Darth Maul Scenes (Ep 1, Clone Wars, Solo, Rebels)

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[Music] if the trace was correct i will find them quickly master at last we will reveal ourselves to the jedi at last we will have revenge you have been well trained my young apprentice they will be no match for you [Music] good [Music] [Music] oh [Music] go [Music] we've sent our patrols we already located the starship in the swamp it won't be long my lord let them make the first move yes my master we are sending all troops to meet this army assembling little swamp it appears to be made up of primitives i have your approval to proceed then my law [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] um [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] he lives in the outer rim in exile you will find him my brother how [Music] to pursue his long-lost brother yes you monster what it can be [Applause] [Music] no no no no no no no no no [Laughter] your blood never never how long have you been here years and years and years the victory my trains have broken the chains the kings are the easy part it's what goes on in here hard you have been lost my brother do you remember always remember i am fear always remember i am a hunter always remember i am your legs grief jedi revenge i must have revenge brothers reunited darth maul the sinister sith was found alive by his brother savage or press far above far above we don't know where we're from we're about far above what once was greatest [Music] follow us [Music] [Applause] [Music] dead foreign reborn son of darth mir [Music] hmm brother my my legs it has been so long and my path has been so dark darker than i ever dreamed it could be of course i've survived [Applause] my hate would get my spirit intact even though my body was not yet i was lost and became a rabid animal and such is how you found me brother discarded forgotten i have missed so much the force feels out of balance oh yes so it began without me i was apprenticed to the most powerful being in the galaxy once but i was robbed of their destiny by the jedi by obi-wan kenobi yes we shall start with revenge slaughter of the innocent mercilessly and without compromise i have been waiting for you forgotten me so easily after i killed your master and you left me for dead i will never forget you you cannot imagine the depths i would go to to stay alive fueled by my singular hatred for you don't be so certain [Music] still as weak as ever and they call you [Music] master anything more to say i like your new legs they make you look taller i will make sure you stay awake long enough to feel every single cut your death will be beyond excruciating you will suffer as i have suffered [Music] who is this brother the death of mere witch she betrayed me she knows too much destroy her oh [Music] hmm [Music] master qui-gon jinn i gutted him while you stood helpless and watched how did that make you feel obi-wan [Music] your rage has unbalanced you that is not the jedi way is it come on hurry [Music] what now brother do we go after them no we will be patient savage i've waited so many years for my revenge i can wait a little longer but the jedi will know that you have survived they will be coming for us i am counting on it maul and savage opress after rescuing his brother from despair savage and maul murder and pillage at every turn fueled by rage and vengeance they search for meaning in their new alliance as reports of their brutal attacks spread across the galaxy true fortune will be the demise of kenobi credit ships are meaningless without a plan to survive the jedi are hunting us we will be forced to make a stand they are too many to continue we need one singular vision my vision always two there are you are the apprentice it is time for a lesson [Music] and i shall complete your training not as your brother but as your master do you want to live your skills and talents could serve us well the choice is yours we are not jedi we are lords crime lords pledge yourselves to me hunter's base will soon be ours and he will not survive this unless he embraces the same choice i give you now three of your lieutenants have already sworn allegiance to me three days scum there is a penalty for resistance we shall see jedi brother found us now it's too soon my plan isn't finished yet too soon [Music] [Music] no i have plans kenobi and you will not stand in my way this time [Music] please wait do not let them escape [Music] surrender and you are no match for us both uh [Applause] [Music] come my apprentice this plan has failed but we will have another opportunity jiro ready the man we're leaving my filth you will pay for your insolence [Music] huh [Applause] [Music] our engines have been compromised get to the escape pod trust me apprentice evil alliance darth maul and savage oppressed what are you i want to hear their story if they're an enemy of the jedi then they're a friend of mine [Music] hmm survive we are sith i serve no one our brothers the true lords of the sith destroyed by jedi kenobi fortune and power go on get moving made with the florets of a cassius tree it's good for your health your mark our people were warrior if they are weak why do you wait he is also it is the will of the force we can help you reclaim mandalore they claim to be powerful but we put these two back together after the jedi gutted them doubt will only lead to failure our combined strength will be rewarded all our enemies will fall rest apprentice our crash was discovered by enemies of the jedi we are in their care allies they have much to offer including their planet they are strong and unlike pirates they possess honor they know nothing of our intentions those revelations will come too late i am all this is savage this duchess of yours will soon discover the true burden of peace your people are strong and skilled but you will need an army to free mandalore their help would come too late we can assemble an army beginning with the black sun they can provide us with the resources we need to sustain a war without the scrutiny of the republic [Music] a battalion brother they will serve us well we request an audience with your leaders it'll be your funeral [Music] we seek an army ships and weapons this is your last opportunity to join us hmm very well then [Music] it would seem the decision to join us is now