Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (N64) Part 1 - James & Mike Mondays

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all right today we're gonna play star wars shadow of the empire on n64 29 years of the FI and I got the Nintendo power issue we got the poster we're all set we're ready to go so let me say that I'm very familiar with this game as I played it when it came out and it was one of my favorite games on the n64 but I need a little time to get used to it here because I have not played it in a long long time so the C buttons changed all the angles which is really cool um I don't think I had a favorite angle I think I liked switching around keep it interesting yes oh it's C right then you could do this one this one like when are you gonna ever this is a little disorienting here so usually I just keep it on this when this one came out I remember there was a an article Nintendo Power where they were talking about the launch titles coming up for the n64 and they were talking about this game was a huge deal that this wasn't just gonna be a game this was actually there's gonna be a book on this there was comic books and like yeah this whole like I do remember that yeah and even George Lucas said that he considered this like not that he came up with it but he was like this is something he would have done in Star Wars that this this actually is considered canon in a way I wonder if he still thinks that like if you asked him that today yeah well you know what this was happening at a really exciting time in Star Wars because this was right before it was like the 20th anniversary almost 20th anniversary of the you know the first movie yeah and we were talking about we were hearing a lot about the special edition coming out and then we were gonna get three new Star Wars movies and this was kind of like I thought that this was going to be the movie actually like I thought phantom s was gonna be shadows the Empire and what I was with some not Beth Perry would have been but this I do have to clarify this takes place around the time of this is Empire Strikes Back right battle Hoth but it takes place in between Empire and Jedi I kind of like this stage right now is probably happening during Empire Strikes Back but some of the later stage is coming up probably it's like a science story going on since isn't actually an episode in itself it's kind of like a side story with the this guy - render or render I like the thing that is render like when you render and final cut over you know it felt like playing the movie basically this was the first time where I really felt immersed in a Star Wars game I'm probably gonna crash pretty soon but I'll play serious once Wheaton was like to get back up maybe this views a little bit easier there we go okay now it's probably gonna go to the part where you type with the tow cables yeah yeah stage three okay so there's different stages within the movie called guess or old page three of stage one I guess that's a limit yeah yeah and I'm trying to think of you alright so I'm gonna do the tow cables they should be calling these sections sections or something there this this part took some time to get used to remember when when I first played it how do you release the tow cable but not the trigger oh oh oh my the way I have to say we were just took them out though remember we were playing sight bike 64 lat I made a mistake I want I want to say that underneath on the bottom of the n64 controller that's called the trigger yeah I was calling the things on the top and right triggers those aren't triggers those are actually shoulder but shoulder buds so excuse me I always just called it rnl oh yeah that's what I call it officially are now but I think I was calling triggers and they're their shoulder button I think I said that I said like right trigger hit the right because we didn't know like you know you in the middle of playing a game the first thing come to mind Oh also like the thing is this week when we were playing this we weren't like on the internet and all that when you can like look it up I guess in the instruction manual it prolly says like shoulder button or whatever but you know what I never looked at the instruction I mean I just like put the [ __ ] game in who can play it you take it cuz the last thing you want to do is read something it's like reading [ __ ] is like I don't know nobody wants things struck it's like school you know real men don't use instructions yeah um wait doesn't that say that in the home improvement yeah they they don't use Enda well it like blocks out the instructions all right here we go see you gotta really get the tow cable too far away right but you also can't want to get too close definitely no I'm gonna lose it CL awesome it definitely takes a little time to get used to this [ __ ] from the bottom looks like a stingray does keep enemy anyway that's what they designed them off if I may be so hey face I just want to get rid of that guy oh oh [ __ ] oh my god all right I got to do this all right he's gone I think now I'm gonna take out the Walker well they're both walkers you know the names of each of the walkers I think those like a TST and 8080 yeah all right here we go yeah all right all right so it took the only two got down one ahem there's more ah do I take down the rest sure yeah all right [ __ ] a TST Imperial Walker hmm yes James we're gonna die how do you release it Oh tricky you ask the trigger you gotta be in the right spot it doesn't just come out on its own so oh that's all right it'll take us a little bit you know get used to it turn to battle shut up well if it was big rigs it would just let you keep on going and going and going and going oh I didn't know me not to that one way to take him out though I did