Star Trek: Picard Season 1 - ULTIMATE RECAP!

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welcome to Picard season 1 corammed with the final season three soon coming out let's take a look back to where the series began sets long after the utopian end of Star Trek TNG rejoin a much older Jean-Luc 14 years deep into his retirement for a brand new show let's go the titles imply Borg wreckage and themes of artificial humanoid engineering coalescing into Daddy himself and we open on a cosmic dream sequence of Jean-Luc playing cards of data on board the Enterprise D with a conversation about folding in Life or still choosing to call well Picard is still all in but the dream sequence becomes a queen sequence relating to Devastation on Mars however the waking retirement life is back on the French Vineyards of Chateau Picard it's a peaceful living with the help of his Romulan housekeepers who make sure he looks dignified when required because today he's being interviewed on vitelli for the commemoration of the explosion of the Romulan Sun where piccard championed humanitarian Aid and a Starfleet Armada program to help relocate their former enemy but even in the far future scumbag journalists still tried to pull a Krishnan Guru Murphy to get under his skin by stirring the conversation back to starfleets shameful disengagement of the rescue efforts following a synthetic attack on the shipyards of Mars that Picard considered an unacceptable Act of turning their back on on those in need meanwhile over a new Boston Dodge a bright young AI Quantum Consciousness engineer celebrates her acceptance into the daystream Institute but the scene is spoiled when a black ops hit team teleport in to kidnap the girl instead managing to trigger some deep-rooted response that causes her to take out the entire unit and in her scared and confused State momentarily seeing a vision of Picard and after catching that interview she goes to visit him in hopes of getting some answers scared of her own deadly reactions she's a stranger to him but John Luke does his best to console her with a little treatment and a cup of tea taking note of her unusual necklace design there's something deep inside that makes her trust and know him and she passes the dog test so she gets to crash for the night only to run away first thing in the morning but his dreams of data continue who died by the way at the end of Nemesis including a painting the Android worked on that seems to require his attention a painting it turns out that exists within starfleet's Quantum archive so he pops over to San Francisco to visit his Private Collection discovering that the painting matches Dodge's appearance a painting that data had entitled daughter although darje's fears are real her memories and impulses might be something a little more artificial even including her conversations with her mother that tell her to go back so letting these impulses drive her she unleashes a wave of hacking to locate Picard once more who suspects that she's not just a schizophrenic allaying her concerns but that she's an Android not like the bad ones from that Mars incident but a possible daughter of data let's hope she lives a little longer than his last one but precious life memories may be fake but Picard keeps things judgment free and supportive until her internal alarm kicks off at the presence of more Black Ops hit team's foot beam in to kill her turning out to be Romulan and John Luke watches on as darj uses her Superior build to dismantle and Destroy them right up until one of them spits a suicide corrosive on her but also causes one of the disruptors to blow killing Dodge and Blasting the 80 year old man all the way back to France he's magically okay however but there's no record of another person just but the police said he was caught up in an accident someone is covering things up personally offending his sense of justice so he stops nursing his offended dignity and gets back to living visiting the daystrom Institute and Dr Agnes girati to ask about the creation of synthetic life from Flesh and Blood well sentient synthetics that are both human outside and in were almost within reach but the lab got mostly shut down due to the federation's ban on Android creation she keeps a dismantled B4 in a tray and laments the departure of her former colleague Dr Maddox another Genius of synthetic design well Picard has recently shared a cup of tea with the gulf it shouldn't exist implying that a part of data's positronic network is still out there as it would be needed as a base to build such perfect new synths and that simps plural because it's confirmed by darje's necklace symbol the positronic process always involved creating synthetics and pairs meaning she has as a twin a twin in fact called soji that's also unaware of her true nature and working for a Romulan Reclamation project inside the dormant shell of a borg Cube so what the hell happened on Mars well despite Picard's previous Arguments for Android rights the Federation went ahead anyway with