch's heads excellent throw one of them into the fire it will release their magic for me at least I have a bunch can do a lot for some else here do you want to talk to him before I do this or do want to say anything okay go now deep in the earth you I here if you need me some there I I can't even really see though you it is a shame that was necessary okay watch what you're doing so yeah talk clear are you all right you're good nothing's bothering you yeah don't mind that okay greetings Shield sister and so slain the Beast ins side of me I thank you for this gift the other harbingers remain Trapped By Hearing perhaps from sovengard the heroes of old can join me in their rescue the harrowing of the hunting grounds it would be a battle of such Triumph and perhaps someday you'll join us in that battle but for today return to your V Triumph in your Victory and lead the companions to further Glory bye KAC he still here okay did I hear right did he say you were to lead the companions oh yeah he did did I hear right did he say you were to lead the companions so about that don't be he did a deed does this upset are you are you upset I'm just surprised but your strength and honor are apparent to all oh okay and it's my honor to be first to address you as Harbinger let's go tell the others I'm not going to lie to you I thought she was going to fight me I'm dead ass serious it's like excuse the hell out of me you're someone who can get things done I like that good to see you I like how V vilus and fargus stayed behind was like I'mma see I'mma see it through my boy the silver hand has been scouring the world for more pieces of wuad one group is hidden out in the rift just more get it back for the honor of us all what can I do for you okay um and that's exactly what the old man wanted I'm glad we could give it to him how do we cure ourselves that's what I want to know um I'll be honest I wouldn't have expected it but that may just be because I remember when you were just a welp who was begging to join the old man trusted you so I'll Trust you okay and now I can have them as followers so that's pretty cool um eventually but this this is the tomb of esmore I think I'm just going to commune for a bit this place is worthy of some time you go on ahead I'll see you back there you've earned the right your strength and honor are apparent to all and it's my honor to address you as Harbinger I that I do I'll tell you if you want an earful oh that's okay I'm not about to do all I wish I could be out there with you oh heck yes thank you well hold on wait wait wait I do kind of like being a whirl wolf but it's not great okay it's only okay I only I only hate it because I can't like loot stuff though and it's kind of I'm annoying but I do like walk running fast 8 no let's get rid of it I'm sorry n it walk now you're PR and you [ __ ] right off I know y did that from me but it I know y did that from me but it kind of seemed like y' would try to kill me I'm just saying like that was [Music] active can I C anybody else no okay I'm cured oh hold on Treasure Chest I see a chest up here I was just about to leave oo I like that I love the blue he what else is up here sorry I didn't get the hell out the way making me flush and [ __ ] all right what else wait what's this oh okay yeah she's really just about to chill up found this thank you I think there's anything else up here yeah I was just like I don't really love the world I don't mind it it is it was pretty cool playing with it playing as it I guess yeah I'm getting dizzy money I see money I'm going to afford my house in no time all right oh course you have to activate the chain activate this bad boy thank you oh wait I want to use my new Shield since I'm no longer at Worf I have no use to to this Shield um where is my beautiful Shi oh that's beautiful I love that I need to buy some clothes that like are blue now I just feel like it look better well these clothes match my um hair band where the hell is my shield at see this is why we need to sell stuff cuz I'm just like I'm having to go down luus Marcus you guys here look what I got guys can I take this back I mean it's should stupid to leave it here I'm just saying about death burials funeral shrouds it's a bit depressive here are they not in here still I think they left okay yeah I guess they they left outside an is raining what a perfect what a perfect day did leave back to um basket he's he's good thunderstorm right it's so beautiful hey hker kiden orker he likes haer I'll get you some meat you want some hker meat oh no tested our new [Music] Shield what a fight All Things Considered o this is mad pretty [Music] [ __ ] better watch where I'm going or one of these times I'll send you tumbling off a mountain please don't try to murder me kiden thought we had a good thing going this is really oh look at that okay let me not all right I'll be right oh sh my plant she's eating my plant sweetie no ah hold on I'll be right back sweetie what are you doing why are you eating mommy's plant I just got that did you did you some of it what the hell [Music] sweetie why would you do that I'm not mad you just disappointed [Music] oh I love these dark and Moody storms go [Music] [Music] I wonder if we should get some shelter weit out this rain [Music] might find some Hawkers up the coast nothing like a hwk of steak okay I'm back um I have my I bought a plant cuz I want okay so I'm trying to get into like plants I guess because I kept this plant alive okay I killed all my plants but this one is still alive after two weeks and she went up there onto the counter and was just like oh what is she doing I didn't notice it and then I'm just like oh and then it ended up on the floor and she just eating the plant I'm like no she ate part of the plant the first plant I kept alive finally and she over here like oh this tastes amazing Sams the I don't know if it's toxic to cats I don't think it is no she was like I'mma to get my greens today but she has her she has food in her Bowl she has water I did okay maybe she okay my cat is kind of spoiled she likes ice cubes in her water and the ice cubes melted so I think maybe she drank out of the plant it was just like okay I don't know I think maybe she just bored I'm not mad at her though I'm not mad she's a very well behaved cat so anytime she does anything like I don't like it's just like oh that's kind of funny I right I am talking about you sweetie I am talking about you I'm talking about you so much sweti your Paw's are wet cuz you have yeah your paws are wet because you had your whole freaking Paws in my poted plant you look so proud of yourself though he's so cute I can't say mad at you there you go sweet okay uh um where were we I'm sorry okay have you ever thought of taking to the Sea just leaving the World [Music] Behind Hest I wish Skyrim had like moving boats though that would be so cool like I totally would travel actually H I don't know let's we could check for a mod see if that actually Eric you okay I told you to be a be a pirate oh no my game crashed my game crashed no please tell me this isn't happening oh no I didn't save a [ __ ] wait no as soon as we left it was in Auto though okay okay I think we're good okay well I guess I'm going to end the stream here because I'm it's almost 12 o' anyway it's kind of late oh this sucks why did this sudden decide to crash now is it because of the thunder storm that sucks I can't nothing's working so annoying why won't it let me exit the game is it doing this again okay so um I'm going to just end the stream by turning off my computer cuz I can't see the access can't are you kidding me why won't it let me exit the game this is so stupid thank you thank you I don't know how I did that but cool oh my God this yeah my computer froze okay can you guys still hear me I don't know I'm gonna I'm leaving thank you for joining the stream you guys can't probably hear me bye I have to turn on my whole computer now because the stupid game won't let me all right
Channel: Jupiter Armor
Views: 50
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2F42J39mjDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 49sec (10249 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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