Stainless Impeller Repair Part 4, Project Finished

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[Music] okay i'm set up and ready to start turning the stainless impeller down we're uh taking it down to five and a half inches so we're going to be running a this is a cnmg insert right here i don't remember the grade of this is one i've had in my cabin a while i know it's a mitsubishi so we're just going to see how it does i'm just hoping that i end up with one that doesn't try to chip on me with this interrupted cut but we've got plenty of different inserts we can try uh if we need to okay i'm gonna be running some flood cooling on it as well keep everything cool so we'll start off with let's just try 200 thousands of pass and see how that [Music] does get some coolant coming it would help if i turn the pump on that's probably why it's not coming out there we go just going to have it dripping down here from the top [Music] setting up the feed rate i'm gonna put it on ten thousandths put my ear plugs in because this sucker is gonna try to ring on me see how it does wrong key direction [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i think i've already got that tool i can tell yeah it chipped it chipped the end off right away i started pulling it up in there all right so that one's not gonna work let me go ahead and find a different one we can use i'm gonna go back to my trusty escar insert this is the one you generally see me use all the time it's the uh ic8250 is the grade tf chip breaker 431 so let's give this a shot and see see if it'll hold up let's try it again see what happens here [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] hey got the job done that's a little bit of an aggressive cut on the interference or i'm sorry a uh interrupted cut like that but it seems to be working got that one too [Music] dang it just tries to pull it up in there further and further that one that kicked the tool around all right try it again that last one might have been a little bit my fault um i generally don't tighten these very much for a lot of the work that i'm doing around here and i probably didn't have these very tight i i don't know if that was the case but probably a combination of uh wrong insert too high of a feed rate with that interruption cut and then the tool not being tight enough kicking around digging in even even tougher so i got it back off to 150 let's let's try it again i'm going to slow the feed rate down 8 000 feed rate right there instead of 10. all right swinging cooling up on my mic there i got to move it all right that's at that time it worked a little better we got to do it so that might be it just backing off on our cut a little bit slowing the feed rate down so it's not hitting so hard you got to have a the proper grade for a little bit more impact resistance when you're doing this uh interrupted cut like that do a quick check here and see where we're at on our sides we should have plenty yeah we still got well over an inch to take off this thing [Music] another 150 pass right here try it again try to back off on this coolant so it's not slinging so [Music] [Applause] much looks like it's got that tool again beating and banging pretty hard yeah it's got the corner of it once again yep man it seems like it gets right there every time and then tears the tool up i think we might go to a different style of insert i might grab my lmnx and see if it has a little bit better heavy duty turning capabilities all right i think we're going to give this guy a try right here this is a slanr tool it takes an lnmx insert these are these are made for a heavy stock removal right here deep cuts and coarse feed but we'll see how if it'll hold up to the stainless [Music] steel all right i decided to go ahead and add a center to the mandrel there we'll use a live center there that'll help that'll help create a little bit extra rigidity for the whole setup [Music] okay another attempt see how this one does and it chips it off too 150 thousandths [Laughter] yeah sounds like it's doing the same thing man i can't catch a break today i knew this was going to be a little problematic but i didn't expect it to continue to do this right here they definitely got it uh it cornered they got the corner of the insert there so i just keep selecting the wrong grade of insert so i got to keep got to keep going until we find the right tool [Music] okay next one i'm going to try right here this is a dnmg style of insert right here but the reason why i want to try this i recall this was a ingersoll insert vf was part of it uh stands for vibration free it's a positive style chip breaker molded into that that insert there and i used this i had used this on a big job at motion i had this big stainless steel tube in the in the lathe had it was a weldment had some pieces welded on it and uh i had to turn that thing down and i was using this tool right here and i recall taking like 400 thousands of pass in a stainless so let's see if it works over here on this this little job compared to what i used it on but i've just got a lot of things working against me right here this interrupted cuts beating and banging you know i i guess i need to go ahead and figure out the proper surface speed i may be running a little bit too fast [Music] too okay i might have found a combination that's working better for me this is my mchnn tool it uses a cnmg insert but you can see how it's seated on the tool right there so we've got a really steep lead-in angle to it and in the insert itself this is a seco tp-3500 grade of insert i've made three passes on it and it's worked out i've backed off to a hundred thousandths metal removal and