Star Wars The Clone Wars - Season 1 Retrospective

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funding for shapereles is provided by surfsharkvpn tune until the end to find out about their amazing service last time on our star wars the clone wars retrospective we watched the movie it was bad but it did lead to a really good tv show i remember being 10 years old and super excited for this show to air i mean the idea of getting weekly adventures in the star wars universe was just too tantalizing and i also couldn't tell how terrible the movie was as a kid so i was even more excited than i probably should have been so yeah the show aired and patrick and i hello there tuned in every friday night on cartoon network for every new and exciting episode the show is on cartoon network before the dark times before some mouse anyway we all know the clone wars got insanely amazing towards the latter half of its run but the question here was whether or not the first half of the series was quite as good as we remember it being as kids did the show immediately kick it up a notch or was it more kitty [ __ ] that's what we're gonna find out if you look through season one today and with that out of the way so long with the preliminaries it's on to the main event let's jump into clone wars season 1. season 1 isn't great but it isn't terrible i think the best thing i can say about it is that it eventually improves upon some of the biggest problems with the movie that being ahsoka's obnoxiousness and immaturity as well as a lot of the tonal problems the season definitely starts out with a lot of kitty feeling episodes but it generally outgrows them as it goes along culminating in some genuinely serious feeling stories it's neat to see however overall this is still definitely the weakest season of the show that's a pretty good sign for later but we're not in the later yet so let's see what we got here this series starts out right however with its very first episode ambush follows not any of the main characters from the clone wars movie but instead we have the rare opportunity to see yoda on a mission and it's not that popular of an opinion to enjoy yoda as a general but surprisingly this episode gets yoda right he doesn't actively seek out conflict he prefers to outsmart his enemies using his surroundings he uses his little size to gain the advantage and most importantly he has a very well done heart-to-heart with the clones and tells them that their lives are more important than they think it's a little jarring to watch this scene between yoda and the clones and then watch the scenes in revenge of the sith where he brutally decapitates some of them and murders a ton of others but fam let me ask you something if you had never seen the prequels before and only knew yoda from the original trilogy which of these versions of him do you think is more in line with the yoda we know on dagobah which one feels like this old wise understanding somewhat kooky jedi master this is the first of many instances in the show where i feel like dave and his team have a better understanding of the star wars characters than george did when he was making the prequels this is the yoda i want to see based on his characterization in the original trilogy overall this is a simple yet really fun start to the series i mean it gives us the king of wato planet was it that noise uh now cartoon network actually aired the first two episodes back to back back in the day and the second one isn't quite as good mainly because it has ahsoka and she's kind of annoying as usual but it's also a mission where she and anakin have to rescue a stranded plo [ __ ] yeah remember plo [ __ ] that guy remember how he's dave filoni's favorite for some reason yeah presumably because of that fact he shows up pretty often throughout the series but it's cool because he has actual characterization now all the jedi who previously just showed up in the backgrounds have characterization now it's a nice change of pace to follow one of them sometimes instead of the designated main characters i'm personally more of a kit fisto guy so i was really happy to see him get his own episode but i don't mean any disrespect to plo koon he's very stoic but he's one of the most caring jedi despite his demeanor i really like the main crux of this episode too with that being the fact that the separatists have a new weapon at their disposal the malevolence now with its whole super laser that doesn't even come with a railing you might think it's another death star but they actually do something new and unique with it so it's not just a fan service homage the malevolence causes a power shutdown on anything it fires at which creates some of the most tense situations as our characters are left floating in space waiting to be picked off by droids hunting for survivors it's a pretty neat premise that pays homage to the death star without feeling like a rip-off it's more so like dare i say it poetry sort of they rhyme yeah this episode's a little slow going but the final sequence where they try and hide by shutting off all the power only to get sussed out leading to an epic escape from the purple energy field it's pretty neat as a kid watching this episode though i was wondering why it ended like this i mean this big ass malevolence ship is now a threat right and they didn't even beat it and then the preview for the next episode started playing an epic battle against the malevolence that's when it finally hit