Off to Savannah... without a Flight Plan!

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all right where are we going today Savannah Georgia when what's in Savannah to go visit Riley our middle daughter [Music] yeah [Music] clip okay all databases are updated oh there's a rainbow oh yeah cool some sprinkles yep then we go to a place on the far side of those hangers that's where we'll do the run up okay breaks checked are those all flight school planes yeah yeah this is all this one flight school that we just entered through M Bar Flight Training that second plane there looks like they painted on used stickers for the yeah it does number okay run up brakes are set fuel now going to the left tank that's our fullest tank flight controls free and correct autopilot disconnect check yard emper is off than check best power throttle 1700 okay then listen to the Aus International Airport information Oscar time 253 Zulu wind 2 one 09 visibility one Z few clouds 800 ceiling 6,000 broken temperature 21 do. 21 altimeter 30001 arav approaching use Landing a parting 27 right 27 left Runway 23 approaches RB in conducted to parallel and converging runways attention all aircraft Hazard weather information for Florida and Coastal Waters available on flight service frequencies use cost for Bird activity in the vicinity of the airport VFR departur advise ground control your direction of flight advise initial contact you have osar okay uh clearance to Savannah and where Melbourne clearance good morning banan 7 Z Tango Bravo IFR to Savannah Georgia ready to copy bananza 7 Zer Tango Bravo you clear Savannah Airport is file clim maintain 2,000 expect ner th000 and one Z minutes departure frequency 13 2.65 squawk 55 52 B 7 Z Bravo clear to the Savannah Airport as filed clim maintain 2,000 expect 9,000 after 1 Z minutes departure on 13 2.65 squawk 5552 reback correct 5552 and uh 2,000 on the ultimeter that's our initial okay and uh I bet we'll get Runway 27 so probably we're coming out at Mike here this area is called Big Blue by the school so that's what we'll say big blue with Oscar and then they'll probably be kilo Charlie to Runway 27 right melbour ground B answer 7 Zango Bravo uh at big blue with information Oscar ready for taxi [Music] b a 70 Tango Bravo Mel ground run by 27 right via Mike kilo Charlie run by 27 right via Mike kilo Charlie Bonanza 7 think Bravo okay we are on mic and then it's kilo to the left here and Charlie at the end K right clear [Music] left we a few minutes ahead of schedule all I see that thank you all right normal takeoff Runway 27 right at Melbourne 6,000 ft long Runway wide runway will be a little bit of cross wind from the [Music] left but in general wind here has been lighter than in Iowa anything abnormal like a door popping open or no door pops vibration or anything like that board pull the power roll out straight ahead and anything that happens after take off we'll find a place ahead of the Wings into the wind to the end okay I'll switch to Tower here and the departure frequency 13265 is set there 2, ft anticipate Runway heading and here's Charlie at the beginning of the runway Tower B 7 Z Tango Bravo Runway 27 right ready for departure 70 Tango Bravo M tower hold short Runway 27 right I'm working on your release hold short Runway 27 right November 7 Z Bravo W you can really see the Bravo rway 27 right clear for takeoff fly heading 260 heading 260 Runway 27 right clear for takeoff when answer 7le problem all right clear on approach clear on the runway and another rainbow I see it but I'm not seeing it in my camera huh well let's fly to it let's do it [Music] spectacular all right crosswind correction take [Music] off power set speed Al temperature pressure [Music] good there's 80 positive right Gear [Music] Up ban zerial Tango Bravo contact Orlando departure contact departure banan youro Bravo thank you have a good day day go departure good morning bance 70 Tango Bravo 600 climbing 2,000 B 70 Tango Bravo Orlando departure radar contact climate maintain 3,000 clim maintain 3,000 B answer 70 tle Bravo FL at 358 turn left heading 2 40 Orlando approach skyw 5 385 Delta your convenience we would like to do full v27 left approach if we can and then go Miss for the back course here and then we'll go back to number 5385 Delta Roger join the outbound leg for the V 27 left let me know that you have information Oscar at Melvin yes we picked up Oscar for 85 Delta number 70 Tango Bravo turn right direct to Mallet and resume your navigation right turn direct Mallet b z Bravo all [Music] navigation number 13 Niner 86 6 miles from I off cross iof at 2000 clear for the rnav 11 into Meritt Island report cancellation of IFR in the air this frequency are on the ground with St Pete radio within 5 minutes touchdown change advisory approved clear for the R11 we're going to plan to cancel I on the ground okay after M Tango 208 I uh I neglected to put the flight