How to Install Stable Diffusion on M1 Macs

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hello everyone today we are going to install together stable diffusion on Mac table diffusion is a quiet interesting tool to generate images with AI I love it you can modify your image you can create very good content beautiful images which you can use for whatever you know you can print them on a cup you can print them on canvas and you can generate beautiful content for your website and so on and so forth so just to give you a little bit of an overview of what stable diffusion is this is the interface of stable diffusion you have different tabs here where you can do different things with your image they must use one I think is text to image where you have the prompt you just type something like Woman in Red sitting on a chair something very plain and simple and then you press generate and hopefully a very nice picture should come out there are different options you may want to use here like sampling stuff see you have to scale which allow you to get better quality images Okay cool so this is the picture we got I'm not sure it's what I was expecting but it's definitely a woman with a red dress sitting on a chair so cool we would have got probably better results if we change some options here like increasing the sampling step or just adding some more details in our prompt or in our negative prompt but for now I'm happy like that so let's install it so the first thing we want to do is open our terminal to do that you can just go in the search bar and type terminal and you have the terminal here now I don't really like using this default terminal so I'm going to use warp which I think is really cool and now we are ready to start installing stable diffusion so the first thing we want to do is to install Homebrew this is the home page and ombre is very useful because it allows you to install some tools which you can install with Apple so if you want to install it on your Mac it's pretty easy you just grab this code you copy and you paste it in your terminal click in here and then we're going to the terminal and we paste it it will ask for the password of your laptop insert it and then you press enter and then again you need to press enter boom installed it okay cool so after we need to install or to update the software these are python rust git and others just copy and paste this into your terminal and press enter if you don't have them the terminal is just gonna install them on your computer if you have them already no worries determine I will tell you that you have already installed them and if you have already installed them but they are not up to date the terminal is going to update them so perfect after that we want to create a folder in our computer where we are going to download our stable diffusion model I want to do that in my document folder so that documents right click new folder and I'm going to call it stable diffusion call it however you want to now we want to download stable diffusion to do that we can go into GitHub so we need to go into this repository which is automatic one one one one stable diffusion web UI we're going to here code and then we copy this link over here the https link We copied it and then back to our terminal we diving into the folder we just created so let's have a look to where we are and then we go into CD documents stable diffusion home and then he's here in this folder here which we just created within documents where we want to paste our code we just copied from GitHub so we'll type git clone and then we paste cool that was easy if we go back to our folder and we go into stable diffusion we see that there is another folder within that which is called stable diffusion web UI where we have all our documents we just downloaded from GitHub so now that we have downloaded it what we want to do we want to download the Wicks of the model as well and then we need to paste them or drag and drop inside this folder here you will see there is this text file which says put stable diffusion checkpoints here where we can find these checkpoints there are different website with checkpoints available the one we are going to use today are those from hugging face stable diffusion version one five this is the link and then if we scroll a little bit down we'll see here the load the awakes and we have different weights in this case we can download both of them we can download just one it's really up to you I like having more weights because when working with with stable diffusion you can compare images generated with different weights at the same time so it's I think it's quite interesting to download them we just click on the hyperlink over here so one and two the download is automatic once downloaded I have them in my downloads folder here they are and now I just want to move them into the stable diffusion web UI folder to do that we go back to this folder so model stable diffusion and we are here we just drag and drop or copy and paste this file cool and now we have them here and we are ready to run in our terminal so let's go back to work what we want to do is to go into the stable diffusion folder we downloaded so in this case we are in stable diffusion right so at the moment we are here we are in this document stable diffusion so here we want to go inside this folder here so to do that we just type CD and the name of the folder and now here you will see the directories has changed to stable diffusion web UI if we look at what's inside this folder spine is what we were expecting and what we want to do we just want to run this file over here to do that we're gonna type the name of the file and press enter now this is installing stable diffusion it will take a little bit of time like around 10 minutes roughly depending on the power of your computer so I'm gonna pause the video now and see you later okay that's cool so we finished downloading it we can see here there is a URL link you can just copy this and paste it into our browser like this and boom we have stable diffusion now how cool is that okay we're done with that so you have now stable diffusion on your Mac I hope you found this useful if you have any questions just write down down in the comment section and hope to see you soon bye
Channel: Laura Carnevali
Views: 71,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, stable diffusion, dream studio, stable diffusion v2, diffusion, ai art, diffusion model, generative ai, generative art, dalle 2, dalle, openai, openai dalle, stability ai, ai artist, imagen, nft, install stable diffusion, install stable diffusion on mac, install stable diffusion apple silicon, apple silicon, m1, stable diffusion on m1, stable diffusion with python, stable diffusion hugging face, stable diffusion github, stable diffusion v1.5, stable diffusion tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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