me this is gonna have story arcs something i hadn't really seen in a cartoon yet at that point in my life hell yeah i couldn't wait to see next week's episode next week's episode was kind of boring there's not a whole lot to say about this one other than i like the fear in plo kun's voice when he realizes they're going through the balmora run ahsoka is more annoying than usual in this episode and it just doesn't feel that exciting to be honest the next episode however who boy before we get to that it seems that matchstick got lit up wha what what are you doing oh um i was thinking that during this series whenever a name clone dies i'm gonna make a bad pun about it that sounds horrible i can't wait anyway destroy malevolence is awesome one of the few super early episodes that i still love coming back to apparently palpatine gave padme some bad coordinates that put her in the middle of this battle with the malevolence which isn't suss at all i'm sure palpatine just made an oopsy perfectly normal wait you mean to tell me that palpatine's a bad guy no i said he made an oopsy were you even listening palpatine is the most trustworthy man i know look at his sick spins could a bad guy do that okay so padme and threepio get tractor beam to general grievous malevolent ship so anakin obi-wan and r2 gotta rescue them you know in hindsight i think i only like this episode because ahsoka's barely in it anakin and obi-wan have such natural chemistry that they never quite had in the prequels anakin references spinning being a good trick what's not to love i'm a sucker for elaborate rescue missions where all the characters are separated on a big enemy base of some kind and they all gotta find each other and escape together and this episode delivers that in spades also there are trains for some reason which makes for some fun action sequences like the duel between obi-wan and grievous where we get the possible origins of hello there yes grievous apparently originated hello there to be honest they really should have made this a running gag with them saying hello there to each other each time they meet up in a new episode it would have made the scene in revenge of the sith even funnier on the topic of grievous though there are things about him that are not very much cash money first of all it's ridiculous that this show constantly can never have anakin and grievous meet up because of that one exchange george wrote in revenge of the sith that implies that they are meeting each other for the first time it's so weird when these are two of the most prominent generals in the war on both sides and yet they never encounter each other once until the very end of the war but also grievous is the one character in this show who is not improved from how they are in the prequels they're pretty much the same just a pretty standard saturday morning cartoon villain and that could be fun in its own right but the saturday morning cartoon villain concept is done so much better by the set of one-off separatist leaders we meet later in this season grievous honestly should have been a much more intimidating presence maybe he wouldn't have been on the same level as the awesome gendy grievous but a balance should have been struck he feels more like a joke in this series than a huge threat most the time there's one season 2 episode that does him a lot better but we'll get to that later in season 1 he's not that great still it's fun to watch him and obi-wan fight each other and the destruction of the malevolence is pretty cash money as well it's a weirdly dramatic scene where the battle droids are panicking because anakin set the nava computer to crash into a nearby moon and grievous leaves dooku on red because he doesn't want to deal with the consequences of losing the malevolence it's a great ending for a surprisingly good episode speaking of things that are good rookies to this day this is one of the fan favorite episodes and perhaps the most beloved episode of season 1 as a whole and yep i agree entirely this is a really dramatic and captivating look at a squad of clones with a boring job defending a base that never sees any action only to get some action when droids attack what's really cool is that this is the first time we get to see these clones as actual individuals who just happen to share the same face and voice they all have their own distinct personalities however and it's easy to get invested in each of them i have a confession that may or may not get my clone wars enjoyer card revoked but i find it incredibly hard to get invested in individual clones over the course of multiple episodes since there's a lot of them to keep track of that's why i prefer individual episodes like this that just focus on a few handful of them because i love fives and echo and heavy since this episode took the time to focus on them and showcase their personalities as well as how they all behave as a unit when they show up in later episodes is just part of a squad anakin and obi-wan is leading i'm not as excited to see them because it's hard to tell which one is them but when they're the focus yeah their stories are really special heavy's ultimate sacrifice in this episode is a gut punch since we actually got to know him something we never would have gotten to do in the prequel movies this would have just been a nameless personality-less drone clone but because it's heavy i'm invested cut up didn't invest me nearly as much i guess you can say cut up got cut up but