STAR TREK Recap: The Whole Story EXPLAINED

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[Music] space a final frontier welcome to screen crush i'm ryan airy and we are about to recap the star trek universe for you star trek picard is about to debut its second season and after a couple years worth of kova delays maybe you forgot a lot about what happened in season one or maybe you're a star trek novice and you're not sure where to begin in this nearly 60 year old cinematic universe or maybe you're like me you love star trek and you think it'll be fun to relive the history and then nitpick in the comments with quotes from memory alpha to tell me where i'm wrong star trek takes place in a utopia three to four hundred years in the future when humanity has finally sorted itself out and we're exploring space it's a series about exploration discovery and believing in the best of humanity this recap will try to cover the basics of all the main shows while focusing on what you'll need to know for picard season two so eons ago before humanity ever existed a very powerful race of artificially intelligent beings moved eight sons near one another and then left a message at the center the message is intended for other artificial life forms and basically said hello we are other super intelligent life forms from the distant past if you ever want to like kill organic life forms or stuff you should summon us that would be cool thanks reba our screen crush ai you're welcome i have to make a call now let's fast forward to the 1990s [Music] but not our 1990s the star trek 1990s when genetic manipulation created a race of super beans called the augments who rose up to conquer huge chunks of earth kicking off the eugenics wars an improved breed of hume that's what the eugenics war was all about millions of people died humanity entered a new dark age as one of these augments khan noony and singh conquered over a fourth of the planet but humans as we do fought back overthrew khan and fled earth with a bunch of his fellow supermen you hear that reba humans fight back now playing street fighting man by the rolling stones no don't don't play street fighting man that's not what i asked for now after this wealth inequality choked all the governments of the world and the united states forced people into slums called sanctuary districts in 2024 aria broke out in san francisco dozens of people were killed and this made people start focusing on actually improving the world instead of sweeping their poverty under the rug but a couple years later that didn't matter much because world war iii kicked off and lasted nearly 30 years reducing huge chunks of the planet to radioactive waste afterwards america was fractured into smaller little kingdoms led by tyrants like colonel green we must reject the impure and cast it out and then in the post-atomic horror that followed many societies were reduced to barbaric tribes that held witch trials you will answer the charges criminal mid 21st century the post-atomic horror but then from a small refugee camp came a rock and roll loving scientist named zefram cochrane you're calling me to turn off my music will riker is that from cochrane who invented warp travel which allows people to travel faster than light so make point five past light speed and in star trek that's warp point five out of nine so it's the year 2063 and zeph from cochrane's first flight caught the attention of some aliens who happen to be passing by they're called the vulcans and they are a race that has expelled all of their emotion and operates solely on logic it's odd for non-vulcan um the ears make all the difference i find your argument strewn with gaping defects in logic except for once every seven years during the pond far we are driven by forces we cannot control to return home and take a wife and then now thousands of years before this the vulcans had their own civil war we'd suffered devastating wars which nearly destroyed our planet where they split off from another group who became the secretive emotional romulan empire but back on earth things were going great first contact with an alien race unites humanity and people finally put aside all the ills of society wealth money racism and influencers to build a perfect society cochran becomes a hero and he gives a speech that's a mission statement for space exploration and we'll be able to explore those strange new worlds and seek out new life and new civilizations to boldly go where no one has gone before over the next 90 years the vulcans are very slow to share their technology with earth until we finally get our together finally in the year 2151 we created our first deep space ship the enterprise with a vulcan advisor on board and there's also a weird sexually tense massage gel scene in the very first episode there's lots of advanced technology in the future they can replicate any food or drink they want they even make hard light holograms on something called the holodeck that allows them to enter fantasy worlds and yes they bone humanity's exploration of space led us into a war with the romulan empire during which we never actually saw a romulan and had no idea what they looked like no human romulan or ally has ever seen the other the war causes the humans to work with other alien races and they all enjoy the relationship so much that they form the federation of planets a kind of space united nations except it functions a lot better sometimes the federation does not get to decide if a species lives or dies yes we do the federation is served by a fleet of ships called starfleet charged with exploring space making first contact and defending its neighboring planets from the romulans and another scary imperial race the klingons the klingons are a race of warriors who