Star Trek: Of Gods and Men (Official Complete Film)

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/coerciblegerm 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

Star Trek: Of Gods and Men (2007) (V)

Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi [1 h 27 min]
Walter Koenig, Nichelle Nichols, Alan Ruck, Garrett Wang
Director: Tim Russ

IMDb rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 6.4/10 (860 votes)

It is the year 2306. Thirteen years have passed since Captain James T. Kirk was swept away by the Nexus, after saving the crew of the Enterprise-B. The remaining crew members of the original USS Enterprise have gone their separate ways. Captain Nyota Uhura and Captain Pavel Chekov, along with Captain John Harriman of the Enterprise-B, come together for a special dedication in honor of Kirk's Enterprise. Their reunion is cut short when they receive a distress call from a mysterious planet, that presses the three friends to embark on a mission that will change their lives forever. (IMDb)

Critical reception:

The film won the 2008 Best Web Production award from SyFy Portal. (Wikipedia)

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MovieGuide 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

Jesus this is crap

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2015 🗫︎ replies
we do not a comedian but a life as we know it perhaps very existence the Federation will end Starfleet will not be able to assist us in this matter it is something not quite right with instead then we must find other means you must assemble a new crew quietly they will be hunted as outcasts and criminals yet they may well be our last chance you it said if you move but one grain of sand you run the risk of altering history yeah see the galaxy they told me travel to new worlds it's stuck in the butt end of yours hey how did you where's Kirk where can I find him hey I don't understand answer me Captain Kirk to enterprise he died 12 years ago know how he died saving the enterprise and hundreds of refugees saving show me hi sure yeah it's not like it's classified information working look he died saving hundreds of people billions billions of people entire planets I don't think there's been a single person who's had the kind of influence that he wouldn't save me I didn't wait 40 years to be cheated you captain's personal log stardate 670 12.4 as head of Starfleet linguistics my recent assignments have been most rewarding so much so I'm finding it hard to believe it's been 40 years since I was first assigned to the enterprise under Captain Kirk's command I should be elated to attend the ceremonies honoring his accomplishments but the memory of his passing twelve years ago is still very painful and it doesn't help that my DIF Scotty is still missing or that Sulu is away in the Gamma Quadrant for the next three years aw that McCoy and Spock won't be able to break away from the negotiations with the Klingons all this has made me realize that something is missing in my life perhaps though seeing some old friends of attending the dedication of a very special ship is exactly what I need something we all need well as I live and breathe Nyota captain Uhura welcome aboard so how do you like our little ship well I must say commander Kirk it's beyond amazing I agree it's the perfect tribute to all who serve the border especially Captain Kirk thank you so much your presence here today really asks this he saw most makes me feel like a kid again it should the last time you sat let's eat you were a kid captain Chekov as our special guest if you wouldn't want go ahead you know you wanna you captain Ahura oh thank you know I've already put in my time John how good to see you again looking beautiful as always Oh charmer hello Pavel oh sorry I was just remembering hello commander I'm John Harlan mr. Ichi so what has it been six months since I seen you last what can I say Starfleet security is this full of great tape as any other Department tell me about it so what's happening with your promotion politics as usual it's been so long I'm thinking of retiring was I being obvious little I can't help there living legends my uncle told me everything about about your uncle don't worry he made his own choices he lived and died exactly the way he wanted to I almost left Starfleet over that incident but Chuck off was a board the day your uncle died he and a her convinced me it wouldn't have mattered who was sitting in the captain's chair that day and since then we've been the best of friends status report we've received a code one distress signal from an automated security beacon that's orbiting a planet with a designation m 6 to 2 m 6 to 2 but that's a code 1 distress call Starfleet only ship is a museum a brave man once told me that risk comes with common distortion help lay in a course deja vu all over again can't say I've missed this place any life signs we don't need them or those Charlie Charlie Evans the singing lady remembers you know this man we encountered him as a 17 year old but even then he had extraordinary mental powers this is better than I expected your captain didn't treat me very well I looked up