yeah the other death in this episode was really heavy wow that was deep anyway this episode was so good i hope the next episode is also good oh no well folks we have reached what i consider to be the absolute worst episode of the entire series i'm glad we're getting it out of the way six episodes in it's so bad that it's worse than the clone wars movie yep okay so downfall of a droid first of all the animation is so bizarrely poor in this episode compared to the others that came before it and after it that it's kind of inexplicable so anakin loses r2d2 when his ship gets blown up so he's really sad so he looks for him and then ahsoka says something like hey master i know that r2 saved our lives multiple times but [ __ ] him let's get this new droid he's gold gold team rules might as well get this out of the way because it's revealed in the next episode that r3 is a spy i'm the spy what oh you gotta be kidding me first of all how did grievous get the spy droid to infiltrate the republic without any of them knowing and if he can do that why doesn't this droid just steal the republic's data and escape instead of just mildly inconveniencing anakin and ahsoka by pretending to screw up tasks and nearly getting them killed why does anakin let what he considers to be a clearly defective droid stay on these missions is it because ahsoka will get sad if he doesn't come with grow the [ __ ] up she's literally more concerned about this idiot droid's feelings than their lives also they visit this disgusting junk dealer who farts on them a lot and it turns out he found r2 and he just happens to be in contact with general grievous to sell r2 to him again grievous has a spy droid that infiltrated the republic why does he even need r2's data anyway this is a two-part arc and the second part is less bad but they still formed an extremely bad arc more of r3 frustratingly screwing up and ahsoka being like oh no guys he's doing his best like girl r3 is so sus right now you're literally being the second imposter here by vouching for him at the meetings fortunately r2 manages to eject him at the end of the episode and that's the only good part of this entire two-part arc it's overly dramatic but that's what works about it it's just a funny yet weirdly epic duel between these two rolling trash cans r2 is kind of badass in this show not gonna lie but then again he's badass in the movies as well there's also a duel between ahsoka and grievous and it's kind of embarrassing that grievous can't beat her but it's mostly a diversion on her part whatever don't watch these episodes they're terrible just watch the fight between r2 and r3 on youtube it's funny i guess that's one other thing i haven't brought up yet clone wars is an anthology series where some episodes don't connect with other ones some of them are just completely pointless to the overall story and only exist as a fun little standalone escapade at the end of these videos patrick and i will let you know which episodes you can skip if you want to watch the series and you haven't already some episodes can be skipped because they're pretty pointless others can be skipped because they're pretty bad and then there's the ones that are pointless and bad my favorites speaking of bad guess who just had to be in this show it's everyone's favorite key to all this jj no the other one how do you even mix those two up it's jar jar we're talking about jar jar it's an episode about jar jar jar jar is not on the level of annoyance that he is in the prequels but that's not a very high bar i really don't want to talk about jar jar so let's see this episode also introduces anaconda he's going to be a frequent face throughout certain sectors of the show gunray's back and he's honestly pretty entertaining to watch and i think it's intentional this time it's kind of funny to watch him mistake jar jar for a jedi master plus the scene where jar jar wonders why a jedi's robe is in padme's closet only for threepio to pretend he doesn't know is also funny you know anakin and padme were getting it on in there and this episode ends with new gun ray getting captured after some wacky hijinks followed by palpatine putting on his best poker-faced and commending jar jar while inside he's probably thinking oh come on we lost to jar jar this is a new low yeah this one hurts yeah this episode is a pretty bizarre arc because it's all about the capture of newt gunray yet each episode in this three-part arc focuses on different protagonists first we had padme and jar jar working together to capture him now luminara and ahsoka are working to bring him to justice and finally we got an episode where ahsoka is decent she's not great but we get to witness her relative inexperience and naivete in ways that don't feel frustrating to watch it's actually neat to see her grapple with what the right thing to do in this scenario is does she guard the viceroy or help this jedi master deal with ventress oh yeah ventress is back and she's a lot better than she was in the clone wars movie she has a lot to prove with this mission after that embarrassing [ __ ] up with jabba's son and so it's neat to see her pull off this elaborate rescue mission for newt gunray this is a good character developing episode for both of them mainly ahsoka so gun right gets away and episode 10 is about everyone's favorite bro kit fisto teaming up with his former apprentice to track gunray down little do these jedi know they're walking into a trap which is