Universal Studios Theme Park Adventure (Part 1) James & Mike Mondays

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all right so you brought this game over it's a universal theme park game and actually when I first saw this I just saw eat up on there I didn't even realize that and I saw the t-rex and the DeLorean I thought this was et meets Back to the Future meets Jurassic Park but then I realized it's a universal theme park game yeah and I am very curious what this could be I played it like ten years ago or so and from what I remember you just kind of walk around the theme park and sort of visit attractions like jaws is in it and you miss a woodpecker apparently would yeah it just says you go behind the theme park rides and into an amazing realm of stuff so let's check this out ha okay Woody Woodpecker is flying the [ __ ] DeLorean this is gonna be great oh my god they just showed fire cuz that that whole courtyard burned down one time Oh was that what they were trying to do I don't think so I can be totally wrong but hasn't won this before that hat it isn't there that movie that's like about like fire that was like popular oh okay I got your back dress yeah maybe before getting that if they showed the firefighter run by but it was just weird cuz like that's one of the first things you think you just see they just showed the clock tower fire come and I never thought about that that a lot of that backlot got just burned down but there still is a lot of it that uh as far as I know the clock tower still is there everything I would have never thought about like is the last time I played this game was before that yeah and have you have you wrote on the King Kong ride I did it's not there anymore it burned down okay I've been to Universal Studios in California and then I've been to the one in Florida so I've been to I've been to both of them have you had did you go to both of I have yeah the one Florida I wasn't at for very long as it was part of a class trip yeah in high school the one in uh Hollywood I've been to a couple times I was there when I was like 15 years old when you know a family trip yeah and I remember I was just so caught up in the magic of making movies and stuff I was like I want to come here one day and make a movie and a big big thing in the back of my head was this is where all the universal monster movies were filmed so that was like a big you know thing for me I thought it was so funny with the et ride because you're standing in line and I remember standing in this line for like three hours to go on this [ __ ] et ride so you're waiting in line and then you get to the front of the line and before you go on the ride there's like et there and it was always at the end they take your name before you get here like okay James okay Mike then we get on the ride right and then at the end of the ride you're okay so there's probably like 20 people in this in this thing or whatever and you're going by you're going by e tu NE CET finally at the end by James goodbye Mike goodbye John goodbye he has to get through them all like really number one of my friends one time he liked cuz I remember in the beginning it's like a almost like a recorded thing oh yeah I think we're like you just say your name and he said like [ __ ] you or something so at the end one et's wave and all the kids are going he's like by Bob by Jason bah [ __ ] you let me get fairness because like dad is like looking over oh my god I see I don't remember it being the thing where you talking to I took like wrote it down maybe they started writing it a baby did that maybe that's why it oh you know what I'm playing a Zelda link between worlds yeah and then of course I put in like [ __ ] Ian or something and it says inappropriate language cannot be used oh really times have changed Wow it's like now notice they they make it so like every once in a while when you play it's like you should take a break yeah yeah but that's other side when I want to take a [ __ ] break it's like it's like they're trying to do the parenting like for you baby it's like how about let your parents do depan then yeah okay so I'm controlling this this kid maybe I guess go maybe forward towards having a good time just talking to random PA yeah there we go this is gonna be one of those games where the perspective is like shitty man yeah that's like an early two-thousands game I think there's no camera movement so far or anything like that I don't even know what just happened it just cuff you're like all the way down there so you gotta like um oh are you serious I'm way down there oh there I am okay here I come here I come oh my god and that's like a totally different perspective again oh my god it's like it's like everything's like a Sergio Leone oh it looks pretty from the Black Lagoon shake his hand alright I shook the creatures hand hit the rumble facts but he's like he's like grabbing the kid come on let's see some rides yeah well this is they're trying to make it realistic like we get a walk around the park yeah maybe get to go to that go get this motion picture manager I bet that's gotta be sound or not all right that's a fetcher still anything up there's woody I'm having a great time let me know whenever you want to try subtraction well now exactly yes oh I had I'm not yet you think it would be on okay first here we are well oh I wanted to do that some horses this part of the movie yeah so it's basically like instead of him going into the et ride it's kind of like he's living the game is that that's what the whole idea of theme park is like this is where you ride the movies and he's literally doing him right it's like some kid who's just living his dream basically now I'm honestly kind of stuck you're all right I got I gotta hit those things like annually and Excitebike it's real the controls really bad oh come on you're almost flying okay I got to figure ah how like what is wrong with it it's really bad yeah