Star Trek: The Evolution of the USS Enterprise

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The honor of being the first Enterprise in space  would go to the NX Class Enterprise nx-01 which   launched in 2151 under the command of Captain  Jonathan Archer this ship was one of the most   important vessels in Earth's history since  it was the first Starship to be fitted with   a warp 5 engine the nx-01 Enterprise was  the prototype for a new class of Starship   it was a smaller and less Advanced vessel than the  later Enterprise ships but it was equipped with a   variety of new technologies for its time including  Advanced propulsion and Powerful Weapons Systems   early Earth ships were capable only of speeds  in the region of Warp 2. at this speed a journey   between nearby Stars could still take several  years however at work 5 those same Journeys   would take only a few weeks so the development  of the warp 5 engine was a huge priority the most   significant work on the warps engine was done by  Henry Archer his son Jonathan a noted test pilot   who had been the first man to break the War II  barrier was assigned as Enterprise nx-01's captain   the ship remained under his command throughout  her operational lifespan and her crew made first   contact with dozens of intelligent species and  famously laid the groundwork for the foundation   of the United Federation of planets in 2161.  miraculously she survived her Mission intact and   became a museum ship the ship has a total length  of 225 meters or 738 feet and has a total of seven   decks in addition it can accommodate about 83  personnel and has a maximum warp speed of Ward 5. Thank you rage Shadow legend for  sponsoring this video [Music]   raid Shadow Legend is completely free and easy to  play casually with millions of players and over   80 million downloads already the game has great  PC quality Graphics but is on a mobile phone in   addition there are over 650 completely unique  Champions to collect from different factions   let's talk Champions raids got nearly 700 of  them and recently they added a super cool new   faction called the Sylvan Watchers you've  got Forest elves you've got scary looking   tree Spirits you've even got living rock  monsters the Sylvan Watchers basically   have it all as a faction so let's find out more  about their history within the world of delaria   and to kick off the new year there's a fresh raid  update with a bunch of new features including a   new season of the forge pass for all yard officers  the plarium points program where you can earn and   gain goodies including a legendary champion  raid's got something extra special happening   now they released a legendary champion based  on anime and pro wrestling Legend Ronda Rousey   you can get Rhonda for free right now whether  you're a new or a long time player just by logging   into raid all you've got to do is log in and play  raid for seven days between now and February 20th   and round is yours to celebrate Rhonda's arrival  in raid you also use the special promo code raid   Rhonda available for all users new and old  and receive many helpful items for the game   check the available promo  codes in the description below   and if you haven't started playing raid yet click  my link in the description or scan my QR code here   on the screen you'll get unique bonuses worth 35  dollars we're talking a free epic Champion Newton   100K silver 50 gems and two epic skill tomes all  these Treasures will be waiting for you here the   next Starship Enterprise was a constitution-class  vessel that was launched in 2245 under the   command of Captain Robert April who completed  a five-year mission of deep space exploration   this Enterprise the NCC 1701 was then commanded by  two of starfleet's best-known captains Christopher   Pike assumed command in 2250 and completed two  five-year missions that are among the most famous   in Federation history. During his command Pike was  joined by the first Vulcan to serve in Starfleet   since the foundation of the Federation at the end  of Pike's first mission the ship underwent a major   refit that saw the crew complement increase from  203 to 430. after 11 years in command Pike was   promoted to Fleet captain and command passed to  James T Kirk who became one of the most admired   captains in Starfleet history the USS Enterprise  was fitted with the matter antimatter warp engines   that gave her a regular cruising speed of warp  6 and could maintain speeds of warp 8 and above   for limited periods of time the warp engines were  the ship's primary power supply with the impulse   engines offering a backup but if they failed  the ship could survive on battery power for   approximately a week at sublight speeds The Vessel  used conventional impulse engines the main engines   relied on the lithium crystals to focus the warp  reaction and since at this point in history they   could not be grown or recrystallized on board the  ship as with standard practice for most Starfleet   vessels the ship's design was divided into three  distinct areas a saucer section that contained   the main Bridge most of the crew quarters and the  impulse engines the Engineering Hull contained the   warp drive systems the shuttlecraft Hangar deck  the main navigational deflector and finally the   twin nacelles that generated the warp field  although a ship's primary Mission has always   been peaceful exploration voyages into deep  space are extremely dangerous so the ncc-1701   was fitted with state-of-the-art weaponry  Photon Torpedoes with a range of 750,000   kilometers could be fired from the underside of  the saucer which also houses massive phaser Banks   the ship's computers used Richard daystrom's  revolutionary duotronic circuitry and the   ship's Hull was fitted with powerful sensor  arrays that provided data to the science labs   the ship has a total length of 289 meters or 948  feet has a total of 23 decks that can accommodate about   203 crew members and has a maximum warp speed  of warp 8.4 since Enterprises Mission involved   extensive periods away from Federation space she  was almost completely self-sufficient in 2269 the   Enterprise returned to Earth and underwent a major  refit