Beginners Guide to the G1000 Autopilot with Instrument Approaches

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all right my fellow aviators welcome to my beginners guide to the autopilot in the G1000 and in addition to the autopilot in this video um we are also going to cover the charts that are built into the G1000 which are incredibly useful for instrument approaches which we'll do one of during the video and show you how the autop pilot facilitates that and if you make use of the charts that are native to the G1000 then you will not have to rely on either a four-light subscription if you're not yet paying for that or a navigraph subscription if you're not yet paying for that either so without further Ado let's jump into it so this button here is the autopilot onoff button this screen thing here shows us AP that the autopilot is on if I click this button you can hear the audible chime and that turns to a flashing yellow that means the autopilot is off I can then go ahead and rearm the autopilot and it is armed you can see here that we are in heading mode with the altitude altitude captured at 4,400 ft which matches our bugged altitude here so couple of different ways to steer the aircraft obviously heading mode when we are in heading mode because we've hit the heading button we can turn the heading bug which then rotates the aircraft so now we've set the heading bug to a heading of 268 you can see we're Bing to the left and we are going to roll out on a heading of 268 if you are flying a um GPS route so there's a couple of different ways to run the navigation mode for the autopilot so you right now you can see the CDI is set in GPS mode we do have several modes we've got VR mode number for the uh nav frequency or um nav number one and then we've got um nav number two so we'll show you that a little later in this video so first of all let's just show you how we might want to use the GPS mode so you're flying around and you think man I just want to get to the nearest airport which in this case is s78 so by highlighting s78 by clicking this so I can now say well yeah I want to go direct to oops direct to s78 which is EMT Idaho hit enter again hit enter again you can see that is now pointing towards EMT you can see over here on the MFD that the EMT is in that direction so if we switch into nav mode you can see now the heading has turned to GPS and the aircraft is automatically banking to intercept the track now something that will happen from time to time depend depending upon the heading that you are on is GPS may not turn green right away so let's go back and we're going to make our heading more than 90° off of the heading that we would need to fly to get to s78 in an attempt to uh demonstrate this for [Music] you all right so now we have rolled on a heading of 234 and you can see we've got well more than 90° of turn to make to fly back as a matter of fact it's almost 180° turn so if I arm nav you can see that the GPS does not become the active mode for our autopilot instead it is in standby mode or it's you could say it's armed so when that happens what you need to do is turn your heading bug towards an intercept course so in this case somewhere between the heading that we need and the track that we're trying to intercept and we can either wait well for the purposes of this demonstration I actually just going to wait and then you will see what happens here is when we get to a close enough intercept angle and I might have to turn the heading even more eventually GPS will turn green and the heading will go away so this is particularly useful when you are trying to intercept a course that you have programmed into your GPS and the same rule applies for when you're using VR navigation so in this case here probably still not enough of a turn so we'll rotate our heading knob even further and we will see if we can get that GPS to turn green so this is taking a little long longer than I would like for the purposes of the demonstration so again I'm going to turn this a little bit more you can see over on the MFD I basically I've turned the heading and I actually I I've got an explanation for why this is not working the way that we want it to work as you can see here the aircraft is well far off the TR so there's a good lesson here for you the GP the aircraft's location because of all the driving the flying round we've been doing is well off of the initial track that we set up so now if we want to go to this airport and we want the GPS to do it all we do is we hit direct s78 is in there again we hit enter enter and voila as you can see now GPS has become active we are navigating Now by GPS and we are on the track and headed towards that particular [Music] airport okay so that is an overview of how to do GPS now what happens if we wanted to intercept a VR the process is not entirely different so we'll tune in the boisey VR here so we actually we'll put it in heading mode there we are back in heading mode and now we're going to tune in one uh let's go to the top one 113 three we'll make that active we're going to switch over to nav one we're going to center it and we will just do like this so now in this particular case so we'll arm nav again and depending on how far we are so now you can see oh we've intercepted the V already so right away because of the track wasn't very far from us and the nav mode has gone and intercepted or has has armed and captured the VR we are now flying over towards the track so the bo the radial or the VR by the way is boisey over here and we're capturing the one27 radial so as soon as we have uh captured that then you'll see that we're going to make a slight right turn and then we'll be flying inbound to the