Hands In! Stack and Tilt! Golf Power and How to improve Swing Path! PGA Golf Pro Jess Frank

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hey golfers jess frank coming to you from the just frank golf academy youtube channel thank you so much for joining me and what is hands in on stack and tilt for the stack and tilt system why do why do we promote hands in and why is that so important and why is it hands in also on the back swing and the downswing why does that do that well i'm going to show you that hands in does a couple things for you one it keeps you a little bit more connected with your body and also it traces this line right here for your back swing and you can see is that hands in works your club back up the arc and up so hands in also gives you a little bit of power so what i see in a lot of golfers is that they've been taught to swing straight back straight through now since the club is built on an angle it's super important to have the club travel on an ark because you're the inside so at no time is that club kind of working away from me swinging down the target line back and through if i wanted to hit the ball the shortest distance yes if i wanted to hit the ball off the toe yes fat yes so we're going to talk about hands in and and how it helps you so so basically when i'm swinging i'm taking the club back you can see is that my hands are working on an arc on the back swing around my body okay but notice the difference is that my club head isn't flinging behind me that's where i get a lot of a lot of people in in teaching a lot of people get into trouble with that move right there so they actually take the club back and they they've been told maybe bring it inside or they've been told to turn and that's really where it comes from a lot of it comes from they're told to turn and this club gets very far inside so they turn club gets inside and then they lift and they come over the top so with a combination of you know talking about the 10 words of the shoulder down okay the shoulder down and the hands in so you can see is that my club head has not worked outside way out over here or way in behind me so when i do that so if that club works in behind me like i said i can go up i can come over the top or i could get really stuck underneath is that when i swing with the hands in the combination of things happen i really feel a good tilting of my body i feel that my [Music] my my head is staying very centered my body's staying very centered so when i swing back this way hands in you can see is that i haven't moved myself and turned myself too far to the right i've gone hands in and the club is in a really powerful position so it's something that's going to help you hit the ball really straight and really far and grab a couple golf balls here and really what i want to do is when you're hitting these shots hands in it works on both sides so not only does it work hands in on the back swing it also works hands in on the through swing so so many people take take they'll cut take the club back pretty well and then all of a sudden they'll just throw the club down the target line because they're told to swing way out to the right um and so or or it's just a it just happens you know people swing out to the right and they overhook it so what i see and i've gotten a lot of good feedback from that and and teaching is that you're also tracing the arc on both sides of your body so not only are you hands in on the back swing but you're also hands in on the follow through so now you're really tracing the arc this is excellent excellent excellent for people who hook and push the ball too much or hit it thin too much because usually what happens is that they're swinging out they're taking the club hands in great on the backswing and then they throw the club down the target line um on the on the follow through so hands in works for both sides of the swing i'll kind of show you this here so as i hit a shot i'm going to go hands in on the backswing and hands in on the downswing and you can see where i end up my hands are definitely in they're not up and over my head and that's what i see a lot as well i see a lot of golfers who swing the club let me move a little bit closer here i see a lot of golfers who swing the club and they're always trying to make a follow so they swing the club and they go over over their neck okay so it leads to inconsistent ball striking because they're off of the circle they're off of the arc we're always trying to trace the arc back and through that gives us a lot of power what it also does it allows us to keep control the shaft and keep control of the club face so that's super important instead of the club face kind of getting away from us and working a little bit you know over the top or into out i mean i you can fix an over the top swing very easily by working on hands in so hands in would be okay back swing remember though hands in isn't whipping the club head inside either though it's hands in club head stays right in front of the hands so hands in on the backswing hands in on the downswing and you can see i can hit some really good shots i can hit some really good push draws doing that little motion and all you're doing is that hands in hands in and notice when i do this as well i'm also connected so my upper arms are connected to my sides a great drill is taking a towel putting underneath your arms keeping your arms to on your sides and then basically working on the circle working on the hands in so i have i feel a little pressure underneath my arms both