to him but he turned his back on me he let the thasians keep me prisoner for 40 years alone Charlie you took over the ship he should have helped me captain kirk's responsibility was to his ship inclu hate you don't know what that structure can do oh but I do yes it has asked it to what was all that you do as an adult the shuttlecraft still refuses to answer our hails captain we have the rebel vessel we not tractor Dean allow me the pleasure destroying it typical Klingon act first think later what do we gain by destroying it they are enemies of the Galactic order captain intelligence indicates this festival might be the one we've been searching for this could be very good for you capturing the Fox is sure to impress curate right man your station talk haste Ralph leave the baffle to the men Koval you need to be more courteous towards Eva watch her die she is a strife yes but she's my slave you need to remember that beam them directly to the bridge is that wise well if you're afraid weapons beam them over Catterick I'm so glad you could make it so at last the Fox has been outfoxed odd I always imagined it'd be shorter I'm surprised you had the courage to meet me face to face oh if I had my way you'd be dead already terrorists like you terrorists we fight for our freedom freedom what is freedom without security nothing the Galactic order provides that security move me through fear and violence anyone who trades freedom for security deserves neither well I'm not going to have a philosophical debate with an anarchist the truth is you're a traitor the curat Prime demands your head I'll be the one who gives it to him we'll see how fitting that we should capture you today you will be a witness to the beginning of the end for all of you take them to the Brig give them a full round of questioning with pleasure children you must remember combining those techniques with surak's nonviolent confrontation methods madame ahora do you require assistance even no but thank you I am well advised a stone would it be all right with you if we change the subject of this discussion by all means let us examine the old Vulcan adage the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few I propose that that maxim is the most dangerous and misguided belief that I have ever heard perhaps we should postpone further discussion to our next session Madame Ahura I acknowledge the fact that you and spark led Vulcans efforts to secede from the Galactic order however to to challenge one of our most time-honored precepts is highly illogical who decides the needs of the many are more important than the needs of the few and more importantly who gave them the right to decide that in the first place are you suggesting that the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many I'm suggesting that history proves it it's filled with groups who have decided that their needs were more important than others the result slavery genocide you don't believe me just look at the Galactic order was as i heerd i transported the staple some of the components I don't have to find another way we will my friend we will madame ahora are you feeling well of course well I may be just having a bad dream but I I keep seeing images faces like I I always know them but they're not quite recognizable perhaps it is the stress from the current state of collective affairs you should rest before your meeting with Spock my darlings oh good to see you but if you've been up to Oh husband mother so far my son how good to see you glad you could come to leave your suggestion work mother the children have decided to make a list of possible names for their new say light Oh cooperation between the two of you now that's what I want to hear you can be most logical at times of course and most illogical at others sister Gretchen I'll see you shortly you appear preoccupied oh it's nothing son I'm just a little tired is all would it have anything to do with the ruling councils stand on the Galactic order No it's well you may think me illogical but I still believe seceding from the order it's not going to get us anywhere and it's not gonna end here they pose little threat their technology is considerably outdated and they rely mainly on fear to which we are not susceptible they may still be using ships that are over 40 years old but their weaponry is state-of-the-art and I just heard that they just created a new weapon mother we do not interfere with curate Prime so they should not interfere with us you don't know that I'm sure the council knows what it's doing your children are waiting I'll join you shortly captain the Omega device is activated and ready approaching the planet on screen captain our assault forces have completely obliterated their defense fleet all it remains is the final blow not just yet hold position at 2 million kilometers two million kilometers aye sir okk yes a defiant planet about to serve as an example I thought you might be interested in its fate why should i concern myself with vulcan they refused to take a stand they deserve their fate one another an ally or an enemy then they refuse to be our ally captain why do you not fire remember curette