Always Keep Your Weight Forward in the Golf Swing - The #1 Key to Playing Great Golf!

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there's one simple change you can make to see an immediate Improvement in your ball striking and nobody's teaching it nobody's teaching this gold and when you do what I'm talking about today you're going to see automatic ball striking just like a pro it doesn't matter what your ability is if you can Master this one concept make this small change you will be a great ball Striker we're talking about the concept of weight shift now so many golfers are taught from birth practically that they need to work on shifting their weight in the golf swing into their Trail side for power but this creates a huge problem and that's why I say so many golfers have this issue contact is compromised when you shift your weight just check this out right here as I start making a weight shift see my hips moving a little bit here I'm moving more weight into this leg my body starts swaying and this is why you have a hard time striking your irons no matter how much you shift even a little shift off the ball will result in inconsistency for you so whether it's one inch or five inches off the ball your contact Point moves in the direction of the shift so check this out going to swing without a shift first keep my lead arm straight my weight centered there's my contact Point there's my contact Point number one fundamental in golf you've got to master that if you don't master that you are not going to play golf at a high level so when I start shifting watch what happens to this contact point I'm sorry ground I'm sorry Club shift there's my contact point shift there's my contact Point shift there's my contact Point there's no consistency with where the club comes into the ground in fact if I shift and I stay back I'm always going to hit behind the ball now this is a comforting thing for one reason because it gives us certainty and a game of craziness so you think about golf being this really inconsistent game that only a few people can play well that's not true you can hit the ball really well right now when you eliminate weight shift from your game shifting is going to lead to destruction but the one thing that you need to play Great Golf is eliminate the shift and replace it with rotating pivoting so we're going to focus on our weight staying forward when I keep my weight forward just staying centered like this there's my contact Point always and then when I try and do this in the swing there is a really good chance of me taking ball first and a divot after and there wasn't a whole lot of thinking in that wasn't there was pretty simple golf gets far too hard when we try and do all this shifting and lifting and the shift I don't know where it came from but this idea of Shifting it feels powerful right I feel like I'm loading up on my right side yeah I feel powerful but this creates a lot of issues so we're going to talk about some of the issues with shifting weight the first issue is one contact I just told you about that the second issue is it's not body friendly and it robs you of crucial power so the power that you could have in the golf swing you'll get that by keeping the weight forward now we're going talk about that in a bit but as I shift into this side it keeps my right leg locked and when this leg stays flexed the longer it stays flexed oh my goodness these hips these Hips Don't Lie Shakira said that they don't lie they're not turning so I start doing this little sway dance this leg locks my hips don't turn I can't swing back far I'm kind of limited to this allarm swing so I see this all the time most golfers will break their arms down and then they'll chop into the ball so that's like almost every golfer I see has an issue with either swaying they're not getting enough turn their arms are breaking down you're not getting enough power you name it it's all coming back to this you start with a shift and it's going to end in pain so since my body is restricted here you know think Allah X Factor keeping everything really restricted this lower half is locked against a upper half now my lower back gets stressed my knee gets stressed and my hips aren't turning so you're looking at creating potential back surgery down the road if you haven't already here is knee surgery hip surgery back surgery it's almost guaranteed to happen because I teach golfers who are like 75 all the time they say I had surgery in my knee I had surgery in my back I had surgery in my hip but the second they learn to get the weight forward it changes watch this weight forward swing my body is freed up to make this motion my body is allowed to turn the beauty of weight forward aside from contact being amazing that feels great if I think about my front side just being a post and everything rotates around it it's like a peg in the ground doesn't it doesn't move boom my hips can turn around the front side so that's a bigger hip turn that means more power without working yeah and then no sway so there's no restriction I don't want you to feel like you're all bound up I mean that's that's kind of a weird way to put it bound up but the whole idea is instead of being bound or restricted free free yourself from golfing anxiety just keep the weight forward swing and I love this I love teaching this part because this will get you rocketing the ball like you wouldn't believe and it works with all the clubs in the bag driver to you just want to focus on staying Center look at my head my head you can drop a pin on my head it should stay in the same place throughout the swing that enables me to hit ball first take a divot every single time this is what you need to master and in fact I got a free minicourse go. seo. goov it shows you the three keys you need to be a great ball Striker and there's so many great drills that come along with that so go check it out in the link in description below it's going to help you play the best golf for your life moving forward with this weight I know it's sounds like a shock to most of you because your whole life you've been told that we have to shift back and we got to shift through so what do we do now what do we do now at the weights forward oh Tom well you're going to hit the ball low you're going to hit the ball shorter and you're going to hit down too much well these divots aren't that deep they're normal divots they're nice bacon strips they're not pork chops and another thing that happens with this weight it's already set forward I don't have to think about my downswing the hips looking like they're firing like on their own crack it is downright highway robbery you feel like you're in that Heist van and you're getting away with all the goods and there's no cops like you did it flawlessly I went through all the lasers of Shifting weight and I hit all the lasers and I got screwed I just can't I can't make a good swing when I shift I I have the time I hate having the time because I don't have the time to time neither do you neither do you you don't have time to time when we golf we go out to have fun and we got lives here we got things we do with our life like I like to play guitar I don't have time to time there's just no time there's time for that I make time for that when I go to the golf course so sigo golfer shifting is dead you're going to get more power more consistency more fun by just thinking about a front post a golf swing you do that you're going to love you're going to love it like the guy in Men's Warehouse you're going to like the way you swing I guarantee it like that's the whole thing life is too short to play Bad Golf so I'll see you next episode yall have an awesome week
Channel: SagutoGolf
Views: 148,402
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Keywords: golf swing, golf tips, golf tips golf swing, golf swing tips, the golf swing, golf ball striking tips, golf tips ball striking, ball striking golf, golf ball striking, golf tips irons, golf tips driver, golf tips straight, ball striking tips, golf swing ball striking tips, improve ball striking golf, golf improve ball striking, golf, saguto golf, sagutogolf, easy golf tips, golf tricks, golf tips and tricks, simple golf tips, golf tips that work
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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