St. Paul - Real World IFR Flight

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going to San Paul downtown airport in the Twin Cities today come along for the [Music] ride fuel both tanks are full I'm starting on the left tank and the beacon is on the gas lock is removed C flaps are open trim is six up Landing is switches down three greens breaker avionics is off gear crank is accessible seats and seat Bel secure propeller throw it all Way open makx to Rich and yes we did refuel uh brakes are set clear prop looking for fuel pressure all right let's taxi to the west ramp brakes checked turning the Aspens on feed Rapids Tower information Charlie 1552 Zulu wind 310 at five visibility Niner ceiling 800 broken 1,500 overcast temperature 18 2.16 altimeter 300 ceiling variable 500 to 1,000 ILS Runway 27 approach in use hazardous weather for Iowa and surrounding states available on flight service frequency advise on initial contact you have Charlie okay so let's put the flight plan in I have filed from KCI to [Music] KSTP via the t-wolf for arrival and it doesn't give me the t-wolf transition so I'm going to load it with AOG and then go direct t-wolf make sure this matches here yeah we saw Cedar Rapids direct t-wolf and then the uh way points 2K STP so that all looks good all right time for the clearance see was clearance good morning answer 7 Z tangle Bravo IFR to S Paul downtown ra to copy men 70 Tango Bravo City Rapid clearance delivery Clear to St Paul Airport via as filed maintain 5,000 expect 8,000 1 0 minutes after departure departure frequency 1 Niner 7 squat 1375 put 70 T Bravo clear to the S Paul Airport as filed clent maintained 5,000 EXP Effect 8, 1 Z minutes after departure 11 n.7 squark 1375 banan 70 Tango re correct okay 1375 is set and initial altitude 5,000 is set and we have Charlie C is ground B answer 70 tingle Bravo information Charlie at the west ramp request Taxi full length 27 please n 70 Tang Bravo City R ground Runway 27 Texas via Alpha cross Runway 31 on Alpha Runway 27 via Alpha cross Runway 31 at Alpha B 70 Bravo clear right clear left left turn on Alpha turning turning erect and the alterator within 75 ft we have a current nav database and current charts approaching Runway 1331 I'm cleared across I'll turn my lights on it is clear on the right and it is clear on the left a little fast here take power out let see here on the left the uh terminal Passenger Terminal construction Cedar Rapids more gates coming to this airport all right into into the wind for the run up and O temperatures warm enough for the run up The Brak fuel on the correct frequency 10 Niner autopilot disconnect check yard Amper is off mixture best power throttle 1700 ma both left both propeller a meter checked engine indications are green throttle idle check and I'll step over to Cylinder 6 for my reference cylinder pre takeoff mixture best power prop high RPM uh trim is six up C flaps are open flaps are up flight director to out aedo heat is on today Door and Window closed lights on the runway way all right normal takeoff Runway 27 here at Cedar Rapids um the wind is light your ceilings about 800 broken, 1500 overcast and it could be as low as 500 from uh what the Aus said uh so be ready for transitioning to instruments follow the flight director here to climb away from uh Earth um after that's my local ATC Jason hi Jason thank you you after the airports uh behind us if there's an engine failure the wind is very light so really any suitable surface in front of the airplane is uh workable only if I can turn it into the wind going to the Northwest would be good and uh we'll play The Rest by is na setup I'm direct t-wolf t-wolf here for the arrival I'm now going to to my map page and as we can see here the precept is all south of us so that should not be a problem icing shouldn't be a problem it's comfortably above freezing all right and with that ready for departure switching to Tower got Tower here departure there go around go around n z Tango Bravo if you would monitor the bases and tops on your way out yeah but n z Tango Bravo uh wico and I'm ready for departure Runway 27 n 70 T Bravo turn right Hing 2 Z Runway 27 clear for takeoff wind 310 4 heading 2 ner 0 clear for takeoff Runway 27 B answer 7 Z tangle problem your lights are on clear on Final clear on the runway and take off hey power set temperature pressure good ESP spe's alive positive rate gear up and then we transition 2 120 knots climb and 400 AGL to [Music] heading and the bases are qu departure and the bases are 1,600 I'll