Prime's orders you can't afford to incur his wrath I live to serve fire you Oh glorious do you see what the neutrality and peaceful ideals got them none of your feeble little Pratap live alone you must dominate be dominated captain a number of vessels were able to escape hunt them down no let them go they shall bear witness to what happened here today cunning soon you'll be feared even more now detecting one shuttlecraft among the debris field one Vulcan one Terran on board Vulcans and humans together huh bring it on board aye sir don't get too comfortable Volken as soon as the captain comes to a senses you my friend will be executed along with these other traitors to [ __ ] stun and the children do you think they made it do you believe that stan was able to get a ship Madame ahora there were hundreds of shuttles leaving the planet's surface knowing stun there is a high probability that he and your family were on one of them you see this kind of unprovoked genocide is precisely what we're fighting against we know who you are you kill to achieve your own goals just like those butchers of the so-called galactic order you're no better sir we are nothing like the order if we kill it is to win our freedom empty rhetoric killing is killing and you up you you're pathetic I won't be any party to it it's always the same we fight for them yet they condemn us if you understand what we do she's not like the Vulcan her emotional state could present a problem I won't let them interfere not with this mission heed my words Okin you're breaking out of here keep her calm or I will kill you myself perhaps there is a way in which I can assist her I don't care what you do just do it quickly you have been my colleague and my friend will he will allow me to help you I grant you access Oh friend my mind your line my thoughts to your thoughts tiny changing this guardians what did you see tell me Tuvok what did you see ship mother crewmates yes you're supposed to be helping her not confusing it with musty old Vulcan rituals serious work inside your mind or other memories yes as though you've lived two distinct lifetimes yes that's it back on Vulcan I wasn't sure what it was but I knew that whatever was happening to me it was real Tuvok it was real I believe these memories are important yes I do not know how or why I know Pavel that is your name isn't it how do you know that name I have images of you and that name is always associated with them I haven't heard that name in over 20 years Pawel hear me there is something out of sync here you and I we have a history together listen carefully I am Kitteridge I have a freedom fighter I have no idea what you're talking about leave me alone you waste too much time on her just concentrate on the problem forcefield frequency 827 terror cycles can you disrupt it not alone can you shift only for a short time I'll overpower them no that would arouse suspicion we'll make our way to the bridge no engineering engineering to bid too many entrances to cover auxilary control would be better you can access all the ship systems then how do you know that I just time and let's get moving what is the meaning of this allowing yourselves to be caught off guard your weapons confine yourself to quarters and report to disciplinary action at 1700 hours now excellent I don't know how long I'll be able to hold this form your passive it should stay behind it's going to get ugly not nearly as ugly as an execution suit yourselves commander Garin where are you taking these prisoners they are to be executed immediately yes but we have orders from the captain to question the human and the Vulcan I just received counter orders from him but Sir are you questioning me no sir but the captain does not like to be kept waiting yes sir come on the Guerra where is the fourth prisoner for the prisoner he nothing let's go turbo watch enough 8 dicks down I thought volkens didn't believe in violence we do not however if we are attacked we will defend ourselves maybe there's hope for you after all there's going to be a welcoming committee for us on the other side of those doors you know you can count on it can't be that easy see the door he needs help I'm a freedom fighter not a doctor you're also a human being damn it locking down his controls is more important the prisoners have taken over exhilarate engineering control one is believed dead but what are you standing there for get in there and regain control of my ship it won't be that easy they've erected a force field around the control room and isolated several key systems get them out I don't care if you have to blast through the bulkheads am i clear I finished almost auto-destruct sequence initiated what you doing what has to be done what about the mission I'm changing the mission to trick you knew this was a one-way trip auto-destruct was the last resort we control the ship there's still time auto-destruct in 45 seconds kid clerk stand down override has been disabled how did he do this I don't know auto-destruct in 30 seconds kid trick what do you want I want nothing you wouldn't be threatening to blow up my ship if you didn't want something auto-destruct in 15 seconds