something i guess not all mon calamari can sense right at the beginning of this episode we learned that new gunray has been taken to safety by dooku but he offers an alternative reward for the jedi ventress had her chance at redemption and now it's grievous's term as this is the lair of general grievous meaning grievous comes home after a long day of work only to fall victim to a home invasion it's actually pretty interesting to see grievous on the defensive as he gets torn limb from limb by the trap kit fisto setup he manages to escape to get some r r leaving the destruction of the intruders to the capable claws of his pet rancor with all the tricks and traps of grievous lair the tables are quickly turned on our heroes and a lot of good people are dead i think niner has seen finer days belle may be rotten in hell and commander philly has been turned into a filet but none of these deaths are as sad as the death of gore listen to the broken voice grievous has as he calls out to gore in sympathy he truly has lost everything so at this point i'm like yeah kill nadar he's an [ __ ] anyway fisto escapes because you know he's one of the pre-existing characters who will live to die in another movie yeah clone wars unfortunately suffered a bit of a handicap by being a prequel series to revenge of the sith since we know anakin obi-wan may swindu yoda ploku and ki vista ayla sakura and so on and so forth can't die since they show up in revenge of the sith that's what makes it cool when the show focuses on new characters since it's always unpredictable whether they live or die how the tension is there even for main characters like ahsoka or rex we don't see them in revenge of the sith so maybe they'll die who knows of course going into the show nowadays it's obvious they don't since they're used in future star wars installments but at the time we didn't know man this show is incredibly murder happy despite being quote unquote for kids it kills a lot of characters even here in season one and it makes the stakes feel real we've made it to the halfway point fam seven pages in you know we were originally gonna do seasons one two and three in this video but it looks like this is another bojack situation fortunately unlike william i don't have a job other than editing these videos so hopefully they'll come out sooner than the bojack ones hooray unemployment episode 11 is about anakin and obi-wan attempting to capture dooku so now is a good time to bring up dooku as a character i think that he's pretty underrated when it comes to the characters people love from this show dooku is a very imposing presence i don't mean to disrespect christopher lee but in the movies he just seems like some silly old guy yeah i know that's basically what palpatine is but that's just it in attack of the clones and revenge of the sith dooku is just palpatine too egging his opponents into joining the dark side and not really using his lightsaber in favor of shooting lightning in the clone wars however dooku is very serious whenever his lackeys get a call from him you know that they are trembling at the thought of failing him because well they're no match for him he's a sith lord but he's not just a sith lord he's a very hospitable leader on and off the battlefield he doesn't ever raise his voice that often and he prefers to talk others into joining him before using the force i guess he does the same thing in the movies but he doesn't have a goofy smile on his face while doing so he is cruel cold calculated and cunning but his head is kind of weirdly shaped so there's that anyway anakin and obi-wan are chasing count dracula but they're too late because he gets captured by a ton of pirates led by the great handonaka aka one of the best characters in the entire series he's been described as the jack sparrow of the star wars universe and i think that's an incredibly apt comparison he's an absolutely kooky and drunken yet surprisingly competent leader and he's so much fun to watch i feel like palpatine is less embarrassed that the drunken pirate managed to capture dooku compared to jar jar managing to capture anyone either way the pirates also nab anakin and obi-wan by drugging them meaning the next episode sees anakin obi-wan and dooku tied together and trying to escape the pirates together watching these three duel in the prequel movies i never could have imagined that they went through this ordeal together it's so kooky but incredibly fun given all the shade and witty banter they throw at each other and hondo is a kooky fun villain what could possibly ruin this episode why did i have to say his name that probably summoned him yeah jar jar is in this episode and it really drags it down if you want to watch it just fast forward to scenes there is literally no reason to watch them they don't really affect the actual good plot line that much i mean it is kind of funny that anakin and obi-wan pretend jar jar didn't help them escape but enough about binky our next episode starts not with a space battle but a sky battle it doesn't really have any bearing on the plot it's just a neat aesthetic difference this episode is about ahsoka and ayla sakura getting stranded on an uncharted planet while anakin is in a coma i hope he doesn't die speaking of death flesh lost his flesh lucky wasn't so lucky and cameron more like damn man you're dead nailed it this episode is the first of many in this series to emphasize the negative reality of this war as our heroes encounter