PICARD Season 3 Episode 10 BREAKDOWN - Ending Explained and Every STAR TREK Easter Egg

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it's been an honor serving with you all hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan area and this is all the Easter eggs references and little things that you might have missed in Star Trek Picard's series finale the last generation so the Picard finale is so big we probably should be talking about it like it's a Marvel movie or a Star Wars film so it's like Star Trek end game or like rise of the sky Crusher it is all of those things and more somehow the war Queen returned and the Enterprise D just became the sickest Starship in the Galaxy ever yes even before the episode starts there is a great series of Easter eggs as both the Borg and the Next Generation Nostalgia assimilate the Star Trek logo introduction all season long we've had the Titan warping around on this intro but now it's the Enterprise D we see a board Cube here and the Star Trek logo gets borgified the music here ditches the boilerplate intro and we get a much more ominous tone including cues from Jerry Goldsmith's Borg themes from first Contact and then the first voice we hear in the episode is Chekov this is President Anton Chekhov of the United Federation of planets broadcasting on all emergency channels wait you mean the celebrated Russian author of such Classics as the cherry tree was he assimilated by the board too is this the kind of show where Mark twins showed up and and data's head got blown off no dude I'm talking about Chekhov from Star Trek the Original Series but he'll be dead by now this is like 110 years after retirement Generations that is true although the voice of the president of the United Federation of planets is played by the one and only Walter Kaney this unseen character is the son of Pavel Chekhov from TOs and the classic films the first name Anton could be a reference to the famous author but more likely it's a reference to the late Anton Yelchin who played Pavel Chekhov in the reboot films president chekhov's warning is overlay with the space Escape taken directly from the opening sequence of the Next Generation when he says do not approach Earth sane do not approach Earth and save yourselves references a similar speech from the president to the Federation and the Voyage Home when he said approached Earth save your energy leave yourselves and crediting his father president Chekhov also references Spock when he says there are always possibilities a line from The Wrath of Khan which Kirk mentioned after Spock died there are always possibilities but after data explains that no other ships Federation or otherwise can come to assist Earth we realize the Enterprise D is the Last Hope for all of Starfleet and probably for the Galaxy the board cube is nested inside of Jupiter and as the Enterprise heads to intercept we see a very close-up flyby of the ship which gives us a glimpse of 10 forward and the conference room behind the bridge now this kind of detailed flyby of the Enterprise D was something we'd never ever saw in TNG as everybody reels from the board just being parked inside the gases of Jupiter Riker casually puts one of his feet up on the console which he did all the time in the Next Generation picardis had it with all these Borg on his starships and he says what began over 35 years ago Ends Tonight hey how come Picard says over 35 years ago why not just 35 years ago okay well he probably says that us because for him 35 years ago would have been when he was first assimilated in The Best of Both Worlds in 2366 but it's dicey to say when it actually first started because the Enterprise first encountered the Borg and Q who in 2365. Erwin don't forget seven was assimilated in 2350 but her parents started researching the board in 23 for this that's like over 60 years ago yes but also don't forget the Pavel Chekhov helped guide and out in generations and she was probably fleeing from the board at that point back in 2293 so that's over 108 years ago oh yeah in the Parker and Enterprise and they were there in first contacting all right that's enough let's move on when we rejoined the Titan crew seven and Rafi have rigged the phasers to beam people up by firing at them now this Tech actually existed way back in the TNG episode Gambit in which bookard went undercover as a mercenary and hung out with a wretched Hive of scum and Village who could also use their weapons to beam people and things up just by firing at them after Warf makes an awkward reference to Menage Artois and I will make it a threesome everybody argues about who should go on the away team to destroy the Borg Beacon and save Jack data mentions that he should go because of his experience with the Borg which is ironic because the last data face the Borg the queen tried to give him real skin which he now has anyways after it's decided that the threesome of Picard Riker and Wharf are going to go to the Borg ship Picard leaves Jordy in command of the Enterprise D saying you have a bridge hey David is a second officer of the Enterprise he should be in command