yeah ah [ __ ] there you go alright here we go let's do one yeah oh what the [ __ ] are you doing - eating ow oh not doing something that yes it gave me something this is just awful let's try this out oh my god try this so what do you hit the god oh my god you're right Oh your whole day yeah oh my god what the [ __ ] is up with these controls why would they make it like this [ __ ] California games or whatever have better controls in this it did the BMX yeah the BMX like part that's what this reminds me of except not as good there we go what the [ __ ] this is awful come on all right I'm getting a little bit better at it yeah it's like one of those things that takes you a little bit of time too yeah used to it this et thing it's just it's exactly what you'd expect it to be you're on the bike and then you go into the sky and yeah that's kind of they didn't really put much thought into it let's play some other Universal movies you know when I went to Universal and when I was 15 I I remember I just all I wanted was I wanted the whole thing to just be Universal Monsters that's all I would have been happy if everything not looking at the diner we're gonna eat oh yeah Mel's I don't the thing is like I don't know where [ __ ] I'm going here this map is like hmm I'm just like this is just a brain-dead idea right here you just wanna see our overhead without his jaws yeah that's there that the tiger shark like they always they probably still have that I don't know it's too many people once thanks man I remember that about this game like I think you have to do them like in order so really is a might have fun like what for another ride first oh no do we have to like beat that et game um I don't know hmm I don't think it's too bad though let's just try to go all right this is just awful the way this map is yeah people should throw garbage in garbage cans that's pure common sense oh that's all I says you know it's like this is a game where you don't want to talk to anybody like there there's games where you kind of you know you get hints from people and you and you you want to hear what they have to say and story unfolds but this is just like our I just give me the next ride there's another one where I can't get to it yet look at this [ __ ] perspective you're just you're like a tiny little ant on the screen and you have to go so far into the background to like get to the next thing the cave look there you are you're all the way back there it's so bad it's kind of that same problem that Highlander game had yeah it's very similar that there were a lot of games I had the same kind of trouble and alone in the dark um what would this be called like this issue um there's a creature again huh uh I'm not sure really like it's just camera angles just bad camera angles oh here this tells the difference yeah it looks like well oh one University letters no no I don't think that helps us I think you have to unlock another maybe maybe we can add an I really don't know I'm just hoping we can get onto prime what do you think maybe we had to do better at the easy thing let's see what this says he had too many people so it's just like real life where there's long lines are you lie today I routed that I didn't think that would be included in the game you have to stand in a long line and plus is that how you want to advertise the park anyway hey come and stand in some long lines yeah that's the word anyway they can do yeah you want to forget about the lines until you you know you get there by the way the water will stunt show was awesome really yeah it's better than the movie oh it's actually a lot better than the movie the stunt show why can't I isn't that what he wept back here back there why can't I talk to him and there's all these [ __ ] people in the way and I can't even get to woody like can you see if you can talk to me cuz I won't know the way we got somebody from the water will stunt show it in the nerd movie has one of the main characters oh really Helena Barrett boom yeah that's what happens in the stunt show are you serious that it then we just say oh my God look all those empty seats by the way they're not advertising this part sucks um all right well at least we have to look at that instead I haven't seen on a line never think you would say that when you're playing a game like oh we might have to stand oh there's a long line for that for hide it it's a video game it seems like we have to beat that et game before we even get to if we can even find ET again yeah all right so I guess let's just try ET and see if it unlocks anything I was the line now you see a wait are you serious you know that line is not long by the way like if you actually went to the bar wait like five minutes maybe there's too many people really like that that is nothing so that's clear there is really a line that was if there was a line like that I'd be like oh nice the line show yeah you just stand there it's not like where it wraps around behind the ride and go back and when I went on ET in real life I had to wait through three tents in the hot Sun yeah and it was like a three-hour wait cause it was like a brand new thing at the time if that would have been the [ __ ] line that would have been the best thing ever but [ __ ] Woody Woodpecker is telling you that you know sorry too many people there's like four people on line that's too many [ __ ] [ __ ] just go left or right again picked up garbage picked up some garbage oh that's great let's go to universal beam park pick up some garbage if you're a kid and you're visiting Universal Studios why would you have to pick up garbage that's like the job of the people that work at the park it's like like then the games not advertised like be an employee at Universal theme park it's know being be a visitor it's the worst [ __ ] advertisement if you come to Universal Studios there's gonna be a long lines you got a pickup Joe out of it you got to pick up garbage for