Starfield: A Failure in Innovation

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I don't know what the that was oh yeah Starfield where the Galaxy is a PNG file loading screen times put GTA online to shame and NPC facial expressions make Jason look like a little [ __ ] wake up Samurai we have a space to uh explore I don't know and the worst of all no sexy alens I mean what the what the [ __ ] but instead what we got was a typical Bethesda game that many say feels exactly like any Bethesda game but I don't really think it feels like a Bethesda game for people who say Starfield is like a Skyrim but in space and that would include Todd Howard somehow all I ask is what have you been puffing because in Skyrim you are actually able to explore your sense of curiosity equals of a child in Disneyland obviously part of that magic goes away once they see Mickey Mouse drunk on a curb for Starfield that drunk Mickey Mouse would be empty planets and meaningless transversal trips in a space game but don't see this even as a review because I want to go deep real deep and I want you to understand and show you as well how Todd Howard and his minions at Bethesda somehow were able to [ __ ] up a game about space I mean a game like this would WR itself right a game that doesn't Annoy Us for being bad because it isn't a bad game but rather because it could have been so much more and I'm sure if you're going to create some new IP you would use Starfield to create something from scratch instead of using it as an opportunity to call people broke why did you not optimize this game for PC uh we did you may need to upgrade your PC for this game but it's got a lot of great just look at this heap of junk right here garbage we get it Tod your Mast is gigantic but please update your game engine please I'm tired B when this game was announced back in 2018 many so rightfully thought how is Bethesda going to make a game about space all they've been doing so far was creating games set in Hell holes full of waste and death and Dragons because dragons are cool as [ __ ] do Howard's major life achievement so far was to convince players that a $3 horse armor was a good idea even if this armor was actually made of paper and sand and absolutely didling the crap out of a game developer who created one of the best fallouts to date fair to say people weren't convinced that Starfield was going to be any good because you know it was also in 2018 that a certain game came out and uh people didn't know exactly what it was I mean it looked like almost sort of a road kill a tragedy really um the game who must not be named it's fall it's Fallout 76 yeah if players needed any sort of evidence that little tody here doesn't know how to manage something new well Fallout 76 was it it was bethesda's new foray into the multiplayer universe and they absolutely boted it up and that uh sometimes it doesn't just work such an atrocious game that would make an angel cry and obviously the best part being that nobody literally asked for it nobody ever wished Fallout to be multiplayer unless maybe we're talking about some sort of cohop where you could you know build settlements with your buddy not really sending nukes out against each other like you're playing dodgeball and they still did it they created something nobody asked for and instead of pulling the plug out of Mercy they decided to double down and create crap like Fallout first because yes Bethesda of course I would like to pay $100 a year for some scrapped and basic features that should have been in the base game itself okay so yes people kind of thought of the game as a joke even before it was released Big leaping gaming my ass now run along game journalist go home take a nap you had your day but obviously no matter what side of the camp you wore all we could do was spec at after all the game was not out and it would not be fair for us to do any early Judgment of something that doesn't even exist this baby project was not even in the belly yet Starfield was still in to's little I can't say this and so after 7 years of development To Masterpiece was done the world saw what Bethesda could do God would be the naysayers who claim Bethesda couldn't make anything original they make sure Game Pass goes back to the 10 before the release of Starfield to make sure they can capitalize on the big release Xbox players set up tent in front of their local Game Stop if this was 2011 of course and so Starfield did it Starfield broke a record that is not to be broken ever in the history of gaming it became the most sold game in September of 2023 absolutely shattered all expectations because we all kind of expect the Starfield to be canceled at some point but even if I have all this negative tone rest assured the game did perform pretty well on Metacritic sitting in a pretty much comfortable average of you know seven out of 10 points essentially the game had a lot of tits but not a lot of ass and obviously that split people and even if you are a ass person yourself go team boob I mean who doesn't like a nice pair and a pretty face sure Starfield could use some makeup along the way but it was a very attractive game and yes I know this analogy is getting creepy and I'm going to stop now the graphics are not the best that we could expect in 2023 but they're not horrific either certainly had performance issues but not too bad considering you know most modern AAA games which explains its score is not really a 50/50 it is exceedingly more positive than it is negative I wouldn't have spent the hours that I spent if I didn't like it but there's a reason why I'm renting the game using Game Pass rather than actually buy it there's just a few things that make it seem almost like you know a sure to play at most the parts and it gets worse when you compare it to a game like no man's sky that without a doubt has been improving year after year so here we go again with the Bethesda classic that's a warning sign and right off the bad things start slow which is not typically a problem if the game introduces you to a New Reality as we have in Red Dead Redemption 2 as the intro of the game explains to you where you are and why do you have your balls