not anymore if you take a look at Dana's uniform he doesn't have a rank at all this is because this new version of data is basically a new person not to mention that at this point Jordy is the highest ranking person there other than Picard in episode 6 he was introduced as Commander laforge now back in TOS Commodore Matthew Decker took control of the Enterprise because he outrank Spock but also he also outranked Kirk he's already taking command of the Enterprise D also references the season one episode the Arsenal of Freedom when Jordy had to take command of the Battle Bridge and speaking of ranked shuffling last episode the computer identifies jean-lug as Captain and he said I hereby accept the field of motion now Brian Silliman a friend to the channel pointed out that maybe this was Picard remembering Kirk's last advice to him don't let them promote you I'll let them transfer you don't let them do anything takes you off the bridge of that ship because while you're there you can make a difference when Riker wore from Picard board the Borg ship were hit with that Jerry Goldsmith Borg theme again we get a lot of board Cannon connections and explanations about the current state of the collective in these scenes starting with those little triangle things on the ceiling and The Best of Both Worlds we learned that these were distribution nodes and back then Shelby told us if we sting them in attend spot they might stop for a minute to scratch the card refers to the unimatrix array which refers to the concept of the board dividing parts of the hive into different unit matrices this idea comes from Voyager specifically the episode's unimatrix zero and dark Frontier in which we learned the unimatrix 1 was the section of the Borg mostly devoted to the queen while assimilated seven was part of unimatrix one Picard Riker and morph all notes that the board drones are dead and their energy has been sapped to sustain something else later the board Queen tells Picard outright that there was no Collective left this is a very relevant detail because it establishes that the queen was nothing without the special DNA inside of Jack which allowed her to hatch a comeback plan when the queen says he found me what she means is that she was able to speak to Jack somewhat telepathically which explains all the times Jack heard the words find me in his head fine the edge of space was likely somewhere in the Delta quadrant before the queen mustered up enough remaining energy to bring the board Cube to Jupiter picardin 2 it's a lot of this a bit earlier when he says the absence of one Army what else would they do but raise another as the queen further explains what her whole deal is she reiterates that she teamed up with the changelings because they also hated Starfleet there's an interesting parallel here between the accusations of genocide against section 31 for what they did to the changelings and what future Janeway did to the board which makes this Alliance feel Perfectly Natural sir well this wasn't the cringe plan like the entire time Mr board can now just assimilate people with this fancy DNA why do they even need Jack or was it like board magic now well for those paying close enough attention everything in these scenes with the board Queen makes it clear that the plan to use Jack's dormant DNA to create new drones with a kind of Hail Mary from the board one which was only possible with the help of the changelings the queen says together the board Queen couldn't have known Jack Crusher was going to be born one day meaning the special genetic code left at Picard's body was a sort of message in a bottle that happened pan out for the board Queen but was in no way her master plan from the start Jean-Luc tries to get the board Queen to take him instead of Jack which parallels first Contact in which he tried to do the same thing to save data a day to go and I will take my place at your side but now that he's fully assimilated Jack is basically serving the same function Picard served in the best of both worlds as lucutus Jax assimilated look is clearly similar to how Picard looked in the best of both worlds but it should be noted that the beefed up Borg armor on Jack and on some other drones and attack Riker and morph is reminiscent of some formidable Borg armor scene in the 2012 Star Trek comic book miniseries Hive which was co-written by Terry matalis and Brandon Braga this is a very deep cut the board Queen tells Picard that he will [Music] this is one of her favorite things to say because in first Contact she said watch your future now meanwhile on the Titan seven and Rafi noticed that the Enterprise D is back in the game when its registry number pops up on a screen so when seven realizes what's going on she says it's Picard they're engaging the pork this parallels Picard's chilling line from The Best of Both Worlds part one when he said we have engaged the Borg and yes like landowner Return of the Jedi seven wants to buy the Enterprise a bunch of time and says to upload every prefix code we have this references the idea of using a prefix code to lower another ship Shields a