yours show us your supplies the army is weak we are not ready for the duchess there is only one plan one vision your vision lacks clarity without us you have no army and no reason the depth of this opportunity eludes you you shall watch and learn the pikes they will be the next to join us were you expecting us very good there are many things the huts influence and possess that would be useful to us we have no credits your lives in exchange for hot space in everything in its [Music] borders uh [Music] retreat [Music] um [Music] let them go they're only bounty hunters they have no one agents sir the hutts have escaped except one [Music] where are the others kill him give me a location tatooine tatooine jabba's palace so the only thing that you can tell me is that i will find jabba at jabba's palace [Music] yes they are vital the vision has expanded you will still rule mandalore and under your protection i will command a new galactic underworld you have learned from your previous oversights with their combined forces the republic and the separatists will be irrelevant mobilize the army send an advanced guard to the capital i want a list of targets vital to mandalore security choose wisely there will be no second chances with an army of the galaxy's most vicious criminals darth maul and savage oppressing a vast criminal empire where are my targets we've identified i will use my army of crime lords to attack different targets across centauri and so chaos to undermine the duchess's rule our gangsters will make her look too weak to maintain control then you in your death watch will capture and arrest us bringing order where sateen's weak government could not we believe islam will betray us we have no other choice we cannot rule openly without drawing the attention of the jedi we need vizila as the face of our rule for now you have learned well my apprentice greed never fails to motivate [Music] the people are beginning to follow you it is time for deathwatch to take action make sure you put on a good show as you wish lord maul your oversight requires correction we now have a base an army and the means to expand to other neutral systems the duchess has abandoned her duty to protect mandalore her political dream only encourages aggression against our planet we have learned from this beast the consequences of pacifist principles it's now time to restore the traditions of mandalore fizzler has captured the support of his people just as we planned however he is not their anointed leader yet leader under our control fizzler has imprisoned the duchess other political advisers of hers will be within these wars who will suit our purposes well apprentice i wish a tour of this facility [Music] you are the now former duchess teen are you not what do you want you monster nothing yet but i will have a use for you in time where are the other leaders of your people really thank you for being so cooperative [Music] i can deliver you from this prison what was your position in this government sir imprisoned me on charges of corruption and conspiracy for using the black market mandalore is in need of a prime minister [Music] we were vizsla is a soldier and like every soldier he is bound by honor i will challenge him to single combat in front of his men he will not deny me precisely i challenge you one warrior to another and only the strongest shall rule [Music] mandalore [Music] [Music] yes uh [Music] like you said only the strongest shall rule i claim this sword and my rightful place as leader of death if you will not join me you will all die unfortunately for you history will not see it that way execute them you have done well prime minister choose wisely i will hold you personally responsible for their failures go rule my people [Music] enterprise with the death watch removed from power and darth maul's vision for a vast criminal empire but we will find them the duchess appears to have contacted the jedi just as anticipated good you have done you are the legitimate prime minister mandalore is a sovereign planet and you will maintain its neutrality because of mandalore's neutrality the jedi have no jurisdiction here if canoe becomes to rescue his friend he will have to come alone [Music] we meet again kenobi welcome to my world take them back to the palace uber floor is a weakness shared by you and your duchess you should have chosen the dark side master jedi your emotions betray you your fear let your anger in your hatred quiet it it is more powerful than you know i know silence you think you know me languished for years thinking of nothing but you nothing but this vengeance is in front of us i never planned on killing you but i will make you share my pain [Music] do we kill him now brother no imprison him below let him drown in his misery [Music] hmm i sense a presence a presence i haven't felt since master [Music] master i am master and i have built all this in hopes of returning to your side master [Music] you have become a rival so [Music] oh [Music] brother [Music] i'm not like you remember the first and only reality of the sith there can only be twos [Music] you have mercy please please there is no mercy this delay does not change things bring in this mechanism which i have designed and yet when you falter it jeopardizes everything do you understand their jedi well then the answer is yes i have things to attend to other than your incompetence make sure there are no more delays and if there are i am certain crimson dawn would love the opportunity to take control of your operation [Music] i was hoping for canoe why are you here is it i can't say yours is a name familiar to me yes i imagine we have several mutual friends i was certain that chennai would have come himself perhaps bring his loyal foes skywalker is it i wonder at the moment maybe upon us why you why did kenobi send you my surrendering well that would be pointless for if i am correct soon the jedi and the republic will no longer be the controlling interest in the galaxy no darth sidious [Music] not yet how charming that you actually believe that statement to be true clones prayed for combat one part of the plan the plan the only plan that matters not even i was made aware of its grand design but i played my path but i survived and i can thrive in the chaos that is to come there are some things i need to know and you're going