freezing right now in the middle of no where oh but you said too slow huh you shouldn't have said that here have an epileptic seizure inducing cinematic did I just discover the meaning of life holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that now we're talking now we're cooking now this is a space game it's always also a good sign by the way when they reuse material from past games in the first 20 minutes of the game they reuse the sound of all ad man come on man now here's something that is always worthy of pointing out and I find it a valuable trademark move from Bethesda to have a character creation system with nearly no limitations because you know I can play a game with a normall looking human I got to make my character look like Gary Bucy I surprised myself and I actually made a normal looking character albeit a little bit familiar I don't know where from but you know and then it's time for us to step out of the mines and have our PCS Absol Ely obliterated is this low frames per second Beautiful the [ __ ] RX just burning up and so here's where the problems start emerging and I'm not talking about performance issues either you get introduced to this secret organization that seeks out and studies mysterious in nearly mythological events of which of course you the main character had to encounter even if to me I still suspect it was some sort of angel dust eluc in ation episode so far so good to me it sounds like your typical Fallout faction but here's the thing in most fallouts you get to pick and choose which faction you go along with do you want to be a righteous and a good boy scout you choose the minute man but you can also be part of the Brotherhood of Steel Institute and no matter how incompatible they seem to be for the most part it is possible for you to at least be in a position to choose but our boy Garrett here doesn't really like to give you a lot of choice you're going to study archaeological objects if you like it or not pretty boy and regardless of whatever dialogue option you choose you will be essentially kidnapped and go through an entire and tedious tutorial phase that like any other gamer loves to do of course and listen I know this game is massive there's no problem with tutorials when the games have so many elements and mechanics but godamn why does it always have to be forced I'm going to be honest with you I wasn't really interested in this story if this was any other Fallout for example since the scenery doesn't usually surprise you the story is pretty much the main thing about Fallout but here we're talking about space man I was very much focused on everything else rather than the story now in my particular case I was able to pretty much explore on my own as soon as I got well explore on my own as soon as I got to the lodge I think but Manny seem to be locked out of fast travel until they completed all the quest line from Sarah which to me seems like hell on Earth and I would pretty much give up on the game right there right now I don't know if this was a case of me breaking the game which would be hilarious or an update that I didn't notice but I've been pretty much playing since day one so I don't think that was the case but regardless games really need to stop doing that as an overall aspect stop forcing people in tutorials man letting people explore early and set out their Outpost does not affect the logic of the story line whatsoever so what if the person misses a storyline and the tutorial itself it's their loss oh wait did I just mention Outpost because I really want to talk about outposts like now now you might be a normal person and focus on the storyline first and then building Outpost whatever but you're talking with someone who made Sanctuary Hills look like a Caribbean Resort in Fallout 4 in the first 24 hours of the game I built multi-room apartment blocks I built a clinic I built a machine room I built a Great Wall of China around my whole settlement and then I decided to chain link both Sanctuary Hills and the abery farm to have essentially a self efficient Community I didn't need anything else I had food electricity water people were happy and there was no one who could stop us and that's a great feeling that's essentially the reason why I wanted to build settlements it was magnificent and now in Starfield I'm able to get some moonrock and some extractors like I'm some sort of Texan douchebag oilman and that would be pretty cool if I had any purpose for those outposts you essentially have Outpost to build other outposts that's that's it you don't have animals to herd you don't you don't have food to manage sure you got a couple of maybe missions that you need to link from you know the resource from one of your outposts to the other planet but that is it because in my mind I was going to have a dozen of outpost set out across multiple moons and planets extracting lead barium iron helium and whatever it was on that pole fiction suitcase I didn't care I wanted to extract all and then like any smart businessmen would do out would stockpile everything into one Central Hub like I'm running Amazon here but Todd Howard had to flip the finger and say [ __ ] you and your dreams because for some reason the one thing they needed to copy from Fallout they decide to say nah nah Supply chains in Fallout work beautifully it just works it's it literally just works to the point where you had people studying what's the best form to distribute your resources across multiple settlements but you could pretty much link up every single settlement and in that way have resources available to you at all times but in Starfield it can only link up two outposts for each Cargo Link pad meaning if you don't modify the game your Hub can only receive materials from five Outpost at maximum level of outpost development so I ended up having an airport as my Hub if I decide to stay on my central hub for 5 minutes for 5 minutes my ears will bleed because you will have a million cargo ships landing at every single minute ah from a two-way trip instead of having one massive cargo ship that collects it all on a route I had to mod the game to make this bearable who designed this who thought this