have the tops for departure B bra 690 he autopilot [Music] on C sper good morning bonan 7 zingo Bravo 1,900 climbing 5,000 7 Bravo Cedar radar contact turn right heading 340 Vector for traffic climb maintain 8,000 right heading 340 climb and maintain 8,000 B 70 T Bravo Z Bravo the tops of the lowest layer of [Music] 3,100 thanks uh do you recall the bases uh yeah basis were [Music] 1,600 all right it's you usual in the climb I'll try to keep my number six EGT at 1300 that way I know I have leaned just the right amount banan Z Tango Bravo clear direct t wolf clear direct t-wolf banan 0 t Bravo all right 150 ft to goal leling off any second here there it is going to about 20° leaner Peak checklist uh prop 2500 C flabs post mixture lean of peak finan zero Tango Bravo contact water approach 118 Niner 18.9 7 Z Bravo have a good day you do [Music] apprach good morning bananza 70 tangle Bravo level 8,000 bananza 70 tangle Bravo water L roach water altimer 3le 0 3 0 0 thank you okay let's look at the T wolf arrival we here no here for and Paul Minnesota t-wolf 4 uh laterally speaking we're on the way to t-wolf here and then it'll be kg links cuy kg links oh Target in between cuy and then destination so that all looks good uh we have the adus here transition level doesn't apply to me DM required I mean that through uh GPS and it also serves some of airports from t-wolf coming in I can see here some altitude constraints at Target and cue uh so if and only if I'm asked to descend via the arrival that means I have to honor those uh those vertical constraints at Target and cue we'll see if we get that on off um I have not flown a Minneapolis recently uh and and not a whole lot to be honest so I don't know if on on this particular arrival they actually keep me on the arrival or vector me off of it uh from from far out we we'll see current weather wind light wind from the north ceiling 700t overcast nice IFR practice weather uh 10 m visibility so good visibility under the low overcast and uh ultimately not much change from here so that might mean a Runway 32 see we get a little closer I know from uh memory the next frequency is 27.3 that's going to be miniapolis Center we're going to fly pretty much over Mason City home of the famous third Thursday barbecue every third Thursday of the month year round Rainer shine Mason City iio is the place to be uh Grill start at 6 bring something for the grill for yourself and maybe a side dish to share if you can uh dog rosenal is hosting that at his hanger and it's always fun carer 722 43 change Vis your frequency approved you can contact me on this frequency after completion of the approach and I'm setting up my number two Comm here for the guard frequency 1215 monitoring that now I did see and the nms that uh Runway 1432 is closed however that is effective uh later tonight not not yet might be a problem tomorrow same with the ILS for 14 and 32 that's not yet effective see some changes in the clouds coming up here in a few miles uh or leaving leav pretty much a uh a solid Stratus deck behind us and then more low cumulus uh deck going forward and if I look at the XM here there's a stationary front that we're crossing in in just a few miles it's not always completely predictable what's going to happen at these fronts right but being able to uh correlate the change and and the the weather and cloud formations with the depicted fronts here in the surface analysis chart is is nice not familiar with the St Paul Airport last time I was there was 20 years or so ago uh fbos are signature PA flight centerity St Paul flight center is closer to an onfield restaurant proceed direct that F and are you looking to be at 4 or 6,000 for your cruise now pick St Paul flight center sdfb today and that's the one here in the Northwest the the restaurant is here where it says G transient ramp but I I will need fuel as well so plan is to park at the FBO and then walk over to the restaurant all right want to do what I want to do next is look at the available approaches for Runway 32 32 [Music] for that approach 307 AG service and 32 me let's look at the RF 32 sometimes you have different visibilities slightly higher slightly higher minimums any one mile visibility as opposed to oh no that's the same so uh with the weather today either one should work uh and maybe I'll pick the ILS today so I don't get too rusty on Switching na sources okay right now we're talking to 27.3 that's the Mason City sector going further north it might be the Rochester sector 13 2.35 uh but it might also be