under the command of Captain Willard Decker   Kirk resumed command in 2271 to deal with the  massive entity a mission during which Decker   was lost in action after this the Enterprise refit  became Kirk's Flagship and was engaged in further   deep space missions before she was assigned to  Starfleet Academy as a training vessel under the   command of Captain Spock. The refit was the most  extensive the Enterprise underwent during her   lifetime and involved an almost complete rebuild  of the ship, this level of refit had always been   part of the mission plan for constitution-class  ships and the Enterprise was just one of several   in the class that underwent the procedure which  greatly extended their potential operational life   the warp engine was upgraded to serve for another  15 years even though the structural frame of the   ship was on their predecessors was retained the  whole plating has completely renewed. The Warp   engine upgrade to the refit Constitution  class ships was a significant Improvement   the impulse engines were replaced with entirely  new models the phasers were rerouted through the   engines to boost their power though this had the  side effect of knocking them out in the event of a   main engine failure in fact a considerable number  of airlocks and docking ports were added to the   ship and they could now be found on the side of  the engineering hull on the torpedo Bay and on   the top and underside of the saucer section  the Broussard Ram scoop wartness cells and   pylons were replaced with newer more efficient  designs that improved the ship's top speed   these slightly larger nacelles increase the  Enterprise's length is from 289 meters to 305 meters   significant changes were also made to the  saucer section the overall size was increased   to accommodate extra facilities and a new bridge  module was installed which now included an   auxiliary airlock where shuttles could dock the  ship measured 305 meters or 1000 feet in length   has a total of 21 decks that can accommodate about  504 crew members and had a maximum warp speed   of warp 8.7 the refit Enterprise was seriously  damaged when the Genesis device was detonated   in the muttara nebula and was subsequently  destroyed in orbit around the Genesis planet.   even though the refit and Enterprise a were  virtually identical in appearance with a few   subtle differences the Enterprise a was another  constitution-class ship the USS Yorktown which   was after the destruction of the original  Enterprise recommissioned as the Enterprise   NCC-1701-A and 2286 and eventually retired from  service in 2293. The bridge was in its customary   location on Deck 1 and at least three different  designs were used during the ship's service the   officers had a private dining hall in the saucer  section which was often used to entertain guests   officers had crew quarters similar  to those on the previous Enterprise   the brig was located in the bowels of the  Engineering Hall and it was designed to   be escape proof the Enterprise A had a  vertical warp course similar to that of   the Galaxy class of 80 years later the core could  be accessed through main engineering on Deck 15.   similar to the refit the ship was measured  at 305 meters or 1000 feet in length had a   total of 21 decks can accommodate about 504 crew  members and had a maximum warp speed of warp 8.7.   The Enterprise B was larger and more heavily armed  than the constitution-class ships and they are   often considered the successor to the Constitution  class design with a more modern and streamlined   appearance work on the Enterprise B began in  2288 as part of starfleet's project to replace   the Aging Constitution class ships with larger and  faster vessels she was formally commissioned in   Earth's space stock in 2293 during a Shakedown  Cruise the Enterprise-B was badly damaged when   responding to a distressed call from vessels  carrying refugees stuck in a space anomaly called   Nexus it limped back to space dock for repairs and  stayed there for several months before being able   to join active service even though the secondary  Hall was designed with plenty of space allocated   for cargo, the ship was also designed as a heavily  armed vessel for combat as much as exploration.   The Excelsior class ships have a distinctive  flat and secondary Hall with a bulge in the   midsection which is connected by a larger neck  to the primary pull the fundamental engineering   principles behind this class of ship Drew  heavily on the Innovations developed by   Captain Montgomery Scott during his revolutionary  work on the upgrade of the Constitution class   the Enterprise be reached its end of the line  when in 2329 Starfleet received the report from   the ship that the crew contracted a dangerous  infection there was no further communication   from the ship and it was never found so it is  classified as missing in action presumed destroyed   measuring around 467 meters or 1532 feet with  a total of 32 decks The Excelsior class can   accommodate up to 503 personnel and has a top  warp speed of warp 9.2. The next Enterprise was   an ambassador-class ship that was launched in  2332 under the command of Captain Rachel Garrett   the Enterprise-C has managed to have a similar  design language as the Enterprise a while being   a perfect transition between the Excelsior and  the Galaxy class ships that came before and after   just like its predecessor it has two  separate hulls a primary and secondary   with interconnecting dorsal in 2344 the Enterprise  C was destroyed while responding to a distressed   call from the Klingon outpost on the render 3  which was under attack by four Romulan ships   the loss of the Enterprise played a vital role in  establishing peace between the Federation and the   Klingon Empire since the Klingons greatly admired  the crew's willingness to sacrifice their ship and   their lives in the face of insurmountable odds  in an effort to save a small number of Klingons the Ambassador class has a total length of  526 meters or 1726 feet a total of 36 decks   and can accommodate about 503 personnel  with a maximum warp speed of Warp 9.   