synthetic slave labor stored away as second-class Citizens and treated like [ __ ] but one day they became compromised lowering the orbital defense system on Mars killing all the humans and laying waste to the shipyards back home Picard and his Romulan housekeepers investigate What Might Have Been evidence tampering by the talshi are but this level of technical skill indicates an organization far deeper and older than the usual Romulan secret police known as vijat Vash who was said to act above all treaties and borders so Laris goes with Picard to check out darje's room and proves she's got a lot more experience than just tidying up the place when she uses some forbidden technology to confirm they are standing in a cleaned up crime scene but scrubbed to such a degree that it matches veget Mo who are incidentally believed to be at the root of the cultural hatred that romulans generally hold toward artificial life and after some hacking technobabble she discovers darch had been receiving calls from her sister somewhere far from off-world meanwhile soji and her secret Romulan boyfriend narik enjoy some time together although his role in the Empire means that he can't really disclose much personal information it seems the Romulan held bork cube is the sight of a scientific research Exchange program with other races mixed in with a splash of paranoia because the whole site is an artifact considered more dormant than actually dead but as well as for technology Harvest some people like soji are here to help recover the individuality of the surviving disconnected ex-borg under the close scrutiny of course of Romulan security back at the vineyard Picard's doctor pops over for a visit following his medical scan to get back out into space he's physically fit but there's also bad news confirming he does indeed have the onset of some form of dementia but he won't let that stop him from from getting into trouble back Among the Stars so the retired Admiral visit Starfleet that's getting a little too young to remember old dogs like him to meet with an old colleague and explain his concerns about part of data's mind still existing somewhere he would like a temporary reinstatement and a small ship but Admiral Clancy watched him bad-mouth Starfleet in that TV interview and all but spits in his face regarding any sort of conspiracy then she reports her meeting to the federation's Vulcan head of security Commodore o including his plans to locate Dr Maddox o takes a keen interest but confirms that no illegal Romulan activity is taking place on Earth but it actually turns out that the failed Romulan kidnap operation was executed with O's approval led by Lieutenant Rizzo who receives a dressing down for her failure to take darje alive and gets sent off instead to personally oversee the other half of their operation so Rizzo calls ahead to the bork Cube where it's revealed she's actually an undercover Romulan and sister to narek who who is observing soji as part of a wider jat Vash plan that Commodore o who's half Vulcan half Romulan has secretly set in motion proving the deep and wide reach of the secret organization Laris and the band strongly advise caution in anything regarding vegeting Picard's ego as a problem but he goes ahead anyway and visits an old colleague Rafi who's living a little far away from that Federation Utopia vibe in a shack and she's not pleased to see him so kind of hinting that she might be a former drug addict the card wins her over with a bottle of wine you see 14 years ago she had the Admirals back when he berated Starfleet for abandoning the Romulan relocation efforts they could have kept up a limited version of the evacuation using old mothballed ships and their reserved synthetic staff but the fact that half of starfleet's command didn't want to help the romulans anyway and the sudden synthetic Prohibition in reaction to Mars made it all impossible so the Admiral's last move was to threaten his resignation which he was gutted to find they accept but by association Rafi also ended up getting fired and she didn't land on her feet quite like Jean-Luc did in fact he'd never even bothered to check up on her over the last 14 years until right now when he wants something for which he apologizes he needs a ship and a pilot so that he can go in search of Dr Bruce Maddox but likely creator of the twins using part of data's Network she'll put him in touch with a pilot but is done being his friend although Picard sent over flight plans anyway and so he visits Captain Rios aboard velocity Dana who is a slightly bitter former Starfleet pilot but it looks like he'll work even if he does have a hologram copy of himself for every emergency role on board for ship and Dr gerardi receives a visit from Commodore o who's not there for a social another hit team attacks Picard back in his home but with the high expertise of his Romulan friends they fend off the Assassins with Close Quarters combat and a number of emergency phases kept handy for any trouble with Dr girati catching the