"Star Wars: Brightstar" (Winner:Best Fan Film: London,Berlin,Tokyo; Fantasia Audience Award)

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Eurrhhh! Ahhhhh! Hello there. Brightstar, where is he? TELL ME! AAAAARRGGHHH!!! Don't just observe the fish, feel  its movements... concentrate. I know father. I had it! I'm sure you did. Go get your arrow. [Music] Father? When is it all right to kill? For sustenance, it's all right to hunt animals. ...but what about bad people? You must always try to avoid conflict. ...but if you're faced with aggression you must do what you can to protect yourself,  your family and helpless. ...in that order. Do you understand? I do, Papa. Clean them. But you said you were going to  teach me some more sword fighting tonight?! Tomorrow, I promise but tonight I have to...(coughs) But you said...? ...to clean those fish! But mama? Vaylie don't argue with me. And while you're at it, show your  little brother how. Come on ,Wally. It's not Wally, it's Walden! And you? To bed you got a fever. I do not have a fever. Yes, he's been coughing all day. Traitor. I forgot, big bad knights don't  get fevers. I do not have a fever. We could fry those fish off your forehead...and stop arguing with me you're setting a bad example for that monster out there. I'm just acclimating to the weather. We've been acclimating to this constant wet for six months, so no shame in getting sick now and again. Are you starting to miss the dry society life Mrs Brightstar? The only thing I'm starting to miss... is a vigorous husband. Are you now? (coughs) That's it...bed. (coughs) Right, he doesn't have a fever. Mama, when can we go back to  the city? Not just yet sweetie. Are the bad men still chasing us? I hope not but...maybe. Why can't we ask Papa's old friends for help? Well because, your father broke some rules for us and now we must fend for ourselves. But don't you worry... ...your father will always protect us. Father...? ...there's something in the mist. It's too late to get away. I'll buy you some time. Vaylie...Follow! Jonn Brightstar... ...is that you? Vaylie! Has your eyesight diminished that much Valek? It has been a long time...Battle of Venmar was it? Congratulations,  I thought my last strike would have been a killing blow. I thought so too but Lord Asher decided otherwise. How is your master? Like always...angry. What about? That you stole his property. How could something I've built be Lord Asher's property? If Lord Asher desires something then it was always his to begin with. That's what I've always loved about your cult, the ease which you fit reality into your delusions. ...and what I hate about your order is its constant stubbornness in front of unsurmountable odds. Forgive me...former order. Well I'm happy for the visit but I'm afraid you've treked into the woods for nothing. I've sold what you're looking for, in Calinda, for safe passage here. Calinda, yes, we visited your  homestead... But it seemed you had already gone. Yes, a foul stench suddenly befell the  city and a change of scenery was in order. Brightstar... ...why lie? Has the time in the  wild been so rough that you lost your sense of Honor? Speaking of which, you look positively  Haggard...or is it just old age? Little bit of both I'm afraid. Well that's disappointing because I've  been looking forward to crossing swords with you for years. But it seems I took too long to find  you and you're nothing but a an old man in the woods. Kill him. Kill whoever's  hiding. And find the weapon. Oh Valek... ...you've never learned  to be wary of what you wish for. Look at it boys, the purest weapon in  the Galaxy: the Sunspear! Take your last look and forget you ever saw it as you run back to your Sith Lord children, this is your final... (coughs) Hahahaha! You heard him, run to the shuttle. A moon castle to whoever brings me his head. I see it still has its unique ability. What a beautiful weapon. MAMA! The way it was always destined to be. If you say so. Last chance. Give up and disappear into the far reaches of the Galaxy. Why would I do that? When I'm about to be victorious. How's your Sith logic figure that? Because I cheat. Marvelous. My lady, may I? Please. NO! The reason for the exile, I presume? You should have run. I'm here to protect the helpless. That's not the lesson. Don't cry little bird. Your father may be gone soon but...we'll take care of you. Hahahaha! I'm not crying... ...I'm concentrating. On what? Protecting my family! Father? What you did was just... ...but don't let it touch your heart. I won't father. How can I help you?! You all gave my life meaning... I'd do it again... What is it darling? With Father gone, what will we do when they come back? We'll go far...but if they do come, we'll be safe. Because we have you. What do you mean? Because Vaylie... ...like your father before you... ...you are now a Jedi.
Channel: Archangel Epics
Views: 841,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wars, starwars, star wars fanfilm, fan film, fanfilm, action, scifi, science-fiction, the force, jedi, sith, lightsaber, lightsabers, drax, sword fight, raphael hebert, archangel epics, archangelepics, disney, movie, vfx, film, vader, darth, Star Wars Celebration, Star Wars Celebration 2022, X-wing, Mandalorian, Obi-Wan Kenobi, lightsaber duel, Star Wars Theory, Star Wars Obi Wan, Star Wars Trailer, Andor, Jedi Fallen Order, stormtroopers, lucasfilm, disney+, Star
Id: zqZgw4IG3GU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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