station on the 127 radio there we are there's that slight right turn that we've been looking for and we're going to fly right there so that is how you navigate and how you intercept a uh a VR radial okay so let's talk about altitude changes let's say that we wanted to go up to 5,000 ft we're going to twist that up now when going up you could use vertical speed and you could set however many feet per minute you wanted to go up or go down typically though for uh when I'm in the real aircraft uh and by the way all of this works the same in the real aircraft this is a very well modeled G1000 so what I'm going to do is I'm going to do flight level change you can see FLC so I've told the autopilot I want to go up to 5,000 now I have to tell it how fast I want to get there and I'm going to say you know what I want to climb at let's say 130 knots so rather than tune in a feet per minute um increase in altitude i instead have chosen and we've already intercepted 5,000 i instead chose to do a speed now why would you do that you would do that because aircraft performance can differ with weight of the aircraft temperature density altitude all of these things that may affect your climb rate and if you're saying if you programmed in a 1,200 per minute climb rate well the autopilot is going to do everything possible to achieve 1,200 feet per minute including decreasing to the air speed to the point where the aircraft stalls and that's obviously not what we want to have by tuning in a speed to go up to that altitude at and I'll just do it again because I want to show you so we'll say 8,000 feet and we're going to climb up so you can see that this magenta line here which is coming onto the screen it's currently set at 123 knots so we're going to keep on pitching up until such time as this bug comes to the middle and we are climbing at a rate of 123 knots so we call that our bugged air speed and it's going to keep on climbing at that pitch attitude until such time as we intercept 8,000 ft now if we decide at any point in time that you know what hey I'm happy being right at this altitude here 6000 I just clicked alt again and ALT because I happen to be right at 6,000 when I captured it El has now been captured at 6,000 so if you're in the middle of a climb or a descent and you just want to stop at whatever altitude you're at go ahead and hit the El button now I can adjust you know the bugged altitude to whatever I want it does not make any change because until such time so if we set it say at 5,000 so now I've told the autopilot I want to go to down to 5,000 but we're not descending let's put this back in uh heading mode by the way so click that put it in heading mode there we go and there's one other mode too by the way it's called roll and so roll would be whatever Bank angle you put into the aircraft the autopilot would simply hold that and continue to make a turn at that particular Bank angle we're going to put it back in hitting mode okay so we want to go down to 5,000 but no change has been made yet why is that because we have not told the autopilot how fast we want The Descent to be so in this case I typically am going to use vertical speed and often times or most often in IFR I'm going to descend somewhere in the neighborhood of around 500 ft per minute so you can see now vs minus 500 ft per minute you can see that here as well that our current descent rate so we've bugged minus 500 we're descending at around 450 ft per minute and we can you can go down with flight level chains but typically it's not something that I do when I'm flying a real aircraft so the only thing that you'll have to manage when you're doing a descent because this aircraft and most aircraft that you're going to be flying at least early in your career don't have Auto throttles you are going to have to make sure that you don't over speed the aircraft because you did not pull the throttles back so in this case we're just going to keep on trucking at 500 ft a minute until we get down to 5,000 ft so why do I choose 500 ft per minute well if one it's easy math let's say I'm approaching an airport that has a pattern altitude of 3,000 ft I'm flying along at 6,000 ft part of my Approach process for approaching an airport is I need to figure out my descent plan and so if I need to descend 3,000 ft uh at 500 ft a minute I know I need to do that begin that descent 6 minutes away from the airport so in this case you'd look over at your ET um and you'd see because you'd be flying towards a GPS point of some kind more than likely so you could see well I'm this far from the airport so let me give you an example of of making that useful let's go back to the nearest and let's pick an airport that's a little further away we'll say a s78 so we're going to go direct enter enter so now I'm see it's in the exact opposite direction so I can go and hit nav and GPS ironically enough is going to pull that 180 for me but now by by picking a destination and arming the GPS I can see first of all that s78 is 19 1 12 miles away and that it is approximately 7 minutes away so if I was 3,000 ft higher than the pattern altitude I'm going to have to begin my descent at 500 ft a minute in the relatively near future all right so that's heading nav um the final thing that I really want to sh walk you through is how to use the autopilot to shoot an i to shoot an ILS or an rnav approach of some kind and so what we're going to do here is we're probably going to choose an approach for boisey because I want to be able to uh show you how this works for an ILS approach so I'm going to go ahead and set the aircraft up for that and uh we'll come back and we'll I'm just going to pause the video and then I'll unpause it