STARFIELD FOV Slider & DLSS Mods! (Boost FPS & Visuals)

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today I'm going to show you how to increase your fov inside of Starfield using a secret config file tweak as well as how to mod in dlss upscaling for improved FPS and even better visuals on top of my settings video that I released yesterday so we'll start off with the fov fix by default the fov is really low in Starfield it's somewhere around 70 or 80. definitely lower than most people would ever want it out we want to bump it up to around 100 at least what you want to do is open up your Windows Explorer and you're going to go to this folder it's your documents folder under your main user my games and then Starfield you should just have this data folder and this any file in here what you're going to do is you're going to copy this star field prefs in e-file and paste it and you'll get this copy you're then going to rename it to Star field with a capital S capital c for custom dot any then you want to open this up drag this over so you guys can see it this has got all the stuff we just copied in from the previous one you're just gonna select it all delete all of it and you're gonna paste in what I have down in the description you'll have an fov here for first person as well as third person which you can change individually to your liking I find that 100 100 looks great in this game and I don't think you need to change it but it's all personal preference when we've done this we can then save this file close it down and when we open up Starfield we will have increased fov which I'll show you in just a sec next up we'll be modding dlss into the game in place of fsr2 for some nice FPS gains I will show you some tests of that when we've got it put in there by default we only have fsr2 inside of Starfield due to the partnership with AMD now to get this working we're gonna have to download three different things from Nexus mods I'll have all three of those links in the description below you will also have to sign up to Nexus mods in order to complete any of these downloads only takes a couple of clicks so go and do that the first thing you'll need is the Starfield upscaler mod you can come to the website go to files go to manual download on the Standalone version and then just select slow download the Starfield upscaling mod depends on the upscaler base plugin which I'll have the link for below as well once again you just come to the files and then you're going to do the manual download on the upscaler base plugin the last thing we'll need is the latest compatible version of Nvidia dlss the dll file for that so come back to the description of the upscaler based plugin scroll down to this link to dlss dlaa and then just click over here download on the latest dlss dll file now we've got all three of those downloaded we can start moving them into the places they need to be make sure you follow along this can get a little bit finicky you want to come to the area that you've actually got Starfield installed for me that's in here with a bunch of my other games you open that up you open up the content folder and you'll be left with the inner contents of the game you then need to open up the star field upscaler Standalone zip file and you're just going to grab the two things in here which is a mods fold folder and a dll file and you're going to drop that at the same level as all of this stuff in the content folder just like that next is the upscaler based plugin so open up that zip file and you'll have an upscaler based plugin folder if you open up the mods folder next in the star field area you've got once again another upscaler based plugin folder so just drag this folder from the zip over to this folder it should merge with this one and you should now have a PD perf plug-in dll inside of the upscaler based plugin folder and the last thing we need to move is the dlss dll so open up that last zip file there's just a dll in here and you're going to place this alongside the PD perf plugin dll inside of the upscaler base plugin folder what a mouthful and now that we've done all of this we can open up our game so now we're finally in game and you can instantly see the effects of the fov change from earlier it's just insane how much better the game feels when you're playing a nice high fov you feel like you're just moving a lot quicker you get to see a lot more of the incredible visuals of the game as well so it's a no-brainer to turn that up now for the dlss mod the first thing you need to make sure you have on which you should have already is the fsr2 upscaling enabled because what's happening is we are replacing the fsr2 while it's running with dlss if you were to turn this off you would just get no upscaling so make sure it's on you then need to press the N you then need to press the N you then need to press the end key on your keyboard which is above the arrow keys on the right and you should get this little menu in the top left hand corner there to actually play around with this menu you'll need to just press escape to gain access to the mouse by default this is actually already enabled we've got the sharpening enabled as well you can control the sharpness and sharpening amount from here we've got a bunch of these dlss presets honestly just keep it a preset f it is the best and you can go and read all about that on the Nvidia website about these presets just trust me preset F looks the best below this you can then see what resolution the games actually being rendered in as opposed to what resolution your monitor is displaying the game at so if we come into the settings area you can see my render resolution scale is currently set at 75 which is 1080P or 1920x1080. let's do a quick FPS comparison now comparing dlss and fsr2 you can see at the moment the FPS in the top right hand corner as I stand here with dlss on I'm hitting around high 70s peaking around 78 79 or so if I press escape and turn off the LSS so now we should just be running the base fsr2 and we come back and just let it settle 77 sitting around 77 78 77 so it really is only a couple of FPS difference that difference might extrapolate more if we're in some more stressful situations in the game that are stressing your system a bit more or if we were to come in and lower the render resolution a little bit you might see that Gap push out even further so it's definitely worth going in grabbing this dlss and downloading it and seeing if it works for you um it only takes a couple of minutes if you don't like it you can quite easily just remove everything we added earlier but I know a lot of people really like dlss and how it looks so I wanted to show you how to do it anyway next thing you need to do is go and watch this video where I cover through all of the graphic settings in Starfield in depth making sure we're achieving the maximum FPS possible whilst also maintaining incredible visuals
Channel: FourEyes
Views: 16,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield FOV, Starfield FOV slider, Starfield Best Settings, Starfield best setting for FPS, Starfield FPS Boost, Starfield DLSS, Starfield DLSS Mod
Id: Yx8RdTl9gqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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