a village of lemurs who fled to this planet to escape the war causing the jedi to question if being a soldier really is defending the peace but early on in this series i don't think the message is quite that strong because at this point the only murder the jedi cause is just cutting down droids so i think they're the ones acting pretty morally correct in this case because the separatists are going around causing havoc so the jedi just gotta stop him it's pretty black and white at this point in the series yeah i don't know this lemur elder man just kind of seems unnecessarily stubborn i mean the jedi don't really kill people except for in those weird live-action fanfics george lucas made where mace windu chopped a guy's head off when he could have easily just disarmed him so yeah it's really just droid slicing the jedi do what is this guy going on about oh well it's a fine little adventure in the next episode in this arc we meet general loch durd of the separatist alliance his voice is so funny oh my god it cracks me up this is a solid episode with a unique threat and it's nice to see the village pitching in to help the jedi fight this colonizing [ __ ] speaking of colonizing [ __ ] episode 15 is about one of those this was always my least favorite episode of season one as a kid and it's definitely still one of the lesser ones nowadays it's all about this dick claiming that he owns this moon despite the fact that there are people living on here i guess it's just kind of pocahontas in space but with blue people wait a minute this episode came out january 30th 2009 and avatar came out december 18th 2009. james cameron i know what you did anyway this episode ends of the [ __ ] dying so that's nice otherwise it's predictable and just a lame standalone story you've seen a million times before episode 16 is weird because suddenly we're back on christos which is where the first part of the clone wars movie took place and ventress is here and so is that squid ship that abducted rada the hud and ahsoka isn't here wait a minute is this a prequel yes yes it is this brings us to another really weird aspect of clone wars the episodes aren't in order i have no idea why this is i can only assume they thought of little preludes or bookends to some of the stories they already made and they just went ahead and made them well okay this is a decent prelude to the clone wars movie i guess here we see a clone trooper named slick betray the republic and help ventress which i found bizarre as a kid based on what attack of the clones told me i always assumed the clones were perfect soldiers who never disobeyed orders but then again this came from the movie that didn't give the clones personalities i'm fine with this minor retcon in the series because it makes for such compelling characters it's interesting to see a clone betray his cause even though this is what he was bred for they go further with this concept in a season 2 episode but we'll get to that later let me just say all the props to d bradley baker for consistently giving every clone a different inflection in their voice despite them all being the same person it's not an easy feat to make them all sound different but i think that just shows how talented he is as a voice actor that he manages to make them all feel like their own separate characters i can tell that the clone who polishes his weapons is much more timid and orderly based on his voice this bad boy clone who doesn't play by the rules has a certain gruffness to him compared to his brothers it's really good stuff you know what i could use right now a plot about a killer virus we don't get nearly enough of those these days good thing clone wars is here to deliver this episode is insanely tense introducing the stereotypical mad doctor who's honestly kind of a blast to watch he wants to poison naboo using the infamous blue shadow virus so it's up to anakin ahsoka obi-wan padme and jar jar to stop him jar jar bad but it's still a really fun intense race against the clock with all these bombs the episode seems to resolve this plotline pretty well but uh oh the virus goes off in the next episode thanks to a little evil droid how much do you want to bet that this episode's original script had jar jar sending off the bomb accidentally i'm sure that was at least considered before the writers realized that they were going too far in a few places this episode is also really good with anakin and obi-wan traveling to the planet that has the angels remember the angels here's one now it's very glowy and stuff they came here to get the cure for the blue shadow virus but they have a rather unique conflict to deal with when a series of killer lasers prevents anyone from leaving the planet there's also this boy who reprogrammed a bunch of battle droids that anakin promptly kills which is pretty funny have i mentioned this show is pretty funny by the way the jokes usually land pretty well if they're not involving jar jar or some other annoying side characters the main characters have great banter with each other however plus there's other comedy machines like hondo or the actual machines that being the battle droids sometimes their jokes are a little tonally out of place but for the most part i like that they have a ton of personality as well they were never gonna be a massive threat so this show smartly turns them into comic relief anyway can you believe it they saved padme and jar jar i couldn't believe it because i didn't watch revenge