to help me it is not up to you your mind will speak or it will break [Music] you once liberated me from my imprisonment by city at the time i thought dooku was an old fool but now now i see he and i are the same one step behind the dark side has never been stronger the galaxy will be we must seize what power we can it is not the way of your people to hide if you die i promise it will be on the field of battle if you die you will die as warriors i agree my lady is that any way to treat your rightful ruler and now is a show of good faith i return your comrade in arms to you there you go back to your brothers deal with that don't stay on my account we'll be fine look at them so blissfully ignorant oh no you are the one that i wish to speak with are you not cast out of your order but you were motivated to leave by the hypocrisy of the jedi council we were both tools for greater powers justice is merely the construct of the current power base a base which according to my calculations is about to change he is behind everything in the shadows always but soon very soon he will reveal himself too late for what the republic for it already has and you just can't see it time of the jedi has passed they cannot defeat sidious but together can every choice you have made has led you to this moment he is the key to everything he has long been groomed for his role as my master's new apprentice i was so certain of his fate that i orchestrated this war to lure him here with kenobi to kill him thus depriving cities of his prized pupil i see the paddle one needs one last lesson [Music] hmm arrogance [Music] no i think not any moment my ship will be arriving die well mandalorian we could have destroyed sidious aah i give you one last chance join me or die then we go you're all going to burn where you don't know what they're doing [Music] [Music] so [Music] you survived no no it was not my doing i do not know what has a curse is crying out the death is brilliant brilliant i was not privy to my master's plan but now now i see it he turned the jedi his own army against well you've done the right thing by coming to me only together can we survive this now if you will follow my knee and you're it now go cause some chaos it's what you're good at uh can't give me a fighting [Music] chance [Music] what is of ct-7567 command director still missing an action sign did he hated tunnels escape unknown at [Music] present [Music] [Applause] be the main hangar the permanent i won't squash marshall to position 2 5 and 2 7 wait for my signal before proceeding call me then you wanted this chaos yes i regret to inform you that dryden voss is dead is that so where is the shipment now gone one man couldn't have done this alone bring the ship and come to me on dathomir and you and i will then decide what to do about the traitor beckett and his accomplices you and i will be working much more closely from now on i know where you are you're with me please put your weapon away i i mean you no harm i'm warning you old man forgive me it's just i've been alone so long it's been years since i've spoken to anyone not by choice my ship crashed i'm trapped marooned i've had to scrounge and scrape to survive perhaps i could help you why are you here you came for the same reason i did years ago you seek knowledge and i know the secret way to get inside but but i'm too old i i need help to open the door help me and find out please this way do you not trust me well then let's change that call me old master and you come then jabba you worry about your friends yes and with good reason the inquisitor is powerful he is my enemy all inquisitors and their masters are my enemies no no no but i was once a force-wielder long ago long long ago the sith the sith took everything from me ripped me from my mother's arms murdered my brother used me as a weapon and then cast me aside abandoned me once i had power now i have nothing nothing and you want revenge yes yes and you shall have it for i have discovered the key the key to destroying the sith yes that temple holds secrets of the sith secrets that have been buried with the dead for thousands of years yes yes of course [Music] a place of worship for some to others in engine of destruction but at its heart our prize two must lift these stones no more no less to defeat your enemy you must know your enemy even practice their belief then he is doomed to fail now young jedi help me your anger is a wellspring you must use it your passions give you strength and through strength you gain power you have seen it you feel it you must break your chains yes use your power release the one behind you [Music] unless you take risks do what must be done there will always be limits to your abilities seize the knowledge seize the power do not become like me jabba real name yes i once had a real name so long ago i don't remember behold the key you know of them because this is a sith holocron one that holds all their secrets only someone with the courage to risk oblivion is worthy to claim it [Music] [Applause] [Music] ezra trust me there was nothing to fear you were wise to trust me [Music] how do you open this one must be a sith or think like one but it has other uses give it a men i will show you sith holocrons are keys that can open many doors kanan ahsoka i brought help fun what fun darth maul lives formally darth now just maul ezra step away from him cannon i swear he's on our side perhaps my actions will speak louder than words [Music] hello [Music] you will find out soon enough the end game lady tarnow the end game i am the enemy of your enemy now and i have my own reasons for wanting the empire to fall but we have little time the one they call vader will be here soon his dogs will tell him where we are to jedi in a part-timer oh he will come he will not be able to resist us but you may unlock the temple itself at the top of the temple is a chamber connect the holocron to the obelisk within and you can unlock the ancient knowledge of the sith i cannot defeat vader alone you such cowards that you would run from this chance to defeat your enemies how exciting we're all on the same side this way only two no more or less [Music] then we shall alter it i recommend that we split up and scale the pyramid from two sides they will also have to divide their forces it is the logical choice excellent excellent