Sands of Fate | A Star Wars Story

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It got complicated. I was young and stupid. It was not like I felt for their imperial propaganda Adventure & steady pay at a certain ring to it. Hey, let's keep them coming, Chief got caught up in the pointless wars on the other side of the galaxy. My friends got killed blow up, burn alived never ends, you know. The officers used us for blaster fodder. First chance they get. I should know I was part of the problem. Hey, look. Look at this. See that happened last deployment. Now I can barely even shoot straight. Who? Who... Who doo you think? The damn soul sucking Galactic Empire! Are you even listening? Fine. Leave. Smell a lot less like a rotten Sketto hive in here. scum. scum. You're making a lot of noise. I better not of spilled that drink Don't make any more. Okay. You got me. Just remember who runs things around here. damn hutspawn Coward after all Easy. Your friend seems to be after more than just your blaster. Low life scum. Think they run the place. They tried that back in the day None of them would be standing I can tell you Do i know you? No But I'm very familiar with who you are. I’ll bet another one of these. Whatever the lady would like. Certainly weren't hard to find. Stench of null huttograg has traveled with you since Flora. Is that so? Do those ever come off? Never Believe me, I'm doing everyone a favor. I see you're familiar with me, huh? Certainly am. Captain Tiro Kai 445th Siege Battalion. Medal of Valor Recipient for acts of conspicuous bravery at Yarvan and Hoff You’re way off lady Now you're laying low. Very low, avoiding familiar faces. Possible bounties. I'm not that guy. Not anymore. My employers seems to think you are and wants to hire you. Short term work, generous pay, maybe an opportunity to get you back on your feet. Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass. No, I don't think you will, Captain. Of course you'll be needing your blaster. Excuse me. This guy's crack kneecaps for the biggest gangster on this rock. I wouldn't poke that hive if I were you. Oh, I'll be just fine. Hey! I told him who i worked for Who might that be? Wouldn't you like to know? Locate the asset using this. After that, send in your coordinates and wait for transport. Easy enough. What's the assett? Our property. So, are you in? Good. Then sober up Captain. Man with your reputation should be feared a place like this. Hey, who the hell are you? Akiva I got a bad feeling about this. Oh My! HEY! Oh R2 come along, we're not welcome here. Don't just stand there. Come on in, come on in Oh what did he say? Damn, coulda been a good day Hey Pal, be gentle with that I could have done that already Look, make this easy for you. Let's make a deal. Nice and quiet. Sorry, pal better you than me. right. Okay. Got it. Akiva I’ve located the asset do you copy? It's cooking hot out here send transport. Damn, I thought these things were supposed to float Akiva? Assassin Droids... Target acquired That is twice I have taken your weapon, Defector. Right after your friend saved your skin, I learned there was a handsome bounty for you. Remember? Who runs things around here? Make this easy on yourself. I can last out here for the next 357 years. Don't worry about me bughead I got it where it counts. If you're referring to your aim that I am quite at ease. All right, rust bucket Let's call a truce. Take the full bounty on the box. I walk away. Neither of us ends up losing limbs. Your offer is declined. Throw your weapon over and I will grant you a quick and painless death. Dead or alive, You're coming with me. Ah a coward after all. Clever. Tiro, are you there? So good of you to check in. You sound like you're alive, but do you have our asset? Yeah, I got it. What's that? You said? Sounds easy enough. I guess you still do have it in. You bring the case to these coordinates. Someone I'd like you to meet. Great. Sure. Any friend of yours... I wanted to congratulate you and apologize for a little misunderstanding. Maybe we'll meet again. I guess anything's possible. Oh, wow. Well done. I'm impressed. Had I known it was you... What's in the... Be my guests. Go to Jabba's Palace hand deliver his prize. Take my place at his side. Speak to no one. Stay there until I send for you. Jabba, huh? Sounds easy enough...
Channel: Escape Velocity Content
Views: 150,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jIz-Wldwg70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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