of the sith before this just kidding i did i don't know how they managed to get everyone out without the virus getting airborne but i guess it doesn't really matter because apparently obi-wan and anakin are vaccinated anakin is certainly much more quick to anger in this episode because his padawan and lovers lives are on the line but i honestly think he was a little too chill considering that this show is very smart with anakin becoming more and more unstable as the series goes on so it makes sense for him at the beginning of the series to not completely lose his cool yet episode 19 is the start of a three-part arc all about the siege of ryloth as the jedi attempt to liberate the twilight people starting with the separatist blockade ahsoka is put in command of a mission for the first time and she gets her entire squad destroyed guess axe got the axe this of course weighs heavily on her and it's because of this guilt and retrospection that this is the first episode where ahsoka feels like a great character not just tolerable or inoffensive like she was in the jedi crash arc or the blue shadow virus arc or mildly good like she was in the episode with luminara and ventress but a really strong well-written character for the first time we get to see her really grapple with the consequences of her mistake and heavily consider the true price of war her actions and not listening to her commanders have consequences and she has to deal with the consequences it's pretty heavy stuff for a padawan learner even one as capable as she is and it contributed to a really compelling story where she wasn't sure if she could trust her own judgment in battle anakin's continued faith in her however is really inspiring and her unorthodox tactics managed to win the day and redeem her previous failures that and anakin's brilliant gambit of using his ship as a battering ram against a giant space donut overall this is an incredibly strong episode probably my favorite of the entire season right up there with destroy malevolence and rookies honestly though this ryloth arc kind of peaks in the beginning and gradually gets weaker as it goes not to say that the second episode is bad not at all it's still really good focusing on two clones named waxer and boyle who find this young twee like girl all alone while on a scouting mission this ties into what i said earlier about rookies i get really invested in clone trooper's stories when an episode focuses on a few of them and it's no different here this little girl is the perfect representation of the innocence of ryloth and her presence does wonders and getting us invested in this conflict there's some solid action and suspense featuring obi-wan and his troops and the ending of this episode is just really heartwarming the finale of ryloth is definitely inferior compared to the previous two episodes first thing wrong with it is the jedi involved is mace windu who is still kind of a boring [ __ ] just like he is in the prequels i guess that's another character they didn't really fix in this show this episode is mainly about fixing the relationship between the ryloth freedom fighters leader and the twee lex senator on fritta but do we really want to see the two of these guys make amends i mean onfreeta is kind of a class traitor look at him living it up on coruscant with his big valley and his harem while the rest of his people have to scrape by during the separatist occupation and then the separatist leader for this episode is wat tambor and he is kind of a dumb the only good thing about him is this scene and attack of the clones where he had a moment i guess it's kind of funny that he gets left behind because he was too carried away with hoarding treasures like the ark of the covenant but that makes it so that he is a less intimidating presence than the two villains that were under him in the previous two episodes and one of them was just a generic droid so yeah this episode is kind of meh you can just pretend that the ending of the last episode meant ryloth was saved hooray and now we come to the season finale hostage crisis some bounty hunter named cad bain takes control of the senate building and holds senators for ransom unless palpatine frees zero the hut yeah remember zero from the movie apparently we weren't done with him and thank god for that because this moment it's so happens out here oh my god i don't know why but that clone saying oh my god is just so hysterical to me anyway on the same day cad bane is pulling these shenanigans anakin is on vacation and he's chilling at padme's office he gives her his lightsaber to prove his devotion to her and probably for sexual reasons but unfortunately that means he doesn't have it when the senate building goes on lockdown speaking of which that's another thing there aren't nearly enough stories about lunatics storming the senate building thank god clone wars has got us covered there as well now as a kid i thought this was the coolest episode ever and cab bane was the coolest guy ever well the latter thing is probably still true i mean this plan is just so badass and well thought out and it cements this guy as an awesome villain but nowadays i feel like this episode is held back by anakin's sheer incompetence when he doesn't have his lightsaber i just don't find it realistic at all that he can't beat these bounty hunters despite having the force like the force can do a lot of things and if he really needs a weapon he can just use the force to