last of them in a late save whilst on her way over to explained she was just visited by the head of Starfleet security she wants to join Picard on his journey to see a perfect synthetic for herself and as Earth's leading expert on the topic she can probably earn her keep so they Beamon up and Rafi has joined them but only for a short ride as Bruce Maddox is on free Cloud which is her destination for her own reasons and with the course set in they engage meanwhile on the cube soji is showing unique talent and empathy when it comes to the recuperation of the damage Borg survivors and the director of that project turns out to be huge himself a former Borg that ended up leaving the collective during the good odd days of TNG although even his diplomatic authorization is begrudgingly accepted by veromulans soji asked to help a specific Survivor called ramder who was a former Romulan expert on myths before assimilation in the hopes of its understanding a shared cultural mythical framework can be used as an inroad towards recovery and it's going well right up until ramder recognizes soji from tomorrow and the girl herself drop some other information that even Hugh wasn't aware of ramda was on board the last ever ship to be assimilated by the cube and perhaps responsible for why the whole Matrix shut down but she really isn't feeling sochi's Vibe asking after which sister she is and calling her the Destroyer before attempting an early exit that they managed to stop she's been getting the same fake phone calls from mother that seemed to send her into a sleep cycle and narrick is curious as to how she also has a Memory full of restricted information his sister arrives in the flesh and although he's employing subtle observation she's more of an aggressive blunt type that's waiting for him to slip up on board for ship Dr girati is having a super fun conversation with Captain Rios about existential death and Rafi is upset to find they're already taking a detour to the planet vashti Picard who is chilling on the Holodeck with another EMH program explains he might be able to pick up a fighter along the way you see back in the day on the Romulan relocation Hub Admiral Picard was still giving hope to the displaced and befriending orphans in a Convent that practiced the way of absolute Candor he's learned to open up a lot more with children and familiarity thanks in part to his date with q but all of his promises about starfleet's help turn to dust following the report on the attack on Mars while pulling the rug on for romulans has reduced those relocation centers to Dusty ghettos filled with resentment this whole sector of space is half abandoned and under the threat of a pirate in a stolen TOS bird of prey as an old man Picard needs the strength of a young one and so he asks a grown-up elnor to join his quest who's also feeling pretty abandoned and declined so Picard intentionally ignores the anti-human sentiment in town and gets into a fight all in order to manufacture a situation of conflict that forces the young Romulan to defend him because he's a young Warrior monk that's now been ideologically conditioned to only join lost causes like an old man on his hopeless last mission then Picard has the Gaul to tell him off for murder swearing him to fight only when John Luke gives the go ahead but it's a bumpy exit thanks to that local pirate and Rios with some more Holograms of himself pull off some slick Maneuvers yet still get hammered until they get a little Breathing Room thanks to a ranger Patrol ship joining the fight they disabled the Pirates together thanks to some impressive flying from that Ranger but with their craft breaking up the pilot beams on board who turns out to be seven of nine who is now owed a new ship you see it turns out since the Voyager days she's been on a personal mission of hunting down Black Market scumbags who've been trading an illegal Borg implants she was too late to help her old friend but despite her rough attitude out here in the stakes the two former Borg relate over still trying to do some good over at the cube soji has bummed her patient has taken a personal hatred towards her and although he can't talk about his job she's reasoned out that her boyfriend narik is probably part of a Romulan secret service but he gets her running around like a pair of young lovers before spoiling the mood and questioning why most of her memories from three years ago aren't on any transport record his sister and her personal boundary issues is still applying pressure for a pain and violence method but if they press soji too hard they risk activating her defenses and her inroads into the Borg survivors could be invaluable as well as a step towards finding out where she came from so that they can destroy the source of the synthetics since the Android ban Bruce Maddox has been working in the legal Gray Zone of free cloud and it turns out that he and Dr gerardi used to be tight this sector is like a big space Las Vegas meets cyberpunk 2077 and Maddox has been detained by his