then we slowed it down to 100 rpm so let's see if it'll continue to make a cut i'm trying to keep the tip of the tool flooded underneath the coolant okay good another successful pass so since this combination is working for me i'm just gonna i'm just gonna keep doing this till we get it down to five and a half [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i'm down to my final two cuts there we got 50 thousands to bring this thing down to five and a half what i've been doing is uh feeding from left to right just to try to help cut some of these heavy burrs off there on that inside we already know we're going to get in there and deburr that with the grinder but i was just trying to eliminate some of that stuff that's been rolled over there so we'll go ahead and start our next cut here [Music] that's just a 25 000 pass seems to be working fine and we'll have one more cut after this [Music] so all right that's saying i got thirty thousands thirty thousands to bring it down [Music] thirty thousands [Music] finish cut [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we've got her down to our five and a half diameter got a good finish on it i'm just going to go ahead and break the two outside corners using a tool we got in there [Music] so so this thing's got some pretty nasty burrs on it from the turning but this is all we're doing we're gonna we're gonna use the pliers here to remove the uh the bulk of this right here just like that and we'll keep peeling some more of the this off here about like so and then get the air grinder over here with a carbide burr and just come in here with it with the burr and remove the big stainless burr off this impeller trying not to mar up the surface if i can help it the machine surface go through here with the carbide burr we've got a 90 degree angle or a right angle grinder and a straight grinder right there and once we get the heavy bulk removed probably go in there with this cartridge roll and just kind of blend and soften up that edge a little bit all right earplugs eye covers eye shield and some gloves here wow [Music] oh oh oh i think we're finally finished up with that this edge here still had a little bit of burr right right through here so we got that polished off good so i think we are about done with this whole thing just giving this ring a nice little polish to finish it out not not really necessary but i like to make it kind of and i'll pretty it up a little bit just using some 220 grit not really applying a lot of pressure just wanting to polish up and i want to soften that edge up there too and take this one and go around the let's odd i think i got some scotch brite around here somewhere just giving this thing a nice little wash down then the crc smart washer here get rid of the oil and coolant that's still on it and then wash off any of the fine uh burrs and chips that still stuck on there okay well our impeller is is all finished up there i'm real happy with the way everything turned out on it all of our finishing our sizes dimensions came out really good we've got our od turned down to five and a half all of the burrs have been removed all the edges softened up so there's no sharp edges to cut your fingers on it's always really important remember do all your deburring before you hand the part away to someone else especially the customer never leave a sharp edge on there the seal ring turned out real nice i was disappointed with how badly out of round it was you know especially after the welding on there but our eutectic flame spray equipment did a good job on the metallizing and building up and i and i have 100 confidence this is a good good repair for a part like this especially you know especially when talking to eutectic direct and and them tell me about their history of doing parts like this you know within industry and having good results with it there as well so i have uh i have complete confidence that is a solid repair so this guy's finished up now one of the uh comments that comes up in discussion quite a bit especially when i was showing some teaser shots on instagram is uh people asking about it being balanced and in fact it does need to be balanced this is an important part of of a part like this that's rotating i'm not going to do the balancing myself the customer is going to is going to handle having it balanced so you know give this somebody like an electric motor shop or a pump shop that has a balancing machine so that they can properly balance this thing they'll have to come in here that's what you see right here there was a little bit of grinding on it right there there's a little bit of grinding on it on the inside right there where they're trying to remove a little bit of the weight to uh to get it properly balanced so this will have to be done as well i've already got more time in this what i originally thought i was going to do i don't do balancing here myself so the customer is going to handle that on their end okay so that's it this guy is finally finished up we're gonna go ahead and and uh get it boxed up and get it sent back to them i hope you enjoyed this repair and uh these couple of videos and we'll see you on the next job okay later [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 125,355
Rating: 4.9583178 out of 5
Keywords: Abom79, Stainless Impeller, impeller repair, impeller, turning stainless, interrupted cut, carbide insert, carbide insert damage, Monarch, Monarch lathe, lathe work, manual machinist, manual machining, carbide burr
Id: uaTW17fxfFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 3sec (1923 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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