what do you want I want you to die auto-destruct in ten nine eight seven six five four three two do you realize what you've done yes giving us a chance to gain freedom for everyone this was the only way how does killing all of us relate to freedom these people must be stopped they're murderers and butchers they deserve to die Tuvok and I are not murderers we've done nothing to deserve death and what have you done to deserve life you hide behind your righteous pacifism whether this die fighting for their freedom not everyone fights by killing and blowing up starships I kill when it is necessary what about peace and not interference are they not necessary I thought so once not anymore why did it stop I don't know I didn't do anything what is he up to see what you've done this was our only chance to get rid of them get Rick I've followed you all these years because you fought for what was right if I'm to die I'm gonna die fighting for that - [ __ ] - [ __ ] oh hold on old friend please we were human it's too close to his heart there's nothing I can do are you going forward give your mind to yourself Falcon you remember me to find what you did the needs of the many or the needs of the one my life my choice you may you live long which is beyond captain it's no use they knew what they were doing well then use phasers I don't care get my ship back aye sir we've taken helm navigation and in control set course for narcos Pavel I know we need to leave but not for a knockos you can't be serious I know it may not make sense to you but we need to set course for a planet designated him six to two I don't have time for this foolishness Pavel please on that planet there is a structure somehow it affects time and space now I know you're crazy Pavel please alright I'll scan for temporal anomalies but there won't be any no record to the planet called m62 too wait ripples of time displacement the money chartered system that's it Pawel that's it proves nothing our very lives depend on it all right we'll go just leave me alone Catterick there's something out there that can control time it would be more powerful than an Omega device sir they've taken us to warp six captain engineering is unable to override their lockouts and commander Garin reports no progress from auxiliary control move your hands get me control of my ship good I've sent a coded message to our forces to rendezvous with us REM six to two Pavel there's something else somehow Harriman is connected to all of this I've heard enough no we're going to need him in order to figure out how all of this happened no I've been hunting that butcher for 20 years why because he's part of the Galactic order well that's not good enough because he slaughtered my family Karina and I we found our paradise we found art no Eden we had a son your tart we were happy and then Herriman came and I lost everything my wife my son and no Vulcan mind trick is going to erase what he did you think it's easier for me the same thing happened on Vulcan to my family my entire family yeah I know we need him we need heroin I know it captain I've just received word curate Prime sleet has been tracking us and it's on an intercept course I don't have to tell any of you what will happen if he arrives and finds we've lost control of ocean get everyone down there do Everett cakes remember a live Fox is better than a dead one so he's coming to intercept us here at prime and Herriman in the same place this is better than I ever thought but we can't forget how powerful he is we could get them together but we never seen him what you've never seen curate prime you don't know who he is wait a minute on the surface where the structure is there was a man like that he could control you with his mind I wonder if he had anything to do with what happened to us kid Rick hasn't this gone on long enough it's only a matter of time let's end this now and save everyone a lot of trouble and I promise you won't suffer remember we need him so captain Harriman do you really think that I'll just walk out of here and let your men execute me no no of course I don't but you can't make it easier on the others they are all dead I have a better idea why don't you come down here and kill me yourself lower the forcefield I'll be there in five minutes I've waited long enough make it four it's probably a trap no really wait at the junction and as soon as the doors open we will not fail you but don't kill him offering him as a gift to the curat Prime is our only way out of this mess immediately stand ready if we're successful Koval will be taking orders from me I assume you're monitoring the corridor as you can see I'm alone and unarmed very well lowering the 4c you impressive where'd you learn that do you think you're the only one who had friends on Vulcan sorry something just hit us I know it was Ragnar and thanks to your incompetence I was forced to vaporize in myself stellen all control what do you think now get back to the bridge and keep working on those overrides hey sir wait we hook up we got hovel do you know what you did do you know what you cost me probably know very well what do we do now so the ship has entered