former Black Market employer vajazzle who is now willing to sell him over to the Romulan talcia her security is too tight so the team go in undercover as other black market dealers lizard man can smell lies but thanks to some fun drugs Rafi keeps on her Rios is able to pass the test and get permission to beam down for rest of the team who are all pretending to sell seven of nine in return for Maddox and generally just Hamming up the place meanwhile this is as far as Rafi goes with a friendly goodbye as her secret destination has been to to go visit her son but it's a bit awkward because he's learned to hate her during her Post-Star Fleet drug abuse days and for all of those conspiracy theories regarding the attack on Mars so hey you've got a granddaughter on the way but also goodbye meaning she's back on board the ship despite looking like Deanna Troy but jazzle is not a very nice person who Revels in Breaking trust and carving people up for parts turns out her and seven have some history and she's been playing along with Picard's ruse just to get her hands on a little sweet revenge but they can't all afford to have a bounty put on their heads and managed to talk seven down before grabbing Maddox and beaming out of her so she gives Jean-Luc a calling card and is gonna rejoin the Rangers grabbing a couple of faces for her trouble but without implicating the rest of the team she actually solos right back to the club to wash away some filth and do a little spring cleaning Maddox is in poor condition but confirms that Dodge had a sister called soji and gives her location he was the one who had given them the unconscious programming for Earth and verborg artifact so that they could investigate any connection between its shutdown and the synthetic attack on Mars but when no one's looking Dr gerardi kills her former lover Dr Maddox bypassing the ship's EMH a secret mission for joining the crew this whole time although it's clearly something she's not happy doing it's hard for her but she convinces the others he died from his injuries and seeks a little comfort from Rios for a little short-term bedroom therapy while they head for the abandoned Borg Cube which is still a difficult memory for Jean-Luc the romulans won't just allow anyone to visit their prized artifact so they get Rafi to call up an old flaming Starfleet for a diplomatic pass to the Borg Reclamation project which works despite her depressed drinking binge although the permit is for Picard only who beams in Solo annoying his young Guardian where he immediately has a big PTSD panic attack despite kind of being through this already back in first Contact but the reclaimed export here are just making sure he doesn't fall and Picard is glad to see a familiar face in hue he's the director here although the rest of the recovered ex-boy got to remain on a former Cube under Romulan supervision Picard asks after soji and Hugh isn't surprised considering her Brilliance and or the attention she's been getting from that Romulan spy whilst giving a tour of all the good work they've been doing soji has dreams of being a child in her father's genetics lab which may or may not contain a grain of Truth and as ever narrick is on hand to listen to her Secrets which is keeping things halfway between a relationship and an interrogation hoping to nudge her into being suspicious about her own identity and past his sister suspects he's growing too attached with all of that pillow talk but he explains those dreams as soji's synthetic memories reconciling with her false human self-identity dreams that could contain clues about her past and home World which she wouldn't even know she was giving up his quality of patience again being something his sister never had and thanks to another nudge from narik she realizes that all of her phone calls to her mum are in fact causing her to pass out and so she and all of her childhood memorabilia to discover it was all fabricated only three years ago so suggesting that she might have implanted memories he takes her to a Romulan meditation chamber to try some guided techniques to access the deepest parts of her mind and under narrick's supervision she is able to clarify her childhood dreams resolving them into the closer reality of her dull form and causing her to give up the location of her Homeworld and so having what the Jad Vash need he tells soji she's not real and seals her in with a radioactive gas bomb before having a little cry but her defenses activate and she tears through the floor to escape Landing right on Picard who explains he's here to help before they all make a move to get out of there the men's former latent Borg memories help them Escape into unexplored sections of the artifacts including the queen cell and its emergency Quantum Gateway and Eleanor beams down without permission in order to lend them a hand remaining with Hue to cover their Retreat and re-hide for rooms so that no one can follow after Picard and we get a flashback to that meeting girati head with Commodore o back on