concept which originates with the Wrath of Khan Reliance prefix number is 16309 because the Borger using a line of sight to maintain some of their new Collective the Titan uses its cloaking device the Rafi notes that they can't fire while cloaked this is a small reference to the Undiscovered Country in which everybody including Scotty emphatically reminded Spock that you can't fire while clothes but a breaker not fire when she's cloaked over near the cube the board ship has started attacking the Enterprise and Geordie orders Crusher to take out some of its turrets he tells Crusher he's going to need her to do this manually which leads Crusher to go into full beast mode as we see the Enterprise D kicking more ass than it's ever kicked before locking phases and returning fire however because the beacon is located inside the center of the cube Jordy is worried that there's no way the ship can navigate quickly enough through the Maze of borgnus to take it all out data insists that he can do the necessary calculations and begs the crew to trust him and Jordy says we go with data's gun this parallels a classic Trek idea from the Voyage Home in which Spock is given full Thruster control even though he has to guess at the exact calculations I will make a guess the Enterprise d goes full Return of the Jedi here as it weaves in and out of the inside of the board Cube trying to get to its Center okay sir sir isn't this authors just like the pretty much the Star Trek version of Return of the Jedi dude what do you mean it's totally different I mean you gotta flee the ships to walk into a trap the cubes like the Death Star the poor crane counter monologue so I can't bear property and to top it all off a father and son are working out their differences in order to save the Galaxy yeah man but in this case the father is saving the Sun from becoming one with the Borg again it's like poetry so if they rhyme but that's what I love about this finale it feels like it's touching on all these movies and TV shows that we love but it's Reinventing them with a new voice that is uniquely Star Trek so Picard Jacks himself back into the collective and we get footage from first Contact of when he was assimilated by the board which was a dreamlike flashback to the Best of Both Worlds which opened up that film Picard tells Jack that even if Jack can't leave the collective he'll stay with him because Jack has changed his life forever Crusher has to fire the Torpedoes right now or nobody will survive and Riker asks Wharf well my friend is this good enough it is a fine day indeed to Die With Honor we're saying today is a good day to die or some variation of that while fighting the Borg is a classic perhaps today is a good day to die overcomes Riker calls Troy mzadi again the beta Zoid word for beloved do you remember what I thought to him zadi and alludes to their deceased son Thad when he says that he'll be waiting for Deanna because he and Wharf are assuming they're going to die however Deanna's betazoid Powers kick in and she says that she knows where in the cube everyone is Troy takes the helm which is exactly what she did the last time everybody was on the Enterprise D in Generations Jack says the time of the board is over and he knows that he is never alone Troy flights Enterprise d right over Picard Jack and Wharf and Riker everybody's beamed up as the Borg ship is destroyed Wharf decides to take a nap as everyone takes a break and we see that jordy's daughters and everyone else in Starfleet are totally de-bored Hey sir sir now Genera is pretty much everybody in starfish under 25 they're all ex-borg right I never thought of it that way yes and seven is high five as Riker narrates a Captain's Log we see a shot of the Enterprise D and the Titan which is very similar to a reminiscent shot in the Undiscovered Country in which the Excelsior in the Enterprise a were side by side we're told Admiral Beverly Crusher is now in charge of Starfleet medical which could be a slight not to Gates McFadden's absence in season two of TNG which he also worked at Starfleet medical Tubac is alive as well and he tells seven that the command crew of the USS Enterprise are receiving a full pardon for commandeering better yet hijacking this very ship with your help this is a lot like the crew of the classic Enterprise getting similar charges against them dropped in the Voyage Home after they saved the day tuvoc also has Seven's officer review recorded by Captain Shaw before the Titan set course for the ryton system as many fans have known all along Shaw actually did think that seven was great and recommends that she gets promoted to Captain we have a recommendation promotion to Captain when we return to Fourth as tuva gives 7 this news we hear Jerry Goldsmith's Voyager theme playing because the book that seven writes is going to be great so rafi's family loves her again and morph talks about crying but mentions that he has never wept now this is a slight inside joke to this line from the Undiscovered Country when Spock said pardon me conclusive Mr Scott says Klingons have no tear ducts raffian Wharf hug and