Black Hole Comparison
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Channel: morn1415
Views: 8,153,265
Rating: 4.9145012 out of 5
Keywords: Black Hole, Space, gravity, sun, schwarzschild, einstein, phoenix cluster, XTE J1650-500, M82 X-1, sagittarius
Id: QgNDao7m41M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
That scene after the 2:40 mark O_o. No scary movie has a scene scarier than this.
So, if you crush the Earth, to the size of a peanut, it'll become a black hole.
Welcome to the hydraulic press channel.
What does size even mean for a black hole? Do they even have a surface?
I'm gonna ask a dumb question because I am, but also curious. Given the size of that black hole and I assume we know it exists. Why are we not able too see stars, planets etc get swallowed by it?
Come on, brain! Grasp!
How are black holes important to creation of galaxies and why wouldn't we exist without them?
All those suns made me want cheese balls.
Damn space you scary!
The animations in the beggining of the video were pretty... weird. lol
EDIT: Okay, the whole video was pretty scary. That background music, Jesus Christ.