Stable Diffusion | FORGE is BETTER than Automatic1111 | ONLY 4GB VRAM Needed! | Step-by-Step Install

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Hey everybody how are you doing? Today I'm going  to talk about installing WebUI Forge which is a   platform built on top of Automatic 1111 meaning it  is based on and incorporates core Automatic 1111   files while producing images faster and using  less resources making this an ideal choice for   all GPUs but especially GPUs with lower VRAM. In  fact the speed improvements that Forge offers are   most noticeable on lower-end GPUs and it kind  of tapers off with your higher-end models. Now   if you don't know what a GPU is or what kind  of GPU you have then check out my "Installing   Stable Diffusion" video first before proceeding  with this installation. It's important to note   that Forge is not a replacement for Automatic  1111 and the developers want to stress that that   is not their goal it's simply an enhancement to  Automatic 1111. If you're familiar with the Automatic 1111 interface adding Forge to the  mix can give you speed and resource advantages   that you can't get with the stock Automatic 1111  installation. Forge also adds several additional   sampling methods and more functionality within  ControlNet so it really is a worthwhile addition   to your Automatic 1111 installation and it's a  great way to add increased functionality while   we wait for the release of Stable Diffusion 3. So  in this video I'm going to go step by step on how   to install Forge. It's not necessary that you  have Automatic 1111 installed but if you do the   two can coexist together nicely. Okay so let's get  started. The first thing we're going to do is open   Windows Explorer which we can do by clicking the  Windows Explorer icon in the taskbar. Now this is   Windows 11 if you're on a different OS yours  is going to look a little bit different and if   you don't have the Windows Explorer icon on  your taskbar you can simply press the Windows   key and the letter "R" at the same time then in  the dialogue box it appears type "explorer" and   press enter. I'm going to click the file explore  icon. Okay and now what we want to do is we want   to navigate to our primary drive in my case my  primary drive is going to be C and what we're   doing here is we're going to create a folder  to hold our newly installed Forge installation   files. So once you're in your primary drive you  can right-click anywhere and choose new and then   folder and just name the folder whatever you want  to name it in my case I have a folder already for   my stable diffusion files so I'm going to click  into that folder and I am going to right-click new   folder and I'm going to name my folder Forge just  because it's well I'm installing Forge and this is   short and easy to remember. Okay now that we have  our folder created down in the description for   this video you're going to see a link and that  link is going to be to a GitHub page GitHub   page for the installation files for Forge and go  ahead and click that link and then what that's   going to do is that's going to open that page  in your browser it's going to look like this and   then scroll down until you see installing Forge  and inside of installing Forge you're going to   see click here to download oneclick package that's  what we want to do go ahead and click on that and   that's going to go in my case right here it's  going to go into my downloads folder go ahead   and save that now this is a somewhat large file  so it's going to take a little bit for this to download all right and the file has just  about completed there it is we're done go   ahead and close out of this okay and now what  we're going to do is we're going to go back to   our our downloads folder right here we're  going to find the file that we just downloaded   right click on that guy choose cut now go  back to the folder that we created earlier   I created mine in my on my primary drive  in my SD folder I named it Forge going to go   inside that folder right click and paste now  what we've effectively done is we have just   moved that file from our downloads folder  into the our Forge folder now that we're   in our Forge folder we're going to right click  on the file and we're going to choose extract   all now this is a rather large file so this  extraction here is going to take a little while all right so once our file has completed  extracting we can go ahead and delete the   file ending in 7z go ahead and get that guy out  of there all right and then what we're going to   do is our the folder that was created by the  extraction of the downloaded file go ahead and   double click to enter that and you're going  to see a file in here it's going to be called   update bat and what we're going to do is we're  going to double click to run that now when we   when we double click to run it we're probably  going to get a Windows warning like this yes    this is Windows 11 so if you're on Windows 10 or  any other OS you'll get a similar warning just go   ahead and in my case I'm going to click more  info and then run anyway this is real fast    this will run in just a couple seconds just like  that we're done press any key to continue okay   and now what we're going to do is we're going  to run the Run dot bat file now this is going to be   the same thing we'll get a popup warning more  info run anyway and this is going to actually   download the files from git and it's going to  install them locally onto your computer here so   this is a somewhat longer process this usually  takes anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes I've seen what   you'll notice is that it's going to download  a lot of files here a lot of dependencies and   then towards the end it's going to download  a checkpoint model the checkpoint model that   it's going to download is going to be realistic  vision so once that's complete we'll go ahead and   pick up and launch the new Forge web  UI okay our model has just about downloaded   here and in just a second it's going to  open a browser window with the forge web UI there we go all right and we are now in Forge web  UI and as you can see it looks an awful   lot like Automatic 1111 you'll see a  few additional tabs up here that you   didn't have an Automatic 1111 and also if  you scroll down you're going to see a lot   more integrated functionality uh right out of  the box with Forge here and well let's go   ahead and create our first our first  image let's see I'm going to do best quality um raw photo not fall  let's do raw photo soft lighting soft lighting Studio  nope Studio Fine Art portrait of a beautiful woman third with long oh let's do wavy hair wavy hair wearing a red   evening gown let's do old  Master Brown let's do a brown background and let's do some Rembrandt lighting all right and I don't use  negative prompts and I'm going to go   ahead and set the height here I'm going to  set my height to 768 I'll leave the width   at 512 uh I'll up my sampling steps to roughly  about 30 now we only have one model installed   because it downloaded it and installed  realistic Vision that's our only choice so   we're going to create this image here with  realistic vision and let's see what we get and there you go there's our first image created  with using Forge and let me create one more time fantastic okay now the only thing that I noticed on Forge here I use um a detailer a   lot and it is not installed by default on Forge  so if you also use an extension that you see is   not here what we can do is we can just go to our  extensions here we're going to do available load   from and then in my case here I'm just going to  look for do control F and I'm just going to do detailer and not that one let's find another   one there we go after detailer okay  so here's the one I want right here   this is a detailer it's actually after  detailer going to go ahead and click install and as soon as that installs there we go it's installed  okay we're going to go back to our   installed we're going to apply  and restart the UI apply and restart all right we're back in our UI again and all right I'm going to recreate the image that  I had created previously here go ahead and put   that prompt back in there and I was at 768 on the  height 512 on the width I have my sampling steps   at 30 and as you can see my a detailer is now  here I'm going to go ahead and enable it first   of all I will leave the first one at face I will  leave the second on eyes down here at the bottom   I'm going to change my detection up to about  somewhere right about in there 72 is fine do the   same thing on the first one it's not really  necessary since we'll only have one subject   here but this is just out of habit I always uh  put my detection roughly at about point 7 and let's   see okay we are good to go 30 steps generate  and now what this will do is it'll generate   the image and then a detailer will kick in and  it will just there it is right now located   the face it's improving the face and then it  improves the eyes and there we go and there's our   final image so that's going to do it for for  this this short tutorial here on Forge I   think you'll find that Forge is a lot better  than the standard Automatic 1111 just in the   image generation speeds itself there's a lot  of improvements there the lower resources for   people that only have say for example 4 GB of  VRAM you should still be able to run stable   diffusion using Forge here even with as little as  4 GB of VRAM so that's a that's a huge bonus   there for people that have you know older or  lower end GPUs and there's also so much more   added functionality within Forge here straight out  of the box and that is capable of so I hope you   enjoy working with Forge and if you found anything  in this video helpful I sure would appreciate a
Channel: Ron Pierson
Views: 7,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forge, forge webui, webui forge, forge stable diffusion, forge stable difusion, stable difusion, stable diffusion, stable diffusion local, stable diffusioin webui
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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