she calls him Dwarf House a reference to General martok from DS9 meanwhile Troy is giving data a counseling session rocking a blue outfit which seems like a tribute to her famous Blue Dress On The Next Generation data talks about seeing an Ensign feeding his cat and crying and notes being humans just as difficult as the desire to be human which basically brings data's entire Journey from the Next Generation full circle if you cry seeing cats that look like spot in real life then this is really going to hit home spot very happy to see you see your blood we then Flash Forward to one year later and see the Enterprise D settling into a spot in the fleet Museum as Dennis McCarthy's Fanfare music from the film Generations plays it's right here how many times has she managed to save the world [Music] Riker laforge Picard Muse about all the times the Enterprise has saved the world and talk about how their lives might have been different if they hadn't all been on the ship together Riker says different certainly but certainly not better isn't that kind of a diss against Thomas Riker what do you mean no yeah because like Thomas Riker didn't get the server on the Enterprise and his life is like really reverse well luckily the Maki are no longer the enemy oh heck yeah now both Rikers can have a trombone gym session together [Music] as we hear Michelle Burris voice again Riker says I miss that voice a sweet reminder of all the work in life Migel Barrett put into Star Trek from day one we hear the generations music again which was what was playing the last time rykurpicard were on this bridge Picard tells Jordy to take good care of her and Jordy says she's always taken good care of us this feels like a nice connection to the encounter at Far Point when data spoke to Admiral bones McCoy who said she's got the right name now you remember that you hear treated like a lady always bring it home now like Return of the King the Picard finale has at least three moments that feel like endings and now we get the second penultimate ending as the doc Master voice of Terry metallis once again welcomes people to the space dock Admiral Picard Admiral Crusher welcome to space Doc in fact it's interesting to end the episode with the showrunner welcoming us to the new Enterprise the finale is clearly setting up a spin-off show called Star Trek Legacy which I believe has not been picked up yet if you can believe that now if you would like to see the spin-off go on whatever social media platform you're using Star Trek Legacy heck shout it out the window if you have to let's make this show happen Beverly Jean-Luc and Jack are on their way to Jack's new ship and Beverly notes that Jack is on an accelerated track that said Jack is still an Ensign which makes his path not unlike that of his half-brother Wesley Crusher who also started serving on the Enterprise after very little formal training right at the Enterprise no way that's right Jack and Beverly reveal to jean-luth that the Titan has been re-christened the Enterprise the registry is ncc-1701g ah Enterprise F free hardly knew you yeah but there's plenty of letters left in the alphabet the introduction of the Enterprise G might seem strange since the Titan is clearly smaller than the D however the Enterprise E had fewer decks than the D and also had a smaller crew also the Enterprise a was exactly the same design as its predecessor even though newer bigger classes of ships were around at that time finally the fact that the Titan is a neo-constitution class makes its design closer to the classic Enterprise anyways told us many times the Titan is an exploratory vessel first and it doesn't get more enterprisey than that finally the Titan is of course A pretty new ship having been built from parts from the previous Luna class Titans starting around the late 2390s now that we're seeing it roughly in 2402 it is safe to say that the Enterprise G formerly the Titan a is the most technologically advanced Enterprise to date Jack jokes about setting a course for the metallic system a running gag this season about a terrible and dangerous star system first mentioned in the series Enterprise and name for Picard show runner Terry batallas when he was an assistant on that show I saw that ring moons of metalis prime as Captain 7 of the Starship Enterprise prepares to take the ship out to warp Rafi and Jack joke about what her catchphrase will be even though she said engage a lot this season engage Jack says it's like writing the opening line to your legacy now we don't hear Seven's new catchphrase so we'll really have to hope for that spin-off to find out what she said hashtag Star Trek Legacy Meanwhile we're back at the la-10 forward and with the Enterprise gank and we learned that Crusher has drained the bar of Klingon bloodline Crusher tells Worf to have another glass of prune juice a reference to tng's yesterday Enterprise when geinen got him into that drink prune juice Warriors drink Wharf says he has a lecture of mugato meditation in the morning which does not directly reference Will Ferrell's character from Zoolander but rather the horned ape