you will find another lift on the far side we will meet again on the next terrace the dark side fights without mercy without remorse if you want to be victorious you need to find the same strength inside you ezra you were given your gift for one reason to use it can i count on you [Music] that's it young one use your anger use your pain let it fool you strike her down to end this finisher the next time you hesitate like that it may cost you your life all the lives of your friends we must hurry i fear our companions are in danger [Music] what is it nothing we must not delay i will handle this you take the holocaust place it in the obelisk activate the temple i'll meet you at the top [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where's ezra you mean my apprentice [Music] i apprentice is activating the temple or more precisely this battle station which i shall use to exact my rhythms and all my enemies the power will be mine ezra will be mine and there is nothing you can do to stop me running away again lady tano i will make this quick [Music] master jedi maul no i betrayed your friends but i would have remained loyal to you the sith holocron that our apprentice and i acquired on malachor how unfortunate because if that's true then your friends have no future agreed good oh and one more thing your jedi holocron give that to me as well kanan no i shall be in touch with coordinates for a rendezvous don't disappoint me i assumed that this ship was merely a transport but i realize it is much more than that this is your home captain would it be rude of me to request a tour show me around i insist you of all should trust me that is a curious smell how colorful ah yes this is it a doll in tower chamber these are the quarters of a jedi show me where he keeps the holocron that's not true you know all about kanan jarrus or should i use his real name caleb doom yes and it was from here that the boy found no he stole the holocron that wasn't so difficult was it were yield to my power [Music] you will remain alive only so long as you're of use to me follow the sound of my voice welcome my young apprentice i trust you found the sith holocron illuminating they will remain my guests until we conclude our business i will take you to the now escort my apprentice to the command center if you attempt to escape or if the droids are deactivated your friends will die this way master jedi i was never trying to blind you oh no you were just trying to kill me first you don't succeed terminate the prisoners i lived up come apprentice sit the holocron if you please i doubt that you comprehend the power that is within your grasp so you do understand well my apprentice what is your question you are as ambitious as ever as for me i seek something much simpler yet equally abusive hope now let us begin [Music] i see nothing only oblivion i must go deeper what do you see what is it tell me tell me what you see [Music] now stay focused apprentice in the knowledge you desire i steal [Music] he lives [Music] he lives you feeling all right ezra [Music] [Applause] this is a strange place so remote home yes the empire will have a difficult time finding you here you think i came here to fight i came here to speak when you abruptly severed our connection with the holocron you mixed up the information you learned a bit of what i want to know and i learned a bit of what you wanted how you do learn fast apprentice and that is why you need to come with me so i can retrieve the answers which are just out of reading we'll keep your rebel base i have planted a beacon nearby strike me down and it will activate revealing you have knowledge that is rightfully mine i have knowledge that you want the key to defeating the sith what i propose will satisfy us both after you my apprentice where are we that is dathomir my home i am the last survivor my family the knight sisters were killed masterful witches they were a threat to the empire some aspect yes their connection to this planet that made them strong that is why we are here to perform some old magic the only way to access the knowledge we seek is to merge our minds again just enough time for each of us to find the answers to our questions trust me ezra i only want the answers i deserve nothing more i have gathered many things secrets to help us restore our memories do not touch anything get away from there is that a lightsaber indeed yes but not like any that you would know if your mandalorian friend was here she could explain it to you i have studied the ways of the night this hasn't found a spell that suits our needs is the focus of their ancient power now to initiate the nerd to complete the spell you must drink it all just like me it's working where is he i understand of course it ends where it becomes a desert planet with twin suns it is time to pay our debt what's happening the spirits of the night sisters must be compensated for the use of their magic price is our flesh and blood don't let them touch you ezra follow the altar is the source of their power they cannot venture beyond the cave it is unfortunate about your friends ezra but this this is your opportunity to embrace your destiny as my apprentice forget the past forget your memories forget your attachments our futures converge on a planet with two sons we can walk that path together as friends as brothers you disappoint me as refrigerator lost i am lost and yet i can feel his presence so close so close i can see him in my mind's eye can i be will it end here like this no no i must draw kenobi out tempt his noble heart but how how i know i know [Music] me do you soon apprentice ah look what has become of you a rat in the desert i've come to kill you but perhaps it's worse to leave you here festering in your squalor and what do you have why you come to this place oh you have a purpose here perhaps you are protecting something no protecting someone [Music] ah [Music] tell me is it the chosen one he is he will avenge us [Music] you
Channel: Journal of the Whills
Views: 959,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Darth Maul, Disney, Jedi, Sith, The Force, Han Solo, Ezra Bridger, Old Master, Savage Opress
Id: 0Rk2yD5P59A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 28sec (4708 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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