Rochester [Music] approach but 70 T Bravo any chance for direct Kg on the arrival 70 tle Bravo [Music] standby 70 Tango Bravo would you like to ex PA Airport is a 7 Z Tango Bravo yeah if that works I'll take that 7 Z Tango Bravo clear direct direct thank you okay estimate destination [Music] 4526 almost 5 minutes lighing this the Mason City Airport this will be a good time to uh switch [Music] tanks uh it is low IFR but it's an airport familiar with I'm pretty much on Final Runway 3 at city and I'll switch to the right tank fuel pressure stable 70 Tango contact Rochester approach 11 Niner point8 Rochester 1 Niner point8 Bravo thanks for the help today have a good day Rochester approach good afternoon B 7 Z tle Bravo 8,000 70 Tango Bravo approach Al 31 3 1 thank you 6 EO whiskey and we just went up to a mile and a quarter you can contact Tower 118 hey man 183 thanks [Music] 6 90 mil hour we can try to get the [Music] adus yeah very hard to understand yet but uh I heard Runway 32 in there well let me review this chart here it's s Paul Minnesota ILS Runway 3 to the Adis uh I have tuned approach I'm a little too far out at 121.2 that'll be the Final Approach control to 191 and ground 2167 uh localizer India Bravo Alpha Oscar the M 10 1.5 with the Final Approach course of 326 flight slope intercept at raldi at 2500 and the decision altitude is 101 set the minimum here to [Music] and 20 round it up to the nearest T and that's about 3 uh 10 ft above ground the M approach uh publish Miss approach climb to, 1300 then the climbing right turn to 4,000 heading 010 uh on some radio of the V to whisk intersection so the GPS will guide me there uh laterally it's very easy it's going to be a vectus to final I'm coming from the south so I'll get radar vectus to intercept the localizer uh 2500 to intercept and then uh down to minimums 101 uh that's 1020 here should the Glide slope fail then I can run this as localizer but my minimum goes up by 200 ft to 1220 oh we saw earlier 10 miles visibility under the clouds so meeting the one mile visibility here or the rvr is not going to be a problem today and we have just crossed the Iowa Minnesota whiske 3.3 climb on Runway heading to 4,000 we the Miss 3 26 Echo whiskey Rochester departure radar contact and we are at 2 miles right now just let me know what you'd like to do another crack at the adus downtown airport information Echo 1653 Zulu wind 030 at5 visibility 1 Z steing 800 over tempature two 2.10 altim 33 in approach 32 ADV initial contact Echo okay wind from the north very light wind from the north uh we got right wind on Landing 800t overcast uh 3 03 no change to anything there the ILS 32 zero tangle Bravo Des maintain 6,000 leaving 8,000 descending 6,000 s [Music] Bravo Rochester approach station 76 Del 17,600 desend 10,000 we direct zla for the R3 76 November Delta the Rochester approach T maintain 00,000 for now maintain ,000 and we have Bravo let me load the ILS 32 approach local1 have the tower put the lights up the max bananza zero Tango Bravo contact Min approach on 1 34.7 have a good day 134 7 but 7 thank you have a good day to you minopolis approach good afternoon bonan 7 Z tangle Bravo leveling off 6,000 with Echo for PA downtown for two papy dent altimeter 30003 63 kilo fing 360 two po maintain 2500 70 Tango Bravo Minneapolis approach expect Vector ILS 32 7 bra okay let me spend my next frequencies that I [Music] need 1212 might be that's a guess here the next one for uh Minneapolis approach Tower 32 and ground [Music] 675 STP Tower STP ground very good okay so I I brief the entire approach here uh done since then is the localizer 111.5 it's not yet identified waiting for that to come in but we're still more than 5050 miles out ban zero tangle Bravo turn 10 right Vector Final Approach course the 32 10 to the right for the ILS 32 B 7 bra 1530 contact approach on 21.2 November 1530 contact approach one Niner 97 1997 all right since I'm on heading now ban Z Tang Bravo main 4,000 maintain 4,000 Bravo 542 cleared approach Glo report change advisory frequency is approve report missed on this frequency I can now activate to fin change to the advisory frequency and will report just my final line magent is now my active uh way point Ry is Final Approach by slope intercept I expect a further descend to from 4,000 to 2500 the Final Approach course is 326 and I verify that that was on [Music] the0 T Bravo fly heading 030 maintain 4,000 030 4,000 Z Bravo so three things with the ILS are is the station tuned the localizer tuned and identified is my course