us we're not gonna do that Moria and you think we're really popular no come to our Waterworld shell because nobody's there next thing's gonna be like would you like to scrub like paint the walls okay so there's a long a long nine of every ride and we think we need to be et just so we need to find the other rides I guess I mean apparently there's like back draft and back to the future which we haven't seen yet and and some other ones so we need to just like the problem is this map is so bad that it's like hard to figure out where to go try going or lack of a map yeah not even map I'll go to this guy's I'll go on and get the be sure to get the garbage online yeah all right that's great great great great great great thanks which way was I have no sense of direction which I think along go towards us I get that garbage waitwhat that's awful okay so you're so I'm going I'm going this direction right towards the camera so for that I'm hitting down on you know on the bank down down forward and then then I get here now if I I continue to hit down it takes you back you know yeah so when we get her to reorient yeah the controls changed now I gotta hit forward yeah oh that's terrible you're constantly changing the direction that you're trying to move ah and a lot of times you start out in the background not just the background you don't even it far background you don't even know baby knows where you're facing because well you don't even know you that you're in the background sometimes you can't even see yourself like Where's Waldo it's like find yourself you start out and you're just like a little speck I got some garbage yay I just want to see the [ __ ] Back to the Future ride or like it stands in the line at least I got a letter maybe we write the futures maybe we have to like walk around the [ __ ] Park and get all this garbage in these letters and then maybe it'll let us like ride but yeah I mean it's a good point that we haven't even seen where the backs of future rod is yeah where is it or I have to at least city didn't we see the dress at Park one we did but if the line was too long and what he was like huh you can't do that right now I mean I wouldn't even know where am I gonna get and you're way way back there I don't know I don't see it I don't know where you are you're sort of the writer behind the bushes back draft today I'm right about the back oh of course look at the line yeah [ __ ] come on I want to play something without now that other area let me get to a new area though yeah that took all day yeah wait did I do I see back the future not cool well you found it I don't know why we had so much trouble finding and I'm not surprised by the way what the [ __ ] what do we have to do and it's not like we can go on et to like do better at et like that's not what you do I've been collecting garbage and I've been collecting letters I've been a good boy I've been collecting garbage I've been cleaning up the whole par now I'm doing yeah I'll eat can't imagine that you're like this nice kid you're cleaning up the damn Park for them and they won't even like let you on a [ __ ] ride they won't let you get in the line remember how you were saying like you know your favorite thing about the whole thing it's like the Universal Monsters where's the monster maker then yeah guess what yeah I'm thinking going I'm not surprised you can't go in anything any think of this how disappointing is that this is so confusing oh boy we gotta get on another ride we only went on et that was it why are all these line so long why can't I just go on them they're not long we just can't get it up well you know if you can't get in the wall why why why are the lines I'm so [ __ ] I just want to go like on back to the future and like jaws and then we could turn the [ __ ] game off you know this game sucks this is the hot phone we can't we can't get on a single thing and the thing is like I'm actually like with some games I would just turn it off but this is like I actually want to like see what these [ __ ] rides on I mean it's a tease it's like hey you like Jurassic Park you like back to the future et well [ __ ] you all here you just can't play it like if we spell out Universal Studios maybe it'll let us go on to lay back sounds like a bonus thing like like you like the letters you know that doesn't even sound like it's not fun either cuz cuz the angles are so bad it's just like I can't even see the letters like half the time they're like in the background they're like a little dot and it's low you're like lucky to even find them I've never seen actually seen it I always see when you get it yeah then it comes up I just like to run into it so much yeah yeah I don't really it's like by accident I love a great seat yeah exactly like a glass garbage that's garbage so those weren't like a letter it's like some like greasy like wrapping from like the french fries or something it's like he's just picking up all these pork yeah he's probably gonna get a disease we throw the stuff away through a garbage it's not five thousand points now we're sure getting some points but look at what the [ __ ] how do we get on something how would getting garbage make the line go down anyway like you fat like if that is the right thing to do like what does it have to do with making a lion go I yeah I still don't get like say that was like would you just go all right here play from Izzard look at the instruction manual a good score would be if it's of red okay um it's fine by me we got a bad score how do we play another game and II pass allows you to enter any attraction but you can only use it once think long and hard about where you want to use it wait so you only get one ticket wait a minute that can't be right huh that's what says epass Annie Pass allows you to enter any attraction but you can only use it once think long and hard is it there's got to be ways to get more passes well what if we reset the game and then