here in just a second all right so I've repositioned the aircraft we're up at around 16,000 ft and descending we're in heading mode right now in our flight plan over here on the MFD you can see that we are headed for the Gowan airport KBOI so the first thing we want to do when we're going to shoot an instrument approach and make the autopilot help us do that is we are going to want to make sure that obviously we have a flight plan so we have a custom destination or sorry custom departure um and then ultimately we have a destination so we're going to choose proc we're going to choose select approach and we are going to choose to fly the I ls28 we're not paying attention to winds or Adis or any of that stuff for the purposes of this demonstration and so we want to go to it via toils actually we'll go to it um via vectors because that'll make this a little bit more interesting for you guys CU often times what ATC will do is they will Vector you to a position to uh get established on the localizer so we're going to go ahead and activate this approach so there is ziip so now let's say that ATC we'll just switch this up just a little bit here ATC has said hey you are now cleared for this approach via ziip the Final Approach fix and actually that's a bad example they would never set you up to intercept that so we're going to do vectors so in this case we're a little too close to the airport so the ATC is going to Vector us around so the way that we would do that is they would give us a radio call and they might say well we're going to have you turn right to a heading of 09 0 because we're a little too close in and so we're going to go ahead and do that and we're going to set ourselves up and this is really what ATC would be doing if they were vectoring you to intercept except the ILS the other thing that we want to make sure that we've got armed is that we've got the approach mode armed because once they have cleared you for an approach you need to make sure that you arm the approach and then the other thing we need to do while we're doing this is actually brief the approach so by having us fly outbound for a little while that's going to give us some time to brief the approach so if you click1 contact Salt Lake Center on 12805 if you click on the charts and you choose the approach in this case it automatically loaded the chart for the approach that we're going to be flying 120 W so you can see here it's a little bit of a moving map and we're still headed I need to so ATC is going to Vector us they're going to say turn right to a heading of 110 we're getting a little too close main flight level we need to get outside this point which is what ATC would be doing so while we're while we're doing that we're going to talk you through what these plates are all about so you can see here that this is the ILS Runway 28 right approach it's got the Adis frequency it's got the tower frequency the ground frequency and so forth It's got this is what we call the plan view um so you can see maintain various way points and then if we choose on chart options we can say well I just want to see the header or I want to see the plan or I want to see the profile and so you can see here that if when you're at toils you need to be at at least 7,000 ft then you're going to fly a heading of 282 to zedel and then at zedel you're going to descend to 6,300 Ft and then you're going to uh intercept jelty and then you're going to intercept the Final Approach fix at 6,000 ft so the very first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to say well hey I want to set my altitude for 7,000 ft because we're going to go ahead and intercept probably one of these two if they're not too far out and take too much time for us fly there but I can always pause the video and have us get out far enough to be able to fly one of these all right so that is going to be once we intercept the um Final Approach fix descend and maintain flight level beachcraft two whiskey M contact approach on 11 Niner decimal 6 good day ATC wants to talk to us okay acknowledge hand off ner decimal six beachcraft two whiskey Mike let's see what they have to say so tune approach contact 412 whiskey mik 11,200 ft beachcraft November 412 whiskey mic approach altimeter 2 Niner decimal 74 radar contact continue beachcraft 2 Whiskey might contact Mountain Home approach on 124 decimal 8 good day all right they are just passing us off all over the place whiskey mik all right so ziip jolty okay so now let's assume that we're not going to tune in Mountain Home approach because it's actually going to get in the way of the lesson that I'm trying to do here with the autopilot let's just assume for the purposes of this lesson that they have now cleared us direct to jolty so I hit direct I hit enter I hit activate and now you can see jolty is behind us so as long as we're in nav mode which we are going to need to make that turn on our own because we have armed the approach and you can see that localizer is in standby position so this is actually going to work out perfectly because this is going to show you how the autopilot automatically flips from GPS mode into the green needles once we get established on the localizer and in this case went away so that's okay we're going to put GPS on so now it's going to do the same thing only it's going to do it in GPS mode and then later on it'll switch over because we're the approach is no longer armed I guess it somehow unarmed itself but that's okay so you can see our aircraft here that's not quite an intercept angle that uh ATC would give you if they were vectoring you would probably be less than 30° so we're going to start getting a jump on that by tuning Our heading bug and