Starfleet took the decision to reserve the name  Enterprise for one of the Galaxy class ships   work on the Enterprise ncc-1701-d the  third Galaxy class ship began in 2350   similar to the Starfleet older vessels designed the  ship had a large oval saucer-shaped primary Hall   connected with a thick neck to the engineering  Hull with a pair of elongated warped missiles   mounted on either side the Enterprise D also  featured a number of new design elements including   Advanced deflector Shields a hollow deck and  a highly Advanced computer system with newly   developed isolinear circuitry that replaced  aging duotronic systems commanded by captain   Jean-Luc Picard the Enterprise D was launched  in 2363 and served for just eight years as the   flagship of Starfleet before she was destroyed  during an operation to prevent the destruction   of the Viridian system in 2371. despite her  brief operational life the Enterprise D had   an extremely eventful existence and made more of  an impact on the history books than any Starfleet   vessel since Captain Kirk's Enterprise more than  a century earlier, the Enterprise D was the first   Enterprise to carry a civilian population which  included the families of Starfleet personnel   all non-essential personnel could be evacuated to  the saucer section which could then detach from   the engineering hull and Retreat to safety under  its own impulse power meanwhile the remaining   engineering section which was capable of flight  and optimized for combat could engage the threat   amenities included individual plush rooms  for personnel a bar and restaurant called   10 forward a theater a salon a repomat, a  gymnasium, and even classrooms for the children.   Best of all were the 16 holodecks that created  fully immersive computer-generated worlds   the Enterprise D was built at the Starfleet yards  in the orbit of Mars and was launched in 2363. she   was a galaxy-class Starship the largest and most  advanced vessel that Starfleet made at that time.   She retained the same basic layout as  the earlier Enterprises with the saucer   section and an engineering hole that had  two warp missiles attached by two pilots   the ship has a total length of 641 meters or 2103  feet a total of 42 decks can accommodate about   1014 personnel and about 6 000 in an emergency  and had a maximum warp speed of warp 9.6   the Enterprise he was a sovereign class  starship which was an even more advanced   class of vessel than the Galaxy class it  had a long Sunday primary hull connected   directly to the Engineering hull with a pair of  elongated warped missiles mounted on either side   the decision was taken to christen the Enterprise  E following the destruction of her predecessor   the ship was a sovereign-class vessel that  was launched from Earth's San Francisco   yards in the year 2372. Starfleet opted to  make the next Enterprise a sovereign class   ship and gave the name to a vessel  that was already nearing completion   following Starfleet's initial encounters  with the Borg, it recognized the need for   a heavily armed more compact ship that could  withstand attack from Superior Borg vessels   The Vessel which entered service in 2372 was  a smaller faster vessel than her predecessor   unlike the Galaxy class there was no provision  for families and she had a smaller crew   despite her heavy armaments the Enterprise he  was still principally a research and exploration   vessel with a full complement of science  labs and the appropriate Mission specialist   however because of the period in which she  operated the Enterprise spent a significant amount   of time involved in military operations she used  the latest weapons throughout her career including   Quantum Torpedoes and randomly modulated phasers  both of which had been developed to fight the Borg   during one of these refits the ship's interior  was given a new configuration increasing the   number of decks to 29. the ship's more compact  shape made her a more powerful ship in combat   but still followed the basic layout favored  by Starfleet for over 200 years the saucer had   been elongated to become an oval but was still a  distinct section that contained. The crew quarters   and the majority of the science labs while the  secondary Hull contained Engineering Systems   the most significant weapons upgrade  involved the Torpedoes the ship carried   the latest Quantum Torpedoes and had a  far greater yield than their predecessors   in addition the ship's computer core used  the latest bioneural circuitry a synthetic   cells to process data faster than traditional  isolinear Optical circuitry while The Sovereign   class was refitted it was more of a minor  upgrade that didn't change much visually   The Sovereign class was longer than the Galaxy  class but was smaller in terms of habitable volume   it measured a total length of 685 meters or 2247  feet had a total of 24 decks that can accommodate about   1,500 personnel and had a maximum warp speed of  Warp 9.985 throughout the history of Starfleet the   name Enterprise has been associated with Legendary  Ships spanning over several hundred years starting   with the Enterprise nx-01 to the enterprisee  The Adventures of the Enterprise are legendary   and will continue to spark the imagination of  countless fans of the series for Generations   I didn't include the Enterprise J due to  its brief history it was the 26th Century   Federation Universe class starship operated by  Starfleet in a possible future I also wanted to   thank Mateo Sid for helping with this video.  So what is your favorite Enterprise let me   know in the comments section below thanks  for watching and I see you guys next time.
Channel: Halfscreen
Views: 919,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Trek, Enterprise, Enterprise 1701, 1701, Halfscreen, 3D, Animation, 3D animation, USS Enterprise 1701 D, USS Enterprise NCC 1701 C, NCC 1701 C, Warp Speed, USS Enterprise 1701, 1701 D, uss, USS Enterprise NCC 1701 D, ncc 1701 D, inside the uss enterprise e, warp nacelle, inside, sovereign class, inside the sovereign class, enterprise e, evolution, the evolution of the enterprise, enterprise b
Id: uUC8EuwplYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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