Star Size Comparison 1 (HD)
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: morn1415
Views: 17,637,310
Rating: 4.9113669 out of 5
Keywords: stars, universe, sterne, universum, cosmos, space
Id: HEheh1BH34Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 34sec (154 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 08 2009
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Older then the int...fuck it.
Some variant of this seems to be the most reposted video on reddit. Not that I'm complaining! I watch them every time :) I'm just waiting for the day I'm in some trivia contest and they ask "what is the largest known star"
Definite up-vote for the music!! I was waiting for Maximilian to pop out and tear up the airliner.
And yet, I've never seen it before!
Thanks for the vid.
What do you mean by Older than the internet?
What the hell, is that Tangerine Dream? If someone knows, please tell me the original song.
I'm scared. Someone hold me.
The blue ones are the raddest.
Beautiful. Seen that sort of video many times before, but never so well presented.
It did make me realise one thing though... Canis Majoris is the meaning of life: the Final Boss of the Universe. We kill it, we win...