plan in to SME and then Victor three to kila number 70 T Bravo climb maintain 5,000 climb maintain 5,000 when answer 70 T Bravo Victor three the keer and then savannnah K Sou no 70 Tango Bravo contact approach 124 point8 uh that was 124 and then one please number 70 Tango Bravo contact Orlando approach 1248 24.8 Panza 70 bra have a good [Music] day Orlando approach good morning ban 70 tangle Bravo 4,000 climbing 5,000 7 T Bravo departure climb maintain 900,000 climb maintain 900,000 ban 7 bra Orlando approaching good morning Wings 303 get out one arrival with go 33 the 17 left the 17 left it's beautiful quarter 5 turn Buffy just a little more light rain here Northern Florida south of Jacksonville between Jacksonville and uh let's here oh Flagler so St Augustine area but very [Music] light and then it should be pretty the rest of the way 198 fin 12775 198 I like pretty trying to decide if we're actually going to go through the clouds again or will we get that little opening by the time we get to th000 let's see let's see we got 2 and 1 12,000 ft yet to climb 33 fin 1277 probably climb through frer 20 red speed to 210 but this is a benign Cloud doesn't have any vertical extension I so it' be kind of cool to be able to pop up through in between and you can say look I did that for you didn't have to go through clouds I know how much you I don't miss having to worry about icing on these flights I know I was thinking that too I was thinking about how warm it is it popped in the car this morning and it was 71° didn't check temperature at home what are the opportunities to get or the chance of getting a hanger here for the time we're here zero okay hey anyone sees this and you have an empty hanger at the Melbourne Florida airport that you'd like to rent for a few months that'd be great leave a comment please that's it all these different layers of clouds various shapes and [Music] sizes see climb checklist gear is up yard Amper is on the mixture is on the target par United 370 1,600 climbing via yeah 37 departure ready contact I maintain 6,000 I maintain 1 16,000 United 370 mbor to Savannah is about 30 minutes more than going to Chicago from C C is that about right or is it about the same distance qu 52 connect Center a little longer yeah 20 or 30 minutes2 all right we are on top of the world we are look at this how pretty moon is up almost full there [Music] y all right we clear up clouds we don't need the pedo heat anymore altitude okay level off let's reduce the RPM yeah 370 con jack center on 126. 35 126 35 United 370 power flips closed 25° lean of peak or there about Cru 2500 rpm C flips closed mixure Le of peak what are some differences that you've experienced flying here in Florida then you any new place out or just sort of as you're learning it it's a lot busier and then this morning isn't a good example of that people are probably still asleep on an early Sunday and I'm perfectly fine with that and it was low clouds in melbour and a little rain so the the controllers you know they're used to having planes a lot closer together then then back home I think we have a great tower crew in Cedar Rapids but they they might be uncomfortable if all of a sudden they had the amount of traffic there that exists here on a regular basis Challenger 28 G Charlie a 75 climbing 10,000 25 first 3202 another difference is they use Airways a lot more and at se Rapids we're always clear direct destination almost always sure and here we're we got this long list of way points to savah on on on a couple of Airways but an hour and 15 to destination terrific so back to congestion air air congestion what contributes to that here gol TR maintain 12000 con Miami 1 32.25 12 12, 3225 confirmed correct it's um a couple of things one is it's heavily populated here along the coast true but there's also a ton of flight school activities um nice most for both you Americans and and people from all over the world come to Florida to get their their Flight Training Bravo 1258 but answer 7 Bravo thank you have a good day byebye Center 12 6.35 have a good day 2635 Daytona approach good morning fin 70 tangle Bravo ,000 fin 70 tangle Bravo Dayton approach good morning the Daytona alimer 2 niner niner niner 2 Niner ner Niner thank you what's interesting is these lines here are actively moving Circle whatever that circle is yes that's our Glide range ah yes so anything within that range and and because wind is from the left right so we can glide further to the right which doesn't do as much good because there's a lot of Atlantic Ocean over to the right but we could go want from now 1100 that used to be the home airport ofand when when he lived in Florida when I was in Flagler with Dan and may they have a flight school there too they were very busy and the airplane called the tower to enter the pattern the tower just said um stay outside of the Class D yeah space the pattern is full wow he had enough to