Creature from the planet in Europe who famously wrestle with Kirk in the TOs classic a private little war [Music] data tries to give a toast by saying was a young lady which references a dirty Limerick the data tried to recite to nobody's favorite TNG episode The Naked now there was a young lady from Venus whose body was shaped like a captain to security come in thankfully Picard gives the final toast saying and we must take the current where it serves or lose our Ventures now this quote comes from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar which means that Shakespearean trained Sir Patrick Stewart gets to end Star Trek with card with yet another Shakespeare performance and what he might say with irony I say with conviction what a piece of work is man and poker that's right Picard pulls out the Ace of Spades and the crew all sit down to a poker game now this references the final scene of all good things in which Jean-Luc Picard joined the cruise poker game for the first time at the end of that series as the crew has a laugh Troy's drinking Romulan ale Wharf angrily folds and Picard gets the last word saying I've come to believe that the stars have always been in my favor and then he wins the whole thing unlike the other episodes of this season the credits play over a bird's eye shot of the crew continuing to play another hand of Poker just like in all good things and then that's it but that's not it that's right we cut to a scene of the Enterprise in front of a sun which is similar to a previous shot from earlier in the season which Terry matalis has said was inspired by the opening shot of Transformers the movie in 1986. Jack places a little Enterprise D model in his quarters and we hear those clock chimes from Star Trek six have we not heard the chimes at midnight and he even has a nice photo of his parents which is clearly Gates McFadden and Patrick Stewart at some kind of formal event in the 1990s and then suddenly we get cue Jack busts out his personal phaser and Q as played by Jonathan Delancey is rocking an outfit that has some encounter at Far Point Vibes Jack says the Q was supposed to be dead referencing the events of season two and Q says and here I was hoping the Next Generation wouldn't think so linearly now this is a roundabout reference to All Good Things in which Picard and the crew saved Humanity by not thinking linearly but instead by deducing that a paradox was the key to their salvation Q tells Jack that although the card's trial is over for this young Crusher it's just beginning and then it's over really really over in the absolute epic journey of Picard season 3 has ended which completes something that started over 35 years ago or like 36 a long time ago so for Next Generation fans of all ages this season has been something really special a kind of Trek version of a Marvel movie for TV that gave us the best of the TNG cinematic moments but in streaming form it's totally a love letter to the fans but it also clearly sets up a brand new show with a brand new Enterprise with seven as our captain hashtag Star Trek Legacy will we get another new show about the Enterprise G though will we ever hear Seven's catchphrase and is Q just messing around or is Jack's future even more epic than his past nobody knows but for now the Next Generation just went out with a bold and beautiful ending hashtag Star Trek Legacy and I just want to take a moment to thank a few people who have made it possible for us to cover this season thank you as a lot of you guys know we were able to cover the first season of Picard but we just didn't have the bandwidth to cover season two so these are the people who made this coverage possible first our writer Ryan Britt who wrote the book on Star Trek set phasers on stunts and especially to our editors Harriet lingle Enright Randolph numberado and Brianna McLarty now these are the three people who worked on the bulk of the episodes of this series but we have more people on our team like Colton Ogburn Serenity Rao and our interns Lee Mazzio and rohill mystery and not to mention numerous Freelancers who are able to cover those people so they were able to edit the cards thank you guys very much and especially a big thanks to showrunner Terry matalis and the cast and crew of this show it has been an incredible ride so what did you guys think of the episode let me know in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Airy [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 210,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: screencrush, heavy spoilers, new rockstars, picars season 3 episode 10, picard seaosn 3 episode 10, star trek picard season 3 breakdown, star trek news, star trek youtube, star trek picard explained, star trek, mandalorian season 3, star wars, mandalorian season 3 review, star wars theory, star wars battlefront 2, mandalorian season 3 episode 7, star wars explained, star trek into darkness, star wars battlefront 3, star wars trailer, star wars jedi fallen order
Id: qPcY6eZIMsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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