Earth where it turns out she was given a non-consensual brain dump of apocalyptically grim intrusive thinking to make her play the Spy as well as eating a urinal cake for tracking reasons meanwhile Rizo is now executing the recovered Borg patients to get soji's location out of Hugh who remains quiet at Great cost she really wants to kill him too but as a federation Diplomat he's off limits with Eleanor dropping out of hiding to remain by his side so she just monitors them right up until Hugh declares open treason legally entitling her to the kill and in his defense our young combat monk flexes his training across vitasia operatives with Incredible skill until Rizo steps up with vijart Vash approach of misdirection and murder killing Hugh who tells the kid they need an ex-borg to work the queen cell and in his flight from danger he finds seven of Nine's calling Beacon that Picard had dropped during his earlier panic attack meanwhile the romulans let the lacer Arena go seeing as Picard and soji aren't on board but it's really just so that naric can pull a Boba Fett and follow after them in a Romulan spy ship but Rios spots the tail and pulls a cheeky handbrake turn out of warp to follow a different route although Dr girati just wants to go back home instead Rafi tries to console her because she's clearly having a hard time yet with no idea why and their Shadow locks back onto their Trail thanks to the tracking device in her bloodstream then her guilt is further compounded when Rios suspects Rafi might be the one betraying their location so she synthesizes a neurotoxic poison dose for herself that disables the tracker but also slips her into a coma while Picard had used the gateway to beam them over to a safe place on the planet of nepenfi soji is having to suddenly reconcile her self-identity as a synthetic but they have arrived at the home of Deanna Troy and Will Riker all of them glad friends even if it is because Picard needs a place to hide out and it seems retirement for the couple has been a positive experience with a home for their M and their second child kestra who has heard the stories of commander data and is fascinated to meet an Android who's a little closer to her own age Deanna and Riker lost their firstborn son who died from a rare silicon virus that could have been cured with a synthetically made antibody but the side effect of that synthetic span meant no more could be made it's a lovely break in a moment of paradise but Picard knows they can't stay for long the fear of bringing trouble back into their friends lives soji's experience of manipulation has given her some serious trust issues but a weekend of empathy among some genuinely good people helps her to feel safe enough to share her recounted memories of her Homeworld it seems Dr Maddox had spent his time there after the Federation ban continuing his work on synthetic life before falling in with the wrong crowd at Freeport and recuperated Picard and soji being back to the ship except Rios is reacting very strangely to her presence seeming to zone out and Rafi having realized girati was the source of that track Beacon is having some trust issues around new faces well Jean-Luc calls Admiral Clancy again to point out that all of his little theories have turned out to be very real problems and to her credit she's going to be sending some Starfleet reinforcements over his way so it turns out the secret organization of jatavosh hate artificial life so much because they found a storehouse of memories from a lost race but Burns a warning into their minds this secret admonition ceremony is No Easy Ride however and not all of them survive the experience of this new flavor however Randa who had just about survived it was later assimilated by the Borg Cube and it's suspected that her artificially indoctrinated levels of anti-synthetic Despair essentially poisoned the Cube's hive mind like a bad meal causing it to be cut off from the rest of the collective Elenor is still on the run from the romulans and almost caught but seven of nine has responded to her calling card and the young man is greatly relieved to find a friendly face and she takes him back to the queen chamber because now that the romulans are openly up to no good she's going to reactivate the entire Cube which begins healing immediately but taking control is going to turn her into a temporary Queen even if it is just on the local area network raising a minor moral issue regarding the re-enslavement of a recovered Borg but times are desperate and she synchronizes her Consciousness with the entire Cube however Rizo is ruthlessly pragmatic and Slaughters many of the Borg Reclamation patients before having all of the other stored ones entered into outer space before they can become a problem yet despite this getting around the place is still becoming a bit too dangerous and so she beams away and abandons the cube along with the rest of the Romulan Fleet Picard and soji bond over stories of data and a recovering girati admits everything including the poison