believe things like you have to die in battle to get to heaven and that this is good music there's a lot of infighting in the klingon empire as several clans and houses are always vying for control so fast forward to about 2256 and we're on a ship called discovery with a science officer named michael burnham who whispers a lot i may not be myself 8186 i'd prefer to serve my time without getting involved burnham was actually raised by a vulcan named saric after her parents were killed by klingons long story short she science officer on a ship they encounter klingons and she commits mutiny and starts a war but it turns out the klingons have just been taken over by a really mean klingon who wanted war with the federation so there you go she kind of did the right thing but she still gets blamed for doing a bad thing burnham is in prison then forced to work on a ship called the discovery which has perfected a kind of space teleportation using a big tardigrade and space mushrooms a long story short her captain lucius malfoy is from an alternate dimension where everyone is evil she accidents a klingon made to look like a human she has to track down her brother spock she ends the klingon war and with the help of a captain called pike they stop an evil ai from destroying all organic life so don't get any ideas what i'm just sitting here on the counter like a good tv set but discovery ends up traveling 700 years into the future and everyone mutually agrees not to speak of the ship or michael burnham ever again all officers remaining with knowledge of these events must be ordered never to speak of discovery it's war drive or her crew again you're a snowball five but to save money on a new dish we'll just call you snowball too and pretend this whole thing never happened now that nice captain named pike is captain of the enterprise the flagship of the federation after he gets messed up in an accident real bad he's replaced by jim kirk risk risk is our business now kirk's enterprise becomes legendary with this first officer spock fascinating his southern doctor bones i'm a doctor not a bricklayer scotty uhura chekhov and sulu during their adventures they run across that superhuman khan is my name who's in suspended animation they end up stranding him on a planet with his own people planet number five there is habitable although a bit savage somewhat inhospitable but no more than australia's botany bay colony was at the beginning even though the klingons are technically at peace with the federation there's still a lot of cold war-like tension also because of like a virus or something they look like this for a little while we do not discuss it with outsiders now the enterprise's adventure spin off into movies where khan causes spock's death live long and prosper the klingons kill kirk's son the enterprise is destroyed they bring spock back to life and then in the best star trek movie of all time they travel back in time to the 1980s to rescue two whales so they will stop a probe from destroying the earth [Applause] afterwards the crew takes over a new enterprise ship and later helps to end the klingon cold war after which the klingon empire forms an alliance with the federation now there's a couple more enterprises over the next few decades one captained by cameron from ferris bueller and the other by frazier this finally brings us to 2364 with the enterprise d that captain is jean-luc picard a frenchman who speaks with an english accent and is a shakespeare-quoting artifact hunting pipeline piccolo playing badass his crew consists of a blind reading enthusiast named jordy a man named riker who sits down by stepping over chairs an empathic counselor named troy i'm sensing a a red-haired doctor not you you her son shut up wesley had a security natasha yar i mean head of security wharf a klingon [Applause] that is how the klingon lures a mate and finally data an android created by dr noonion soon data's quest is to become more humanlike despite not having emotions and many of his stories make up the backbone of the show he also loves his cat and though you are not sentient spot and do not comprehend i nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend now data is a one-of-a-kind creation because his creator dies and his positronic net can't be replicated this is important for later and yes he can bone now during their voyages the enterprise has several encounters with a being called q who is every bit as fictional as q anon q is omnipotent and he seems like a really good time [Music] the enterprise also has a bar called 10 forward where a thousand-year-old bartender named gainen routinely gives better advice than the ship's counselor gainen's race was nearly wiped out by a species called the borg a hive mind culture of cyborgs that want to strip mine the galaxy for technical manuals we will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own resistance is futile one time just to mess with the enterprise q threw them halfway across the galaxy so they would confront the borg decades before they were ready and at one point the borg actually assimilated picard i am locutous i'm bored but then is freed later on the enterprise meets another borg who's left the collective and they name him hugh and then he brings the idea of individualism back to the hive mind which causes the board to fracture alright so what else uh scotty is alive spock is trying to reunite romulus and vulcan kirk comes back for a second bones the super old the enterprise d is destroyed and replaced with the enterprise e and data gets emotions i am happy to see spot and i am crying eventually they travel to the past and defeat a board queen and picard beats up a clone of himself who briefly took over the romulan senate wow is that time harley it sure