grab a blaster from them so yeah that's really distracting and weird but aside from that this is a really cool episode and season finale i imagine palpatine would just have loved to use the force to break himself out of his prison but on frittata or as we like to call him t-money just had to show off in his office right on cue like it's a sitcom and the two of them are stuck together palpatine is in a rare moment of helplessness and there's something so cathartic about someone outsmarting palpatine while we know he's a sith lord mastermind he still has to keep that on the down low and act all chancellor-e which makes it neat to see other characters get the upper hand over him even though they don't know that they're dealing with a sith lord it's a really fun shift in the usual power dynamics there wouldn't have been any other bounty hunter more capable of pulling off such an elaborate plan than cad bane he is definitely the best original villain to come out of this show and disney needs to put him in more things like seriously how has he not shown up in the mandalorian he would fit right in and so would hondo make it happen disney so yeah that's season one of the clone wars kind of a mixed bag for sure a lot of episodes still feel very geared towards kids but there are plenty of signs of maturity and evolution for the series here and there i think the biggest takeaway is that most of the episodes most of them are a lot better than the movie which was really just an awful first impression but yeah for the most part the animation is improved and to this day looks really good for a 3d animated tv show from 2008. the action looks pretty solid and fluid and the characters just get better as the season goes on ahsoka has some tangible development here and by the end of this rewatch i remembered exactly what made her one of my favorite star wars characters even if her best episodes are still yet to come anakin is an incredibly enjoyable protagonist now and his banter with ahsoka and especially obi-wan is a delight the clones and the previously background jedi feel like actual characters now there's a ton of great new characters yeah overall it's not a bad season despite some of its tonal flaws and excess of jar jar who even then isn't nearly as bad as he is in the phantom menace every time we do a collab he says everything i could possibly say in the conclusion and then i have nothing to add clone wars good good call my young padawan however you do get the honors of saying which episodes our loyal fan base at home should watch from this season and which ones they can skip since clone wars has the benefit of not forcing its viewers to watch every single episode in order to experience its story take it away oh boy alright ambush is a must watch not so much because it's important to the overall story but because it's a nice wholesome introduction to the overall tone of this series and it's one of the only times yoda gets focused on in the entire series the malevolence arc is solid overall with just a weak middle it's not a must watch but there's still a lot to enjoy here rookies you absolutely must watch not only does it flesh out the clones but the stories of fives and echo are very important in the future skip droid arc maybe just watch the r3 and r2 fight on youtube the gunray arc is interesting because it's very loosely connected so don't bother watching the jar jar one if you don't want to the ahsoka and kit fisto ones are pretty cool though likewise the dooku captured arc is pretty solid as long as you fast forward the jar jar scenes in the second episode or watch them i don't care either way at least watch the first part because you get to meet hando the lemur village two part arc is unnecessary but decent skip the snowy avatar episode there's nothing important in it maybe watch the traitor clone episode it is an entertaining one but you don't have to watch the movie afterwards the blue shadow virus arc is unnecessary but we still enjoyed it still you might not be in the mood for it right now so it's totally skippable the first two episodes of the rydeloth arc are pretty significant you should definitely watch them the third not so much and the season finale is definitely very important to check out plus it's very entertaining see you next time for season two it can only go up from here may the force be with you and tell me if i missed any named clones in the comments we'll get em next time i'll tell you what you missed while you were saying which episodes the people at home should watch r3 showed back up and stole all of our private data oh no he actually did something competent if only there was a way to protect our private data so that this never happens again oh wait there is you can use surfshark vpn an incredible product that encrypts your data and protects you online surfsharkvpn allows you to access geo-restricted content meaning you can trick your browser into thinking you're in 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Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 716,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, Star Wars, Star Wars The Clone Wars, Clone Wars, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Yoda, Rex, R2-D2, C-3PO, Padme, Cad Bane, Palpatine, Count Dooku, General Grievous
Id: dneEOotTETI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 16sec (2296 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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