was a good idea to make things worse apparently each one of these massive containers that could make Titanic look like a sailboat really Can Only Hold 70 kg each dude I'm heavier than that you can't even really build anything you have these pre-fabricated modules and that is it long are the days where you could have a little shopping center in your settlement vendors doctors once again I had to mod the game to have some NPCs actually walking around and obviously this is flawed now the transverse oh God the transverse man the transverse and exploration in general in this game makes me want to eat a cactus filled with hot sauce and I know you probably heard this in so many videos but hear me out because there's a few points that nobody talks about and it drives me crazy because there was not a single genius in Bethesda that could have said hey Todd since now we're doing a whole space game and all that can we use this opportunity to implement um I don't know a Rover for players to not have to run Endless Smiles to find a pubic hair in the middle of nowhere would that make it fun for the players yeah yeah it would huh then no they had to know that people would already be upset about the endless loading screens you could watch a whole Harry Potter marathon and still have time to return to your PC or console and have it loaded as soon as you sit because I'll be honest I was pretty complacent for the first moments of the game for some reason my brain was stuck back in the 2000s and I thought this was just like any other game I mean they need loading screens right that's the norm but then I remember which year I was and at newer titles even cyberpunk 2077 that came out in an absolute state of disarray did not have a loading screen for entering vehicles for actually driving the vehicles for entering buildings leaving buildings hell in Starfield you even have a loading screen for sinkles [ __ ] Starfield is just loading screens I wouldn't be mad if leaving or entering the planet would be a loading screen because sure you didn't do it like no man's sky where you can land absolutely anywhere with your ship that would be fine is but do I really need to do all my space travels using Manus what is the purpose of using ships to dog fight all right this is pretty cool got him that actually pretty cool man the space combat is pretty [ __ ] awesome I'm going to tell you that that's cool because even if I did make that little joke about space looking like a PNG image file I honestly wanted to travel at ultra speed and being able to reach other planets you know gaze at the stars as I pass by with a grab Drive hell I would even be happy if there was a way for us to use our ship to to walk inside the ship while we're still in a warp drive and then the game used that to load the next level there are so many ways to defeat a loading screen yet Bethesda keeps on with this old ass Engine with their old ass ways with their old ass employees can somebody please update the engine can anyone think of updating the engine for something more than just allowing it to spawn a ,000 potatoes because I'll give you this the physics engine is pretty good everything is modular in a sense that my PC can actually spawn ,000 objects bump into them objects bumping between each other and it still doesn't break performance and it looks good that is impressive but I would easily trade that for the ability to walk into buildings by pushing a door instead of having to watch YouTube shorts while I'm waiting please don't turn me into a Tik to kid dude even here's the loading screen now you serious Bethesda sure has a good reputation for making characters so effective they somehow are able to make degeneracy a female ghoul and say I would clap those rotting cheeks especially with a Fallout Universe they were always able to diversify what these people were if they were even people in the first place what they like and dislike always making sure these characters were morally consistent no matter if they were do gooders or absolute psychos hell we had a thought that we could talk to and he would bark in response MVP companion don't add me so how are characters in Starfield are they morally complex better yet do we have different species having different moral standards as you would usually find in a massive Galaxy Diversified by millions of others who are not even in the slightest human nope but you do have Sarah that says that you can do everything that is physically possible because a constellation doesn't judge each person is their own as long as what you do you do it for the mission but was that did you just steal a pingpong ball from a bar you didn't steal it you touched it I'm not stealing [ __ ] I'm just picking it up man no way I am not going to help you murder these people that's a that's a complete overreaction you [ __ ] lunatic you deserve a cheer but hey kill a clueless Man In Cold Blood oh I feel so honored to know you and how you're saving me for my own damn life whoa what you want to kill me no problem in a galaxy so big how is this in any way believable for example in a show Orville the mcklin race believes in divorce but this divorce being committed with a knife through the heart which you could say it is an effective way to divorce someone you can't be married if they're dead after all until death do us AP part and that clearly confuses everyone from Every Other species in the show but this convoluted moral dilemas is what makes the show so great because it's almost a mathematical certainty that there would be all these moral challenges at some point I don't mind having righteous characters the same way that you have absolutely atrocious people as well as I said before some sort of moral consistency that if I can do anything then I truly can do anything without you bitching about it every 5 minutes that's all I want consistency it will be frequent for you to have your companions hate your guts even if you you don't know what the hell have you done like when I had to retrieve the artifact from a mine in ailla city that was being guarded by a bunch of Smugglers and even though initially I tried to approach them peacefully to not upset Mr Co here they