standard orbits well still no control from here we're making progress but it'll still be a few minutes do you really think you're going to get away with this any minute now my crew will be looking for me admit it maybe all I need commander three people have just beamed to the surface the prisoners someone had to help them Herriman computer locate captain Harriman captain Harriman is not a horde the ship transporter room the fork transporter room I thought you said this device said immense powers it does I don't know why it's not working now it only answers to me please you don't need that I didn't expect to see you three again oh you wouldn't remember I can't erase your current memories but hora check off John how did you know I I just knew without knowing it this is very strange I remember you as a friend but you still feel like an enemy we all must put those negative feelings behind us won't be that easy we have to Charlie you went through the Guardian you my hatred of Kirk consumed me why couldn't he help one only seventeen year old and then he died before I could confront him Charlie what did you do I used the Guardian to kill Kirk's mother before he was born what the hell do you think you are playing God I was wrong I know that now but I've changed I've evolved doesn't help those hundreds of billions who have left to suffer under the order could one man's absence caused all of this change it's possible one pivotal change 70 years ago Charlie we have to set things right that's impossible any attempt to alter the timeline would only dreamers print our cover you bastard try nuts this time there will be no sell execute me I'm going to enjoy this commander Garin delay the execution urgent message coming put it on curate Prime we live to serve its Gary Mitchell ah there you are Kendrick the ever-present thorn in my side before you died I wanted to personally inform you that your home base of an Arcos has been destroyed yeah shouldn't you be on the bridge kill them slowly and get to your stations good to see you're still with us you've probably forgotten an insignificant little planet called no Eden I haven't my family was there I thought I was doing my duty firing torpedoes from the bridge is so easy you never see the faces was I wrong was I too busy playing the rebel we should have been there with him Pavel Chekov died that day incoming message on screen I am captain called of the freedom ship Liberty we know you have our comrade key trick return him or we will destroy your ship surrender to me or I will execute him and he will die a hero oh he will die but not my hero battle stations you can copy enforcer mr. get it I'll tear your throats out come about the five to three bar nine year oh five to three mark nine zero I attack traffic vault July now destroy the rest Koval curate privately has arrived good so he will see the treasures taste defeat why don't you two try to get back to the transporter room maybe the arrival of the curates forces might help Charlie to listen to reason but what about you this is my ship I know it better than anyone I'll do what I can to even the odds I won't be much help on the surface I'll stay here he's gonna need all the help he can get good luck Alfred course for 5:09 mark 9 for armed photons stand ready Koval incoming message very prime I live to serve oh I'm angry young lord you have a terrorist yes he has been executed really then why do I still sense his presence on your ship I'll see to it personally finishing this metal Gary Mitchell is curate crime wasn't he Kirk's friend yes his encounter with the great barrier gave him godlike powers but in this timeline Kirk wasn't there to stop him and he was able to crush the Federation and forge the Galactic water but she sadistically ruled over for 40 years hurry paddle we're out of time they oughta I'm honored to know you in both lifetimes Pavel I feel the same way but now it's not the time come on what planet is that below an insignificant uncharted world my lord cure a prime someone has been to the surface from the conquer trick Charlie where is Kidron Carrick I don't know a fool to protect him tell me where he is give me one reason I shouldn't kill you where you stand I can't but there must be one or you would have done it by now when curate prime learns I've killed this traitor then I'll become the new captain of this vessel you be my slave what is this captain it's me but that was kid tricks friend you died fighting for something I've been too blind to see what now come on tell me where he is leave her alone she's going to tell me where Kittredge is what moral right morals are the men not the gods and you are neither you are a god you would have already destroyed me never thought I'd be glad to see you have a face or not vaporize you would never fighting side by side with the enemy yes I'll explain Frogger can describe basic maneuvers we do not run we find fire Hey terminal Duck Tours you see how long 10 minutes give or take a few look I'll let their forces know we controlled the breach Dietrich is still with us regroup attack panel gamma target the Romulan ship k-27 mark six zero got it nice flight Janice transport