juggle I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that in the midwest no uhuh is it over there um Daytona uh that is Daytona yeah Bona Beach 7 tangle Bravo contact approach on 18.8 [Music] 58.85 answer Bravo thank you have a good day apprach 23 day approach good morning banan 70 single Bravo 9,000 T Bravo so now we got to turn here over the or and Beach V 70 Tango Bravo traffic 11 to 12:00 20 mil South South eastbound 10,000 citation 7 Z Bravo negative contact looking for the [Music] citation little higher than us uh we're looking but we're in I don't think he's going to be that high I think he's said 10,000 so just 1,000 higher and it's going to be more to the right of the north because of a crosswind okay it's 5 miles now 12 to 1:00 they much faster oh is that it I don't have it yet yep I see see uh well yeah 7 I think Bravo has the citation inside okay is a little bit of light precept fly through I'll turn the pedo heat back on 7 Tango Bravo contact Jacksonville approach 124 ner uh Jacksonville 1249 7 Bravo thank you have a good day thanks you too 270 qu Jacksonville approach good morning B 70 Tango Bravo n sou Tang Bravo for 2 N 7 2 ner 9 to 7 thank you you can see here with this uh Serius XM subscription it even shows us where the fronts are oh wow so this is a cold front Okay it's moving this way so the warm air is up here on the northwest side of the line warmer air on the Southeast side of the line that's why it's going to be a little cooler in Savannah than in Melbourne where we started zoom out it it shows all these frontal systems oh my gosh look at that hey look home holy this is U Indiana uh snow rain I like this better so do I you know I'm not a fan of clouds but this is pretty pretty spectacular yeah many different patterns yeah through the clouds no two flights are ever the same never okay we're now on the right tank fuel pressure remains good more than halfway we are 46 minutes behind us 44 minutes in front of us yeah so let's get a few things set up here the AIS is 23.75 and Tower 125 97 and what do we know so far info weather wind 280 11 gusting 22 so yeah everybody has Gusty winds behind that cold front we be flying over s Simon's Island oh was another fun trip yeah except trying to get out of there the plane that was a little crazy November Z Tango Bravo contact approach 127.0 127.0 but say Bravo thank you have a good day see you later is in a cheery m today they [Music] are mik affirmative you can turn left St Augustine and contact approach 12075 good day direct St airport and switching to Center 20.75 look at those clouds there that's what I wanted to take a picture of isn't it NE Jack approach good morning Baner 70 tangle Bravo 9,000 70 tangle Bravo Jack approach L clear 68 no you know if that was a Tailwind we'd already be there that's what I was thinking too I was like this is oh 71 two cuz I'm putting the phone away three 4 75 6 holy bucket November zero Tango Bravo turn at 20° right I'm showing up traffic 11:00 Ty now to unknown answer z Bravo uh we can do that only for a few miles uh with the win today it's blowing us too far offsh there Bravo Roger you can uh turn 20° left then I'm showing traffic at your 11:00 1 mile typeing out unknown looks like they're moving to the east all right 20 to left yes thank you that will work better you a problem and it looks like if you go 20 left uh they're not observed anymore traffic no longer observed so you can proceed on course to Keller uh but Bravo Roger on course to ker actually if it works for you we'd like to go to Brunswick first and then K our original route just to keep us close to the shore Bravo that's Pro just requested Keller then Savannah and traffic's no longer observed all right Brunswick Keller then Savannah uh and I the traffic thank you Z Bravo November Z Tango Bravo contact Jack Center on 12675 good day check Center on 126. 75 B problem thanks for help have a good day no problem you too Jack Center good morning B Z tangle Bravo ner th000 4 7 tangle Bravo deck Center 2 ner ner 4 2 Niner N4 thank you in 2 minutes we'll have a slight right turn coming up which if it wasn't for those clouds would set us up perfectly for a view of St Simons 7 Tango Bravo after Bruns clear airport after Bruns direct Savannah Airport B 7 Bravo which is almost what we were on okay after Bruns D to the airport label okay 20 minutes to Savannah see we get the ads airport a mission L observation time 1413 zillu special wind 28013 G 22 visibility 1 steing 2,200 broken tempature 16 2.0 Niner 29 4 simultaneous instrument approaches interor runways expect Arnav Runway 28 or Arnav Runway one approach land and operations are in effect no Air Crane 0.4 nautical M Southeast SN 150 ft AGL minutes contact that was Lima so Gusty wind from the West Runway 28 we need this plate here Jacker Twilight 914 on the ground at Brunswick 70 tangle Bravo contact Savannah approach 1253 1253 7 Bravo thank you have a