decided to shoot at me anyway in no situation whatsoever could I have avoided this then again I'm confronted by the same gang as I leave the mine and I try to reason with them and when I failed to do that not because I'm in the wrong but because I can't reason with [ __ ] they decide to start shooting and then at the end of the day who is Mr Cole going to be mad at obviously me because scw reasons I suppose mind you this is after Sam Co accepts my plan to Rob his own dad and please remember these are the first two companions that you truly get introduced to and spend the first missions with then we already start on a left foot also the voice acting it could have gotten a few tweaks I would say maybe you can get that to point us to the the nearest [Music] restaurant and the AI oh my God the AI this is murder you're on your own relax this is just joke you know between me and CJ isn't that right CJ CJ see you forgot about it already it is so atrociously bad I'm not even joking you know I miss the Vibes of the 2000s game but I certainly don't miss when NPCs behaved like Talking Sticks Bethesda couldn't even code the NPCs to look at you while you talk to them let's get these wounds closed up and get you on the road to recovery I think it's just a tradition in this [ __ ] planet to talk with your back turn to the people that's fine and logic has always been something of a low tier skill for Bethesda as their missions make absolutely no sense but this is a new low halt we actually caught you this time stealing a pingpong ball from a bar so now you're going to have to choose to spend years in jail for ping-pong ball or you're going to be in an extremely dangerous undercover operation inside a crimson Fleet okay but like I kind of killed a lot of them like thousands of crimson Fleet Pirates hell sometimes I wasn't even provoked I just saw their name on the screen and I killed them wouldn't they recognize my ship and all that uh yeah well um Pirates a short memory like goldfish or when Bethesda has the brilliant idea of using ship stealth by telling you to reduce your energy usage as if we're not in a giant ship in the middle of [ __ ] nowhere oh yeah let's let's reduce the power as if we're not in the middle of the Void they don't have eyes and all this could have been forgiven outs spash some holy water on Starfield and have gone with my day if at least they made fun missions dude so I'm sorry the mission is literally they taped it to a bench that was a few steps away from the the station they needed to deliver to but they couldn't do it hand to hand so again they taped it to a bench and I'm supposed to just walk a few steps to deliver why if I wanted to be a courier out sign up for Uber Eats okay how is that a mission there was one quasi Mission if you would like to call it that that I enjoyed pretty much and I thought it was incredibly original there's these ships that you can find around in space that have been damaged to a point of not being able to move and once you board it you realize very quickly it has been boarded by spacers and somehow they cause some damage on the gravitational generator and this generator keeps blacking out on and off every couple of minutes so having to adjust myself in a position to consider The Recoil in zero gravity environment was pretty cool not to mention it allowed Bethesda to create some pretty cool level designs where you would have to wait for the gravity to be turned off again so that you could climb up An Elevator Shaft where the elevator was destroyed oh and also it would have been really great if I understood what the hell is happening when characters talk instead of having multiple characters speak to me at the same time please disregard I attempted an informal greeting but I am dis guys guys one at a time [ __ ] the lack of consequences had been something that I can't even say is characteristic from Bethesda because even in Fallout it would be banished from communities for committing genocide even though I call that punishment a little bit too harsh all right in Starfield I suppose people take it as a compliment when you slash their chest with an axe but of course the game has some pretty cool little knick-knacks that can draw you in for hours in my case I love to Furniture my dream house like I was playing some sort of Sims pack expansion that's pretty much the only use you have for junk in this game as you cannot even convert it to resources but I did like to go prop hunting uh in order to make my house look like it was actually livable the ship Builder works amazingly well for a game from a company who never messed around with vehicles per se and the city set in the game are pretty mesmerizing and it did give me some Vibes of being in that place even though of course I was not and it truly takes some skills to cause some sort of nostalgia in the person or player even though it is a completely simulated environment so kudos for that so what can we say about Starfield I'll describe Starfield as a friend that is not your best friend but at least he trying at least this friend won't make you wait months before you can actually play the game in a stable version right out of the game this game doesn't make you mad but it might make you fall asleep but if you are going to spend hours in front of a screen I would much more Qui quickly recommend for you to play some cyberp punk 2077 in the actual state that it is right now because even if their game came out as a buggy mess it does deliver way much more content in a much more fluid single player experience and with actually decent plot or you can literally grab Bal Gate 3 which will excel at pretty much every aspect where Starfield fails all in all eh [Music]
Channel: Silvartop
Views: 20,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, Starfield review, Starfield exploration, Starfield outposts, Starfield is bad, Starfield disappointing, Starfield Sarah, Bethesda, Todd Howard, Todd Howard Starfield, Bethesda new IP, Bethesda new game, Bethesda lies, Starfield empty, Starfield critique, Starfield reviews
Id: V9zrWmgc9aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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