good shields failing one more hit maybe two can be better in this now blue squadron keep those ships off the conquerors tear children's either on that planet or on that ship destroyed you GL's and warp drive her down numbering thrusters are damaged but we can move a little something's powering up on the destroyer don't make a device recho he's going to destroy Guardian torpedo tubes empty lasers damaged beyond control and what do we do there's only one thing left right six two one mark five eight I've got about a quarter impulse will we be in time Charlie Charlie Oh Charlie guardian you must hear me Omega will launch in one minute 30 seconds I don't think we're going to make it home control is gone the attitude along the y-axis is drifting I'm going to miss her where's Scotty what do you need freedom favors the bold you're crazy this long to figure that out we'll make up with lunch in 60 seconds Charlie we're almost out of time you know what you must do I can't I I can't do it that's too risky yes you can't charlie yes you can you altered billions of lives only you can change you can do it remember remember Johnny when we first met Johnny is my is my time you can do it you must you're right every bean should be free to pursue their own destiny without interference against yes destroy them lemons are down over the word navigation not responding Oh makeover launch in 30 seconds vector looks correct say goodbye mr. Mitchell tell Janice I'm sorry she knows charlie she knows not speech where's Kirk where can I find him what happened charlie was successful let's get the hell out of here Enterprise ready to beam up personal log stardate seven six one five point one it doesn't seem like a years past since we restored our normal time line as I conclude my last entry as captain my thoughts are not on that single grain of sand we might disturb accidentally but on the fact that we are endowed with freewill and confuse ideas that can either lead to deadly consequences or to joyous rewards so truly our destiny lies not in the stars but within ourselves by the laws and customs of the Vulcan and Terran people I now pronounce the husband and wife now the mayor's join minds most illogical get used to Oh sky my wife Thank You husband well first an appointment as Federation ambassador to Vulcan and now this I am impressed I'm impressed too pretty fancy and nobody deserves it more than you it's going to take some getting used to I've never ever end everyone so Stan it seemed like the logical thing to do I'm very happy for you we both are thank you very much and speaking of impressed this is a new look for you oh I'm taking a leave of absence to run for Federation Council Oh somebody has to keep an eye on those politicians yeah Janna's you know a Vulcan wedding doesn't require gift well actually this is for pavel for making emerald at rebo oh don't worry this one is neutered here's 240 years of high adventure here's for the next four wells Spock you're so fond of saying it's always possibility space the final frontier these are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise it's continuing mission to explore strange new worlds to seek out new life and new civilizations to boldly go where no one has gone they say 987 seats and stewardess no pilot is it one of those planes that drops the water hello waffle you will marry character have you become invisible again Koval you need to be more true where to mentor sir I don't care you have to flash to the bulkheads am i clear that's it just take the [ __ ] I try to jump to shake man haha prisoners have taken over auxilary engineering oh yeah baby right there I'm excited the stock Toodee laughs hey Tim I think she's be touched up oh hey yo Koval dude who are you how to be up here man good [ __ ] seal the doors shoot the door hey you forgot to turn off the console well no that's wet yeah let's try one without boys yeah that's what works actually good good Jesus monster even though I wonder what my next line and you've also heard some jokes again do that again do it again yeah restroom it yeah cigarette now you okay oh hey I love you too camera oh where you going don't run away from me I know you want it come on you [ __ ] I should break it up it's so remember when you shootin the high haramain on the transporter set and Jay G comes up incompetent fool oh okay hard time you do that again sorry yeah no problem already good okay here we go what can I say exactly the minute that's right
Channel: Atomic Network
Views: 4,005,815
Rating: 4.7316489 out of 5
Keywords: Star Trek, Renegade Studios, Star Trek Renegades, Star Trek Into Darkness, Enterprise, Uhura, Chekov, Walter Koenig, Nichelle Nichols, Alan Ruck, Garrett Wang, Gary Graham, 2008, 1701, Official, star trek beyond trailer, beyond, trailer, teaser, new series, renegades, star wars, the force awakens, fan film, axanar, horizon, leaked, cbs, star trek beyond, star trek discovery, discovery teaser, discover trailer, 2019, 2020
Id: kFqAME7dx58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 31sec (5311 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2012
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