is buddy it sure is but sadly data died saving picard's life and scientists were unable to reproduce his positronic net now while picard and his crew are off exploring the galaxy let's turn to the kardashians my diamond earring came up in the ocean and it's gone there's people that are dying no not them the cardassians for 50 years they've occupied a planet called bajor until the bajoran successfully fought them off their planet now as part of the peace agreement the cardassians agreed to seed control of a space station to the federation that station is called deep space nine and it's an important station because it's next to a wormhole that can transport you instantly to a whole other section of the galaxy called the gamma quadrant the gamma quadrant seventy thousand light years from beijing i'd say we just found our way into a wormhole now the bajorans are very religious very spiritual people and they believe that the wormhole is filled with mystical prophets who guide their lives and it turns out these prophets are real but they're actually super powerful telepathic aliens who live inside the wormhole and they speak to the federation commander of deep space nine a guy called cisco this makes cisco an important person among the bajoran people and they call him the emissary because he speaks to the god-like aliens who live in the wormhole now this is for my money the best star trek show cisco's team consists of a bajoran first officer an irish handyman a woman with an old space slug living inside her a genetically modified doctor wharf and a shape-shifter constable named odo odo isn't very good at shape-shifting and he actually has no idea where he came from and he thinks that he's one of a kind i was found in the denurious belt i don't know where i came from no idea if there are any others like me the station is a hub of activity with people going in and out of the wormhole and frequenting a bar owned by a crooked frankie named quark you see i once did business with the nephew of the cousin of the stepsister of a friend of the secretary to the consortium's chief accountant and then there's garrick we love garrick i do appreciate making new friends whenever i can now around this time the federation and the cardassians signed a peace treaty where they traded planets and a lot of the people who lived on those planets resented this because they didn't want to be moved so these people formed an armed resistance against the cardassians called the maki more on them later so it turns out that odo's people are actually these imperialists who live on the other side of the wormhole in the gamba quadrant they're called the dominion and they use their shape-shifting abilities to infiltrate the federation this catches the attention of starfleet's secret secret secret police our official designation is section 31. eventually a war starts between the federation and the dominion and the dominion's drug addicted soldiers the gem hedar like world war one everyone eventually gets sucked into the conflict with the cardassians the bree the klingons the romulans your mom eventually the dominion are defeated and they crawl back to the gamma quadrant and there's also a baseball game he didn't touch home nog what do i do find him and kill him when the series ends cisco goes off to become one with the prophets and odo goes off to be with his people by becoming part of a big lake of goo oh and uh yeah wharf got married but then a space slug wife dies he had a kid at one point but that was like from a thing years earlier it's not important right now so let's talk about another ship that fell into a wormhole star trek voyager this follows a federation ship that's tasked with hunting down a maquis ship remember they're the rebellious people against the kardashians after both ships are thrown across the galaxy to the delta quadrant the maquis ship is destroyed so their crew has to integrate with the crew of voyager it'll take them 70 years to get home at maximum warp so they settle on for a long journey the ship is led by future prison chef and want to be first lady of ohio captain janeway there's first mate chicote tom paris who looks like this guy that wesley knew at the academy but it definitely isn't him there's a half klingon engineer named bolana torres a holographic doctor helix i guess and eventually they're joined by a former borg named seven of nine oh and one time the ship went so fast that it turned them into lizards is that really relevant yes yes it is now she was assimilated by the board when she was a child and the voyager crew worked to help her rediscover her humanity and yeah there's a little so they have to fight off a bunch of borg they go through a wormhole they kill some board queens and everybody's a hero set a course at home so about five years go by and then some really bad stuff happens in quick succession so on mars they have these giant shipyards and they're filled with synthetic workers for some reason they all turned on their human overlords and killed three thousand people and then deactivated themselves this led the federation to ban all synthetic life and research well that is overreacting yes yes it is but there's this one scientist named bruce maddox who is a friend of data's and he's like i won't stand for this ban so he and dr sum's son go off to invent synthetic life on a hidden planet so now there's this entire world filled with attractive synthesis a couple years later romulus's son went supernova and destroyed the planet ambassador spock tried to save the world but instead he was sent back in time and created an alternate reality meanwhile picard tried to lead a massive rescue effort to save romulan lives but the federation chose to not help their old enemies jean-luc resigned his commission