just use the wait point all points okay says like hats unlike a pass a hat gives you unlimited access to specific attraction so how do we get that that's what we're trying to figure out like we have points I don't have it if you don't have a map get one back at the park entrance so the park engines all right we have some kind of helpful all right all right we need to talk to people I guess I have a really bad habit of just walking back in the same direction because it just Aletta controls on these like fixed camera angles are it's just a terrible terrible idea after your own voice be sure to talk to Woody Woodpecker after your end points talk to me look bad guys hey do you want to exchange your point yes yeah okay which one do you want oh here we go let's go into the future don't back the future is that what it means that if you have the cap and you can go on as many times you want apparently Wow all right do you still want to exchange your points no no more come back again thank you thank you thanks why do you have to do all this alright so put on a different hat Oh jersey thing um go to item and put on like the jaws hat and let's go to [ __ ] Jaws jaws let's go in finally alright so we've been running around we got the jaws hat so that we can get back to the jaws ride you can't get in here because there are too many people hey the item you're wearing gives you unlimited access to this attraction what do you want to do get oh damn right do you want to go in uh yeah why does Woody Woodpecker [ __ ] with you like that I was about to have a heart attack I don't see anybody else in that line wearing jaws sharp yes a day getting on yeah you remember uh remember when you went to Universal Studios as a kid remember when you had to put up a [ __ ] shark on your head just like it remember there was a line of five people but they wouldn't let you in the line unless you have a shark on your head remember when you had to talk to Woody Woodpecker before you know how you two get on the ride alright so we throw because that's what they did in the movie you remember that man there you go throw it at him almost you weren't quick enough yeah I pick him another barrel yeah yeah now check it a Jaws according to the radar I think he's gonna be yeah here their throats right what it didn't I mean trucks coming he's coming get the barrel yeah try I think he's gonna go that he's on he's on he's over there he's gonna be on side there you go oh I think he I don't have enough okay you hit him that time I think really that was a bad throw I guess like it worked all right the tall guy off right the top yeah the front row at a time oh man [ __ ] jaws off the starboard bow oh here comes all right get him yeah all right got him that time all right from from the boat from here we go here we go right Errol's hmm this kid's gonna die back of the boat now yep that's the side here he comes joy it oh ah so that the kid we're gonna die is out of that he's going on are you actually gonna show this kid die dead intent did it didn't did it and then then and then another show me the way to go home mom tardy and I wanna get a beer but did you fall into that pit I guess at the end of it huh hey how do you how would you get out I think I'm glitched it's a glitch even jaws sucks at this cuz we can't even eat the kid oh my god let me let me talk you really I can't move it is glitched oh wait oh wait what oh wait I'm just kind of go yeah Oh double tap a really that's it I think all right yeah go throw it throw it throw the barrel I'll try damn the [ __ ] angle I mean the would it be nice to be able to control the camera yeah like if I could just spin it like [ __ ] you can do a turd Mario 64 that was like 96 we can do it zelda winwaker and that's a gamecube game and this was 2001 yeah it was plenty of [ __ ] examples of games where you do that here you go there you go oh all right so trying this one again are we going back I want a sequel what if it does something like hearth yeah I guess he just like hurt himself while he's praising afar over the dot it like doesn't match what exactly like I was trying to explain like why it's it's weird but it's just it's like the radar is moving and you're moving it's kind of just it's not that like it's not that confusing but it's not the way you would want to say hang on again all right looks like he's still damaging the boat though yeah a chance this time pick it up this thing is so slow god you're never gonna like it you're never Oh trolley oh I got him all right pick it up pick it up quick [ __ ] slow ass kid taking high there you go here we go trolley okay got him see see the problem now is like Oh mon Dieu chill Heather's a crate yeah it was like ah oh my god come on get out of the way this is so frustrating and when his jaws gonna decide how much shut here comes our tart all right here go go go go yeah ice nice [ __ ] you jaws oh it just swims away well you just hit him with a bunch of barrels I thought something better was gonna happen than that that's one good yet the kid was gonna go smile you son of a [ __ ] that would be nice I thought something better was gonna happen like maybe you get a like a cutscene or something yeah that's why I went through all the effort people like I really wanted to eat it I really thought something better was gonna ho and then I don't know why I had any kind of explanation well I guess let's try back to the future
Channel: Cinemassacre
Views: 930,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Universal Studios Theme Parks Adventure (Video Game), Universal Studios (Organization), Woody Woodpecker (Fictional Character), Back To The Future (Film), Jurassic Park (Film), Jaws (Film), E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (Film), Mike Matei, James Rolfe, Nintendo (Organization), GameCube (Computer)
Id: QF8TP3H-lCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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