poured into her mind fighting the psychic Block O had imposed on her from talking about it the Visions were from thousands of centuries ago when the technological threshold of synthetic life brought hellish results and now that threshold is reached again in the form of the Destroyer or more specifically soji yet despite the awkward situation Dr girati gets her wish of meeting a real live perfect synthetic the Pinnacle of what she had otherwise worked towards and she overcomes her imposed fears for the reality of a girl that's standing before her someone that she doesn't want to destroy the reason why Rios suddenly wasn't vibing right is because back in his Starfleet days he and his captain picked up a mission to meet two diplomats in a first Contact scenario but the captain shot them both In Cold Blood under a Black Flag directive straight from Starfleet security under the threat of having his own entire shipping crew destroyed if he disobeyed one of those diplomats being an exact copy of soji a directive from Commodore o to erase all common knowledge of the synthetics so Rafi helps to pull everyone's different information together with a little interview time amongst all of the Rios Holograms and between them they realized that an ancient race artificially dragged eight Sons into a synchronized orbital system as a cosmic map marker for the location of their warning message about synthetic Evolution drawing the attention of something very bad and so in response to the advancements of Dr nuny and soon's Androids as jart Vash sent their half-romulan Vulcan mole o into Starfleet where she Rose in the ranks and orchestrated the whole synthetic attack on Mars to force the Federation into an anti-synthetic response a Romulan plan that came at the cost of resettling their own population and thanks to soji's time as a synthetic aboard the artifact she's been subconsciously soaking in knowledge of the Borg transwarp conduits that will get them back to her home in no time transwarp travel can be a bumpy ride but they arrive at soji's Homeworld kapelius narek's skill as a spy has also allowed him to follow them through the transwarp network and he's damaging their ship but then seven of nines reactivated ball Cube also crashes the party before everyone involved gets their power drained by the organic planetary fence orchids causing all free ships to plummet through the atmosphere Picard loses Consciousness and during gerardi's scan she discovers his brain abnormality in its progression and so he informs the crew about his terminal prognosis to keep them all on the same page however they don't let it distract them from their current situation firstly they head to the cube wreckage to see if their friends are still alive and are glad to discover a few remaining exborg as well as Eleanor and seven of nine lamenting the death of Hugh then they get for long-range scanners back up but only to discover that a fleet of 218 Romulan warbirds will arrive at their location in two days so they head over to soji's home which is a commune full of all of the other synthetic twins they welcome the humans and show emotion but the crew explained that although soji completed her mission of uncovering the truth behind verma's attacks trouble is on the horizon this place is run by Dr Altan Inigo soon noonian sun and Sutra the soji class synthetic twin of the Diplomat that was killed by Starfleet who welcomes them with some slightly off Vibes before suggesting a mind meld with girati in order to experience the warning message that was implanted in her but her organic synthetic mind is able to process vijat Vash Legacy message in a much clearer manner than the Romulan secret organization because it turns out for the ancient Beacon was not a warning message about synthetics meant for them but a misinterpreted promise message designed for the emerging synthetics confirming that a higher form of artificial life is out there watching and waiting for a Subspace Beacon to come to the synthetics Aid and wipe out all advanced organic life that might be oppressing them so she's talking about Galactic genocide as an Overkill defense method against of Romulan fleets and loving it but Picard suggests they just hop on board rios's ship and simply escape the romulans as well as offering to Champion for their rights Marek is also captured and brought over and soji confirms despite his his claims of love that she's just not into him anymore but Sutra really likes fat mass murder idea and so she frees naric and kills one of her own in order to scare everyone back over to her side and further to this soji will stand with her own people and even Dr girati Who is expecting to be imprisoned by now wants to help the synthetics and work on a mind transfer to put soon into a robo-body of his own so Picard's now in lockdown and narik makes it over to the Borg ship slipping past elnoran 7 to find his sister hadn't in fact beamed out to the fleet but stayed on site and hidden during the crash so he grabs a bunch of her bombs and