as you can see the lines moving forward as that happens the GPS is going to capture at some point here it should capture and like I did before an easy way to make it do that is just to go direct enter enter and there we go we have now captured the GPS track to take us to jolty so that direct enter enter is something that you're going to do quite often because if the track is way over to your left or way over to your right there's not necessarily a reason to fly all the way over to it if you could just re tell the computer hey I just want to go direct to jolty right from where I am right now don't make me fly all the way back over here out here to intercept track all right so we need to be at 6,000 for jolty it says let's double check that on the chart jolty 6,300 great so what we're going to do is we're going to bug in 6,300 we are about a minute and 45 away from jolty We're descending at 1,000 ft per minute we have more than enough time for us to get down to 6,300 before we get there now ATC has come back to us and they said okay you guys are cleared for the uh approach so now we would go ahead and arm approach again you'll notice that both L and the Glide slope are now in Stand by mode and at a time not too when we get closer to the Final Approach fix what you're going to see is that this is going to switch into green needles which means the localizer which is going to provide us with our lateral guidance is going to become the active navigation mode and then as we hit the Final Approach fix and we capture the Glide slope the Glide slope is going to turn green and the aircraft is going to start descending on the Glide slope and of course then we'll have to you know manage our speed and put flaps and gear down and all the things that obviously the autopilot is not going to do for us so we're 2 miles outside of jolty and then we're going to have about another 1.6 miles or so to go until we get to the Final Approach fix so here we are we've now captured or basically captured our bugged altitude of 6,300 Ft which if we go back to the Chart you can see at jolty we want it to be at 6,300 FT so if we look at the chart here and we look at the plan view here we are we're all lined up on the feather we're flying inbound in the exact way that we want to go so everything is looking pretty darn good now we are on going from jolty to ziip the Final Approach fix which is in 1 and 1/2 miles and you can see here there is the Glide slope which we are going to intercept the autopilot has already switched over to Green needles as I like to call them uh so we're no longer navigating by GPS now we're navigating by the ILS localizer there we are we've captured the Glide slope so now we can go ahead and put our gear down well let's see we're about 2 miles out yeah this is be where I'd put the gear Down Start slowing the plane down and all of the things that you would do to prepare for landing and at this point in time with the autopilot in and you're armed on the Glide slope and and on the localizer it's basically going to fly us right down to the runway threshold so let's take a peek out the window there's 's not a whole lot to see let's make the weather a little less gnarly so we can actually watch ourselves come on in to the runway so you can see there there is the runways off in the distance and uh we're just doing our thing obviously if you're not in IMC conditions and you are flying an approach like this it's pretty darn easy it's just as easy in IMC conditions although if you don't have a whole lot of experience it gets a little trippier because you can't really see out the window and so your senses are high to say the least all right I'm going to pause the video here until we get just a little bit closer into the runway and then we'll unpause okay so you can see now we're getting a little closer to that Runway we can actually speed ourselves up we'll do a little fast motion here just beautifully following that Glide slope down getting in close 500 you can see the papy lights off in the distance we're exactly where we want to be we're a little fast at this point in time and and by the way normally in the real world you would have configured your approach speed from the Final Approach fix uh and so you're not making speed adjustments you're not making any adjustments you're flying a constant rate of descent uh down to the runway and there's actually an aircraft sitting on the runway for us there so that's pretty cool so at this point in time if you were in IMC conditions you've probably broken out and you've come below minimums so you could go ahead and turn the autopilot off you would add an extra Notch of flaps put us in landing mode here make sure our gear is down check gear down pull the power back and uh get lined up on the runway Center Round out and flare get back on the center line there'd be all sorts of wake turbulence from that uh large plane that just took off before us and there you have it we are on the ground thanks very much for watching Everybody if you enjoyed this video I would love it if you would go ahead and give it a thumbs up and a comment if you have any questions and if this is your first time watching a video on the fly with Tren Channel please do consider becoming a subscriber and if you would like access to my free email course on how to choose the very best flight school for you if you head over to fly withth and enter your email address you'll get access to that email course thanks a lot take care bye-bye
Channel: Fly with Trent (Trent Dyrsmid)
Views: 5,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G_WzqSVj5EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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