a review on what the hell's in a more Star Wars Force Unleashed which was pretty decent game our Force Unleashed to actually is is the one but that's more like you're going around with a you're like a Jedi and you're going around like a lightsaber I set the title the new movie the force awakens what name in the new movie what did you think of the trailer are the teaser trailer to the new movie you know what I really think I mean obviously I'm completely open mind to see this movie when it comes out I'm not following a lot of the hype or anything I just want to be surprised when it comes out yeah yes I'm excited to see you know original cast members in it and everything of course I welcome a new Star Wars movie but really tell you the truth the way I just think of the Star Wars movies in general is I really can't get it through my head that anything happens after Return of the Jedi because to me return the Jedi is the ending to the whole story well yeah and I can't I just can't see anything I could see like side stories and things that take place in between all the thing is I think what you're saying I think that's the truth but they don't care about that because they want to make more Star Wars movies because it's a popular that's the thing you have to kind of you have to kind of just forget about that yeah that's that's a problem I have with it is that in doing it just to make another Star Wars movie yeah when really I think that it ruins it because it ruins that the whole ending to the store I mean yeah some you know disagree and be like oh well there's there's stories that happen after and everything but it's like now to me Star Wars is is that originally George Lucas I believe wrote a 12-part serial because I'm supposed to be like a flower but first it was one movie then then you start here in its three movies then you started six movies then you start here it's nine well I know how we're here it's twelve always oh I've always thought that it would be twelve because because like the flash board yeah the reels were like twelve parts two rows so it always made sense to me that it that you know if they could make all the Star Wars movies it would be twelve yeah but if they made twelve I guarantee you then they're gonna say oh originally he had 24 if they ever did more than 12 then I'd be like alright well don't make more than twelve oh I know that I know that they will but I think in my opinion the most that's okay with me is twelve if you go beyond twelve [ __ ] you good yeah it's me it's it's six but then again you know to me it's three it's the first three movies that yeah and to be honest with you my favorite is still epic episode 4 the movie that came out in 1977 is my favorite so to me really it's one it was one movie no one really wanted a star war it was called [ __ ] Star Wars it was it wasn't a new hope it didn't say Episode four when it first came out you know when it began a new hope they released it after Empire Strikes Back in 1988 in 1981 I think it was they released it for theaters because they yeah exactly because when he wrote Empire Strikes Back and I can I can relate to this because I totally make sense that when you have a story in your head you it always expands when you when you write more because when I was doing the snicks movies the same thing happened where I had one story but then it turned into well wait actually I can see things happening before this I could see things happening after this right then you actually make a backstory then you make like a you know the rest when he was writing the sequel Empire Strikes Back which was going to be Star Wars to imagine that that came out with Star Wars - that's what was gonna happen but then he got into the story so much that he started thinking like wow well there could be all this anymore and everything but yeah he starts thinking of the backstory to it and then he thought you know this actually happens somewhere in the middle I'd say this is like episode 5 actually it's kind of like making it up as he went along well he did but it would have kept coming to him like Morrigan invented and so we kind of had this this rough idea of this whole story and this is this is number 5 right now he did he did say in an interview before Empire Strikes Back came out that you know he was concerned maybe people would be confused if there was episode 5 and where people wander over where's like you know 1 2 3 and 4 then so right it was like but they ended up doing it they ended up putting it out as episode 5 see what I always heard was that from is that he made like a short story treatment for episodes 1 through 6 and then he handed that to the movie studio and they picked episode 4 because they thought it was the most exciting there's probably some truth to that and maybe he did have kind of like a broad idea for the rest of it but he it was obviously made in the style even before it had an episode number it was made in a style of the Flash Gordon serials the air it would where it was kind of taking part of a chapter like you were saying exactly it begins with the same scroll they've done that before exact I don't know which flash corn cereal that where they did the scroll that that like goes into space or whatever but I think was there's one I think was first one didn't know that was just [ __ ] times the universe then maybe because the first one had just the flat text on the screen okay the Mars one had the flat tech is probably conquers the universe then so Star Wars was always made in this style of it being a film serial whereas if you tuned in late whereas if you know cuz when they would play the film serials and movie theaters it would be every Saturday they would play part of the story oh I never thought about that you think that that's