good day 2 N9 4 you can expect lower in about 1 one miles4 37 M 37 mik uh you can also be expecting R Runway 28 approaching [Music] Savannah Savannah approach good morning ban 70 Tango Bravo level 9,000 with Lima banza 70 Tango Bravo Savannah approach van 2 N9 or ner 4 proceed direct warb for the Arnav Zulu Runway 28 approach 2994 direct warb for the uh rnf uh 28 approach okay [Music] 28 C departure head Lo and activate 4 Z Romeo at is affirmative uh climbing main correction radar contact climb here requested out shoot approve and uh turn right on course that turn left setting n0 V on course one90 on the heading Zulu 28 right show them map I wonder if we'll see Ty Island the publ come back up on my Frey B 25.3 all right on the we come back with you 25.3 certainly fewer clouds here we should when we get to this next way point warp it'll be okay it'll be off to our right by uh about 7 miles so you should get a really nice view of it cool very good uh November 70 tangle Bravo uh would you like Runway or correction R to Runway one wins are currently 290 at 1 one b z tangle Bravo and negative if it works for you I'd like to stay on the arav Zulu for 28 that's affirmative expect r z Roger thank you B us Bravo Roger we want to see Ty Island right yeah yeah W wherever you whatever makes most sense honey November 3337 was offering a slight shortcut minutes November zero tangle Bravo maintain 6,000 maintain 6,000 Bravo z t Bravo Contin to 3,000 3,000 bra all right we got 7 minutes to warp and we got to be uh 2500 there I'll go down a little faster the view is spectacular yeah angle is down a little bit absolutely there homes down there in that scene after an island unless there's something coming from that way that I'm not seeing where there's probably roads to come on there look at the map okay Ground Control frequency 21 Miner we got Tower and ground here we got the approach loaded the way to 3,000 ft November zero tle Bravo you are 5 mil more rip cross warb at or above 2,500 cleared RAV Zulu Runway 28 approach cross warb at or above 2,500 cleared ARF Zulu Runway 28 approach bananza 7 bananza Z tangle Bravo 19 180 knots or 1 180 knots to Simby bonan Z Bravo I wish I could uh this is only a bonan I can give you 160 for now z t of Bravo uh as best as you can to S please thank you okay best forward speed to sby when Z Bravo maybe thinks we're a faster plane he knows where we're doing 200 over all he looking to come back in for full stop is500 hav 71 Radar Service is terminated uh CFR CH appr yeah now we're going to turn more into the wind okay we'll slow [Music] down all right turning final got uh 2 minutes to sby or increase the rate of [Music] descent s we pass T CB 1800 Bravo contact tower 12597 Tower 12597 Bon bra have a good day oh the sun call a little Rainbow capture it the temperature Tower good morning Bon 7 Z tangle Bravo on the AR Zulu 28 Jo Tang Bravo the tower um Runway 28 C Runway 28 C land and going to Shel but problem all right heat off altitude approach arms okay we're at gear speed and just set up 3685 ready roll whenever 365 I got a couple minutes on your window cop that no problem than before landing gears down lock Landing light still on mixure and reach Cs on short final altitude Mr approach altitude 2600 Tower Lance 3 337 mik with the inbound AR Runway 28 November 3 337 mik Tower continue for Runway 28 traffic will be a embor depart off 28 prior your arrival gas on the right tank fullest tank under Carriage three green mixture proper good for landing wow those are big ships here they're huge I had no idea I mean I knew that there was the Port Authority here but this is incredible I don't think we com com in from this side nope like a bunch of Legos yeah okay and I expect a turn to the left [Music] flaps to [Music] approach Auto P it [Music] off oh they were not kidding about the gusts no kidding they waving back I don't know I'd be polite baby that was phenomenal Landing despite all that wind you must have done this a few times Tower 73 K with you 1700 ft following the piper Lance on Final forway 28 738 Bravo you going to shelter Bravo all right um oh you already turned off on Bravo contact ground 12 1.9 have a good day contact ground have a good day to you B you take a Bravo 28 CLE takeoff traffic 5 m Cheroke 28 Runway heading 3 Savannah ground good morning B 7 Z tangle Bravo is uh is taxiway Bravo request taxi Shel 7 Bravo ground Shel via Charlie Alpha G5 cross Runway one Shel Charlie Alpha G5 cross Runway One 7 Bravo okay this is Charlie so clear left clear right we clear AC cross Runway one
Channel: Martin Pauly
Views: 14,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: N70TB, instrument flying, IFR, instrument training, IFR training, flight training, general aviation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 27sec (2247 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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