sides that keeps me connected that keeps me centered and not only am i driving the ball with my arms and hands but i'm also controlling the arc i'm controlling how solid i hit it i'm controlling the bottom of my swing so go ahead and do that again so let's see here so you can see that so hands in hands in so now we take a little bigger swing hands in hands in and now i can hit that ball really solid and really straight so it becomes a very simple golf swing and that's what we want we want you to have a simple repeatable swing not thinking a lot not trying to flick your hands through impact we don't want to have that that's uh that's not what we're looking for we're looking for you to hit the ball solid with some control we want to hit the ball in the same spot on the ground every time we want the same impact every time we want a predictable curve and we want to hit the ball far enough but i find that most people struggle to get past fundamental number one of hitting the ball solid or hitting the ground in the same place every time so hands in really helps because now as you can see a golf club is built on an angle so you're not swinging straight back you're swinging the club on an ark and you can see this is a great spot here so that club head is nowhere near way behind me i get so many people who get that club head behind their body when when they're at p2 here position two so there you go back here so what you notice here that club is just working up the arc boom now here's a coming back down okay so then the club comes down and it goes back around so a really easy way to think about that i'll do it this way this time if i just take my right arm and move it across my shoulders across my chest so you can see this is hands in on the follow-through and again if you've been watching my videos you know i love to start with the forward part of the swing so i'm going up this way hands in so you can see where my hands travel my hands are not traveling way away from me so i'm connected connected with the upper arms to the body and you can see this is this is a pretty repeatable pretty pretty repeatable motion and and you can you can hit some shots that way i'm gonna grab a couple more balls here so i can grab a more couple more golf balls and so you can see is that hands in hands in hands in on the backswing hands in a through swing so what i was going to say on the back swing what i can do as well is that if i take my hand back this way okay cross my shoulders hands are in they're not on the target line left hand's in right hand's in now i can start if you look at the best players in the world on the back swing that's what they have they have the hands in they do not have the club head in they have the hands hands in i do a lot of drills with people keeping the hands in head out so hands in head out hands in head out but you notice here i've still made a pretty good turn pretty good extending tilting and turning i'm turning my body as well not just i'm doing all three extending tilting and turning okay hands come in so that's what we're looking for here hands come in so pretty solid shots here pretty repeatable pretty repeatable that was even more solid so i'm hitting a lot of good shots very solid simple way to do it i think a lot of people miss the connection part of their upper arms to their body that's very important i'm always kind of reminding that reminding a lot of people that's the key right there because sometimes they just kind of take the club up they lose or lose the structure in their arms and but the hands in is crucial to you hitting the ball with some power um getting the club swinging back correctly so that's part of the 10 words the two words hands in okay it goes along so we did arm straight now we're doing hands in and and i tell you what i think of most people worked on just this little portion right here from from setup to hands in over here so turning extending tilting turning my body towards the camera you'd probably have and take a little backswing boom and hit little shots like that you'd probably have a lot of golfers hitting push draws because all they're going to do now if i turn around this way is i take the hands in over here hands in on the front side hit a lot of shots like that and that's going to help you so hopefully you really enjoyed this video again my name is jess frank i'm a pga teaching professional here in south florida deer creek golf club if you really like this video go ahead and subscribe to my channel it only helps me grow and and bring more golf content to you guys my main goal is to help you have more fun enjoy the game more on the course and hit the ball better and play more golf so there you go but keep leaving comments subscribe turn on the notification bell and uh and we'll keep going so thanks again for watching and we'll see you soon have a great day
Channel: Jess Frank Golf Academy
Views: 57,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stack and tilt golf swing, stack and tilt 10 words, Golf swing path, golf lesson swing path, golf instruction for beginners, stack and tilt hands in, PGA golf Pro Jess Frank, Jess Frank Golf Academy, golf swing golf lessons, golf lessons irons, golf lessons driver, pain free golf, golf instruction for seniors, golf swing drills, stack and tilt drills, impact golf, golf, golf swing lessons, stack and tilt driver, swing lessons golf, golf instruction boca raton, golf lessons
Id: gwNnVbZiEFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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