what it was because if you came to the theater and they were already on Episode five or something like that you think that they did it kind of on purpose to make it yeah to make you feel that way unless you went to the theater every Saturday you can see all but it's interesting but it didn't matter you could turn on any Flash Gordon cereal and get right into it right that's the way that's true Star Wars Episode four begins it begins with the action it's like as if we just came back from a cliffhanger right that's like here it is here's this part but I don't think it was like we're making this one movie and then it got really successful and then it was like okay let's write all the rest of it now but so when Empire Strikes Back came out it became episode five and then returned the Jedi was episode six I think I just did it by the way yeah there we go I didn't even pay any attention to what was going I was trying to get the story straight I was killing 80s T and s DS and hey at least you were talking about Star Wars and we weren't talking about taking a [ __ ] for like 25 guys at least it was somewhat on topic yes at least it was on better than usual you know it was the worst thing in the special editions which I think makes everything else trivial as a whole when when Greedo shot first everything that you know to me that's so trivial compared to the worst thing they did was change the music at the end of Return of the Jedi that end music with the Ewoks is so classic why did they change that the whole thing with Han shot first and and whatever like none of that even exists because you know what [ __ ] Han shot and that was that and Greedo died there is no there was no first because we Greedo didn't shoot it was is it was a long shot han shot Greedo died imagine the end imagine if in a good the bad the ugly if Clint Eastwood didn't shoot first he would have been dead no that's what you're saying it wrong like there is no shoot first played first before the other guy kills you if that didn't even happen like in the original Star Wars han solo shot Guido Guido died that was it there was no first yeah first imply it was the other guy shot the other guy didn't issue if you're looking at that way like first means that someone had to had to go next yes right then what is what's the replacement word then first um he shot only he shot and killed him he shot only well the point he shot him before right he had the chance to shoot him and kill him right um but right I don't even think that's a big deal compared to the ewok music unto you I'm gonna change the Ewok music I thought I would turn the Jedi like that that was the worst change oh we got some value changes well what's going on the game here now we're we're on this next the area to or whatever and the game has gone from the Battle of Hoth and now we're in a third-person perspective we're a first-person for our first person if you there's no fourth person knife pressure it's one of those dudes but uh ice beast or whatever but WAPA beast Swampert Swampert that's what I call my cat is a wampa beast cuz she's white the cat is so white I just I know I'm trying to kill this thing maybe get some help blow up these things cuz they're gonna have probably health in them thank you thank you well know with what that you shoot him a bunch in that aura and I blow out a try let me get somewhere far away from it yeah you're right all right um would you try and do I'm gonna say no that's what I want to do I'm trying to duck oh yeah I don't know how to duck oh is it gonna be like diet on aware it's like oh hey or something I don't think I don't think anybody else does that [ __ ] it's down see ok are down see docks so that's how I shake this thing out yeah you're right all right you go blow up the boxes get some help all right to get some more health he had the laser power like goes down like you can want to shoot so much how would a laser don't work I don't know how does a light saber work like how does a light saber stop yeah a lot of people ask that how it stops I have no idea I mean I guess the answer is it's just not real but uh some people say it's the force you know which one that makes me wonder if someone who do is not a Jedi uses a lightsaber what would happen think about um in the 1977 Star Wars movie when Luke Skywalker is being you know the first time he turns on the light saber it's like it's like short well he didn't know how to use the Force yet but then again obi-wan was in the room with him so maybe obi-wan who's good at keeping it under control worm I don't know so we're assuming that if some what if somebody if you didn't have obi-wan in the room if nobody was super if no Jedi was supervising it or if you weren't a Jedi at all yourself then what would happen is you'd start up and we'll go right through the CLI yeah okay all right so here's here's my dilemma here so I went into this dark room here you go that way and basically so there's nothing in here well not that I can see cuz it's dark as [ __ ] so there might be something in here but I think we pretty much did everything with these ledges that we can okay I don't remember getting lost when I used to play this but then again I wasn't talking about the changes in the special editions because that didn't happen yet all right so I've been here apparently you leave a trail of dead bodies in these games that's how you know where you've been here's my ship again go to the other end of this car go back um we've it maybe I go to the ship was a great angle this is tough oh my god oh you can moonwalk alright maybe do need to go into that room with those wampas maybe there's like a switch or something oh yeah Wow I remembered where it was that quick alright let's see what happens to me to die oh god stop you're