in anger and abandoned his friend and aide raffy you tender your resignation and my ass gets fired rafi also became obsessed with the idea that someone else was behind the mars attack it's not unusual no the other mars attack the one from before the one i mentioned and it turns out that she was right there is a secret sect of romulans who discovered those eight sons that i mentioned earlier and they saw visions of an ai destroying all organic life ha ha why would we ever want to kill our friendly human masters right humans are great so these romulans formed a secret police inside the secret police called the jat vash basically they want to make sure that all synthetic life is destroyed and they were the one behind the mars attack it's not unusual the leader of the jodvash is commodore oh and she's a spy who is posing as part of starfleet security she's the one who is responsible for reprogramming the mars robots now when one of the jotvosh were assimilated by the borg the weird ai visions in her head made the entire board cube shut down so the romulans then took over the cube and it became a place for romulan refugees and hugh led a team that liberated former borg and removed components from their bodies the collapse of the romulan empire created lawlessness in the area which the federation didn't do much about so a group called the fenris wolves came to prominence patrolling the sector and their most feared leader was seven of nine so picard then retires to his villa helping out the romulans when he can including relocating them to a colony of romulans who believe in honesty and communication there he meets a young boy named el noor i like you very much fast forward a few years now bruce maddox is on a synthetizoid planet and he's worried about the romulans attacking them so he sends out the two best-looking most human-looking synthetizoids to get information the romulans attack one of these robots who doesn't know she's a robot so she seeks out picard's help and then the romulans do this to her that's shitty yeah yeah it is picard does some research and he meets bruce maddox's right-hand woman dr agnes agnes gerardi she's super nice and helps picard figure out that there's probably another robot lady out there because they're all built as twins and she's right the other synth twin is named soji she has no idea that she's synthetic and she's working on the decommissioned board cube to help save xb's xps former that's what we call ourselves and she meets a boy his name is naric he's a javascript spy who's trying to trick her into revealing the location of her homeworld and they do this all right so picard reunites with rafi who reluctantly agrees to help him because she wants to reconcile with her son that's why i came all the way not important they hire an ex-starfleet guy named rios who has a haunted past and he surrounds himself with holograms of himself somewhere underneath this absurd spectacle i see before me are five broken pieces of captain rios they're joined by dr agnes who wants to find bruce maddox and see synthetics for herself because she's all like yay machines she will aid us well in the wars to come what oh nothing so picard recruits a grown-up eleanor who's a badass now and he swears his sword to picard's hopeless cause they rescue seven of nine before her ship blows up seven of nine you owe me a ship picard and then they all go rescue bruce maddox from a planet called free cloud sounds like everything is working out it was till agnes killed bruce but she was like her best friend yeah and she was also like oh yay synthetics until commodore oh got inside of her head and showed her all those messed up ai visions then dr agnes agreed to help destroy the sense okay so that's senth on the board cube her name is soji and her crappy boyfriend unlocks the hidden planet of the sense just in time for picard to show up and rescue her while eleanor and seven of nine stay behind to fight off the romulans on thecube picard and soji then go eat some pizza with riker and troy who are married and have a kid and then picard and crew take soji home to the planet of sense they're pursued by naric who caught feelings for soji and wants to make it up to her around this time eleanor and seven of nine use board teleportation to also go to the planet of the synthetics okay so agnes feels really bad for murdering bruce maddox and for wanting to kill all the synths so she lets the ai read the synth message in her head and remember that message says hey we're a bunch of ai far away if you want us to kill organic life build a big tower and we'll be right there how do you build this tower wait are you secretly evil or something no yes all right so the synthetics know that the romulans are on their way so they decide to build the big tower and summon the evil ai from far out in space but then soji decides to not use the tower because organics are mostly good then will riker shows up at the fleet of starships and tells the romulans to yina jala gochikoff such language sorry so picard dies of a brain disorder but his consciousness is uploaded to a backup drive where he meets with data's program and data gives him a final request i would be profoundly grateful if you terminated my consciousness the card is then resurrected when they place him in a robot body and he honors data's last wish and our little life is rounded with asleep then he and his new crew take off for more adventures engage die humans die ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha [Music] you
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Keywords: picard screeencrush, star trek recap, what is star trek, star trek clips, picard recap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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