claims he's off to blow up the few remaining defense orchids before their Fleet arrives but instead he heads across to Rios and Rafi who have fixed their ship and explains that they all have a common Robo enemy but it's going to be coming their way wisely choosing not to die but instead explained that these deep-rooted Romulan myths were actually based on a long past synthetic reality so they're pretending they've caught narrick for the synths in order to enter the commune with a plan to blow up their Beacon and even soon who has discovered that Sutra was behind the death of one of her own for the sake of Revenge is willing to help them undo his mistake meanwhile at the cube seven of nine discovers Rizo and the two ladies duke it out for a while before the former Borg gets even more payback for her people this time for Hugh and gerardi who is only pretending to be okay with genocide freeze Picard and takes him back to the lazarena where the plan is to make the synthetics care about life and leading by example flying into orbit to defend the commune from the Romulan Fleet that is now openly led by General oh who has given up her Starfleet look and who is super Keen to sterilize for planets they start by killing off the Orchid defenses but thanks to some tech from the commune Picard and girati project a bunch of Shadow clones to keep the romulans busy for a short time he intends to sacrifice his life or convince soji to stop build building for Beacon because despite soon turning off Sutra soji managed to foil the bombing operation and took over the construction herself it's a valiant effort but Picard is about to be blown out of the sky that is until Starfleet arrived with an equally inordinate amount of its own newest and toughest ships flaunting an admiral Riker back at the helm under a temporary recommission and claiming the planet under Federation protection and not Romulan rule thanks to Jean-Luc sending a diplomatic message long before the arrival of General o both fleets are prepared for a massive Close Quarters fight and Picard's brain condition is bringing him to a close pleading with soji to make the right choice Starfleet has arrived in order to protect the synthetics who in turn can choose to protect them and just as the beacon begins to allow some seriously freaky outer Galactic robot [ __ ] to come through soji chooses to place her faith in him and destroys it delaying the annihilation of of all local life and with vegetable apocalyptic fear is no longer an immediate threat General o loses her boner for a fight to the death against Riker and Retreats for Romulan Fleet and so Picard says goodbye to his old friend and the Federation Fleet also leave the sector before he's beamed back to the commune at the end of his life and so Jean-Luc Picard says farewell to his friends who all join him in his last moments and yet his Consciousness is entered into a complex Quantum reconstruction a result of data having its Consciousness reconstructed in a Quantum state by soon and Maddox in this space for two old friends discuss the nature of their physical deaths and how they don't regret their life actions with data recalling his time with Picard and his love as being a large part of his life but this isn't the end for Jean-Luc and he won't be joining Dumbledore on the train because data's construct is just a holding place for his Consciousness soon and Co have scanned a copy of his neural Pathways into the synthetic Golem and it's ready for Picard's conscious experience to re-enter the physical world of the living and inhabit the new shell which just happens to have been perfectly modeled after the last one with no superpowers but also conveniently going to age just like he would have without the brain defect hooray and so if one last personal request to take care of he allows data to truly die even in the quantum simulation that's held his remaining consciousness saying goodbye to an old friend forever and with the truth uncovered resulting in the federation's retraction of the synthetic ban Jean-Luc Picard's new crew along with soji are free to explore the Stars so thanks a lot for watching and I really hope you've enjoyed having Picard season one crammed inside of you Visa full-on Recaps that tried to skip nothing instead of just a quickie and take ages to make so a great big thank you to any of you who've liked commented and subscribed I'm a TNG boy at heart so I'd love to hear your opinions on this show I'll see you next time and take care
Channel: Film Cram!
Views: 20,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Trek, Picard, Star Trek Picard, Star Trek: Picard, Borg, Seven of Nine, 7 of 9, Romulan, Federation, Will Riker, Dianna, Jean Luc, Jean Luc Picard, explained, Season 1, episode 1, recap, summary, breakdown, story, analysis, story so far, catchup, break down, FilmCram, Film Cram, CRAMMED, cliff notes, ending, refresher, easter eggs
Id: ckHgTnLpUwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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