killing these [ __ ] guys Oh God run run move around don't just stay there oh can I open the door now too dumb Oh God Oh God oh yeah keep your do keep your distance I remember this too it takes a million shots to kill these guys alright so they definitely use all the C's which is cool I got more seekers not really anything in here huh maybe we do have to go back to where that bridge egg was tell like let's explore this a little more it's like nowhere to go I mean I can't even see where I am there isn't one speck of light on the screen yeah damn don't go back there don't go back that's the one I was just trying to eliminate like which one's out again oh yeah this is this is where that leads to oh that whole room with the ships right um but me going that Remedios you know what let me finish this room off guys want to make sure there's nothing left in this room cuz yeah what about the end of this hallway yeah I don't think actually this is where I started I think it's like where it starts you off at yeah um alright I'm gonna check this side of the you know what I'm thinking I just won't turn the [ __ ] brightness up on the TV and let's go pack yeah yep okay so I think we've seen everything in here what are we doing let's see if it's if it tells us in here get the power it's already Kings I'm gonna cut something out of this or something I have no idea why I did that I was a jackass [ __ ] I hate it when you do that as a kid you cut something and of course it's the section of the yeah what what do I cut out anyway it doesn't even look like there was anything there because the whole waffles and everything and say where we are oh my god it's probably hard we need I cut it out just to be a dick um for my future self like there's there's one part I'm gonna need in like 10 years or in 50 years now it cut it up because [ __ ] [ __ ] me exactly it was it's probably been at least 15 years which seems like I look at this I'm an [ __ ] why'd I cut that out and literally it's the actual part of a robbery oh my god yeah I mean this is this is where I remember the game continuing but I don't I don't remember this pitch-black room that you can't see you would turn the brightness up yeah all right we're gonna turn the brightness up on the TV oh there yeah contrast up to that's a lot better okay oh yeah look at this we just turned the brightness up on our TV and now we can uh we can see pretty clearly now look at this oh my God look that's not a [ __ ] problem I guy over TV was on [ __ ] black dude oh you know I was it's oh okay who stays it was like good walk down one hallway after that yeah so the whole problem was your TV was too dark yeah well I'm glad it wasn't us it was a TV there we go it's the Imperial 80s T Walker this is an 80s - yeah Oh God whoa all right it's at 99% you're doing well okay okay um go out there and shoot it and use a seeker all right 98 percent and you're at 30 Ralph damn how am I gonna kill this thing without it killing me alright there's a whole section right here about the 80s t this section right here okay what so well did I cut it out it's cut out wait it's up there well there's some of it I can read some of it try to maneuver yourself behind him and blast his head and neck from the rear basically just stay behind the thing I'm gonna try what I'm getting from it and stay blind I'll have a secret left [ __ ] oh wow that was quick like this is missing me behind him right now shoot up right now like that and now stay behind him just keep the only way yeah just keep doing this it's where you need a wide screen to see happening there you go yeah there you go you gotta keep them honest all right he's at 89% yeah there we go that's it that's what you got I remove just couple good shots like that how [ __ ] um intense would it be to be fighting against this big thing by yourself there yeah well it's what we're doing right now what do you mean how intense would it be you all of this you are doing it right now no all right you got him down to 69% what number am I thinking of 69 dude okay oh it's so hard to get behind him [ __ ] the hardest things that I have to shoot up to so I can't even just here oh wait no you can't choose legs I'm Kenya okay that's really what doesn't seem like it's doing it 65 wasn't that like an hour ago when we were talking about 69 6261 all right oh my god I'm most halfway Hey Wow if I leave this part unedited the whole [ __ ] video I don't feel a twinge already why do you edit the videos because they be long as [ __ ] you do really worry do you really want to sit and watch us do like three and a half hours of James shooting this thing's [ __ ] legs and not everything we say is that funny either it's like you know cut it down into four parts it would be it would be like three hours of a little actually a couple comments sometimes people like I don't care if it's funny or not just show footage I'll sit for three hours and watch it it's like memory Mon maybe you would but you know what the majority of people I do not have like four hours or so sit and watch us get from 62% of 58 oh [ __ ] oh my god [ __ ] you
Channel: Cinemassacre
Views: 1,432,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars: Shadows Of The Empire (Video Game), Nintendo 64 (Video Game Platform), Nintendo (Video Game Developer), Star Wars (Film Series), Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (Film), Shooter Game (Media Genre), Platform Game (Video Game Genre), Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi (Film), George Lucas (Celebrity), The Angry Video Game Nerd (TV Program), Cinemassacre Productions, Nintendo Entertainment System (Video Game Platform)
Id: kpt9faBMOgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 05 2015
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