pointer pointing the right way the Final Approach course and mi in bck mode zvo heading 030 contact approach 1 Niner 97 1997 1 Niner 97 Bon Zango Bravo have a good day Minneapolis approach good afternoon Bona 7 Zango Bravo 5,200 descending 4,000 heading 030 with Bravo thanks 112a clear 32 approach 29 main 2,500 established clear for the L number 7 Tango Bravo I've got an if of Fleming that I need to get in in front of you here fly heading of 060 heading 06 two Papa thanks for your help Tower 9.1 70 tangle Bravo fling 070 070 z t Bravo 91 Romeo whiskey can you take a turn inside of zigo I take a turn inside 91 Romeo whiskey appreciate it fling 230 put the heading for with [Music] [Applause] [Music] you oh it just came in here [Music] too okay not really necessary anymore since the uh gtn 750 decodes the morse code um and now that we have that good and we have an indication down here belock is valid 70 Tango Bravo fighting 0 1 0 heading 0 1 0 70 T Bravo Romeo whiskey cancer your IFR in the air on this frequency which I'm assuming you're not going to be able to do or give us a call when you're on the ground please you a call Ground thanks 9 one Romeo whiskey change to advisory frequencies approved 70 Tango Bravo traffic you might see I'm not sure if you're IMC 12:00 3 mil nor eastbound 3,000 is a piper Arrow I'm put you in front of them 7 Z Tango Bravo looking for that Arrow I'm on top of the over still there's a United Airlines behind me still don't see the arrow in front of me thougher Tango Bravo just to maintain 3,000 the arrow is no Factor just to maintain 3,000 B A [Music] Bravo approach exec at 915 leveling 8,000 November at 915 Minneapolis approach thank you expect vectors for the ILS or GPS 10 Z right request the GPS 1 Z right ex 9 15 expect that November 3 Golf Tango to maintain 3,000 3,000 3 Golf Tango 70 Tango Bravo turn left at Kiki Des maintain 2,500 left at Kiki and 2,500 but 7 problem 15 380 sliding 0 1 0 0 1 0 38 0 at 915 flooding 260 Vector final do maintain 6000 2 6000 Kiki number 15 380 turn left direct Kiki intercept the localizer left turn direct Kiki intercept the localizer 380 at 915 to send to maintain 5,000 5000 95 7 Z Tango Bravo 3 miles from Kiki cross KiKi at 2500 or above cleared our is rway 32 Ro cross k at 2500 or above clear ILS 32 approach B SE B hey P heat is still on take a little power out here actually 95 fing 28 Z for your desent go to 20 8 9 thank you 70 Tango Bravo contact Tower 1191 see you tower 11 19.1 Bravo have a good day [Music] altitude okay leveling off at 2500 and I can go back to V I am at vck and I can push the approach button now Tower good afternoon B answer 7 Zer Bravo on the ILS 32 and 70 Tango Bravo St Paul Tower about 1 18 minutes ago a king reported basees at 700 Runway 32 clearand Runway 32 clear land B 70 bra and going to S center today okay localizer is captured next capture is Glide slope that's still packed at Top by slope is alive reducing power in 16 in and then when the Glide slope centers I'm going to lower the gear all right down the ILS Glide [Music] slope light slow [Music] capture three greens gear down and locked uh gear is down locked three Greens Landing light is on mix en R gumson short final L approach altitude [Music] 4,000 at uh 10° flaps out gas on a good tank under Carriage mixture and prop all [Music] good on localizer on glide slow on speed first intermittent ground contact off to the side St Paul Tower AR 1530s 32 13580 St Paul Tower about two minutes King reported bases at 700 Runway 32 clear land 32 clear land 3 [Music] Z beautiful Mississippi and there's the runway bases [Music] 1,400 approaching minimums minimums continue both lefts three Wis b z tangle Bravo turn left Runway 27 contact ground left on Runway 27 contact ground b z t Bravo set ground good afternoon B 7 Z Tango Bravo is on Runway 27 request tex2 s Paul flight center s 7 Z tle Bravo alpha lima alpha lima B 7 Bravo alpha is to the right [Music] here here the runway uh lights back to Beacon flaps identified and up C FPS open Trip six up here's Lima left turn and I see a [Music] marshall [Music] he
Channel: Martin Pauly
Views: 31,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: instrument flying, instrument training, IFR, IFR flying, IFR training, instrument approach, general aviation, flight training, pilot training, KSTP ILS 32, ILS Approach, St. Paul
Id: UYskq9wPxTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 17sec (2177 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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